
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
detlyI've just added the Gnome 3 staging PPA so I can try out 3.12. I found that it mostly worked fine, but gnome-control-center and gnome-settings-daemon can't be upgraded without removing unity altogether, which means keybindings and some other things don't work. Is that a known issue? Is there some other PPA I need to add? Or should I just be patient?04:18
pittiGood morning04:36
sarnoldhey pitti :)04:37
pittihey sarnold, how are you?04:37
sarnoldpitti: pretty good, a few hours off for dinner and taking the dog for a walk helps :)04:38
sarnoldpitti: how're you?04:38
pittisarnold: still a bit tired, but quite fine otherwise05:00
pitti(sorry, missed your reply, deep in mutt..)05:01
sarnoldhehe, mutt'll do that :)05:01
didrocksgood morning05:39
pittibonjour didrocks05:59
didrocksgood morning pitti!05:59
larsugood morning!07:05
didrocksgood morning larsu07:06
larsuhi willcooke07:27
didrockshey willcooke07:28
seb128good morning desktopers07:39
willcookemorning seb12807:39
seb128hey willcooke larsu didrocks07:39
pittihey seb12807:47
pittimorning willcooke and larsu, too!07:47
seb128lut pitti, wie gehts?07:47
willcookehey pitti07:48
pittiseb128: gut, danke! ich hacke wieder an autopkgtest :)07:48
seb128pitti, schön ;-)07:49
larsuseb128: ooh, umlaut. 10 German spelling points for you ;)07:52
seb128larsu, :-)07:52
didrockslarsu: you do use ¨ as umlaut btw, there is no special character? (as umlaut, IIRC, are more lines than dots)07:53
pittididrocks: how do you mean "more lines"07:56
larsudidrocks: no, they're dots07:56
didrockspitti: larsu: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umlaut#mediaviewer/File:U_umlaut_en_Suetterlinschrift.png07:56
didrocksthey are more like 2 vertical lines here than dots, for instance07:56
pittididrocks: it's exactly like the trema in other languages (like French), except that it's not being used as a trema (German abolished the trema looong ago), but as changing the pronounciation of a vowel to an umlaut07:56
pittididrocks: ah well, that's Suetterlin .. i. e. the written German which was pretty much abolished in the mid-20st century07:57
larsudidrocks: ah, sometimes people use lines when writing (but it's fairly uncommon these days)07:57
pittididrocks: but even modern pupils write the "dots" something more akin to "07:57
larsuI don't think I've ever seen a typeface with lines instead of dots07:58
didrockslarsu: pitti: ok, I learnt it that way actually, hence my question :)07:58
pittididrocks: wow, you learned Suetterlin? Or just writing the umlauts that way?07:58
didrockspitti: just writing the umlauts that way07:58
pittididrocks: yeah, in handwriting it's all very sloppy anyway, some people even just write a short horizontal bar, or "07:58
seb128it's easier to draw a small line with a pen than to do a dot07:59
pittiyeah, dots with a clasic feather were a bit awkward07:59
didrocksok, but for non handwriting is always using dots, got it, thanks!07:59
larsupitti says that like he's 200 years old and used to write with a feather regularly07:59
didrocksahah :)08:00
pittilarsu: well, at least I'm onld enough to have tried :)08:00
pitti<rusty voice> back in my time, buddy, we wrote 6510 assembler!08:00
* pitti pats his trusty old C6408:00
pittithat was almost like writing with a feather that leaked all the time :)08:01
* pitti aime les vendredis08:01
* larsu brings pitti a blanket, a hot water bottle, and a cup of tea08:03
seb128oh, pitti is going to tell us nice stories from old time?08:03
* seb128 seats quietly and listen08:03
seb128sits even08:04
pittinah, I never do that :)08:04
pittior if I do, next time I want to sit in a restaurant with you with a beer in my hand!08:04
pittidear BTS, please send me my flights already08:04
seb128pitti, when do you fly back?08:04
pittiseb128: I was going to take the Friday 22:00 one08:05
seb128pitti, not fancying taking an extra day and staying until monday? it's likely some of us are going to do that08:05
pittiseb128: until Monday? that's three extra days then08:05
pittiseb128: but yeah, I can consider that as well08:05
pittibut I'd go back on Sunday afternoon/evening then08:06
detlypitti: you really have an old C64?08:06
seb128pitti, well, that's one day off08:06
seb128pitti, vac days speaking08:06
pittiseb128: Sat and Sun? (with the Sat 22:00 flight)08:06
pittiseb128: ah, that way08:06
seb128pitti, Sun 22 you mean?08:06
* larsu would like to stay around after as well08:07
pittidetly: yeah, my first own computer, got it in 1991; before that I went to the university once a week to learn BASIC on these dreaded GDR clones of the old PCs08:07
seb128pitti, well, I'm probably going to fly back on monday evening, 1.5 days seems a bit short to visit08:07
