
cwayne1anyone around that might be able to help me with s-jenkins permissions?00:28
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 221 building (started: 20140904 02:05) ===02:05
popeyyou know it's time for bed when you see that message02:09
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 15 building (started: 20140904 03:05) ===03:05
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
robruBLAM! https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro/readability-cleanup/+merge/233284 got it down from 1234 pep8 violations to 825 (all of citrain/ directory is fixed but nothing outside of it, like cupstream2distro/ directory or tests/ directory). merged it like that for now (with the remaining 825 whitelisted) because I'm out of time. need to push03:08
robruthis to production and make sure nothing exploded.03:08
robrufginther: any chance you're still around? found a bug in the autolanding job, fixed it, how can i rerun it? i reapproved the branch but it doesn't seem to be working...03:16
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fgintherrobru, what's the MP?03:17
fgintherrobru, https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro/readability-cleanup/+merge/233284 is running right now03:19
robrufginther: oh ok thx, just impatient i guess03:19
popeyfginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1357983/+merge/23263003:25
popeythat passed CI, then when I top approved it complains it failed ci?03:25
popeyI am confused.03:26
robrupopey: the autolanding job is different than the ci job, so it's probably misconfigured or something. not sure.03:27
popeywill look again in the morning when I am awake03:30
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 221 DONE (finished: 20140904 03:45) ===03:45
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/221.changes ===03:45
sergiusensthanks, will do rtm tomorrow morning03:48
robrusergiusens: you're welcome!03:50
robruMirv: Heya!04:07
Mirvrobru: heya heya!04:08
robruMirv: i just did a massive pep8 overhaul on ci train. Shouldn't have any semantic change unless i made a mistake. Keep an eye out for goofy syntax errors when running Jenkins jobs, should be easy to fix04:08
Mirvrobru: pep8 and funny syntax, check.04:09
robruI ran a few jobs already and it seemed sane, but there's lots of code paths that are just totally untested04:09
Mirvyeah, I see you've touched almost everything. anyway, they should be easy to fix if something is wrong.04:10
robruMirv: yeah ;-)04:10
robruMirv: not done yet! I fixed about 400 out of 1200 pep8 violations. Will try to get the rest tomorrow04:11
Mirvrobru: ok, a jolly amount of things to fix, there04:13
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 15 DONE (finished: 20140904 04:20) ===04:20
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/15.changes ===04:20
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brendandthostr_, hello07:20
thostr_brendand: hi07:20
sil2100eh, need to do an emergency drive to the vet, I should be back for the meeting07:34
brendandthostr_, i'm hoping to sign off silo 13 soon07:42
brendandthostr_, for the new stuff it lands, did you or charles add a test case to the test plan?07:43
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: I am done with the UITK validation. All test logs are backed up, the UITK does not cause any regression. I have pulled out the header animation because that would have caused psorblems for few tests.08:09
bzoltanMirv: sil2100: So the UITK for Ubuntu archive in silo12 is good to go. When it lands I will start the RTM testing.08:10
sil2100bzoltan: excellent!08:10
sil2100Mirv: did you press the publish button on it already? ;)08:10
sil2100Mirv: ok, let me handle the pressing08:11
sil2100bzoltan: just a quick one - the merges need approval :)08:11
sil2100bzoltan: re running ;)08:14
sil2100bzoltan: publishing o/08:14
sil2100Thanks again for the hard work!08:15
bzoltansil2100:  cool, thanks08:15
bzoltansil2100: it was not hard :) hard is running a marathon :) it was just long.08:15
Mirvbzoltan: good stuff!08:22
Mirvsil2100: thanks!08:22
sil2100bzoltan: yeah ;) But it takes up precious time and resources anyway08:23
Mirvbzoltan: sil2100: might not be anything dangerous, but err zoltan launched non-rtm new build 20 mins ago in landing-012? and that not-yet-built rebuild was actually what got published?08:25
Mirvwhile the rtm silo build is from yesterday08:25
bzoltanMirv:  that was my testing script change08:25
bzoltanMirv:  I added the -p archive handling to make the stock image testing possible08:26
Mirvbzoltan: aha, right. still, it wasn't finished yet in the PPA so now it got copied not completely built. a smoke-test would have been nice too, but well, indeed the change is nothing to worry about!08:26
bzoltanMirv: I got the message that the build was successful...08:27
bzoltanMirv:  strange08:27
* ogra_ gets meeting coffee08:27
Mirvand there is some non-true dependency wait now in the archive build :S https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/1.1.1227+14.10.20140904-0ubuntu108:27
Mirvlet's see...08:27
Mirvsil2100: ^ bzoltan is btw right, he did get utopic "Packages built" from the bot basically right after clicking build.08:28
Mirvthat might be a regression on how the "built" status is fetched, related to the sync silo fixing08:28
sil2100Mirv: we didn't change how the build status is fetched08:29
Mirvanyway, we've a meeting to do so let's see after that if the archive builds have started themselves :)08:29
Mirvsil2100: it says "building" and then Finished: SUCCESS.. eh. https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-012-1-build/37/console08:29
sil2100Mirv: this is the thing we mentioned, either something changed in LP API or something... we even made it more restrictive because of problems like this and it didn't help :|08:30
bzoltanMirv:  I was a bit surprised, but I thought that the builders are on steroid... in pbuilder the armhf takes 20minutes08:31
sil2100THis one is just wrong08:31
Mirvsil2100: yeah, it's not even that, it's just wrong :)08:31
bzoltansil2100: it is indeed wrong08:31
thostr_brendand: that was mostly bug fixes08:31
thostr_brendand: so, test plan hasn't changed08:32
brendandthostr_, there was something about hardware alarm support?08:32
thostr_brendand: but silo 13 is about power changes08:34
brendandthostr_, i'm looking at the changelog08:34
thostr_brendand: that was mostly about displaying the right icons depending on the power level08:34
brendandthostr_, sorry - it's powerd 'hardware wakeup support'08:35
Mirvrobru: we might have some small regressions from the changes :)08:35
jibelI know that utopic-proposed is not the focus, but I cannot unlock a SIM card on 221 and that'll probably land in ubuntu-rtm soon.08:37
jibelon mako08:38
thostr_brendand: ah right. I'd need to check whether charles has updated it08:53
thostr_brendand: there is no specific test case for that. Actually, I think we're missing a holistic alarms test plan (which covers multiple components)08:56
thostr_brendand: do we have other examples of such kind of integration tests?08:57
brendandthostr_, i'm sure there are plenty of examples :)09:02
thostr_brendand: sure, but where?09:02
brendandthostr_, not written down anywhere that i know of09:03
brendandthostr_, there must be a test plan for alarms in one of the applications or indicators09:03
brendandthostr_, you should probably link to that09:03
thostr_or we just create an alarms test plan which we then reference in indicator, powerd, clock app, PIM, ...09:05
bzoltanMirv:  great to see that I can use the rtm images just as the utopic images... so i can add PPAs and stuff :) cool09:05
brendandthostr_, sure - but i'm just saying that other test plans might already have those test cases, so if you look there you might get some inspiration09:06
brendandMirv, oh is citrain script fixed?09:06
Mirvbzoltan: !! nice, it was annoying09:07
Mirvbrendand: which script?09:07
brendandMirv, what's bzoltan talking about?09:07
bzoltanMirv:  one thing i do not get thu .. the RTM and non RTM PPAs09:07
Mirvsil2100: bzoltan: I found the dependency problem, we need a package promoted to main -> moving to #ubuntu-release09:07
Mirvbrendand: oh, you mean that.. yes, bzoltan did new fixes to his testing script09:08
john-mcaleelynew krillin tarball pushed09:08
brendandMirv, okay - i'm just curious to know if anyones hacked together a simple way to add silos09:08
bzoltanbrendand:  adding silos to what?09:09
ogra_john-mcaleely, thanks !09:10
popeydavmor2: do you have a clean phone you can test my dialer issue on?09:10
popey(on that hasn't made any calls)09:10
brendandbzoltan, "great to see that I can use the rtm images just as the utopic images... so i can add PPAs and stuff :) cool" - what did you mean?09:10
sil2100Mirv: wait, what? Oh man, the packaging changes didn't have any new dependencies added09:10
sil2100Mirv: actually there was no UITK packaging diff09:11
bzoltanbrendand:  during tha last RTM validation the add-apt-repository did not work on RTM images09:11
Mirvsil2100: or, maybe this happened already before and we don't catch them before manual rebuilds in archive?09:11
Mirvoh my09:11
davmor2popey: no but I will do when I comme back at 1109:11
Mirvbzoltan: sil2100: qml-module-qt-labs-settings is in universe09:11
popeywill file bug, not done yet09:11
Mirvbut comes from a main source package09:11
sil2100Mirv: or maybe that was that additional test change that bzoltan did?09:11
Mirvsil2100: no, it wasn't09:12
bzoltansil2100:  no, I just fixed my shells cript what does the test plan09:12
sil2100bzoltan: ok, so it must have been around for longer09:12
Mirvhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/1.1.1214+14.10.20140826-0ubuntu1 also had the dep already09:12
sil2100hmm, why we didn't get any MIR here...09:13
Mirvsil2100: binary packages from approved main source packages are moved to main on request09:13
Mirvin general09:13
brendandbzoltan, yes that's right - what did you do to fix that?09:17
bzoltanbrendand:  :) i did not do anything. It just works now :)09:19
Mirvso apt-add-repository now works on rtm too09:21
brendandMirv, hmm interesting. i haven't seen any movement on those bugs09:23
brendandpsivaa, i have a device freshly flashed with -proposed now09:23
brendandpsivaa, what steps does the ci loop go through?09:23
psivaabrendand: if you haven't used the provision.sh script in lp:ubuntu-test-cases/touch then it might be more manual work. i'd rather do 'scripts/provision.sh  -i touch_stable -w' from the branch09:29
psivaahttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/view/head:/README-cli.rst has information too09:29
brendandbzoltan, em - you better be careful. our testing shows it adds the wrong ppa09:35
brendandbzoltan, i.e. the utopic one09:35
bzoltanbrendand: Well.. that was one question I asked ... what is the diff between the rtm and non rtm PPAs... because on the PPA page they are the same09:35
bzoltanbrendand: Mirv: sil2100: RTM -> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-01209:36
psivaabrendand: dont forget to include your network file in provision.sh (for magners-wifi)09:36
bzoltanbrendand: Mirv: sil2100: NON RTM -> https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-01209:36
sil2100bzoltan: yeah, so LP doesn't yet properly update the description :|09:36
ogra_bzoltan, rtm binaries are built against the rtm archive ...09:36
bzoltanbrendand: Mirv: sil2100: and in both cases the PPA is ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/landing-01209:36
