
robrujhodapp: sorry for the spam, was using your silo to debug an issue in production.00:57
robrui think it's fixed now00:57
jhodapprobru, dang00:57
jhodapprobru, did I move silos now?00:58
robrujhodapp: oh yeah, sorry, that was a separate issue, had to free you and reassign it. you're in 5 now00:59
jhodapprobru, ok00:59
robrujhodapp: ok, there's a package in your PPA, so the issue I was debugging is fixed, *PHEW* ;-)01:00
jhodapprobru: good news :)01:00
jhodapprobru, hopefully after I get a review by ricmm this weekend, I'll be landing that01:00
robrujhodapp: My bug rendered citrain completely incapable of building *anything* in RTM ;-)01:01
jhodapprobru, oh man, no good01:01
robrujhodapp: at 6PM on a friday ;-)01:01
robrujhodapp: but I fixed it! Now it's time for dinner...01:01
jhodapprobru, so when I land in Ubuntu and want to then land in the ubuntu-rtm, what do I need to do?01:02
jhodapprobru, there were so many emails sent about that I got so confused01:02
robrujhodapp: oh yeah it's rubbish01:02
robrujhodapp: basically now you have to make two requests, the utopic one as normal, and then the rtm one is just a copypaste, but change your MP to empty and your source packages can just say 'sync:' (we'll fill in what to sync after the utopic silo lands).01:03
robrujhodapp: when in doubt, copy what other people are doing. there's lots of examples in the spreadsheet01:03
jhodapprobru, so then that gets built for the ubuntu-rtm branch, and then both need to be manually landed by the CI team?01:04
cwayne1did we do the rtm fork a bit early?01:05
cwayne1just based on the fact that like more than 50% of the MPs then include a sync:01:05
jhodappcwayne1, yeah, when would an MP only be landed in one anyway?01:06
robrujhodapp: utopic needs to publish before rtm starts to build01:07
robrubbl, dinner for real01:07
jhodapprobru, ok cool01:07
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Train support: trainguards | Vanguard: cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: robru is tearing this train apart. Ping him if any jenkins jobs have unexpected results.
cwayne1jhodapp: right? no idea01:10
* ToyKeeper wonders what's with everyone trying to land huge silos or core app changes at the last minute on a Friday01:30
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 229 building (started: 20140906 02:05) ===02:05
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 21 building (started: 20140906 03:05) ===03:05
bzoltancjwatson: OK, i have approved the MR03:23
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 229 DONE (finished: 20140906 03:50) ===03:50
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/229.changes ===03:50
tedgrobru, K, done04:05
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 21 DONE (finished: 20140906 04:20) ===04:20
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/21.changes ===04:20
popeyupgraded my krillin to 21 OTA and unity8 is in an apport/crash loop. going back to #2008:07
popeysame happened when i went 16->1708:07
asachmm. for me it was a bit flaky ... e.g. hart to convince to do the upgrade (had to go to settings a few times)08:09
asacbut 21 is running here08:09
popeywent back to 2008:19
popeyi am wondering if there's some issue with download/checksum here08:19
cjwatsonbzoltan: thanks08:20
popeybecause when i went 16->17 the download took forever08:20
bzoltancjwatson: Just ping me when this MR lands so I can port it to Trusty and release in the SDK PPA.08:20
cjwatsonsigh, mvo is offline and I can't set a commit message there08:27
cjwatsonbzoltan: would you mind setting the commit message on that MP to "Run pkcon with --allow-untrusted (LP: #1360582)." ?08:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1360582 in PackageKit "Can't manually install clicks "Signature verification error" since #205" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136058208:28
cjwatsonthen I can get on with building it08:28
bzoltancjwatson:  done09:46
bzoltanSorry, my response time is not the best on Saturday. I had to suspend two girls.09:46