pittiseb128: err, yes08:07
seb128better than nothing08:07
seb128but if you want to join for sat/sun that would be great ;-)08:07
seb128didrocks, larsu, desrt are likely to stay for those days as well08:07
pittiseb128: yeah, but I guess after two full weeks of conferences/sprint I'll be looking forward to getting home again08:07
* willcooke spent a lot of time in DC. Once you've done the Smithsonian, the Air & Space museum and walked past the white house - you've done DC08:08
seb128pitti, oh, right, you are away the week before as well08:08
pittiseb128: ok, good to know; I'll follow up with BTS08:08
didrockswillcooke: which is taking how long approx?08:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: nvidia-graphics-drivers owns the bugs. tseliot would be the person to subscribe. Or tjaalton.08:08
willcookeprobably 1 day08:08
robert_ancellRAOF, ta08:08
seb128willcooke, the capitol?08:08
willcookeseb128, its more of a looking at thing IMHO08:09
willcookea la Tienanmen Square08:09
seb128willcooke, well, I guess then it depends if people want to spend time in museums, that can easy take an extra day08:10
willcookeI might go here:08:10
willcookeOh, the National Archives are probably good - but there is *always* a massive queue to get in, like hours and hours - so I never bothered08:11
larsuwillcooke knows it's Friday08:11
willcookeThe Air & Space museum is great, and not far from the hotel I think08:11
willcookelarsu, :D08:11
pittiseb128: ok, Sunday there's a direct United flight at 22:55 -- perfect08:13
pittiseb128: and that way it's even 400 EUR cheaper..08:13
seb128pitti, +1, I was pondering taking that one on sun or mon08:13
seb128pitti, ;-)08:13
* seb128 hugs pitti08:14
didrocksseb128: so, you are going to take the same than pitti?08:14
pittiseb128: so we'll have pretty much two full days08:14
pittiseb128: and I'll arrive on Sunday evening then, not Sat08:14
seb128didrocks, I don't know, going to check out with you/larsu/desrt, I might stay until monday if some others want to do that08:15
seb128didrocks, I think I'm going to wait monday to email BTS anyway08:15
seb128so I've the w.e to think about it08:15
larsusame here08:16
didrockshum, WHAT? the price doubled today08:16
seb128for what fly?08:16
didrocksah no typo :)08:16
didrockssame day for way in and back08:16
pittiseb128: there's only 4 seats left on my preferred flight, so I better get them ASAP08:16
didrocksso, not a week, double of each way flights, blablabla08:16
pittididrocks: Saturday night rule?08:17
seb128pitti, is that one of the online website "tricks" to make you decide and buy?08:17
didrockspitti: oh clearly yeah, it's x2 :)08:17
pittiI don't know08:17
didrocksok, seems we all mostly settled down on Sunday to Sunday anyway08:19
seb128are we?08:19
seb128I'm not sure larsu, desrt, attente are08:19
pittiat least I don't want to go home much later; two days of tourism seems fine08:20
didrockslarsu: seemed to be08:20
* larsu nods08:20
seb128didrocks, I think he replied "I'm not going to email bts before monday anyway, give time to think about it"08:20
seb128+to my08:20
didrocksah, nodding on that, not on pitti's08:20
seb128I assumed08:20
didrockslarsu: you should nod more clearly!08:20
didrocksbad nodder :p08:20
* larsu nods clearly08:21
larsulike I said, I'll have my final plan by Monday08:21
didrocksok ;)08:21
seb128larsu, what's your preference? sunday or monday?08:21
seb128k, same here08:21
seb128I'm flexible08:21
larsubut it looks very likely that I'll do Sunday -> Sunday (night)08:21
seb128it's either sunday 11pm or monday 8pm08:21
larsubecause I'll be in Cologne the weekend before08:22
larsuseb128: Monday would work as well08:22
didrocksmine for me are 7:50pm08:23
didrocksA380, can't wait for it! :)08:24
seb128shame it's only east coast ;-08:24
didrocksyeah, I hope we'll be delayed, sure sure :)08:24
didrocks(delayed, in the plane :p)08:24
* pitti shakes head08:25
pittiyou know, you could fly the other way round if 9 hours isn't enough08:25
didrockspitti: you mean, doing that the day after I'm flying 12h back to France? :)08:25
didrockssounds like an *excellent* plan :)08:26
* larsu curses CUPS08:26
detlypitti: very jealous :) I used to have a C64, but another appliance fell on it and cracked one of the circuit boards08:27
detlyoh the memories08:27
pittidetly: +108:27
pittidetly: on the memories, of course, not cracking it :/08:27
detlyyeah, 'twas a sad day08:28
* Saviq reboots to meet the new lightdm, let's see how that goes09:14
tkamppeterwillcooke, hi09:39
willcookehi tkamppeter09:39
