
RAOFapw: Hey, ho! Need any bees?06:40
apwRAOF, send me a whole container please .. it is going to be a hard day07:54
RAOFapw: 08:00
RAOFapw: Would you have any idea at all why http://paste.ubuntu.com/8257535/ will reliably fail the first 383 times and then successfully create a tmpfile on the 384th time?08:01
apwRAOF, that is mad08:05
RAOFWould you like a kernel bug about it? :)08:06
RAOF(Is it reproducible on your system? It seems that it fails - until the 384th time - on three different Mir developers' systems)08:06
apwRAOF, nope, i'd file a bug on your code :)08:07
apwyep it reproduced just the same, but its your fault :)08:07
apwO_TMPFILE requires a mode08:07
apw        fd = open(argv[1], O_TMPFILE | O_RDWR | O_EXCL, 0644);08:07
apwchange it to that, and it succeeds on the first one, stack junk being passed08:07
apwRAOF, ^08:08
RAOFapw: For added bonus giggles, run it as root :)08:09
apwi don't think i want to know what it does hten08:09
apw$ ./X PREFIX08:10
apwsucceeded at iteration 108:10
RAOFSo, that's a glibc bug then; either not translating open(foo, options) into open(foo, options, mode) when passed O_TMPFILE or in the documentation (which does not say you need mode, and gives an example without it)?08:11
apwit is doecumented in the manual page as being required08:12
apw              mode specifies the permissions to use in case a new file is created.  This argument must be supplied when O_CREAT or O_TMPFILE is specified in flags; if neither O_CREAT nor08:12
apw              O_TMPFILE  is  specified,  then  mode  is  ignored.  The effective permissions are modified by the process's umask in the usual way: The permissions of the created file are08:12
apw              (mode & ~umask).  Note that this mode applies only to future accesses of the newly created file; the open() call that creates a read-only file may well return a  read/write08:12
apw              file descriptor.08:12
apwopen is so very special, i am not sure there is any other c abi which has an optional parameter08:13
apwand the example in the manual page for it has a mode:08:14
apw                  char path[PATH_MAX];08:14
apw                  fd = open("/path/to/dir", O_TMPFILE | O_RDWR,08:14
apw                                          S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);08:14
apwso where are you seeing an example without08:14
RAOFI'm misreading that example :)08:15
apwahh good, thats fine then :)08:15
apwit is very rare to see modes spelt out, rather than just octal08:15
zygagood morning08:34
apwRAOF, and to close the loop, that succeeds on the 384th iteration because your iterator is in the mode slot on the stack, and 386 -> 060008:38
apw384 even08:38
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zyga__bjf: ping?14:05
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bjfzyga, what's up?14:05
apw!contentless pings ...14:05
ubot2`apw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:05
ubot5apw: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:05
rtgapw has awakened the bot storm14:06
zygabjf: hey14:08
zygabjf: we'd like to shrink the 3.2 test pool for SRU14:08
zygabjf: currently it's around 40 systems14:08
zygabjf: would that be okay with you?14:08
rtgsmoser, have you tried the 3.16.0-13.19 on  your GM45 yet ?14:09
rtg3.16.0-13.19  kernel*14:09
bjfzyga, in general i'm rarely ok with shrinking the test pool .. is there a good reason for doing so?14:25
bjfzyga, are any of these systems server class or are they all laptops?14:26
zygabjf: IIRC we want to reduce the load on the team14:27
zygabjf: I don't think there are any severs14:27
zygabjf: I'll check and let you know14:28
bjfzyga, it's all automated14:28
zygabjf: that's a good point, let me check why we wanted to do that first14:28
zygabjf: launching tests is still not automatic, we need to power up each box, etc14:31
zygabjf: there are issues with the number of machines and our AP (access point) capacity14:32
zygabjf: there are no severs in the 3.2 pool that we are testing in taipei, there are some in other labs14:32
zygabjf: the reason for this request is that ara wants us to prioritize on 12.04.5 testing14:34
zygabjf: and SRUs still take a lot of our time to run and check14:34
