
=== finlstrm_ is now known as finlstrm
rocketninehello.  i recently received a bug report for a small python project i'm hosting on a ppa via source package releases.  here's the bug: https://github.com/tslocum/aafm/issues/6106:29
rocketninehe is using debian, and i am aiming to provide both debian and ubuntu compatible packages from this ppa06:30
rocketninethe conflict seems to be that it requires python:any which works on an ubuntu system, but debian gets confused and can't meet it06:30
rocketninei could be wrong, this is just what i have found so far06:30
wgrantrocketnine: PPAs build packalges for Ubuntu, not for Debian. However, this sort of package will often work for Debian too if you're careful.06:54
wgrantIt looks likl thaat user tried to install a package built for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on a Debian wheezy system. wheezy's more than a year behind 14.04.06:55
rocketninei see06:56
wgrantA package built for an older Ubuntu release (12.04 would be your best bet) might work on wheezy.06:56
rocketninei'll give that a shot, thanks06:56
wgrantbut in general you can't expect binary packages to work cross-distro, and especially not backwards.06:57
rocketnineit is a source package though06:57
rocketnineor am i mis understanding how it is delivered as a package06:57
wgrantyou upload a source package to Launchpad, and it builds a binary package for each architcture of the release you uploaded to.06:59
wgrantapt-get install downloads binary packages.06:59
rocketninegot it07:00
=== lazyPower is now known as lazypower-travel

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