
klintonhello. I am having an issue with wifi on lubuntu 14.0401:16
klintonthe problem is that it won't give me the option to connect to wifi as if I don't even have a wifi card. also I am unable to enable the card under additional drivers.01:18
klintondo I need to run an apt-get for drivers? If so what's the command because it's been forever since i've had to do that. not since natty narwall01:20
klintoni am using a generic broadcom/realtek wifi adapter in an acer aspire 5517 laptop01:21
Aikiloxif anybody can answer to this, please13:16
Aikiloxthank you13:16
testdrAikilox: too less information - that could be the framesize - and last, you have to be more spezific what is "disconnecting"? Something like plugout the cabel?13:22
Aikiloxit is not disconneting13:24
Aikiloxit is disconnected13:24
Aikiloxwireless is working tough13:25
testdrAikilox: again - that is no information, because that is the same like using no twisted-pair-cable. You have to check whether the hardware was identified, - things like MAC-address, chipset and so on13:26
testdrAikilox: some routers have lamps/LED at the ports for the cable-connections, you should check those too13:28
testdrAikilox: if you moved from one place to another - maybe you used fixed ip-address or the new location needs it13:30
Aikiloxautomatic dhcp with ips13:32
Aikiloxethernet led is not flickering13:32
testdrAikilox: you can delete the file    /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistend-net.rules        and reboot to let the system re-configure the network-settings with plugged in cable13:33
testdrAikilox: but this will only help if the hardware really did work before -- in your old home13:33
testdrAikilox: but the ethernet-led at the router-port where you plugged in the cable from your comupter is on?13:34
testdrAikilox: i had a spelling error in the filename   s/d/t/13:36
Aikiloxnot working still13:38
testdrAikilox: you said it works with windows = same computer, same cable, same router?13:38
Aikiloxyes, correct13:41
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testdrAikilox: and what entries are in your networkconfiguration? Only the wireless?14:00
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switchtehbeathow to check if my memory is running dual channel in lubuntu?15:54
testdrswitchtehbeat: the memory-speed is higher than in single-channel-usage15:58
switchtehbeatwhat does that mean?15:59
testdrswitchtehbeat: the memtest (from the grub-boot-menu or live-version) may show it15:59
testdrwhats the meaning of computer?15:59
rafaellagunamaybe the hardinfo tool show it15:59
switchtehbeatI have 4 sticks and 2 in each blue and black..2 in black...2 in blue...that's dual channel?16:00
switchtehbeatsorry i got the info from google..16:01
testdronly if the the memory-sticks are compatible for the bios/hardware-usage16:01
switchtehbeatahh okay16:01
testdrnormaly a good bios will show it -- check bios settings16:01
rafaellagunano need to enter bios, hardinfo in a terminal16:04
switchtehbeatrafaellaguna, ?16:09
rafaellagunahardinfo, an app16:09
rafaellagunait analizes components of your computer16:10
rafaellagunayou can in your menu like System Profile and Information, or something like that16:10
switchtehbeatit doesn't say if it's dual channel or not :(16:10
switchtehbeatlook i'll print screen sec16:11
switchtehbeathttp://i.minus.com/ibbmmUejlzt70l.png and http://i.minus.com/idLKuGK7OUmcw.png16:12
switchtehbeatinstalling lshw-gtk16:13
rafaellagunaI'm trying, it doesn't  say...16:14
switchtehbeatnothing there..lol16:14
switchtehbeatbrb i'll check my bios16:14
rafaellagunayes, bios says, I find no other way. sorry,16:16
rafaellagunalshw and hardinfo are a bit more "domestic"16:16
switchtehbeatI HATE booting in to windows but CPUZ (?) said it's dual channel. my bios doesn't say if it's dual or not. it just tells me it's 16gb.16:25
malaphusHi all, I'm running lubuntu 14.04 and am having trouble setting autologin-user in lightdm.conf(.d/blah.conf)18:32
malaphusIt was working fine, but suddenly stopped, auth.log complains about lightdm being unable to load shared libraries during startup, (pam_gnome_keyring.so and pam_kwallet.so)18:33
llogiqHi folks.18:40
llogiqI have a (possibly stupid) question: When I press the mute key (and openbox calls "amixer -q sset Master toggle"), the Master, Headphone and Speaker channels are all muted. When I press it again, only the Master channel is unmuted. What gives? And more importantly: Does somebody know how to get it to unmute all three channels?18:42
phillwllogiq: I still have to untick the box.18:43
llogiqBtw. Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller.18:44
llogiqA possible workaround is to call "amixer -q sset Headphone toggle; amixer -q sset Speaker toggle", but only when the sound is muted.18:46
llogiqBut I had hoped for a more elegant solution.18:46
phillwllogiq: have a look on http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 and even an ask around.18:49
llogiqThanks, phillw18:51
phillwthey cover a lot of stuff on that forum area, and are nice people.18:52
llogiqcu folks.19:07
absk007Unit193, how to open console or developer tools in xombrero?20:13
Ahmuckgood afternoon20:36
phillwgood evening Ahmuck (21:38 in UK) :)20:38
Ahmucki've been digging quite extensively in lubuntu and have come to a realization of how quickly it can be customized20:40
Ahmucki do have some very basic questions that would help me clear things up20:40