sil2100bzoltan: but anyway, you need to use ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-012 for RTM09:37
bzoltansil2100:  OK, thanks09:37
sil2100bzoltan: although apt-add-repository won't work, so I guess brendand always adds the PPA manually09:37
sil2100Oh geez09:42
* sil2100 just saw what happened to the citrain code09:43
sil2100I mean, visually09:43
sil2100It now looks terribly on my sublime editor09:43
Mirvsil2100: brendand: should we maybe get QA signoff also for the utopic mediascanner2/thumbnailer landing, because of the past regressions?09:55
popeypsivaa: could you (or someone else?) trigger ci for the "update components" merges from akiva at the bottom of this list please? http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/ - he's not in the teams so it didn't trigger automatically...09:57
brendandMirv, technically no - since we aren't in traincon for utopic - are we?10:02
psivaapopey: akiva is added to allowed users now in core app jenkins10:02
popeythank you. will that magically autotrigger?10:02
=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: psivaa | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ I feel more awesome than an awesome possum ♫"
brendandsil2100, add-apt-repository ppa:ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-012 doesn't work10:03
psivaapopey: yes, it should10:04
davmor2popey: right wiping in progress did you file a bug in the end?10:07
brendandsil2100, so far the only way we know that works is adding by hand. if you know an automated way it would be really good to hear10:08
popeydavmor2: bug 136540010:08
ubot5bug 1365400 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) ""Recent" pull-up confusing on new phone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136540010:08
popeypsivaa: thanks10:08
* brendand could probably whip something up with launchpadlib10:08
sil2100brendand: yeah, so as I said10:12
Mirvbrendand: yeah. I'll just try it a bit on my own.10:13
davmor2sil2100: right fresh Wipe I'm going to see if reboots re show the wizard10:15
davmor2popey: no joy but there is an update to the recent page that might be stopping it now10:18
davmor2popey: you now get all and missed10:18
popeydavmor2: you can't reproduce it?10:18
popeyon krillin ?10:19
davmor2popey: not on current image I can't10:19
popeywell thats odd10:19
popeyyou have a SIM in it?10:19
davmor2popey: yes10:20
popeyah well10:20
sil2100brendand: how's the AP-test going?10:20
davmor2popey: as I say there was an update to the recent page that may be stopping it now10:20
brendandsil2100, still in progress10:21
davmor2popey: did you have the all missed in the gap at the top when you first saw the issue?10:21
popeydavmor2: right, but i dont see how you can have different dialer-app if we're on the same image10:22
brendandpsivaa, sil2100 - provision.sh ran and the wizard is still there10:32
brendandpsivaa, sil2100 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/8232013/10:32
psivaabrendand: ok, 'phablet-config welcome-wizard --disable' does not work then10:33
brendandpsivaa, does it need to reboot?10:33
psivaabrendand: 1 sec10:34
loolsil2100: hey, robru has reset silo 10 yesterday, but it still lists packages and seems to be confused10:35
loolsil2100: all is merged (by hand) though; I'll delete the packages from the PPA or can you reset the state of the silo in a harder way?10:36
brendandpsivaa, after i reboot the wizard is gone - but should provision.sh have done that?10:36
psivaabrendand: no, the device reboot is part of running a particular test10:37
brendandpsivaa, ok10:37
sil2100lool: hey! Let me take a look10:38
psivaabrendand: 'scripts/run-autopilot-tests.sh -a mediaplayer_app' should start the AP testing10:39
looldoes someone have the lp snippets for creating RTM PPAs?10:39
sil2100lool: yeah, I have some10:39
brendandpsivaa, where is reboot-and-unlock.sh?10:40
sil2100lool: if you want to create an RTM PPA for a team, then use: lp.people['some-team'].createPPA(distribution=lp.distros['ubuntu-rtm'], name='thename')10:40
sil2100lool: btw. silo 10... did you merge in all the changes by hand already?10:41
loolsil2100: yes10:41
psivaabrendand: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-test-case-dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/files/head:/utils/host/10:41
sil2100lool: and all packages in the archive, right? (double confirming)10:42
sil2100lool: if yes, then I clean the silo :)10:42
sil2100(I assume so)10:44
sil2100lool: ok, so I do a silo clean without processing merges10:44
loolsil2100: all in the archive10:44
brendandpsivaa, what runs phablet-config writable-image?10:45
* sil2100 off to lunch10:46
davmor2sil2100: so I'm on reboot number 4 no sign of the wizard on 1610:47
psivaabrendand: the -w flag in provison.sh:10:47
psivaapsivaa:touch$ grep -wr "phablet-config writable-image"10:47
psivaascripts/provision.sh:   phablet-config writable-image $CUSTOMIZE10:47
davmor2sil2100: do you know if rsalveti and kenvandine were disabling the wizard with phablet-config?10:48
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brendandpsivaa, ah do you guys set that normally?10:49
popeypsivaa: https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1357983/+merge/232630 runs fine on my desktop but fails in jenkins.. any ideas?10:50
brendandpsivaa, can you show me the call to provision.sh that jenkins uses?10:53
psivaapopey: the failing ones are, touch and mako jenkins jobs. on desktop (amd64) it passes in jenkins too10:54
psivaabrendand: in http://dev-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/utopic-touch_stable-krillin-smoke-daily/64/consoleText :10:55
psivaa touch/scripts/provision.sh -i touch_stable -w10:55
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brendandpsivaa, ok i'll try that now10:56
brendandpsivaa, now we'll see10:58
psivaabrendand: ack. did you change the network file information in provision script?10:59
brendandpsivaa, yep i specified -n11:00
psivaabrendand: ack11:00
popeypsivaa: sorry, I don't understand11:01
psivaapopey: the failing jenkins jobs are: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-utopic-touch/343/? and http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/484 which are not running on the desktop. but jenkins results for desktop arch is passing as it does to you locally11:07
psivaapopey: so i'd think running the test on mako locally would help11:08
popeypsivaa: ok.11:08
cjwatsonpsivaa: Is there a way I can retrigger CI on https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/click/lp1219912-build-exclude/+merge/219716 ?  The rebuild link (http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/click-devel-ci/2/rebuild) has apparently expired or something and now gives me a 40411:37
psivaacjwatson: let me check11:37
cjwatson(and yes, I'm on the right VPN11:37
psivaacjwatson: because the first job ran a little while ago and somehow the old builds in this job have been cleaned, we are unable to retrigger the build.11:45
psivaacjwatson: i have now triggered a build with the info from MP11:45
psivaacjwatson: should work. but i'll keep a watch11:45
psivaahmm that has thrown a conflict in the merge11:47
sil2100brendand: so, any luck with the autopilot problem ;/ ?11:47
psivaacjwatson: could the conflict resolved and committed to the MP? that should trigger a build automatically too11:47
sil2100brendand: it's the wizard's fault?11:47
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=== psivaa changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ I feel more awesome than an awesome possum ♫"
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Mirvsil2100: could you see/ack landing-014 packaging changes? I tested a bit locally since it's thumbnailer again, music/video seemed fine also after reboot12:14
sil2100Mirv: let me take a look - I wouldn't require a formal QA sign-off for that, but yeah, good that you're trying to proceed safely ;)12:14
sil2100Mirv: packaging wise it looks ok, so a +112:19
sil2100Mirv: I also see that thumbnailer does not include any new deps, so it should be fine :)12:20
sil2100plars: hey!12:22
sil2100brendand: ping12:26
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsonpsivaa: thanks for whatever you did there12:28
psivaacjwatson: np :), had to manually copy to the fields in 'Build' since 'Rebuild' dint work.12:29
cjwatsonpsivaa: if you could do the same for https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/click/framework-info/+merge/220199, or tell me how to do it, that'd be lovely12:31
Mirvsil2100: thanks!12:31
ogra_brendand, did you get anywhere yet ?12:32
ogra_looking at thw wizard upstart job i see a "stop" at the top of the pre-start script ... i wonder if thats shouldnt be "{ stop; exit 0; }" instead ...12:33
psivaacjwatson: it's filling 'landing_candidate', 'merge_proposal' and  'candidate_revision' with the information 'bzr+ssh://ps-jenkins@bazaar.launchpad.net/~mvo/click/framework-info', 'https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/click/lp1360582-honor-enum-only-trusted/+merge/233001' and '507' in 'Build now' option.12:35
psivaacjwatson: i've done it for the above now.12:35
psivaaand that merge has no conflicts, so it should go well12:36
brendandsil2100, ogra_ - i see 'scripts/run-autopilot-tests.sh: 104: scripts/run-autopilot-tests.sh: subunit2junitxml: not found'12:36
brendandmaybe i need to install that though12:37
ogra_brendand, well, but why would that have any influence on the wizard12:37
brendandogra_, it doesn't - just it's the only issue i see so far with -proposed12:38
brendandogra_, everything seems fine from here12:38
ogra_oh, so you couldnt reproduce ?12:38
ogra_i thought oyu could12:38
cjwatsonpsivaa: thanks12:40
sil2100brendand: so you couldn't reproduce the issue we're seeing yet?12:43
brendandsil2100, i wonder could it have something to do with phablet-tools?12:44
brendandperhaps i should update that and check again12:45
plars sil2100: hi, good morning12:45
ogra_plars, we're desparately trying to find out why krillin rtm doesnt unlock12:48
ogra_(since image 14)12:48
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kenvandineif i rebuild rtm silo 3 (line 11) will that grab the latest packages from utopic?13:07
kenvandineit includes fixes for the bugs that kept it from passing QA before, but it also includes much more13:07
sil2100Mirv: still trying to figure out what is broken with the build jobs, but something is reproducibly broken - the watch-ppa script only runs once13:08
=== josepht changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard josepht | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ I feel more awesome than an awesome possum ♫"
sil2100Mirv: but at least I confirmed now that the refactoring is the source of the problem - reverting it fixed stuff for proposed13:13
sil2100robru: ^13:13
kenvandinesil2100, see my question about rtm silo 3?13:14
sil2100kenvandine: hey! Let me take a look13:15
kenvandinesil2100, i think the bugs that made it fail QA are fixed in utopic now13:15
kenvandinecan i just rebuild that silo ?13:15
sil2100kenvandine: so, the feature of sync silos retargetting ubuntu automatically is currently not yet deployed as we have some problems there, so we probably have to retarget the silo to utopic instead13:15
sil2100kenvandine: let me just do that :)13:16
sil2100kenvandine: you'll get a new silo probably13:16
kenvandineok, thx13:16
sil2100kenvandine: you want both unity8 and u-s-s from utopic, right?13:16
kenvandinei think unity8 has to go with it... but can you keep the current unity8?13:17
