
belkinsaSorry, I was gone.00:09
belkinsaOn sec00:09
belkinsapmatulis, I wrote this up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa/sandbox/RunningAMeeting Also you need to read on how to use the meeting bot.00:11
belkinsapmatulis, I can send out the reminder tonight if you want00:11
belkinsapmatulis, I wrote that page up to help some folks in ubuntu scientists but still it works for all of the teams00:12
* belkinsa hugs pmatulis20:23
belkinsaThanks for running it for me.20:24
pmatulisbelkinsa: it was good for me.  thanks for giving me the opportunity21:16
dsmythiesHi Everyone. I am just re-building one of my computers after a hard disk failure, and got this this point of pidgin IRC client. Just testing.22:30
pmatulisdsmythies: we hear you loud and clear22:30
dsmythiespmatulis: Thanks. By the way, I did read the logs from the meeting this morning.22:31
pmatulisdsmythies: ok, ant is going to study the .htaccess file22:31
dsmythiespmatulis: Yes, I saw. I am convinced that: The current file is obsolete; If the server is setup correctly, it shouldn't be needed at all.22:33
pmatulisdsmythies: how does the language stuff work then?22:33
dsmythiespmatulis: If multiview is enabled, it just works. That is how my server is setup, and I have yet to find a language that doesn't work properly, nor fallthrough to english (or whatever the next choice is in the firefox list) if the lanauage doesn't exist. Did I try all 60+ languages? No, but I tried several.22:36
pmatulisdsmythies: ok, maybe pastebin your server config.  i had to use url rewriting to get it to work with my chosen web server (lighttpd)22:37
dsmythiespmatulis: I do have notes on this in my log book, but I didn't find them yet. Maybe I am forgetting something. I'll post my config, but later.22:43
pmatulisdsmythies: alright22:43
dsmythiespmatulis: Actually, I think I'll convert the .htaccess discussion to a bug report and post my config there.22:44
pmatulisdsmythies: ok22:46
pleia216:01:31 -!- ubuntulog2 [~logbot@elderberry.canonical.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting-223:12
pleia2hooray :)23:12
dsmythiespleia2: does that mean that #ubuntu-meeting-2 stuff will now appear in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ ?23:20
pleia2dsmythies: yep23:22
dsmythiespleia2: Thanks very much. (It is not mentioned on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots )23:22
pleia2you're welcome23:22
pleia2it's a clone of ubuntulog23:22

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