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belkinsaNot a problem, pmatulis.  Can you do it for the rest of the year?14:41
pleia2doc team check in with the CC now, anyone about?17:00
pmatuliswhoah, i can try17:02
pleia2it's over in #ubuntu-meeting17:03
pleia2over now, thanks GunnarHj :)17:19
pmatulispleia2: what info do you need?17:22
pleia2pmatulis: it's over17:22
GunnarHjpmatulis: Missed you at #ubuntu-meeting. But I think they got the picture they needed.17:22
pmatulisnot sure what you folks are talking about.  was i supposed to have been somewhere?  was anyone invited somewhere?17:24
pleia2pmatulis: the meeting started by talking about the docs team, that part of the meeting is now over and they are meeting with the quality team now17:25
pmatulisok, was anyone in the doc team invited?  besides the ping above?17:25
pleia2the CC sent out all the emails telling the teams when their slot was at the beginning of the cycle17:26
pleia2we usually send a later reminder in case teams forgot, but didn't maange it this week :\17:26
GunnarHjpmatulis: This is the log: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/09/04/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t17:0218:18
pmatulisi see there was no mention of the cloud docs from canonical.  that was a pretty big item18:23
pmatulisi notice that the desktop gets most of the concern, which is interesting18:24
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belkinsaI saw no reminder e-mail in our mailing list about that meeting before the meeting.19:56
belkinsaAnd nothing in the mod list19:56
belkinsaAh, I see.20:33
* belkinsa never seems to read though fully20:33
andresmujicaI was wondering if anyone knows how to report a bogus Wiki entry21:30
andresmujicaand a fake launchpad user?21:31
belkinsaCan you me a favor, andresmujica?  Can you e-mail our mailing-list?  You might get a better number of people looking athe e-mail than here.21:38
belkinsaYou don't need to join the list.  I'm a a mod.21:39
pleia2andresmujica: you want #launchpad for the launchpad issue21:39
belkinsaOr that.21:39
pleia2rt@ubuntu.com for the wiki.ubuntu.com stuff, Canonical IS can take a look21:39
pleia2(our team does help.ubuntu.com/community wiki, not so much the wiki.u.c one)21:40
belkinsaDon't we have wiki admins though?21:40
belkinsaCan't they do changes on the other one?21:40
pleia2just because I can, doesn't mean I signed up for it :)21:42
belkinsaAh, I see.21:42
pleia2I focus on the help.u.c/community, not wiki.u.c so I don't really know the rules there21:42
* belkinsa nods21:43
andresmujicabelkinsa:  pleia2 done.  I've sent email to rt and ubuntu-docs about the issue.  Thanks for your help!22:09
belkinsaI saw.22:10

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