bjfzyga, i'm trying to figure out how to say this nicely ... it really sounds like you folks are going to make this change and are just telling me about it. i really don't get to say "no"14:36
zygabjf: no, we're actually asking14:37
zygabjf: so if you want us to keep doing this, it's okay to say no14:37
zygabjf: and we won't shrink it14:37
bjfzyga, give me a bit to think about it 14:38
bjfzyga, how many machines would this leave in the 3.2 test pool after the reduction?14:38
zygabjf: we'd like to cut the number of machines by half14:39
bjfzyga, ok, but i don't know how many systems you have now so half of an unknown is an unknown14:40
zygabjf: ah, sorry, it's about 40 systems currently14:41
zygabjf: 46 to be precise14:41
bjfzyga, ok, so you'd go down to 20 .. ok, i'll think on it and get back to you soon14:41
zygabjf: thanks14:41
bjfzyga, sorry ... i see that you told me 40 earlier .. my bad14:43
bjfzyga, will you still be doing testing with the precise kernel or will it just be lts-backport-trusty testing?14:44
bjfzyga, the way i'm reading this it sounds like you will still do precise on those 20 systems .. i just want to make sure i understand correctly14:45
zygabjf: we're only trying to limit the number of systems, we're going to test all the kernels as usual14:45
zygabjf: and after the 12.04.5 tests are done we will probably get back to the full pool (IIRC that's what ara wanted)14:45
zygabjf: yes, we plan to test the same set of kernels as usual14:46
zygabjf: so precise, precise-lts, trusty and perhaps lucid 14:46
bjfzyga, are you saying this is a temp. think (one time only) or a permanent change?14:46
zygabjf: IIRC it's the temp change, let me check14:46
bjfzyga, ok i *completely* misunderstood you. *yes* i'm ok with a limited test pool for this cycle.14:47
bjfzyga, apparently i'm still asleep14:48
zygabjf: I just confirmed, it is only temporary14:48
zygabjf: that's okay, I'm about to get sleepy so we're even :>14:48
bjfzyga, that makes me much happier, yes i'm ok with it14:48
zygabjf: thank you14:48
zygabjf: just a heads up, if we have the time this cycle, we'll test with the full pool14:49
zyga(and I know I just keep poppin up new facts)14:49
zygabjf: so the half-pool is an option we merely _may_ take14:49
bjfzyga, sounds good14:49
zygabjf: sorry, still getting used to everything here :)14:50
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hallynsforshee: do you have a kernel built with the fuse patches?16:48
sforsheehallyn: hmm... I have some debs here that probably have the patches, but I didn't do good enough bookkeeping to be sure without trying them out16:50
hallynsforshee: ok i can always push them to ppa16:50
sforsheehallyn: I can get you a build much faster than that16:50
sforsheedo you care what kernel version it's based on?16:50
hallynsforshee: not particularly.  16:54
hallyni'll just run it in a vm to play with16:54
sforsheehallyn: building, should be done in ~10 minutes16:57
hallynsforshee: thanks - i probably won't have time to actually set it up today, but hopefully tonight or this weekend16:58
rtgjsalisbury, when you have a minute, could you provide some bisect assistance with bug #1363313. I think he got steered off into the weeds.17:00
ubot5bug 1363313 in linux (Ubuntu) "mpt2sas not loaded with LSISAS2008 card in trusty 14.04.1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136331317:00
jsalisburyrtg, sure17:01
hallynsforshee: so any hints on how you would test the functionality?  could you maybe put a simple example at wiki.ubuntu.com/FUSE_userns?  then I can flesh it out as I use it.17:07
sforsheehallyn: http://people.canonical.com/~sforshee/fuse-userns-build/17:18
sforsheehallyn: I suppose I could put up some of the things I was doing to test17:18
hallynsforshee: thanks!  looking forward to testing that build :)17:22
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sforsheehallyn: I got started on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FuseUserns but there's only a couple of test cases now. I need to go for now but I'll try to add more tests over the weekend.21:43
hallynsforshee: awesome, thanks21:44

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