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksfginther: once you are around: hey! I think you have seen that ps-trusty-desktop-amd64-1 is down, can you put it online again? Then, I'll have 2 questions for you as you have more jenkins expertise than I (around groups not being taken into account and dbus-launch which fails, where we solved it for autopilot IIRC).11:52
didrocksfginther: I'm out for some exercise, will be back then :)11:53
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128kenvandine, it's little test to approve its own mps when others added things to fix :p14:02
seb128kenvandine, hey btw, happy friday ;-)14:02
kenvandinemisfired in changing it to WIP :)14:04
seb128kenvandine, ;-)14:04
kenvandineseb128, i found my problem with the "Not yet" button...14:07
kenvandinethe dialog is getting fired multiple times14:07
kenvandinegetting the onSystemUpdateDownloaded signal several times,should be easy to fix14:07
kenvandinethen my branch will be ready14:07
kenvandineseb128,  i am a bit puzzled by this... onSystemUpdateDownloaded it does this14:08
kenvandineroot.updatesAvailable -= 1;14:08
kenvandinewhy decrement that number on the signal?14:08
kenvandineand right now it gets decreased to many times14:09
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er|dinner
fgintherdidrocks, bon jour!  I've recovered ps-trusty-desktop-amd64-1. We may have to do a few tweaks to make it reliable. It's a bit hit or miss on coming up cleanly14:54
didrocksfginther: thanks for restarting them :)14:54
didrocksahah, was just pinging you :)14:54
didrockssounds good :)14:55
didrocksfginther: do you have some time (maybe a hangout?) so that we can fix my latest blockers?14:55
fgintherdidrocks, do you have time later today? I'm trying to address a problem with the mako images that is blocking all MP testing14:57
didrocksfginther: I'm still around for a couple of hours14:58
fgintherdidrocks, ok, I'll ping you when I get things settled14:58
didrocksfginther: perfect! good luck :)14:58
qenghoDoes anyone here use any general interface testing system on desktop that doesn't assume lots about the UI toolkit?15:03
qenghoI use sikuli in chromium, but it was broken*, and no one else noticed, so I wonder if there's something better.15:04
qengho* https://code.launchpad.net/~cmiller/ubuntu/utopic/sikuli/lp1313398/+merge/23340715:04
qenghoBy "general interface testing", I mean program automation, with some assertions.15:05
didrocksqengho: python unittests is quite great for that (if the assert are text/content only). I'm using it with subprocesses in some cases15:14
qenghodidrocks: It's not text. Think of clicking buttons on screen.15:20
didrocksqengho: ok, I guess people would say autopilot, but I doubt they have chromium bindings15:20
qenghoRight, I don't want to be too friendly with the toolkit.15:21
balloonsqengho, buttons in chromium or web stuff?15:21
balloonsif "web stuff", selenium15:22
qenghoballoons: Well, buttons, to verify (e.g.) that webapps options is in the settings screens.15:22
qenghoAlso, some very simple web-browser-starts-and-can-reach-web-pages too.15:23
qenghoballoons: I'm also thinking about a fontconfig bug now in Chromium. I want to verify that asking for CSS typeface falls back to what we expect it to.15:24
qenghoBasically, I love "sikuli", but I hate its dependence on Java.15:25
didrocksqengho: you need some image recognization tools, seems like sikuli is still the FLOSS leader though15:25
qenghoThank you, d.15:26
balloonsqengho, you could also use xpresser if you want image rec. it uses python15:26
balloonsthat said I would avoid image recognition based testing if there is ANY other option15:27
qenghoballoons: Agreed. At least sikuli lets me use it's OCR voodoo and its fuzzy matching dark-magick.15:28
balloonsit's probably just opencv15:29
fgintherdidrocks, want to chat now?15:56
didrocksfginther: sounds great!15:56
didrocksfginther: have link handy or want me to?15:56
fgintherdidrocks, sending an invite now15:57
=== om26er|dinner is now known as om26er
Trevinhomarga: hey!16:40
Trevinhomarga: so, I've made a ppa with some changes that might solve the "missing input field" issue. Could you give this to the affected people to see if it solves?16:40
margaTrevinho, sure, thanks16:41
margaThere's a growing list of angry users, they'll be happy to test it :)16:41
Trevinhomarga: packages should be published on the repo in few minutes16:41
Trevinhomarga: mh, ok, we'll try to make them smile then ;)16:42
Trevinhomarga: that repo is just a first round btw, with cleanest fix we have... If that fails, I'll go with brute force ;)16:43
willcookehave a good weekend all, see you next week16:56
margaTrevinho, ok, I sent the email asking my users to test your packages, I expect I'll have feedback between Monday and Tuesday17:18
Trevinhomarga: nice, let me know18:01

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