phillwAhmuck: indeed :) I do server additions to mine, lots of others who like pretty screens use conky20:40
Ahmuckactually i was looking at the menu, panel, ec.20:43
Ahmuckit appears they are just config files and connected to a backend binary lx-somewidget20:43
phillwAhmuck: yup, you have openbox config and others... it is very customisable20:44
Ahmuckwhich is a binary connected to another binary function of the os "aviah-deamon", etc.20:44
Ahmucki was digging through the binary source and understand it as well20:44
Ahmucki'm only confused on the basic structure.  so, let me see if this is right ... linux (os interacting with hardware) --> windowing system --> de20:45
phillwyes, lxde / xcfe / kde / Gnome / Unity all are DE's on top of a common core. Each will pull in its own set of applications, but under the hood they are the same for the basic stuff.20:49
phillwAhmuck: have a read of http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2013/11/how-to-customise-lxde-desktop-using.html I cannot swear it is up to date, as I do not tweak my Desktop, just what applications it runs.20:49
Ahmucklooking at the source code, (i understand everybody wants it thier own way) it seems odd to have 100 different pieces of code to do the same things20:52
Ahmuckwhat is the common core?  the os?20:53
phillwAhmuck: the one for *buntu is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall (Those are our notes for lubuntu, but that core will install any of the family)20:54
Ahmucki've got a graphical map of how everything works but need clarification.  i'm going to build a flowchart of how lxde works and it's binaries.  for me to visually see it helps me map it in my mind so i able to make proper corrections.20:58
Ahmuckfor example, i just noticed nm-stage()-connecting10 icons for the network connection while it's establishing a connection.  what program handles this?  lx-nm? or nm-applet?21:00
phillwAhmuck: I've seen that, but it did clear itself... cannot recall the cause21:02
phillwAhmuck: I think it was a kick back from dhcp 'doing its bit'..21:03
Ahmuckno no.  that icon uses those icons for animation.  there is a sequence when the binary is iniciated that starts the animation.  i was curious.  i'll just trace it down and find out where the icons are coming from21:03
Ahmuckhow they are activaged, etc.21:03
Ahmuckwhile digging i've found several places for autostart.  i assume this may be part of the problem (and may be because of dist-upgrade wanting to preserve existing configurations) which makes sense21:04
Ahmuckit looks however to be a really easy thing to trace if all the known variables are known.  and that is where i was having issues before, so i thought i would document it in a visual flow chart map accoridng to execution of processes21:05
phillwAhmuck: you may want to set up a virtual machine and start using LXQt, as lubuntu is due to switch a lot of applications from GTK to the new system and applications such as you are discussing.21:05
phillwpop on 14.10, and then add LXQt to it21:06
phillwAhmuck: just be aware that it does get broken at times, so is not ready for anything but that VM or a seperate test machine.21:07
phillw14.10 is a general bug-fix for 14.04 so is just a 'stable' release (we do get a shiny new kernel and bug fixed browsers etc that have not been SRU'd)21:10
Ahmucki notice that lxde has gpicview.  why?21:10
Ahmuckis it a seperate binary?21:10
phillwAhmuck: lowest resource version of it's class21:10
phillwAhmuck: usually (not for 14.10) There is a two week period for people to suggest replacements for the applications Lubuntu ships by default. It is a lively two weeks! We recently switched from Chromium to Firefox as that is now lower resource aftr it went on crash diet.21:14
Ahmuckis there a set of applications considered "needed" for default?  for example, a web browser is a needed application in this day?21:15
phillwAhmuck: that is why we have lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-core. xombrero is a non-really supported browser, but it's damn small.21:16
phillwit is kindly look after by one of the lubuntu guys, to ensure we have a current version available for those who wish to use it.21:17
Ahmucklubuntu-core apps are listed where?21:24
Ahmucknm, found it21:26
phillwAhmuck: for such finer things... always head to minimal install area :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/MinimalInstall You get the list of two versions there :)21:26
Ahmuckso in lubuntu-desktop there are a lot of package managers21:27
AhmuckGDebi Package Installer - ST21:27
AhmuckLubuntu Software Center - ST21:27
AhmuckSoftware Updater - ST21:27
AhmuckSynaptic Package Manager - ST21:27
AhmuckSoftware & Updates - P21:27
AhmuckAdditional Drivers - P21:27
phillw!food | Ahmuck21:28
phillw!flood | Ahmuck21:28
ubottuAhmuck: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:28
Ahmuckbut a kick/ban does not work with my ip address21:29
phillwAhmuck: I take it Drone` has warned you... and if you do not obey the rules you will be k-lined and not have people answer your questions. So, drop the  "but a kick/ban does not work with my ip address" attitude and follow the rules :)21:30
phillw Ahmuck_: I take it Drone` has warned you... and if you do not obey the rules you will be k-lined and not have people answer your questions. So, drop the  "but a kick/ban does not work with my ip address" attitude and follow the rules :)21:32
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AhmuckDrone didn't warn me, it just spewed gibberish on my screen21:34