kenvandinenot sure what else might have landed13:17
sil2100Crap, ok, too late :|13:17
kenvandineno worries13:17
kenvandineprobably fine :)13:17
davmor2Saviq: we have a problem with silo 00713:39
Saviqdavmor2, hit me13:39
davmor2Saviq: the phone never seems to time out and suspend after running 3 alarms,  So it looks like the nested code might of crashed something13:40
davmor2Saviq: phone has been on the apps screen now for about 10minutes13:40
davmor2apps scope even13:41
Saviqdavmor2, huuumph, that's unexpected13:41
cyphermox_kenvandine: hey, were you planning a landing today for u-s-s that my merge could go in with? :)13:42
kenvandinecyphermox_, i already have your branch in a silo :)13:42
Saviqdavmor2, the code there has nothing to do with any suspend logic :|13:42
cyphermox_kenvandine: cool13:42
Saviqdavmor2, as it's unity-system-compositor that deals with that now13:42
davmor2Saviq: only crashes are mtp, trust store and location so there is no powerd being killed13:42
davmor2Saviq: and this only happened after the 3 alarms went off, prior to that it suspended13:43
Saviqdavmor2, looks to me like something's holding the screen on cookie13:43
Saviqdavmor2, AlbertA, is there any way to query the display state (and reason)?13:44
SaviqAlbertA, like to check what's keeping the display on?13:44
asacsil2100: can you confirm that lool's silo for the location stuff made it into rtm?13:47
loolasac: it did not (yet)13:48
sil2100asac: no, it's not yet tested13:48
sil2100asac: but the silo has some packages in it13:48
asaclool: run with it please13:49
asacwe are unblocked once this is in13:49
asacfor custom13:49
asacsil2100: tx13:49
Mirvsil2100: ok. it must be something delicate, possibly in version number handling / storage or something.13:51
sil2100Mirv: it seems to be something with the PPA package fetching, parts that weren't touched in ages o_I13:51
sil2100Mirv: i.e. the PackageInPPA class13:52
=== om26er|afk is now known as om26er
Mirvsil2100: the only thing I see there in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8233668/ is that it introduces a new variable 'packages', but it shouldn't probably clash with anything? maybe a bit longer name would be better anyway14:02
sil2100Mirv: doesn't look like it, I'm trying to sniff around for the cause still14:03
didrocks-        if not packages_not_in_ppa and not packages_building and not packages_failed:14:05
didrocks+        if not (packages_not_in_ppa and packages_building and packages_failed):14:05
didrocksthat's obivously wrong14:05
didrocksif not (A OR B) == if not A and not B14:06
didrockswhen refactoring for pep8 is nice, people should still be careful14:06
sil2100Damn, Robert..!14:06
sil2100didrocks: hah, love your keen eye for those ;)14:06
didrockssil2100: peer review would have avoided that, I bet :)14:07
Saviqdavmor2, is it reproducible? can you give me steps to repro?14:07
sil2100didrocks: yeah, well, I would probably moan about it if I was to review the code, as I don't like the refactoring - in my opinion it makes the code less readable14:07
sergiusensah, de morgan14:08
didrockssil2100: same here… and it screws as well bzr blame14:08
didrockssil2100: but review the code… keep telling you that :p14:08
didrocksand offered my help multiple times14:08
didrocksanyway, another topic14:08
sil2100didrocks: yeah, well, it was robru's change anyway and I wasn't asked for a review ;)14:08
sil2100It was happening during my night too! Couldn't even notice!14:09
didrockssil2100: pushing the change14:09
davmor2Saviq: I can reboot and see if I have the same issue.  But basically I installed the silo set three alarms for the same time let the phone suspend the 3 alarm notifications display I dismissed all three and that was it in that state14:09
sil2100didrocks: thanks :)14:09
didrocksyw :)14:09
* sil2100 gets back to rebasing his branches in progress to the recent changes14:09
sil2100It's also another thing that such changes make much more complicated14:10
seb128sil2100, how come it's fine that robru (or others) commit changes to production code without review?14:10
seb128that seems buggy14:10
sil2100seb128: yeah, we need to get this sorted out - normally other than bugfix changes have a test-period in preprod too, which didn't happen here14:12
didrocksseb128: and I think especially when you didn't author the code and the author keeps proposing about reviewing the changes :)14:12
didrockssil2100: pushed btw14:14
Saviqdavmor2, that sounds totally unrelated to what the silo brings... I'll try out here14:14
davmor2Saviq: the three alarms tests the nest notifications right?14:14
davmor2nested even14:15
davmor2Saviq: after reboot screen blanks I'll trigger the three alarms again14:15
Saviqdavmor2, no14:16
Saviqdavmor2, nested prompts are when you go to a paid app not having an U1 account14:17
Saviqdavmor2, then the pay ui displays and triggers the account prompt14:17
Saviqdavmor2, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlan/pay-service14:17
Saviqdavmor2, there's nothing like "nest notifications"14:18
davmor2Saviq: hmm okay, in that case a found a different bug14:20
davmor2Saviq: you know you only set unity8 as things to test though right hence the confusion nested prompt the only thing I could think of was it was a proper fix for the multiple notifications :(14:21
bzoltansil2100:  could you help me to understand what blocks the UITK here http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html ?14:26
bzoltanMirv:  ^14:26
sil2100bzoltan: yeah, so it's what Mirv mentioned in the morning...14:27
sil2100bzoltan: we need qml-module-qt-labs-settings to be included in main :|14:27
bzoltansil2100: What that `out of date` means and who will do what and when?14:27
bzoltansil2100:  and who should/could do that?14:28
sil2100bzoltan: because of the bug in CI Train the packages got pushed to the archive as source packages, so they started building there... and there it popped up that we're missing a package in main to actually correctly build it14:28
sil2100bzoltan: Mirv poked on -release, not sure if he got any news on that14:28
sil2100Mirv: ^ ?14:28
sil2100bzoltan: we need to fill in a MIR for it14:29
sil2100Not sure if Mirv did that14:29
sil2100Let me make sure14:29
bzoltansil2100:  I have no idea what MIR is14:29
sil2100bzoltan: Main Inclusion Request14:29
sil2100bzoltan: anyway, we'll have to do that if anything... it was an old issue that was not noticed since we build all packages in the silos usually, and those don't have those blockades :|14:30
bzoltansil2100:  who should/could do that?14:30
sil2100bzoltan: ok, I see we don't need a MIR probably14:33
sil2100Let me re-ping someone14:33
=== Ursinha changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: Ursinha | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: ♫ I feel more awesome than an awesome possum ♫"
=== Kaleo_ is now known as Kaleo
bzoltansil2100:  I am happy to do whatever it takes. just ping me if I need to fill something or do something.14:35
sil2100bzoltan: hah, ok, that was fast ;)14:37
Saviqdavmor2, I'm looking at rtm#16 without silo 7, same behavior14:37
Saviqdavmor2, whatever woke up the phone for the alarms is holding the display on14:38
Saviqdavmor2, you can see by going "powerd-cli display on", if nothing held the screen on, it'd be cookie 0 (or 1, don't remember)14:38
davmor2charles: ^14:38
Saviqdavmor2, it's cookie 3 for me14:38
cjwatsonsil2100,bzoltan: it's done; builds should auto-retry in a bit (publisher plus half-hourly cron job)14:39
davmor2Saviq: no worries I'll carry on testing now then, thanks for the help debugging though14:39
davmor2pmcgowan, bfiller: is there a reason that notes is still in the image I thought it was being dropped?14:41
pmcgowandavmor2, we are currently discussing, will probably drop it fro image and CI14:45
loolwould someone have the snippet for uploading to RTM PPAs?14:47
ogra_fqdn= upload.ubuntu.com14:49
ogra_method= ftp14:49
ogra_incoming= /ubuntu-rtm14:49
ogra_login= anonymous14:49
ogra_lool, ^^14:49
loologra_: does that work with PPAs?14:50
ogra_lool, ah, no ... that needs extra runes ... i just modified my ppa entry in dput.cf14:50
ogra_fqdn= ppa.launchpad.net14:50
ogra_method= ftp14:50
ogra_#incoming= ~%(ppa)s/ubuntu14:50
ogra_incoming= ~%(ppa)s14:50
ogra_login= anonymous14:50
ogra_needs the ubuntu dropped there14:51
bzoltancjwatson: thank you14:52
davmor2ogra_: you know they invented this thing call paste.ubuntu.com to save flooding channels ;)14:52
bzoltansil2100:  I am in the middle of the RTM validation, so no problem yet14:52
ogra_davmor2, thats boring and wouldnt annoy you as much :P14:52
davmor2ogra_: hahaha14:53
cjwatsonlool: the dput in trusty-proposed/utopic doesn't need manual changes there14:53
loolI'm using dput-ng actually14:54
loolsince a couple of weeks14:54
cjwatsonah, somebody should probably update that, since I didn't14:54
ogra_oh, so modern !14:54
loolI think I was subject to propaganda from planet debian prior to debconf14:54
cjwatsonoh, actually, ScottK already did14:54
loolit seems to have fairly trivial to convert json files14:54
cjwatsonso likewise, you need either utopic or trusty-proposed of dput-ng14:54
looloddly, it didn't complain about 14.09 though14:54
loolI have utopic version14:54
cjwatsondput(-ng) doesn't know how to complain about that14:55
loolam I supposed to uplaod to ppa:ubuntu-rtm/owner/name ?14:55
cjwatsonthe lookup is up to LP14:55
loolok; I'll drop my customizations then14:55
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
cjwatsonhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/179794265/dput-ng_1.7_1.7ubuntu1.diff.gz looks right14:55
brendandsil2100, can you help me find the .deb for the latest version of unity8-autopilot in utopic?14:55
loolcjwatson: I thought /incoming would be /ubuntu-rtm rather than /ubuntu14:56
brendandsil2100, it's for the AP issue14:56
sil2100brendand: latest in utopic? apt-get download unity8-autopilot doesn't work?14:56
loolwell I guess that's still valid for uploads to ubuntu-rtm14:56
brendandsil2100, but i'm running rtm :)14:56
brendandsil2100, i just want to install that .deb to make sure it fixes the issue14:56
sil2100brendand: ah ;)14:56
brendandsil2100, anyway my hands are free now i think i can look14:57
brendandsil2100, but if you know of the top of your head that would be useful14:57
sil2100brendand: so, you can use that command on your desktop and then adb push maybe? But in case you need the link itself, I can provide it :)14:57
brendandsil2100, ah yeah good point14:57
sil2100brendand: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/unity8-autopilot_8.00%2B14.10.20140903.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb <- but the link just in case14:57
charlesSaviq, davmor2, you say the alarm wakeup isn't releasing its "display on" cookie after the alarm is dismissed?14:58
Saviqcharles, that seems to be the case, yes14:58
sil2100brendand: so you think we need those with the latest Mir? :)14:58
davmor2charles: after several alarms I was using 3 at the same time14:58
* Saviq tries with 2 now, phone started suspending again after a time15:00
charlesSaviq, davmor2, so to reproduce this, I just need to set an alarm, let it go off, and then the screen won't timeout to black on its own?15:00
Saviqcharles, current confirmed case is 3 alarms at the same time, all dismissed15:00
davmor2charles: 3 alarms at the same time15:00
charlesdavmor2, Saviq, ack I'll try that15:01
sil2100didrocks: hey! Do you know if dch can be somehow forced to increment an already released top-most version instead of appending a new entry? ;) The manual doesn't say anything about that15:01
