
fdassdffIs there an IRC client for mobile devices yet?  I recall some discussion on a ML about hooking it into system accounts, but I don't remember any solution for it00:50
fdassdff*don't remember any resolution for it00:50
Akiva-Mobilehey all03:51
Akiva-Mobileholy smokes; many merges makes me malevolent.04:10
Akiva-ThinkpadAnybody working today ~?07:26
DanChapmanGood morning all o/07:28
DanChapmanhey Akiva-Thinkpad07:28
Akiva-Thinkpadmorning chap07:28
mihirnik90_: ping10:24
vitimitiIs it possible, using QML just for the "looks" and C++ for functions to download some files into a specified directory, or is the app limited to its cache folder even when using C++?11:33
SwordfishHello everyone, since yesterday I'm having some troubles working with the i386 emulator. During deploy step I get the following message: "Could not connect to host: Server rejected key." Do you have any idea? Thank you in advance...12:24
RoninDevcan anybody answer the question about golang using go-qml package?13:35
gerlowskijamihir: ping18:03
mihirgerlowskija: ping18:04
mihirgerlowskija: pong !!18:04
gerlowskijaquick question about your comment on: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/add-tests-for-future-and-past-events18:05
mihirgerlowskija: shoot18:05
gerlowskijaI'm not sure I realy understand the bug that I thought was a blocker.  I saw in the discussion them talking about the year 2038...18:06
gerlowskijawas your comment saying that the tests shouldn't be blocked because we're nowhere near a timestamp that large?18:06
mihirgerlowskija: exactly , so if we want to start we can start and get our things ready.18:07
mihirgerlowskija: once balloons MR get lended we can do merge and still we're good to go18:07
gerlowskijahmm I'm still a little unclear.  Just a sec, let me think of what I'm trying to ask.18:09
gerlowskijaAny AP test that uses datepicker will hit this issue in CI/Jenkins...so if I put together a branch, it won't be able to merge until Nick's MR gets through.18:11
mihirgerlowskija: nope, as far as i understood.18:11
mihirgerlowskija: it'll only if your AP crosss timestamp duration18:11
gerlowskijaSorry, to clarify, when you said "nope", do you mean....."nope" = "you're correct, it won't be able to merge", or "nope" = "no  you're wrong, it should be able to merge"?18:14
mihirgerlowskija: read my second reply , it won't affect as far as i understood..untill testing timestamp is too large18:15
mihirgerlowskija: as the blocker is on device so it should run on desktop18:17
mihirnik90_: i have merged and also incorporated kunal's comment18:17
nik90_mihir: cool18:17
nik90_mihir: I didn't find any other issues18:17
mihirnik90_: if you get time to test , that would be great :)18:18
nik90_mihir: on the device18:18
mihirnik90_: i was lilttle confused the way date & time looks18:18
mihirnik90_: just New event functionality ,18:18
nik90_mihir: screenshot?18:18
gerlowskijaok, that's good news then.  I'd interpreted the issue differently.  I'm kindof curious how the issue was discovered in the first place (2038's a long time away haha).18:19
gerlowskijamihir: I'll switch back to working on those AP tests as soon as I get a MP up for another bug I've started on.18:19
mihirgerlowskija: great :)18:20
mihirgerlowskija: i am too curious to know that, my observation is compeletly based on bug description18:21
mihirnik90_: http://i.imgur.com/JkNjYgG.png18:23
mihirnik90_: i am little confused the way date , time fields looks18:23
mihirnik90_: they look odd  and flat18:23
nik90_mihir: that's the way it looks before as well18:32
nik90_mihir: I only added the thindividers later18:32
mihirnik90_: can't we have depth as well , i am not sure18:33
mihirnik90_: as we have in textbox , so it looks like textbox ?18:33
nik90_mihir: but a textbox indicates you can type inside it18:34
mihirnik90_: hmmm,18:34
nik90_mihir: while here we cant..it is more like a box you click to show the datetime picker18:34
mihirnik90_: okay , understood18:34
mihirnik90_: there?18:49
nik90_mihir: yes18:50
mihirnik90_: i was trying to create click package from qt creator18:50
mihirnik90_: it says, It is not supported to create click packages for a non UbuntuSDK target18:51
nik90_mihir: yes. You need to first choose the phone as the targetted environment18:52
mihirnik90_: from tools->Option?18:52
mihirnik90_: thanks , i'll follow and try18:53
mihirnik90_: it keep saying :-1: error: Connection error: Timeout waiting for reply from server.19:47
rmcdonaldanyone have any advice for someone just starting programming?20:52
ckmanhi there22:31
ckmanm new please help22:31

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