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pittiGood morning05:05
* dkessel waves07:29
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deepubuntuhello I am first time doing manual testing. I am newbie. I have installed testdrive and virtual box in ubuntu 14.04 and downloading the ISO any tip for me?10:29
deepubuntuwhat is the option of the Create USB Disk10:35
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deepubuntushould I put the iso in USB??10:50
knomeyou don't need the ISO in an USB drive if you are testing in a virtualized environment10:52
deepubuntuI have only one drive will Virtual box affect that10:53
knomeno, virtualbox creates *virtual* environments that appear as files on your hard drive10:53
deepubuntuokay thanks knome10:54
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elfyjenkins passes xubuntu image today - but it's actually unbootable in vm if you don't startx in tty1 or something - got the same issue in a real install - bug 136533612:13
ubot5bug 1365336 in lightdm (Ubuntu) "Lightdm update=No desktop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136533612:13
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pittijibel: do you have an idea why http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#systemd-shim is stuck? the new version hit -proposed yesterday morning, and both tests succeeded > 1 day ago13:42
pittijibel: yet excuses says "test in progress"13:42
jibelpitti, looking13:43
jibeltest ran against systemd-shim 7-1 and it expected 7-213:46
jibelpitti, ^13:46
pittijibel: ah, so we just need to re-run?13:48
jibelpitti, yes, I did it13:48
pittijibel: thanks; weird13:49
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deepubuntuI have downloaded the ubuntu desktop i386 (utopic) in testdrive. Now If I launch this will it open in the virtual box?14:15
balloonsdeepubuntu, you can set your preferences in testdrive14:15
balloonsby default i think it launches qemu, but you can set virtualbox too14:16
deepubuntuballoons I have watch your video 10 times14:16
deepubuntuand when you click on launch the image automatically open in Virtual box14:16
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deepubuntuso have you pre-setup the virtual box for test drive?14:17
balloonsdeepubuntu, yep it should launch assuming you have it installed of course :-)(14:17
balloonsnope, go ahead and hit launch14:17
elfyhi balloons14:17
deepubuntuballoons: Sorry for the too much questions but this is my first time that's why I have too much doubts14:18
elfyquestions are good deepubuntu :)14:18
balloonsdeepubuntu, no worries at all!14:18
balloonsthe excitement builds14:18
deepubuntubtw what is the difference between i386 and amd14:18
balloonswhy good day elfy14:18
elfydeepubuntu: 32 and 64 bit14:18
deepubuntuokay and i386 is 64 bit?14:18
elfyballoons: was until I updated :p - lightdm today - breaks boot for me and livesession14:19
elfydeepubuntu: 386 is 322bit amd is 64 bit14:19
elfynothing to do with AMD other than they did it first14:19
balloonselfy, thanks for the heads up. I'll forgo updating today :-)14:20
deepubuntuand I have to sync utopic daily it means it will download the entire ISO daily or just updates14:20
deepubuntubtw thanks elfy :D14:20
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gQuigselfy: I have given up on lightdm for now.. using lxdm now :/14:20
elfygQuigs: well I do try to stay with what is default for both testing and laziness purposes14:20
gQuigselfy: how did you fix it?14:21
elfyfix lightdm?14:21
elfyI didn't - I have 2 installs - 1 with the update and 1 without - though you can get in by using startx it seems - works sort of here14:22
gQuigselfy: ah :)14:24
elfyI did a clean install at the weekend to get nvidia working for me14:25
elopioping ubuntu-qa: can somebody please review this one?14:51
om26erI will14:51
pittifginther: awesome! http://uci.readthedocs.org/en/latest/using-lxc-for-local-development.html contains just the workaround for the last juju bug which I haven't been able to get around (bug 1364069)15:20
ubot5bug 1329051 in juju-core "duplicate for #1364069 local provider must transform localhost in apt proxy address" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132905115:20
pittii. e. setting apt-http-proxy explicitly15:20
pittiwow, I've got a working juju-local setup!15:21
fgintherpitti, \o/15:21
fgintherpitti, once you have it working, it's actually fun to work with15:21
pittifginther: yeah, it just took about 1.5 days to debug all the issues which stopped it from working15:22
pittifginther: I also updated a bug for swift-storage charm not working with local, but I've heard that we don't need this to roll out the airline?15:22
pittifginther: and instead this just talks to an already existing swift server?15:22
pittifginther: I have a "poor man's juju" shell script to set up swift in a container, so that'll be fine15:23
fgintherpitti, right, deploy.py needs a swift server, which could be canonistack. But there should be nothing preventing you from using your own locally deployed swift15:25
pittifginther: right; http://www.piware.de/2014/03/creating-a-local-swift-server-on-ubuntu-for-testing/ :)15:25
pittifginther: I really like having everything local; it's a royal pain having to iterate with depending on anything which is slower than "seconds"15:25
fgintherpitti, deploy.py just consumes the OS_* env vars15:25
rgouveiahi ... i'm having a weird issue with thunar not respecting my default applications even though they are defined. pdfs are opened with gimp instead of evince. i did some troubleshooting and it seems to be using mimeinfo.cache to get this information15:36