charlesdavmor2, Saviq, what image are you testing with?15:02
Saviqcharles, rtm#16 on krillin15:02
charlesSaviq, thanks15:02
davmor2charles: ditto15:03
plarsbrendand: sil2100: ogra_: I'm trying the https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/8.00+14.10.20140828.1-0ubuntu1 based debs on top of rtm right now after successfully reproducing it at home with the older one15:06
Mirvbzoltan: sil2100: I didn't get anyone back on the release channel15:06
sil2100plars: ACK :)15:06
plarsbrendand: sil2100: ogra_: I suspect we're just going to need an updated unity8-* in rtm to fix this15:06
sil2100Mirv: no worries, cjwatson already picked it up15:06
plarsthere were some critical fixes that were still outstanding15:07
sil2100plars: that would be good to hear, since we have some landings ready with that15:07
Mirvsil2100: yeah, I read, that's what I thought would happen eventually. great!15:07
sil2100plars: brendand was checking that as well15:07
plarssil2100: brendand: ogra_: ok, confirmed... I'm watching an autopilot test run right now with that combination - successfully unlocked15:07
brendandplars, thanks15:08
sil2100plars: excellent15:08
sil2100Too bad the mir deps didn't mention that it required the new unity815:08
sil2100plars, brendand: thanks guys!15:08
ogra_plars, oh, awesome !15:08
Saviqdavmor2, charles, yeah, killing datetime service makes it suspend again15:08
Saviqcharles, 2 alarms were enough here15:08
Saviqprobably a leaked display hold15:08
* Saviq tries 115:09
cjwatsonMirv: I didn't notice your earlier query because jetlag, basically15:11
cjwatsonsorry about that15:12
Mirvcjwatson: no problem, I didn't expect you to be around with that amount of jetlag anyway15:12
Saviqdavmor2, charles, if I use just one alarm it's all fine, so it seems like there's a hold per alarm set up, but only one gets cleared15:15
davmor2Saviq: that sounds like a good possibility15:16
charlesSaviq, davmor2, just FYI, I'm seeing it too. Haven't tracked it down yet15:21
charlesdavmor2, is there a ticket for this yet?15:21
* charles remembers who he's talking to. of course there's a ticket.15:21
charlesdavmor2, what's the bug # for this?15:22
davmor2charles: not yet but I can trigger one in a minute15:22
Ursinhasil2100: didrocks, about the pep-8 changes... it's long due15:24
Ursinhasil2100: didrocks, I haven't contributed much with that because I just can't read that code15:24
Ursinhaso better now than never15:24
sil2100Ursinha: well, not sure if this time is good for it since we have still some RTM changes to do, and it's breaking the standard workflow15:25
sil2100Ursinha: I would expect such changes to happen later and most probably discussed15:25
sil2100Ursinha: when there's no haste15:25
Ursinhasil2100: but why is that breaking the workflow? the changes introduced/revealed bugs?15:26
sil2100Ursinha: yeah, it broke one thing, but also I have a lot of branches that are work-in-progress, and such big changes require me to manually rebase to make them mergeable again ;)15:26
sil2100Ursinha: as it completely changes the layout of the code basically15:27
sil2100Ursinha: (not to mention my personal opinions about code-readability in this form ;D)15:27
Ursinhasil2100: maybe you should coordinate a bit better with robru as he's working with you on citrain and I assume your changes might break his as well? :) that's an honest observation15:27
Ursinhasil2100: there should be absolutely no arguing about using pep-8 when coding python, but that's my personal opinion :)15:27
sil2100Ursinha: I always inform about features I develop on meetings, so robru is aware of anything that I implement ;)15:28
sil2100I never push out something without telling about it first15:28
sil2100While this, well, I didn't hear anything about it - Robert only informed me about unit-test work he'll be doing15:28
robrusil2100: I dunno, on several occaisions I woke up to find NameErrors in your production code15:28
Ursinhasil2100: informing isn't coordinating :) I'm not saying you are doing it wrong, but as we have more than one person working on the same codebase that is something nice to think about15:28
sil2100robru: that was a bugfix going wrong15:28
sil2100robru: it's hard to inform about every hotfix I'm doing ;)15:29
robrusil2100: the reality is that our timezones are so different, we're going to always be working while the other is sleeping. please don't complain about work I do while you sleep :-P15:29
sil2100robru: just tell me you intend to do such big changes! It's not a 10-line diff, it's OVER 9000!15:29
robrusil2100: today I'm going to implement a pyflakes checker15:30
robruand if I have time I'm going to widen the pep8 checker to the whole tree, not just citrain/ directory15:30
Ursinhait got me thinking, sil2100, how many branches do you have in progress at once? that's crazy to do when you're not the only one modifying the code15:30
sil2100Ursinha: well, I don't say I miss coordination, I miss being informed15:30
davmor2charles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-datetime/+bug/136555715:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1365557 in Indicator Date and Time "Multiple alarms set at the same time trigger the screen to nolonger blank" [Undecided,New]15:30
sil2100Ursinha: currently there are 3 branches15:30
sil2100Ursinha: and usually I was the only one working on CI Train code so I just got used to that ;)15:31
Ursinhasil2100: the rest of us miss coordination because you both need to change that code and if you don't coordinate things break and we all suffer :) that's my point15:31
sil2100Ursinha: I only know about me and robru as the ones doing changes in CI Train code, with me tweaking on it for the most recently - if I'm not aware of anyone else working on something I don't coordinate because I don't know who to coordinate with :)15:32
ralsina_sil2100: something strange with silo rtm-11 it appears assigned to me in the spreadsheet and the dashboard for push-client but it seems to contain system-settings instead15:32
sil2100Ursinha: in the past it was only didrocks doing uploads15:32
sil2100ralsina_: ah, it might have been freed in the meantime, one moment ;/15:33
* sil2100 again couldn't finish his branch with improvements here15:33
ralsina_sil2100: cool, I was away for a couple of days, so I could just start another landing later, no big deal really :-)15:33
Ursinhasil2100: I know, but now there is you and robru working on it (and could be more people)... all I'm saying is that's maintained by more than one person now and needs some change in the "process", to avoid things such one breaking the other's work15:34
Ursinhaspecially considering you both live in such different timezones15:34
sil2100Ursinha: I agree here indeed, that's why I actually mentioned that I would like to be informed about if any changes are to be made so I can prepare myself15:36
sil2100Ursinha: especially big ones15:36
Ursinhasil2100: fair enough15:36
sil2100Maybe not any changes, but big ones for sure!15:36
Ursinhasil2100: but let's not disagree on pep-8 and pyflakes :P15:37
sil2100Ursinha: I'm not a pythonist, I will just leave it up to you and robru with the expertise here ;p I'm just saying that the style is not completely good for me eyes!15:38
Ursinhaunless you have a superwide ultra high resolution monitor, having that crazy long lines is impossible to read :)15:38
robrusil2100: yeah, I'm not sure what your problem is with pep8, but it is the Gold Standard for writing python code that is actually readable by other python programmers. so this change made a huge positive impact on readability for potential future maintainers of this code (including myself). Now that I can actually read what's going on in the code I might be15:39
robruable to contribute more going forward.15:39
sil2100ralsina_: you needed ubuntu-push there, right?15:39
ralsina_sil2100: yes15:39
Ursinharobru: yes yes15:40
sil2100robru: good to know, well, I must say that for instance I like wrapping lines only when it makes sense, not like for every argument if the list is bigger15:40
sil2100robru: since my eyes work pretty good on things that are a bit 'wider', in like one line15:40
brendandthostr_, 'powerd-cli test' fails one test with silo 1315:41
brendandcharles, ^15:41
robrusil2100: not sure how that can be -- it's clearly easier to scan down a straight line than to read things from a cloud-jumble that spans vertically and horizontally15:42
Ursinhasil2100: it's hardcoded in my brain that the only width that makes sense is less than 80 chars :P (which might be a bit outdated, I know, but this is how a pythonist learns to read code)15:42
robrusil2100: also like, the absurdly long lines found in citrain would wrap on my screen and break the flow of the python indentation. you need to be able to see the indentation clearly to understand the structure of the code. are you reading the code in a maximized widescreen window? because I split my widescreen in two columns (still over 100 chars wide!) but15:43
robrucitrain code wrapped so badly. there were lines that wrapped *TWICE* on my screen, totally illegible15:43
Ursinhasil2100: and now for something slightly different: how do you handle external contributions to cu2d? do people need to come to you and request review, how does that work?15:43
robruUrsinha: I don't think we've had an external contribution since april ;-)15:43
sil2100Indeed ;)15:43
Ursinhalet's say I want to contribute, what I have to do?15:44
sil2100robru: well, I think citrain suffered from the editor syndrome!15:44
plarsogra_: sil2100: how soon could we expect to see a rebuild with the updated unity8 bits?15:44
Ursinha*do I15:44
robrusil2100: btw I'm going to try to resurrect this one at some point: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/cupstream2distro/cleanup-on-kill/+merge/21372815:44
sil2100robru: since on my sublime editor the code was perfectly readable15:44
robrusil2100: send me a screenshot :-P15:44
sil2100robru: one moment ;)15:44
UrsinhaI use vim :) even on the best editor ever you still have the screen size limitation, that's why I don't understand15:45
Ursinhamany parts of the code seriously exceed my widescreen monitor on its highest resolution :)15:45
robruUrsinha: he must have a 30" screen so he can display the full length of the lines without wrapping ;-)15:45
robruor maybe a 30' screen...15:45
sil2100I used vim previously, but then noticed the wonders of sublime and use it for code mostly ;)15:46
plarsrobru: add a pep8/pyflakes test for anything landing in citrain :)15:46
sil2100Damn, I'm surrounded by pythonists!15:46
sil2100Get away! Shoo! SHOO!15:46
Ursinhasil2100: man, that's ubuntu land, we're mostly pythonists :P15:47
plarssil2100: seriously, I used to think pep8 was a waste of time many years ago until I worked with james_w and salgado on a project and they insisted it was a good idea to enforce it from day 1. I'm a convert now15:47
* sil2100 is a C person15:48
* sil2100 is soo oldschool15:48
Ursinhasil2100: I also code in C, but when I code in python I do that like a pythonist15:48
UrsinhaI wouldn't dare to write C code like pythin15:48
robruplars: that's what this flamewar is about! I just implemented a hard requirement on pep8 yesterday and I'm doing pyflakes today15:48
plarsrobru: awesome!15:48
robruplars: thanks, yeah I agree the code was a disaster, totally unreadable15:49
brendandsil2100, feel lucky that robru doesn't apply hyper-pep815:49
