
uRockHow do I report people harrassing me via PM?01:24
phunyguyAre they in #ubuntu channels?01:26
phunyguyare you aware of them bothering any other users?01:26
uRockjust me01:26
phunyguyok, then maybe #freenode is the place to ask01:26
phunyguy(removing them from a channel won't stop them from PMing you)01:27
uRockthanks, i'll give them a dose of ignore01:27
phunyguyok :)01:27
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhangubottu, lag12:13
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag12:13
bazhanggooby pls12:15
k1l@mark #ubuntu kudakwasha again promoting trisquel19:51
ubottuThe operation succeeded.19:51
kudakwashai have the log, and i did nothing wrong20:12
kudakwashai asked a question, i wasn't given a proper answer20:12
kudakwashai found the solution20:12
kudakwashaso i posted it20:12
kudakwashain case it maybe of some use to someone else20:12
k1l_<k1l> kudakwasha: lazygal, igal2, album,...20:12
kudakwashaokay i missed that line20:13
k1l_that was my answer way before you started your typical chitchat.20:13
kudakwashai've spent a total of less than an hour in your channel20:13
k1l_it is just unfair for the users who come to #ubuntu and seek for help when you spoil the channel with your offtopic20:13
kudakwashawhat did i say that was off topic20:14
k1l_you already have a list of spoiling the channel with your trisquel advertisment20:14
kudakwashatrisquel is relevent to ubuntu20:14
kudakwashajust as ubuntu is relevent to debian20:14
k1l_#ubuntu is plain for technical support. we dont have the space for all that chit chat because the people with real issues will be drown in all that chat.20:15
kudakwashayour warnings drown out more than anything else20:15
kudakwashayou started a debate20:15
k1l_no its not relevant for #ubuntu. neither trisquel nor debian. they both got own support communites. so ask them if you want support with that20:16
kudakwashai just asked a question and was going to leaveit at that20:16
k1l_!guidelines kudakwasha20:16
k1l_!guidelines | kudakwasha20:16
ubottukudakwasha: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:16
k1l_please make sure you read them and stick to them while using #ubuntu channels. thanks20:16
kudakwashaokay, though when you power trip i'll be sure to point it out20:17
rwwI would recommend doing so in #ubuntu-ops, rather than #ubuntu.20:17
rwwkriskropd: Howdy, welcome to #ubuntu-ops. How can we help?20:18
kriskropdkudakwasha did bring up a question I was curious about - when users need to contact ubuntu devs, to whom should we direct?20:18
kudakwashamaybe the dev mailing list?20:18
k1l_kriskropd: filing a bug on launchpad to that specific package is a common way.20:18
kudakwashaokay thank you sooooooo much for your help20:19
kriskropdah, okay - simple enough20:19
bazhangshadaloo is having some issues, it seems23:51

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