rgouveiaeven weirder is that if i open thunar /path/to/pdf on the terminal it opens with evince15:36
rgouveiarunning python -c 'import gio; print gio.app_info_get_all_for_type("application/pdf")' gives me gimp on the terminal15:36
rgouveiaany ideas on what is going on ? :-)15:36
rgouveiabtw, this also happens with a newly created user15:37
rgouveiaoops, i meant to  post this on ubuntu+115:42
balloonselopio, I believe this can land now: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix1351319-swipe_to_get_current_day/+merge/22935616:24
elopioballoons: I'll check if the right toolkit version was released.16:25
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balloonselopio, I'm just pushing some calendar changes through today, it would be nice to have that one too16:29
pleia2quality team check in with the CC now, anyone about?17:01
deepubuntuballoons: I am hitting Launch but nothing happing with my downloaded iso? :(17:08
balloonsdeepubuntu, you have virtualbox installed yes?17:08
elfydeepubuntu: try RightCtrl+F1/RightCtrl+F717:09
elfythough it could be like the xubuntu daily - seemingly lightdm issue causing us problems17:10
balloonsdeepubuntu, check in preferences that it is set to launch qemu17:10
deepubuntutried RightCtrl+F7 nothin happened17:11
deepubuntuhow to check that preferences? balloons17:12
deepubuntulook at this image http://1drv.ms/1unMogr17:13
elfyno use me looking never use testdrive17:14
deepubuntuhow to solve this issue any of you use TeamViewer17:15
elfywhy not just use vbox if you've got it there?17:19
deepubuntushould I install vbox?17:19
deepubuntusudo apt-get install vbox?17:20
elfydon't you have it installed? what's in the screenshot?17:20
deepubuntuvirtual box17:20
deepubuntuokay I have downloaded the ubuntu iso and can I put it in USB I have 32 GB flash drive17:21
deepubuntubtw why launch is not working?17:21
deepubuntuelfy: balloons I am sorry but I am too much frustrated now :(17:26
deepubuntuI have downloaded 2 GB file and it is not working and I am unable to find the iso too :(17:26
elfywhat 2Gb file ?17:27
elfydeepubuntu: all you need is the iso - create a new virtual machine in vbox and then point it at the iso17:27
deepubuntubut where is my iso stored?17:28
elfyI have no idea where you've saved it17:28
elfyif testdrive did it - have a look in it's folders in your home17:28
deepubuntuI have download the testdrive and directly sync the it with utopic17:28
elfyit must save it somewhere I assume17:29
balloonsit saves in /home/nskaggs/.cache/testdrive/iso17:29
balloonswell, hehe, ~/.cache/testdrive/iso17:29
deepubuntuI got that ok17:30
deepubuntunow I have to set up VB17:30
deepubuntumy RAM is 4 GB is 1 GB enough for VB?17:33
deepubunturecommended is 512 Mb17:34
elfywhat image - xubuntu? lubuntu? kubuntu?17:34
elfyI have 4Gb RAM - tend to set my vm's to ~1.5-1.7 depending on where I drag the slider17:35
deepubuntuIt shows only Ubuntu not kubuntu or xubuntu17:35
elfyI'd set it to 217:36
deepubuntu2 Gb won't it effect my system17:36
elfydeepubuntu: mine works17:36
deepubuntuokay so I am also giving 2 Gb17:37
deepubuntuhard drive file type?17:37
deepubuntuDynamic or fixed which is better17:40
deepubuntuphysical hard drive17:40
balloonsdynamic is best17:40
balloonsfixed permanently uses the space17:41
balloonsdynamic will use what is required, up to the size you set17:41
elfydeepubuntu: at some point you will need to point the vm at the image - http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-040914-183852.php17:42
deepubuntuokay my last question17:43
deepubuntuwhen I turn off my VM then the allocated RAM to VM will be usable to the main system or not17:44
deepubuntuokay thanks and If I want to remove OS installed in VM then what to do?17:45
elfyright click - remove - it'll ask whether to delete all files - yes17:45
deepubuntuokay :D17:45
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elopioballoons: calendar is not py3?20:22
balloonselopio, why you say that?20:24
elopioballoons: because
balloonsat this point it's impossible for things to not be py3.. py2 is not on the phone. That said, py2 is used for most core apps jenkins20:25
balloonselopio, ahh yep, it's just run as py2. I need to get fginther to switch everything over.. someday when he's not firefighting everything20:26
fgintherballoons, I'm trying to update calendar app now.  The last time I did a mass change to py3 nothing worked20:30
balloonsfginther, that's crazy to think as they all run as python3 on the phone, and I only run things as python3 as well20:30
balloonsfginther, not that I don't believe you.. things can be special20:30
elopiofginther, balloons: my branch requires py3, so let me know if I should change it.20:31
balloonselopio, we certainly don't want you regressing to py220:31
elopioI could make it compatible with both, but I would prefer not to.20:31
fgintherelopio, I'm deploying the change now, any new MPs should run with py320:32
elopiofginther: thanks!20:32
elopiofginther: please note that on the debian/control, we are adding python-dateutils20:32
elopiomaybe that's what caused it to fail last time. On my branch I updated it to py320:33
fgintherelopio, yeah that would make sense. if any py2 dependencies are used, running them as py3 would break20:33
balloonsfginther, ahh, that would explain things actually.. since the debian packaging is only used on the core apps jenkins20:36
balloonsthat's why you would get the failures I'll bet20:36
elopioinbox 0, that means it's time for lunch before somebody else pings me.20:45
elopiobbl, leave your message.20:45
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