plarsI haven't really looked at the citrain code, but if I get some spare cycles, I'd be happy to help bring it into compliance if some of that is still needed15:49
brendandsil2100, where people start bringing you up on pep8 'violations' that the tool doesn't even check15:49
brendandsil2100, and sometimes even decide to interpret pep8 in their own special way15:50
sil2100Yeah, I might have to read up on all of this, please remember that my Python experience is limited15:50
Ursinhaplars: robru will certainly love you :)15:50
sil2100Before I only used it for advanced scripting purposes and autopilot15:50
charlesbrendand, looking at it15:51
sil2100robru: http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/subl.png15:51
Ursinhasil2100: that's okay, I wasn't born knowing perfect python (I still don't have perfect python), but thing is always try to improve your techniques :) I know change is hard, but some are for the greater good :P15:52
robruUrsinha: ^ he has wrap turned off...15:53
Ursinhasil2100: ah, having a line broke with "\" usually means something is clearly wrong that even one with high tolerance to long strings is bothered15:53
Ursinharobru: to me that would be even worse15:53
Ursinhaimagine having to roll the screen horizontally?15:54
sil2100hah, I have wrapping enabled sometimes15:55
robrusil2100: Ursinha http://i.imgur.com/Jm1pU4l.png before and after.15:55
sil2100Damn imgur doesn't work for me today15:55
sil2100Ok, but anyway, I go back to code15:55
Ursinhaleft image makes me feel good15:57
robrusil2100: ok anyway, I have an idea that can help strike a balance here. if we move the definition of the super-long strings to the top of the file, they'll be less indented and thus require less wrapping. and then in the code we can just reference them as global variables, which will fit easily on one line. That way we get a nice win/win of less wrapping,15:57
robrubut still shorter lines, and better readability.15:57
Ursinharobru: yes, e.g. moving predefined messages there and use the variables15:57
sil2100robru: well, I don't mind it being as it is now, since I guess that's the standard - just saying that it's not good for my eyes ;)15:58
Ursinhasil2100: you'll get used to that, I promise :)15:58
sil2100robru: it might be because I sometimes work with code in 'blocks', and I got used to the blocks as they were, while now it's different - will have to get used to that15:58
sil2100I liked to it as the author meant it15:59
robrusil2100: yes, I work with the code in "blocks", and the blocks were impossible to read because all the wrapped lines made it impossible to scan the indentation and see the structure of the file ;-)16:00
sil2100hah, yeah, I got used to it and was able to work with it :) Maybe my brain was somehow compatible with that16:00
Ursinhasil2100: I don't know how sublime works but it might have a pep-8 plugin that can help you there16:01
Ursinhasil2100: I have that enabled on my vim and I can check it easily16:01
sil2100plars: pong!16:02
plarssil2100: oh, brt16:02
sergiusensthere shouldn't be hot fixes in the train code as there aren't hot fixes in the actual product16:16
ogra_sergiusens, but it makes the whole thing so much more exciting !16:21
sergiusenssil2100: autopilot went to pep8 conversion after we started clickifying too ;-)16:23
sergiusens80 line limit makes 3 way merges faster to read as well16:24
sergiusensjust use the coding standard of the language16:24
plarsfginther: how much chaos would it create for you if ogra_ lands the adb changes today?16:27
plarspsivaa: ^ fyi - I'll handle the remaining 2 changes or so that we need for ubuntu-device-flash to pass it the --password option and use the new password in the sudoers setup script16:27
psivaaplars: ack, thanks. let me know if i need to review anymore of those.16:29
fgintherplars, today is as good as any16:29
sil2100sergiusens: hah, nice, it seems I missed out all the pep8-bits in python projects ;)16:29
plarsfginther: I'll cc you when I have a branch so you can make sure to pick up those too, will probably be just a couple of lines16:30
fgintherplars, thanks16:30
sil2100sergiusens: since I was playing with autopilot while it was still as it was before16:30
Saviqtrainguards: can you please restart this build https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-019/+build/632164216:33
sil2100Saviq: sure16:33
sil2100Saviq: done16:34
davmor2Saviq, sil2100: finally silo 007 is ready to rock16:34
sil2100davmor2: \o/16:34
Saviqdavmor2, good stuff16:34
sil2100robru: I'll publish that ^16:34
Saviqkgunn, ↑16:34
elopioplars: could you check why not all the browser tests are running?16:34
robrusil2100: ok16:34
elopioand balloons: could you release a new reminders version to the store so it doesn't get stuck anymore.16:34
plarselopio: none of the autopilot tests are running due to the screen unlock problem16:34
sil2100robru, Saviq, davmor2: published16:35
balloonselopio, plars reminders was released yesterday right after it merged16:36
balloonsmusic app and terminal also got updates16:36
plarsballoons: awesome!16:37
elopioballoons: thanks.16:52
didrocksUrsinha: robru: sil2100: anyway, my only point is that as you don't really know the code, you should do peer reviews. if you change the logic and not only the wrappig like here, you should double check. (on another note: don't disable tests if you make a change that don't make them passing). That's more best practice than pep8 IMHO16:52
elopioplars: I didn't know there was a screen lock problem. So I'll check again after that is solved.16:52
robrudidrocks: yes my intention is to review the disabled tests and fix them correctly. it's just that I wanted to gate MPs on the unit tests ASAP and you can't do that if you have a bunch of failing ones.16:56
didrocksyeah, would have been better to not break them first but oh well :)16:57
didrocksrobru: but still, I'm serious, peer reviews, the code of fix that I had to do shouldn't happen if the change is being seriously reviewed16:57
robrudidrocks: yeah I agree, would have loved to not break it in the first place, but here we are... :-/16:58
robrudidrocks: also peer reviews are nice, but will cripple our team. sil and I are in such different time zones, every small change would take 2 days to ping back and forth with reviews.16:58
robrudidrocks: so at least we can settle for auto-reviews from jenkins16:58
didrocksbut Ursinha canhelp, right?16:58
robrudidrocks: Ursinha is afraid to look at the code... well maybe now that we have pep8 she can help more ;-)16:59
robrudidrocks: also Ursinha is in my timezone, so we have nobody to review for sil16:59
didrocks"afraid"… ok16:59
didrocksI did propose to help in peer reviews multiple times16:59
robrudidrocks: seriously the code was unreadable before pep8, and Ursinha agrees. it's the main reason I haven't contributed much yet, because i literally could not read it as it was.17:00
didrocksrobru: rather than waited then, pep8 fixes could have come way better17:01
didrocksIt's funny to see the ranting when the origin of the discussion is a stupid simple logic error which has nothing to do with pep8 when the refactoring was done here17:01
UrsinhaI'm not afraid to look at that code, I just fear I'd break something because that's really hard to read and not all tests pass17:02
robrudidrocks: right, I made a small logic error at the same time I was doing pep8, sorry for that.17:02
didrocksUrsinha: all tests did pass when I left, for the record17:02
Ursinhadidrocks: I caught at least twice tests not passing on trunkl17:02
didrocksUrsinha: on which revs?17:02
UrsinhaI'm not pointing fingers, that wouldn't help us here, I'm only saying I didn't want to break anything as that was production17:03
robrudidrocks: dunno, you had some special mojo for running the tests or something. I never saw tests passing at any point.17:03
cjwatsonI entirely agree on peer reviews, although I will say that large refactoring commits often receive only very cursory review, out of necessity - one reason for the religion of trying to split up commits into logical pieces as much as possible17:03
didrocksrobru: you never told me that tests never passed for you, not sure how you did tests your changes in the past then17:03
didrocksrobru: but you should have asked me, and this offer still stands17:03
Ursinhadidrocks: a while ago, I pointed the problems to sil2100 and he worked on fixing one of them.. my point is that if we had tarmac or something to gate that these would have been caught earlier, and that's fine, we're improving this all as we move, right?17:04
robrudidrocks: that's the point. I never tested changes ever. neither did sil. we've been live-editing production since you stepped down.17:04
didrocksUrsinha: agreed on having a bot to perform the merges17:04
didrocksrobru: hoping you will go to better practice now then17:04
cjwatsonI think I commented on the tests being broken when I last had occasion to change citrain; I made sure that the tests passed in the region I was working on and that I didn't regress anything, but I wasn't in a position at the time to go and drain the swamp too17:04
Ursinhadidrocks: again, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm explaining one of the reasons why I have avoided touching the code17:05
cjwatson(and I did add a test for the thing I was doing)17:05
UrsinhaI was in a very similar position as cjwatson17:05
robrudidrocks: yes, I worked long hours yesterday to implement autolanding for lp:cupstream2distro, gated on tests passing, and with code style quality checks so that the code can actually be enforced to be readable ;-)17:05
UrsinhaI fixed the test in the area I was working on but it would take me more than that to fix it all17:05
robrucjwatson: yes I remember vividly you wrote some tests but complained of dozens of test failures. I was afraid to even look.17:06
cjwatsonI didn't have a problem running the tests, though, and the errors I could see didn't look like test runner issues, they were just buggy tests or similar ...17:06
didrockscjwatson: integration tests that needs a special setup, right?17:06
cjwatsonbut it was a while back17:06
robrucjwatson: thanks a bunch for the tests you did write17:06
cjwatsondidrocks: well, I didn't do a full search, there may have been some of those, but some things were just busted with no good reason17:06
didrocksRan 198 tests in 17.027s17:07
didrocksrev 590 (the last one I touched)17:07
cjwatsonthat was in July though17:07
didrocksthen, integration tests needs a pbuilder17:07
bfillerrobru: yesterday pretty sure ubuntu-keyboard got published to both ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm but only seeing it on ubuntu 0.99.trunk.phablet2+14.10.20140902.1-0ubuntu117:07
bfillerrobru: can you check on it's rtm status?17:07
Ursinhadidrocks: you've been away for a while and I'm sure people did what they could to learn the codebase and keep up17:07
didrockscjwatson: yeah, but as the discussion were "we didn't touch the tests because they never passed", I wanted to answer to that17:07
didrocksRan 81 tests in 10.077s on integration tests17:08
cjwatsonbfiller: speaking of which, your query about the initial RTM sync was escalated to me, but it doesn't look like you responded to https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg09627.html17:08
robrubfiller: indeed rtm is behind, not sure why, hang on17:08
didrockshowever, you need to have this pbuilder setup locally17:08
Ursinhadidrocks: I never knew how to setup the env to run the integration tests17:09
bfillercjwatson: yeah it got resolved as we released another version of the package that got synced to both17:09
