
nlsthznSilverCode, sorry I was already in bed :p - yup it is a moba, but it is trying to make it more friendly by removing some of the things that make people behave badly in moba's :)02:37
nlsthznthey don't succeed 100% unfortunatly02:37
bduk1More almal05:30
Kiloshi bduk1  charl  nuvolari  nlsthzn  and others05:50
nuvolarioh hi oom Kilos 05:53
nlsthznallo everybody05:55
nlsthznhex chat spell checker in Windows full of crap...05:56
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos? 06:00
nlsthznWeather better now I hope06:00
Kilosgood ty and you nlsthzn  ?06:01
nlsthznok thanks...06:01
Kilosjust starting to warm up now 06:01
nlsthznfinally :p06:02
* Kilos hopes06:04
Kilosbeen a long winter06:04
bduk1Watter winter???06:08
Kilosshurrup jy06:09
bduk1ok back in my corner06:09
Kilosek het nie n vet laag wat my kan warm hou nie06:09
bduk1Ek ok nie06:09
Kilosek het baie koud gekry hierdie winter06:10
Kilosen die koue het al in april begin06:10
bduk1There was two days that was a bit cold but i'm still wearing short sleeve shirts everyday06:11
Kilosoh you one of the thick skinned peeps06:12
bduk1Didn't even put my second short sleeve shirt on on those cold days06:12
Kilosi have a long sleeve shirt on now and 2 track suit tops06:13
bduk1kilos from Alaska06:14
Kilosand up till yesterday wore a sheep skin woolen jacket on top of all of it06:15
bduk1I will burn up if i have to do that, i only got long pants on cause i have to06:15
Kiloshi drussell  06:39
SquirmMaaz: coffee on06:41
* Maaz washes some mugs06:41
SquirmMaaz: largest06:41
MaazWhew do you want a bath full Squirm?06:41
SquirmI'm looking to purchase a lot of fiber06:42
Kiloshi Squirm  06:42
KilosMaaz  coffee please06:42
MaazKilos: Righto06:42
Squirmanyone have any good, decent, reliable suppliers? Preferably Durban but can push Jhb06:42
SquirmWe can't find anyone that really wants our business06:43
Squirmall COD06:43
Kiloswhat do you want to buy?06:43
Kilossjoe moving up hey06:44
Squirmwell, slowly...06:44
Squirmwe're putting it in this year, but only going to start lighting it next year06:44
Kiloshave you got fibre to there?06:44
Squirmwe have it around campus06:45
Squirmmakes our backbone06:45
Squirmall of our long runs are fiber06:45
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm and Kilos!06:45
Kilosdid you look at the link i put in here yesterday first thing06:45
SquirmMaaz: thanks06:45
MaazSquirm: Sure06:45
Kilosnew tech stuff as fast as fiber06:45
SquirmI saw that06:45
Squirmbut it'll cost a little more06:46
Squirmand won't really work here06:46
SquirmLOS, Lightning, Mist, etc06:46
Squirmand cost07:05
inetprogood mornings07:17
Kiloshi inetpro  07:17
bduk1hi Squirm you can try this guy Harry Schoeman from IT Extention solutions. 0826011801. He did some fibre for me. 07:24
Kiloshi Spekko  07:25
bduk1You can also try BERTUS VAN STADEN07:25
bduk1Cellular No :(083) 310-7047 from Hensta. They re-fibre my whole prison a few years ago.07:25
Spekkomore Kilos07:38
Kiloshi Xethron  08:28
charlgood morning09:11
charlMaaz: coffee on09:11
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:11
charlhi Kilos 09:12
charlhi Spekko, bduk1, inetpro, Squirm 09:12
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:15
charlMaaz: thanks :)09:17
Maazno problem, charl09:17
charlfinished the bed build yesterday evening http://i.imgur.com/zpldFDK.jpg09:50
charlit looks nice !09:50
charltook about 7 hours09:50
Kiloshehe at least its done09:51
charli'm glad i'm thoroughly tired of it09:53
charlnow it's good i have a bed to sleep on so i can rest it out09:53
charlyes i got it in the other room, still need to roll it out09:54
charlwill do that tonight09:54
charlstill sleeping on my old bed for the moment09:55
Kilosroll it out?09:55
Kiloscamping mattress?09:55
charlno it's a pocket-spring mattress09:55
charlbut they deliver it in rolled up form09:55
charltypical ikea09:55
charlthe swedish are good at rolling09:56
Kilosim still in the age of a steal bed frame with wooden head and footboards09:56
charl"they see me rolling, they hatin'"09:56
Kilosand sealy posturepedic or slumberland mattress09:57
charli think i had one of those mattresses when i was a kid, i don't even know anymore09:57
Kilosyou definitely cant roll them up09:58
charlnah that won't work09:58
charlbut a pocket spring mattress rolls up easily09:58
charlbecause you have individual pockets that can be compressed09:59
charlthose are the best sellers now at the ikea09:59
charlthey are comfortable and give good support09:59
Kiloshad a ruf international i think it was called, but beds seem to follow exxes10:00
Kilosyou can still fight for the house but you lose the bed everytime10:01
charlhmmm ipv6 died11:14
inetprocharl: ipv6 died?12:20
charlinetpro: yeah there seems to be a routing problem somewhere in amsterdam12:31
charlso i lost my connection to wilhelm12:31
charlconnected to kornbluth now12:31
charlah i see it's fixed now, brb12:32
charlit's interesting to me how ipv6 traffic increased over the last year, doubled at the amsix12:36
magespawnhow all15:13
Kiloshi magespawn  15:20
magespawnlooks like my quassel is misbehaving15:29
charl__what the heck is up with freenode today16:52
charl__more ddos or something ? srsly ?16:52
magespawnnot sure just got here myself16:52
charl__hi magespawn 16:52
charl__there was an ipv6 problem too today in amsterdam it seems16:53
charl__interwebs are on the fritz16:53
=== charl__ is now known as charl
charlthis is why i *hate* nickname registration17:09
charlit's such a hack17:09
charlyou people keep arguing with me, irc was not designed like this17:09
magespawni am seriously struggling with a centos system running asterisk right now17:45
magespawnanyone know what this means 1859 segmentation fault /sbin/kudzu 17:58
Kilosisnt Squirm  the centos man magespawn  18:10
magespawngot it right19:15
Kilosgood man19:15
magespawnit looks like the power to the dahdi card was faulty19:15
Kilosbattling on your own makes it easier to remember the solution19:16
Kilosdocument all these fixes you find19:16
Kilosfor future reference if nothing else19:17
magespawnit does make it easier, you sometimes find a lot more tools/info/skills on your way to the solution too19:29
magespawnright i am off to bath, then bed and tv for a bit, and sleep. good night all19:34
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:07
arnaud__Hello Guys22:01
arnaud__hello 23:17

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