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dufluRAOF, anyone: Please review this ASAP: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/fix-1364772/+merge/23329803:43
RAOFHm. Why doesn't this work?06:22
RAOFreturn std::shared_ptr<PlatformProbeReport>{};06:22
RAOFOh. Yeah. Need to actually implement that :)06:22
dufluRAOF: Trivial needs fixing ... then we can land it: https://code.launchpad.net/~raof/mir/from-the-neglected-branches-files/+merge/23315006:23
RAOFTa, done.06:26
dufluSaviq: Just starting on your symbol bug now. Is it actually a problem that needs fixing in 0.7 or is a clean ABI bump later in 0.8 enough?07:07
dufluBecause the latter can't be backported to 0.707:07
Saviqduflu, I don't think it's a huge problem, as long as it gets resolved, it's rare that people would just install one package (as opposed to a dist-upgrade)07:08
Saviqduflu, so I think it's fine to do in devel07:08
dufluSaviq: OK, so long as you don't need a backported fix then it's just an ABI bump. If you do need a backported fix then I need to hunt down symbols and add them into 0.707:09
Saviqduflu, no, is fine, it's a corner case, just wanted to make sure it gets addressed07:09
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dufluSaviq: Also, we only introduce the reduced symbol map for each library once. Such bugs can't happen again07:11
Saviqduflu, kk07:11
dufluI'm not a fan of symbols.map, but trying to work with it07:11
anpok_i believe in qtmir we initialize an egl context with gles and only later switch to gl07:30
anpok_while in qtubuntu we initialize an egl context with eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_API)07:30
anpok_(on desktop)07:31
anpok_the interesting part is that mesa on i915 (depending on the gpu) either exposes (es 2.0, GL 2.1) capability07:32
anpok_or (es 2.0, gl 1.4)07:32
anpok_and that is actually a workaround introduced for unity7 to make it not use certain effect on i915 systems..07:33
dufluSounds likely. I know Unity<=7 always had different code paths in Nux for i91507:37
anpok_duflu: did unity7 use occulusion query somewhere?07:40
dufluanpok_: What's that?07:40
anpok_with that you can query the amount of samples drawn from a primitive07:41
dufluNo idea07:42
anpok_because thats used somewhere in the logic in mesa..07:42
anpok_to decide if it is 1.4 or 2.107:42
anpok_maybe thats just an awkward check to differ between generations of the gpu and not related to usage..07:43
anpok_hm I think we could enable unity8 by adding a fallback .. trying to create an 1.4 context and checking that the vertex and fragment program extensions are there..07:44
dufluWell anything is better than trying to use LLVM on an i945 system :)07:46
dufluExcept of course the third option (a black screen) we have right now07:46
anpok_well the i915 driver falls back to swrast07:46
anpok_to implement shaders..07:46
dufluYeah. And it works well, last I checked07:47
dufluJust not in Mir yet07:47
anpok_maybe my enthusiasm is slightly damped because I always used debuf versions of mesa07:49
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anpok_so if we bump mircommon we will run into the rpath linker issues again?13:37
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robotfuelkgunn: ping, can you have someone look at this stacktrace on this crash and see if it's usable? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/1365673  maybe it's a client that can't connect? I didn't get video :(19:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1365673 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene:6:qt_message_fatal:QMessageLogger::fatal:UbuntuClientIntegration::UbuntuClientIntegration:UbuntuMirClientIntegrationPlugin::create:loadIntegration" [Undecided,New]19:35
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racarrah...right...sbuild on armhf fails because of the explicit G++ dependency somehow23:18
racarrit seems like...23:19
racarrmir build dependecies pull in23:19
racarrbut what the sbuild needs is a23:19
racarrx86 armhf crosscompiler right?not the armhf binary23:20
racarr g++-4.9:armhf : Depends: gcc-4.9:armhf (= 4.9.1-10ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed23:20
racarrE: Build-dependencies for sbuild-build-depends-mir-dummy could not be satisfied.23:20
racarrI wonder if I can do anything about it23:20
racarrall I see in23:22
racarrdebian/control is g++-4.9...no architecture mention...23:22
racarrdoes anyone know someone to be particularly knowledgeable about cross compiling, e.g. maybe they have seen this sort of thing before23:23
racarrI wonder what other packages explicitly depend on a G++ version23:26
racarrhttps://wiki.debian.org/CrossToolchains suggests depending on g++-4.9-for-host23:27
racarrsuggests something else...23:29
racarr*investigates revision dates*23:29
racarroh I see the second one is a proposal23:30
racarrit kind of seems like its all proposals, aha23:43
racarrIt looks like I could use build profiles but its not clear ubuntu has that?23:52

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