didrocksUrsinha: you never asked AFAIK :)17:09
didrocksbut I can help you tomorrow if you need17:09
Ursinhadidrocks: I did, a long ago :)17:09
robrudidrocks: are there instructions on how to set up the pbuilder anywhere? can you perhaps write a script that automates the creation of that pbuilder environment so people other than you can run those scripts?17:09
bfillercjwatson: sorry didn't response17:09
didrocksrobru: I'm happy to guide you to do it17:09
Ursinhadidrocks: again, I'm not complaining, just saying I couldn't find docs or anything to learn how to do that17:09
cjwatsonbfiller: ok, so it was just that package and not others?17:09
Ursinhadidrocks: and that would help people to be able to fix tests if they could run them17:10
bfillercjwatson: that package was the only one that I knew about17:10
didrocksUrsinha: they could ask as well, not like IRC was a wall :)17:10
didrocksand then, that help building the doc which wasn't there17:10
Ursinhadidrocks: man, do you understand my point?17:10
robrucjwatson: oh, are you syncing it? or should I set up a silo to sync it?17:10
UrsinhaI'm saying that is one of the reasons, and that's about it17:10
Ursinhathat only means we should fix that17:10
cjwatsonrobru: no, just following up on an older thread17:10
robrubfiller: what are the source package names that are missing? just ubuntu-keyboard?17:11
didrocksUrsinha: I do, do you understand that telling "I didn't do anything because there was no doc and I was afraid to look at and never asked for this" is kind of a weak argument as well?17:11
didrocksUrsinha: hence the "if you need help, I can help you guiding"17:11
didrocksand what I always told since I left here17:11
bfillerrobru: actually ubuntu-keyboard-* there are like 20 of them. I can get the exact names if you'd like17:11
Ursinhadidrocks: I asked for this, but as the other people here we have plenty of things to do, so I'm kindly suggesting "let's write docs"17:11
robrudidrocks: ok, please when you get some time (tomorrow) I'll appreciate an email with step by step instructions of what commands to run to create the pbuilder necessary to run the integration tests.17:11
didrocksrobru: sure, if you remind me in any way, I'll do it17:12
robrubfiller: no no those are the binary package names. they all come from ubuntu-keyboard I think.17:12
cjwatsonhmm, it'd be useful if I set up some way to get rmadison output for rtm, wouldn't it?17:12
bfillerrobru: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8242325/17:12
robrudidrocks: well you should write a note for yourself, I won't wake up until your shift is over and you'll be out of time again...17:12
cjwatsonbfiller: we always want source package names for this kind of stuff really17:13
didrocksrobru: I have a note for now, but ping me in case you don't receive anything17:13
robrudidrocks: ok thanks17:13
bfillercjwatson, robru: yup, ubuntu-keyboard is the source pkg17:13
robrusil2100: what's the syntax for syncing from utopic rather than a silo? 'sync:utopic,something-something source_package_name'?17:14
cjwatsonok, rmadison shows ubuntu-rtm/14.09 now17:14
robrucjwatson: thanks17:14
sil2100robru: it's 'sync:distro,series package package'17:14
sil2100robru: so sync:ubuntu,utopic foo bar17:15
Ursinhadidrocks: you can check your pvt logs, we discussed integration tests on 2014-05-02 as I couldn't find instructions on how to do that... so don't say I never asked, please :)17:15
robrusil2100: thanks17:16
robrubfiller: ok, new ubuntu-keyboard building in rtm 16: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-016-1-build/2/console17:16
didrocksUrsinha: right, and I answered you17:16
didrocksfinishing up with "do not hesitate if you have any question!" after you saying you are looking to it :)17:16
didrocksso, I assumed you set it up :)17:16
bfillerrobru: thanks17:17
robrubfiller: you're welcome!17:17
Ursinhadidrocks: you had no obligation of checking back if I got there or not, I'm only saying I did ask due to lack of docs, that was my point the entire time :)17:17
Ursinhaso let's write docs now and we'll all be happy and fine17:17
didrocksUrsinha: agreed17:18
didrocksrobru: actually, I gave the command to create the setup environment17:19
didrocksrobru: # Just use it to create the cowbuilder with: sudo HOME=. DIST=<wanted_dist> cowbuilder --create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd17:19
didrocksand that should be enough (with pwd=chroot-tools)17:19
didrocksrobru: let me just find which dist I used for those tests (that will maybe need to be adapated, to be more generic will be better)17:20
robrudidrocks: I guess raring, I saw that a lot in the tests17:20
didrocksrobru: yeah, I would say so, let me confirm, one sec17:20
* robru needs some breakfast17:21
didrocksrobru: right raring, I have in ubuntu-developer-tools-center a better way for having a "fake" distro, you can maybe get some inspiration from there17:21
didrocksrobru: enjoy your breakfast!17:21
rsalvetiare we using the train to land train changes?17:26
rsalvetithat would be fun17:26
rsalvetifun for me to watch, of course :-)17:27
robrursalveti: thankfully it's not self aware17:27
robrursalveti: but we are at least now gating MPs against citrain so that they don't regress citrain's own tests.17:27
rsalvetirobru: right17:27
rsalvetiyeah, the pep8 discussion was a bit surprising, we got a bug, sure, but just fix it, no big deal17:28
sil2100It wasn't a discussion, no worries, since no one was discussing if the pep8 switch is necessary or not17:28
sil2100It was more like about communication (that we will now communicate better) and about taste ;)17:29
ogra_rsalveti, trainspotting ?17:29
rsalvetiogra_: :-)17:29
* ogra_ thinks we need to re-define the line length for pep8 anyway so code fits in the terminal app 17:30
Ursinhaogra_: I think that was under discussion a while ago17:31
sil2100As pep8 is the right way to go from what I see and I can understand that, as I was a great zealot of writing C code complying to ANSI C in my old days ;)17:31
ogra_turning it to 20chars ?17:31
sil2100ogra_: ;p17:31
sil2100ogra_: what terminal size are you using man ;p17:31
ogra_sil2100, whatever fits on my phone screen :P17:31
rsalveti80 columns is fine unless you're doing c++17:33
rsalvetifor c++ you need like 28017:33
rsalvetior more17:33
Ursinhasil2100: thanks for understanding :)17:35
* Ursinha hugs sil210017:35
* sil2100 just needs to adjust his eyes to a new coding style17:36
* sil2100 hugs Ursinha 17:36
robrusil2100: the other benefit of 80 char lines is that you can have two windows side by side on the same screen... or one editor window and one terminal window... or two terminal windows. both unity and gnome-shell have great half-maximization features for getting windows perfectly side-by-side tiled ;-)17:36
ogra_robru, get a modern laptop/monitor :P17:36
* ogra_ can fit 4 terms with 80 chars in a row on his lappie17:37
robruogra_: 27", two terminals side by side are about 110 characters wide each. citrain code had lines so long they wrapped twice. that's like 300 char lines in python.17:37
ogra_(well 3.8 )17:37
ogra_ok, thats quite long17:37
robruogra_: I guess you didn't see this earlier ;-) http://i.imgur.com/Jm1pU4l.png17:38
ogra_wow 117:39
Saviqtrainguards, https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-019-1-build/23/console says SUCCESS, but spreadsheet says some packages failed ¿?17:42
Saviqrobru, oh, all the wasted space on your right terminal ;P17:42
robruSaviq: not wasted, it's called a margin, help readability. there's a reason books don't print words right to the very edge of the page :-P17:43
Saviqrobru, but not half of the page ;)17:43
Saviqrobru, don't get me wrong, I'm all for wrapping, but 80 columns is just so 199017:44
Saviqeven with two terminals as you have them, 100, even 120 would be good enough17:44
robruSaviq: I admit 100 could be ok, but I just wanted to follow a standard17:44
Saviqgrr ^W17:44
robruSaviq: I admit 100 could be ok, but I just wanted to follow a standard17:45
Saviqrobru, yeah yeah, I know17:45
kgunndavmor2: you around17:45
Saviq80 is just too limiting IMO, leads to very artificial wrapping17:45
UrsinhaSaviq: you are a C++ programmer, I presume? :P17:46
popeyfginther: any idea what's going on here? https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/reminders-app/bottomEdge/+merge/231118 - see last comment17:46
* kgunn wants to put Saviq and duflu in cage match fight over 80 col use17:46
UrsinhaSaviq: hmm, where do you see packages failed in the spreadsheet? it's line 45, right?17:47
fgintherpopey, looking17:47
SaviqUrsinha, hmm it must've updated now17:48
SaviqUrsinha, it was weird 'cause it said "Packages built\nSome packages failed to build" in the dashboard, but yeah, good now, sorry for the noise17:48
UrsinhaSaviq: no problem, that's a weird error if all packages built, thanks for letting us know anyway17:49
SaviqUrsinha, I tend to think of myself as a pragmatic programmer :P17:49
UrsinhaI agree 80 might be outdated, but as robru I like standards :P17:50
Ursinhabetter than no standards :)17:50
SaviqUrsinha, and having to wrap like what you see at the end of https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/dash-geometry/+merge/233354 is IMO not pragmatic17:51
Saviqnor does it help readability17:51
UrsinhaSaviq: I'd wrap that differently :)17:52
Ursinhait's indeed confusing17:52
SaviqUrsinha, wrapping after = \ is not that much better either17:52
Saviqand sure, I could use shorter names, but that doesn't help readability either17:52
UrsinhaSaviq: I'd start the line with a ( and put the rest in the next line, identing format parameters below that17:53
SaviqUrsinha, standards, you said? :D17:53
Ursinhathere are no definitive rules on how to do that, I just try to make it more readable, not only break the line when it reaches 80 for the sake of it17:53
Ursinhayeah, but it varies from project to project :)17:54
Ursinhathere are the main standards and the project ones, Launchpad has a very nice styling guide for example17:54
Saviqaaanyway... on another topic...17:55
Saviqwe seem to have an issue with changelogs in synced packages... we skipped one release into rtm (because they were close to one another)17:56
Saviqand now the changelog is kinda weird because it doesn't include the previous release...17:57
Saviqwonder if the changelog rewrite should rewrite the changelog to include all the changed bits since last ubuntu-rtm release...17:57
Saviqchangelog rewrite rewrite the changelog, yeah, that's not confusing at all17:57
ogra_that sentence could need another "rewrite" sprinkled in17:58
ogra_or two .. or three17:58
robruSaviq: oh yeah, when you see two different statuses like that in the dashboard, the smaller one underneath is just a stale one from the spreadsheet, which is slower to update. the larger, top one is considered canonical.18:00
robruconsidered authoritative18:01
Saviqrobru, ktx18:01
robruSaviq: you're welcome18:01
davmor2kgunn: I am now]18:02
rsalvetisil2100: why did we land ubuntu-ui-toolkit without the -gles version?18:03
sil2100rsalveti: we landed the -gles as well, at least it was published along with UITK18:06
rsalvetisil2100: hm, not in ubuntu18:07
sil2100rsalveti: maybe it got somehow lost? Let me check18:07
sil2100ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles (1.1.1227+14.10.20140904-0ubuntu1) is in no known space (and time)18:07
sil2100rsalveti: so, I see the rsync file had the -gles, so it either had to be rejected from the archive or something happened on snakefruit18:08