Ahmuckbut i understood what it was doing21:34
Ahmuckbtw, it's not attitude yet21:34
phillwI've never upset Drone` So not sure what it says, I just use the flood factoid.21:35
phillw!flood | Ahmuck21:35
ubottuAhmuck: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:35
Ahmuckdoesn't really do anything except op in, quiet, op out21:36
Ahmuckfor a new chat user means nothing21:36
Ahmuckit's a flood protection21:36
phillwwhich I think is much more politer, as it is for people who are new21:36
Ahmuckunless they have no clue21:36
Ahmuckanywho, moving on21:36
Ahmuckso is Lubuntu Package Manager supposed to replace the plethoria of package managers?21:37
Ahmucker, sorry, Lubuntu Software Center21:38
phillwAhmuck: it could be from the massive DNS attack that took freenode down for a couple of days..... Or, as was noted ... "A bit like a bunch of thugs trying to kick a puppy to death" Freenode is over 99% volunteer run.21:38
phillwAhmuck: LSC is the light version of the GUI that ubuntu software center.21:39
phillwAhmuck: and it is one of those being re-written for Qt521:39
phillwUpdater is also being totally re-written, and a new one to look after repos / ppa's.21:41
Ahmuckam I holding you up from getting sleep21:42
phillwAhmuck: those three are the ones I have a slight involvement with, if you want to know where things are at, have a head of to https://launchpad.net/~gilir/+archive/ubuntu/q-project?field.series_filter=21:43
phillwAhmuck: doesn't make much sense to me.21:44
Ahmuckto many menu options that could be combined into some very simple configuration interfaces21:44
phillwI'm a tester, not a dev :)21:45
Ahmuckreviewing both the menu, panel, how they work togather i'm beggining to wonder if gui interfaces (backend binaries) need to be re-written to combine multple functions for the same thing21:45
Ahmuckto make things simpler.21:46
Ahmuckanybody with term experiences does not need them.  i found the menu options and trying to remember where each thing was confusing21:46
Ahmuckur testing qt?21:46
Ahmucker, lxqt21:46
phillwAhmuck: If you put together a document with your thoughts of what can be improved owing to duplication, please do so and send it to me phillw@phillw.net If it is a well written document, I assure you that I will ensure it is read and you will get a reply.21:48
malaphusso my company has a requirement that there be a confidentiality notice on login screens for our employees, I use to be able to customize the lightdm greeter to add an image with company logo and the disclaimer, but now it seems that the greeter look is hard coded into lightdm, anyone know of a greeter I can use that gives me this functionality?21:48
Ahmuckactually over the next 90 days i'm going to create a dia diagram of processes and configuration links so i can visually see what is connected, why, and what is going on.21:49
Ahmuckmalaphus, change the coding?21:49
phillw14.10 is only a bug fix, so thoughts for 15.04 are not too late, offering to write to standard your proposals is also a big plus :)21:49
Ahmuckneed the link to the source code of the greeter21:49
malaphusAhmuck: recompiling lightdm is a possibility, but I was hoping for a greeter that was just customizable out of the box, so that it's easier for us to keep up with patches, etc21:50
phillwAhmuck: we do not have 90 days :)21:50
Unit193malaphus: 'wallpaper' is no longer taken into effect from the [greeter] section of /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf?21:50
phillwOctober comes very quickly21:50
Ahmucki'd write a customizable greeter and then submit for inclusion and let the patches be completed by the group21:50
Ahmuckphillw, i'm not doing it for lubuntu, for myself.  if lubuntu decides to borrow, then that's up to them21:51
phillwAhmuck: we have a well written greeter, that will not be changed21:51
Ahmuckbut i've very good with organization of gui's and visual mapping21:51
phillwUnit193: btw, what does Drone` do ?21:51
malaphusUnit193:  looks like it's "background", I will try... I know the logo= setting is ignored now21:51
Ahmuckanything can be changed, anything is possible, one needs only to find the right democratic motivation21:51
phillwAhmuck: Lubuntu is a technoracy21:52
Ahmuckit's open source afterall, this is why we have so many splinter groups21:52
Ahmuckand i always love how upper techs think they can hold onto something only to have someone re-write the game plan, for example, openoffice vs libreoffice21:53
Unit193malaphus: Right, my bad, that's the key I was looking at.  Problem may be in accountsservice setting the wallpaper though.21:53
phillwindeed, if you do not like the way lubuntu is heading, you are fully entitled to your own spin :)21:53
Ahmuckand others21:53
Unit193I don't believe pcmanfm is accountservices aware, so that should be pretty good if you use that for the desktop.21:53
Ahmuckit's not that phillw, it's the total ignoring the problem and calling it not a problem that's peeved me21:53
Ahmucknot by you21:53
phillwAhmuck: what is not being called not a problem ?21:54
zerothisI have a toshiba satellite a25-s2792. Trying to boot trusty live. the lubuntu splash shows & some "ali15x3" errors that blink too fast to read . then says "starting lighdm display manager" then screen goes black.21:56
Ahmuckphillw i'm not getting into past issues, moving on21:56
zerothisREISUB works21:58

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