sil2100Too bad we don't get e-mails if things get rejected18:09
sil2100slangasek: hey! Do you remember if snakefruit had any logs of all the copy2distro runs it was doing?18:13
slangaseksil2100: this wouldn't be something I would have known, but I could look18:16
sil2100slangasek: I remember something like that, maybe it was didrocks that mentioned it one time in the past, hmm18:16
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er
slangaseksil2100: well, the most recent log is always written to public_html, but http://snakefruit.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cicopy.log is a 40318:20
slangaseksil2100: and I'm not finding any other logs here18:21
sil2100slangasek: thanks18:22
davmor2mterry: in the welcome wizard there seems to be a really noticeable delay in the in the number pad rising for the pin is this something you've seen?18:22
sil2100I wonder what could be the problem, let me dig in further18:22
sil2100slangasek: hm, could I ask you to put one file in snakefruit in a moment? I guess it might have been rejected because the -gles packages have some hacks in them, and in that case we were doing source copies18:23
sil2100slangasek: could you put this http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/packagelist_rsync_landing-012-utopic into the incoming/ directory? Don't remember where exactly it was on snakefruit, but I would guess somewhere in cu2d or something18:29
sil2100slangasek: I once asked you for some rsync file uploads there so you'll probably know where that is ;)18:29
slangaseksil2100: done18:30
sil2100slangasek: thanks!18:31
sil2100rsalveti: ok, let's see if it publishes it now18:31
sil2100rsalveti: what I suspect happened is that it got somehow rejected as because of a small bug we published the source packages instead of the built binaries18:31
mterrydavmor2, I bet that's because we restart maliit between those pages, so that it knows in which language to display the OSK18:32
sil2100rsalveti: and as we know the -gles counterparts have some neat things inside to make the -gles sync easier18:32
mterrydavmor2, probably something we could do to make that nicer18:32
sil2100rsalveti: I can't tell for sure if that was it, but if it gets published now we'll know that something similar could have happened18:32
sil2100(no logs of what happened)18:32
sil2100rsalveti: ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles (1.1.1227+14.10.20140904-0ubuntu1) is in the proposed pocket <- \o/18:45
rsalvetisil2100: awesome, thanks!18:47
sil2100rsalveti: yw! Thanks for noticing, didn't expect it to get rejected18:49
rsalvetisil2100: np19:01
cjwatsonSaviq: The changelogs on Launchpad's distrosourcepackage pages have long been broken in that kind of way.  I wouldn't advise putting any effort into working around it.  If you look at the debian/changelog in the package, it appears to have the "skipped" release19:01
cjwatsonslangasek: the URL is http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cicopy.log not snakefruit.c.c, but it only has the most recent attempt; I don't know of a historical log OTTOMH19:02
sil2100Saviq: I might try making this better btw. as I can generate the package with a -v, but it might be a bit tricky due to some specific things we're doing for rtm19:03
sil2100Saviq: but I'll keep that in mind19:03
cjwatsonoh, it's true that -v might help19:04
cjwatsonit's still an LP bug IMO, it could perfectly well work this out19:05
cjwatson(he says handwaving furiously; no doubt there are performance implications and I don't immediately know whether it would be the sort of thing that could only be fixed for future uploads)19:06
pmcgowankenvandine, silo 17 can publish19:06
slangasekcjwatson: ack19:07
Saviqsil2100, cjwatson, got it, thanks19:09
robrupmcgowan: sorry I'm a little behind on the publishings, I'll get to that.19:12
robrupmcgowan: eh, that branch has a Needs Fixing from seb and no further commits to fix seb's concerns.19:14
kenvandinepmcgowan, the MP still isn't approved19:15
kenvandinepmcgowan, a few hours ago seb128 gave it another needs fixing...19:17
kenvandinenot sure if the issue he found was addressed19:17
kenvandinepmcgowan, it was the same complaint seb had last week19:18
robrusergiusens: you got utopic119:20
robruyw ;-)19:21
robrubfiller: camera-app building in rtm8 https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-rtm-landing-008-1-build/11/console19:24
bfillerrobru: cheers19:24
robrubfiller: you're welcome!19:25
kenvandinepmcgowan, also... it looks like that silo needs to be rebuilt anyway19:26
kenvandinepmcgowan, the previous landing was merged into trunk an hour ago19:27
robrukenvandine: ugh, can you pocket copy silo rtm16 into 14.09-proposed? citrain is too stupid to publish it: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu-rtm/landing-01619:27
kenvandinebut the ppa was rebuilt 4 hours ago19:27
kenvandinerobru, are you sure it needs a copy?19:28
kenvandineand if so... how do i do that?19:28
kenvandinecopy-package or something?19:28
robrukenvandine: yeah, same way you'd ever upload anything to -proposed ;-)19:28
kenvandineoh... a dput?19:28
robrukenvandine: I'm sure I could spend my entire shift debugging why citrain refuses to publish it since it's clearly built in the PPA.19:28
kenvandinei thought there was a fancy tool for it :)19:28
robrukenvandine: I guess copy-package. i'm not a core dev, you should know this stuff ;-)19:29
kenvandinei've never done copies :)19:29
robrukenvandine: yeah, it's just like... configged a silo for that one project, built that project, PPA clearly has that project built, bfiller tested it. go to publish "can't publish this! It didn't build!" yes citrain, I TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU.19:29
kenvandinea dput should work though19:29
robrukenvandine: dput would work but you'd have to dget the package first. copy-package should be able to do it in one step19:30
cjwatsondput would also require a rebuild.19:31
cjwatsoncopy-package --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu-rtm/landing-016 --suite=utopic --to=ubuntu-rtm --to-suite=14.09-proposed -b <list of source packages>19:32
cjwatsonmake sure your lp:ubuntu-archive-tools checkout is reasonably up to date19:32
kenvandinecjwatson, can i do copy-package as core dev? or is that archive admin?19:33
cjwatsonanyone who can upload something can also specify it as a copy target19:33
cjwatson(hence, self-service syncs from Debian - it's the same system)19:34
kenvandineyeah, i do those19:34
cjwatsonin that case there's a special syncpackage tool for it, but it winds up as the same API calls.  copy-package does less handholding but is more powerful19:35
kenvandinerobru, done!19:35
cjwatsonincluding the -b option which you need here to avoid rebuilding19:35
kenvandinecjwatson, thanks19:35
cjwatsonhuh, I said --suite=utopic which was wrong, should have been --suite=14.09.  did that somehow magically work or did you correct my typo?19:37
kenvandinei did it right :)19:37
kenvandinei saw what you did there19:37
cjwatsonoh good, reality is aligned with expectations19:37
cjwatsonalways nice when that happens19:37
robrukenvandine: cjwatson: thanks19:40
sil2100Ok, I think it's time to EOD already, see you tomorrow o/19:46
ToyKeeperDo we have a bug for the dash occasionally getting stuck in a permanent "still starting" loop?19:58
tedgrobru, Can I get a silo for line 48 please?20:15
robrutedg: ok you got 220:20
robruno wait20:20
robrutedg: conflicts with silo 820:20
tedgOh, uhg.20:21
tedgcharles, ^20:21
tedgI guess I'll mark that one as not ready until rsalveti's silo lands then.20:22
robrutedg: poke rsalveti to test that ;-)20:22
robrutedg: also one URL is a branch not an MP, please fix that.20:23
tedgrobru, Oops, fixed.20:24
kenvandinepmcgowan, i kicked a rebuild of silo 17, since we know it's outdated anyway20:26
pmcgowankenvandine, why?20:26
kenvandineit hasn't been rebuild since the last settings landing20:26
kenvandineso it doesn't included everything that's in trunk20:26
pmcgowanbut we still need an mr fix right?20:26
kenvandineor at least some understanding of the problem20:27
kenvandinepmcgowan, did you test it?20:27
pmcgowankenvandine, no20:27
kenvandineseb was seeing blank rows and such20:27
pmcgowandbarth, chatting about your mr, didnt work for seb20:27
pmcgowanoh I did test it a while ago and saw similar, figured it was early days20:28
kenvandinedbarth, it was the same problem seb commented about on friday20:28
dbarthpmcgowan: i saw20:32
dbarthbut i wonder if he tested the right packages20:32
dbarthi re-tested with the packages from silo 17, and the 2 broken entries i had are now properly filtered20:33
pmcgowanI can try it again once it builds20:33
dbarthpmcgowan: the packages in the ppa should already work20:33
kenvandinedbarth, ok, it didn't look like the commits since his comment fixed that20:33
dbarththe build was finished around 6pm CET this afternoon20:34
kenvandineyeah, just out dated20:34
dbarthi imagine20:34
kenvandinedbarth, it finished 3 hours past the last merge to trunk20:34
dbarththeer was no merge, was it?20:35
pmcgowandbarth, kenvandine his comment is before jenkins made new packages20:35
* pmcgowan gets the debs20:36
dbarthi can confirm with him tomoow, but if we want to clear this silo, it's quick to check20:36
kenvandinedbarth, we still need the rebuild, to get in sync with trunk20:37
pmcgowanoh so I should wait for the silo20:39
kenvandinedbarth, sorry, we kept on trucking with landings since your branch wasn't approved yet20:41
dbarthkenvandine: ok, if it rebuilds, we can test soon anyway20:51
kenvandinedbarth, ok... i need to get a quick landing in front of you again... sorry20:52
kenvandinedep issue for rtm landings20:52
dbarthkenvandine: it's a consipracy or what? ;)20:54
kenvandinedbarth, haha... sorry :)20:55
loolah hey folks20:55
loolsorry I should have discussed this here20:55
loolkenvandine: do we need permission to go with this?20:57
loolkenvandine: dbarth said it's ok to land this first20:57
loolkenvandine: if you dont mind, would you land it?20:57
kenvandinelool, so to quickly handle this dep, i'll change the dep to add the ~20:57
kenvandinelool, will do20:57
looljust suffix the current one with a ~, that should work20:57
looland it's good practice all the time BTW, including in bdeps etc.20:58
loolkenvandine: thanks!20:58
kenvandinelool, can you give me an approval on the MP?20:59
kenvandinelool, indeed20:59
loolkenvandine: sure thing20:59
kenvandineTweak the depends for accountsservice-ubuntu-schemas to handle a "~" version20:59
kenvandinecopy/paste bug :)21:00
kenvandinelool, i'll jockey this through quickly21:00
loolkenvandine: approved21:00
kenvandinelool, silo 1121:02
kenvandinewow... right as 11 freed up :)21:03
kenvandinedbarth, after this lands and merges, i'll make sure your silo gets a rebuild21:04
kenvandineso it's ready for testing when you get up tomorrow :)21:04
ToyKeeperrobru: It seems I no longer have write access to the spreadsheet.  Could you add access for me, or mark row 39 as QA approved?21:08
robruToyKeeper: one sec21:09
robruToyKeeper: hm, it says it was shared with you already, are you perhaps not logged in?21:10
ToyKeeperYes, it's possible.  I was out for long enough I've had a bunch of sessions expire.21:10
robruToyKeeper: anyway i marked it as approved for you, if you still can't access after signing in, file that with RT or something, because that's just weird.21:10
ToyKeeperrobru: Thanks.  :)21:11
robruToyKeeper: you're welcome21:11
dbarthkenvandine: cool21:12
popeyfginther: any progress?21:12
dbarthkenvandine: thanks21:12
kenvandinedbarth, np... sorry for needing to jump in front :)21:12
kenvandinedbarth, you have a good night21:12
robruogra_: you gonna need RTM for that as well?21:12
ToyKeeperHuh, weird.  SSO just responded in both english and in a language I don't recognize.21:12
ogra_robru, yep21:12
robruogra_: ok you got utopic1421:13
ogra_thanks !21:13
fgintherpopey, looks healthy again21:13
fgintherpopey, go for ti21:13
robruogra_: you're welcome21:15
robrualright I gotta run some errands, back in an hour or so, cyphermox can cover landings if anybody needs anything urgently ;-)21:15
popeyfginther: kk21:18
balloonsfginther, it seems the prints don't appear for the failures for python3; https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1359167/+merge/233387/comments/56966521:26
popeyfginther: failed
popeydoes that need a merge from trunk?21:27
rsalvetitedg: robru: charles: should be done with my silo in a few21:36
rsalvetirobru: will trigger another image, ok?21:37
rsalvetiubuntu touch21:37
tedgrsalveti, Did you see my comments on the MR?21:38
cyphermox_rsalveti: robru is out for a bit21:38
rsalvetitedg: not yet21:38
cyphermox_rsalveti: feel free to trigger a new image, I don't think there'd be any blockers21:38
rsalvetitedg: I'm not checking for audio-sink because at that point there's no way to not have an audio-sink21:39
rsalvetitedg: but can add a check if you prefer21:39
fgintherpopey, yes, that just needs a merge to trunk and someone to resolve the conflict in that MP21:40
rsalvetitedg: and the manual test needs to be part of pulseaudio, not the indicator21:40
tedgrsalveti, I think because you're dereferencing it (thus would crash) in the next line, it's important.21:40
rsalvetialready covering that21:40
rsalvetitedg: sure, it's just that if that fails, you have way bigger problems :-)21:41
rsalvetibut no worries, will update21:41
fgintherballoons, I fixed the missing test results and reran that MP21:41
* fginther swears at jenkins21:41
sergiusensfginther: do we have a jenkins replacement already?21:45
balloonsfginther, anyways on the py3 thing, it looks like we'll just need to coordinate mp's with you switching the jobs over.. the debian packaging and cmake just need to be told to go to python3. That's why the massive failures. At least I get it now21:52
fgintherballoons, ack21:57
fgintherballoons, is elopio's MP ready to land soon?21:58
pmcgowankenvandine, I tested the debs from the silo, not sure if its working correctly or not21:59
rsalvetitedg: mind checking the mr again?22:00
pmcgowanI dont get blank lines, but I granted webbrowser access and it doesn show in the list22:00
rsalvetitedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/indicator-datetime/adding-media-role/+merge/23329922:00
pmcgowankenvandine, but camera does22:00
* tedg clicks22:00
balloonsfginther, we have to land my https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-1359167/+merge/233387 first, which has the py3 conversion in it22:01
tedgrsalveti, Cool, thanks, looks good.22:02
rsalvetitedg: thanks22:02
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 222 building (started: 20140904 22:10) ===22:10
cyphermox_rsalveti: you wanna help with mtp so I'm not the only one to have tested the fixes?22:15
cyphermox_(it's silo 10)22:15
cyphermox_sergiusens: how did your testing go for mtp?22:15
sergiusenscyphermox_: approved the mp, didn't you see?22:15
cyphermox_I did22:16
cyphermox_but you didn't test the silo22:16
sergiusenscyphermox_: oh, you didn't ask me to ;-)22:16
sergiusenscyphermox_: I can though, utopic or rtm?22:16
cyphermox_utopic silo 1022:17
cyphermox_sergiusens: it's jsut a formality since you already built it and everything22:17
rsalvetiit seems sergiusens will test it :-)22:17
sergiusenscyphermox_: I didn't actually ;-)22:17
sergiusenscyphermox_: I grabbed the jenkins build22:17
cyphermox_as long as I'm not the only one to test my own code...22:17
sergiusensrsalveti: well you can help with krillin and utopic22:18
sergiusensI've just flashed that again22:18
rsalvetiwhat is the fix?22:18
sergiusensrsalveti: copy to sdcard22:18
sergiusensrsalveti: and switch lang to french, music will be translated22:19
sergiusensand so on22:19
ogra_really ?22:21
cyphermox_ogra_: yes?22:21
* ogra_ always wanted to hear his songs in french 22:21
ogra_i have to try that !22:21
cyphermox_I made sure you could only translate to french though, that's to help with the master plan of making Ubuntu Touch french-only, and finally establish our language as the one true Ubuntu language :)22:22
ogra_does the artist need to be able to speak french to have the lyrics translated ?22:22
ogra_or does it just work on the fly with all music ?22:23
sergiusenscyphermox_: ogra_ x-use-langpacks makes the langpacks not be in the deb though, right?22:25
sergiusensthe mo's that is22:26
ogra_the .mo/.po files22:26
sergiusensso I can't test the lang until we get one of those released22:26
sergiusensbut jenkins ignores that flag and it worked there22:26
cyphermox_ogra_: it's highly experimental on-the-fly translation ;D22:26
sergiusensso it's all good22:26
ogra_cyphermox_, lol22:26
cyphermox_no need to know how to speak french, it will work22:27
cyphermox_you'll magically understand everything too, because it will appear as though it's the original language22:27
ogra_babelfrench !22:27
* ogra_ vomits over the broken changelog that came out of the silo 22:55
ogra_so annoying22:56
ogra_(was kind of pointlless that i used -v when generating it ... the silos always cut off the end :( )22:56
alecuhi trainguards. A click-scope silo landed about three hours ago in rtm via sync:xxx. Do you guys know why it does not show up when trying to apt-get upgrade it in a clean rtm image?23:07
ogra_plars, if i dont manage to land the adbd change in rtm tonight, will you get along ?23:20
sergiusensrobru: ^ can I get the rtm instance setup now?23:21
ogra_(it is still migrating to utopic and til i get the rtm silo ready i'll have been fallen asleep)23:21
sergiusensalso, if I click build, is there auto logic for it to do the copy for me?23:21
sergiusensor is sync:X not meant for us?23:21
cyphermox_sergiusens: i setup your rtm instance nao23:29
cyphermox_is it already in the spreadsheet?23:30
cyphermox_there i get my answer23:30
sergiusenscyphermox_: did rsalveti get a change to test mtp as well; or is it all on me?23:30
cyphermox_all you I think23:31
cyphermox_well, I did too23:31
sergiusenscyphermox_: but I'm drinking a 9% beer at this hour :-P23:31
rsalvetinot yet23:31
ChickenCutlasssergiusens: 9%.  wimp23:31
cyphermox_I'm finishing up a very very tiny amount of port :/23:31
sergiusenswell it has my ack23:31
sergiusensChickenCutlass: we should have team dinner at a good brewery ;-)23:32
ChickenCutlasssergiusens: trust me — I will work it out23:32
ChickenCutlasssergiusens: all the other teams will be jealous23:32
sergiusensor just do a beer tour23:32
sergiusenshop into brewery, drink, hop out23:32
sergiusensI don't care about dinner23:32
ChickenCutlasssergiusens: right — just a prezel here and there23:33
sergiusensworks for me23:33
ogra_how painful that was23:33
ChickenCutlassogra_: is it done23:33
ogra_3h silo munching vs a 30sec upload23:33
ogra_ChickenCutlass, i know :)23:33
ogra_ChickenCutlass, but only the utopic part23:34
ogra_rtm is another cycle like this23:34
cyphermox_sergiusens: nitpicking, but your DH_GOLANG_INSTALL_ALL change isn't in changelog23:34
ogra_plus QA23:34
sergiusensogra_: maybe after the crunch, we should migrate adb (the parts we care about) to go23:34
ogra_which is why i'll give up now ... i wont survive another 3h tonight23:34
ogra_sergiusens, god forbid !23:34
ogra_clean C23:35
sergiusenscyphermox_: argh, I could add it23:35
cyphermox_ogra three hour of what?23:35
cyphermox_sergiusens: don't bother23:35
sergiusensprobably some checker would do some good at the jenkins level23:35
* sergiusens ping fginther for MORE work :-)23:35
cyphermox_checker for this stuff?23:35
cyphermox_it's not really something you can work out programmatically23:36
ogra_cyphermox_, getting a silo ... uploading ... building ... testing on two devices ... finding an issue ... spending 10min on a fix ... start over ....23:36
sergiusenscyphermox_: well the packaging ack check at the jenkins level might help me notice I need to update it23:36
ogra_overall i started 3h ago23:36
cyphermox_sergiusens: I guess23:36
sergiusensogra_: you are finally enjoying the train!23:36
ogra_and the silo stuff stole half my changelog :(23:36
sergiusensogra_: again... welcome to the train ;-)23:36
cyphermox_ogra_: if you set changelog in your changes it shouldn't touch it23:37
ogra_sergiusens, well, usually i dont need to land in both distros at the same time23:37
sergiusensogra_: heh :-)23:37
ogra_sergiusens, its absolutely fine if you can do it as a side job and leave it do its stuff while you do something else23:37
ogra_it only gets painful if you have to watch it all the time23:38
sergiusensogra_: oh, I can't do that; stuff rots that way23:38
cyphermox_rsalveti: did you plan to test mtp or should I set it to testing pass now?23:38
rsalveticyphermox_: still doing some other stuff, so feel free to give +123:38
sergiusenscyphermox_: I'm +1 on that23:38
cyphermox_ack, marking as done23:38
sergiusensfixes one of those blockers in the email, so good23:38
ogra_cyphermox_, i did two revisions ... created the .changes file with -v to have them both in .... only the one liner of the second change ends up in the final package ... the 20 page novel for the former revision is gone23:39
sergiusensogra_: that may be part of the "hot fix" to prevent changelogs from version 0 to present :-P23:39
cyphermox_rsalveti: want to ack packaging changes? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-010-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packaging_changes_mtp_0.0.4+14.10.20140904-0ubuntu1.diff23:41
cyphermox_or sergiusens23:41
sergiusenscyphermox_: I'm not core23:41
sergiusensjust ppu23:41
rsalveticyphermox_: looks fine23:41
cyphermox_you aren't?23:41
sergiusenscyphermox_: no, not sure if I have rsalveti's blessing still :-P23:41
cyphermox_dum de dum..23:42
sergiusensi know :-)23:42
rsalvetisergiusens: you always had my +1 :P23:43
sergiusensrsalveti:  you said I should wait ;-)23:43
sergiusensrsalveti: I did a thread Join and waiting for that to finish23:43
rsalvetiahah, just said what people would tell you anyway23:43
* sergiusens checks who's on the board these days23:44
cyphermox_robru: I don't want to touch things you may have already been working on, not sure if I just push the buttons for dbarth's silo 1723:46
kenvandinecyphermox_, don't publish silo 1723:48
cyphermox_kenvandine: ah, thanks for letting me know :)23:48
kenvandineI don't think the MP is approved yet23:49
kenvandineand seb had problems with it23:49
kenvandineand i just published settings in silo 1123:49
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 222 DONE (finished: 20140904 23:50) ===23:50
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/222.changes ===23:50
ogra_look, an image23:50
kenvandinecyphermox_, i'm not sure why the spreadsheet listed the MP as ready, since it had never been approved23:50
ogra_2am here ... i guess the rtm side has to wait til tomorrow morning23:50
* ogra_ gies to bed ...23:51
* kenvandine toggled that back to no :)23:51
sergiusensogra_: or *dies ?23:51
ogra_sergiusens, hah23:51
ogra_close :)23:51
kenvandinelool, i just published silo 1123:51

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