bzoltanogra_: sergiusens: It seems that the `phablet-config edges-intro --disable` does not do what used to do. The device boots to the edges intro.09:48
ogra_bzoltan, yes, thats a bug in cgroups, mterry and hallyn were working on it all day yesterday09:49
ogra_or rather in the combo of cgroups and lightdm as i understood09:49
bzoltanogra_:  OK, good to know. It means I can not reboot between AP tests.09:50
ogra_you could hack something together that runs as root ... and upstart job with the dbus call from "phablet-config edges-intro" for example09:51
ogra_(the prob is that the user has no permissions to talk to the accountservice via dbus)09:52
bzoltanogra_: that sounds doable09:52
bzoltanogra_:  ehh09:52
bzoltanogra_:  is there any way to prevent screen lock?10:05
popeybzoltan: powerd-cli active10:14
popeydunno if that's the "official" way but that's how I do it.10:14
bzoltanpopey:  thanks10:14
popeykeeps the screen on10:14
ogra_there is some new unlock code as well in the unity8-autopilot package iirc10:23
asacogra_: do you know if johns tarball made it into rtm branch yesterday?11:04
* asac didnt get an escalation so he assumes it is in11:04
ogra_in image 2011:06
* asac crosses finger that this powerd issue is really not comgin back11:07
asacso far the phone is still up11:07
ogra_i havent seen it in more than a week here11:08
asaci saw it every day11:09
asacogra_: guess you are not running around with your phone much :)11:09
asacand reboot regularly?11:09
ogra_no, i dont reboot unless something is seriously broken11:09
ogra_but i charge over night so it only has long sleep phases during the day11:10
ogra_and these are rarely more than 2h11:10
asaci dont know what long is though11:10
asacthink long is long enough for deep sleep11:10
asacdoesnt matter how long in that sleep mode i would think11:10
ogra_probably we have multiple stages of deep sleep in the HW11:10
* asac happy that gmail webapp seems to not forget his cookies anymore11:13
* asac hugs dbarth if he would be here11:13
bzoltanogra_:  I am running tests on #229. the good news is that actually some of the tests pass11:18
asacsome :)11:20
bzoltaneven better... all sudoku app tests pass :) the first fully validated app11:25
ogra_are you testing rtm or utopic ?11:27
ogra_asac, seeing your "word suggestion" mail ... try a sudo command in the terminal-app with that on ;)11:30
ogra_(and enjoy having your sudo pasword from now on in the word suggestion cache :P11:31
bzoltanogra_:  utopic #22911:35
asacu know what i hate11:50
asacauto correction11:50
asacthats the most useless thing in the world11:50
asacwhoever invented that had no clue how folks dont want to type proper german or english11:51
asacogra_: it doesnt remember my pin11:52
asacif i dont tell it to11:52
asacwhat it does though is post it first thing on terminal after i enter it to get acecess to terminal11:52
asacguess thats a bug though11:53
asacauto suggestion doesnt auto remember11:53
asacyou have to click the word after typing so it adds it to its dictionary11:53
ogra_it will show your pin as first suggestion in the wordlist if you enter the first char of it for the duration of the terminal session11:53
asacat least thats how i learned it and how i see it here11:53
asacogra_: no it doesnt11:53
ogra_it does here11:53
asacnot for me11:54
ogra_if my pin is 1234 and i type 1 the first suggestion on the left is always 123411:54
asaci think you accidentially added it to your dict11:54
asacby clicking on it when it was in the suggestion bar while typing11:54
ogra_how wouold i do that ??11:54
asacogra_: so when you type you see the suggestions and on the left you see what you type11:54
asacif you click on that it will add that to dict11:54
asactry with brbriwer11:54
asacit will do a whitespace after you hit it and add to dict11:55
asacand its the ONLY way to actually leave a word that isnt suggested like it is if you have  auto correction11:55
asacso if i want to write with autocorrection "mennomeno" i have to click it ohterwise it gets transformed into something else11:55
asacand then its in dict forever11:55
asacanyway, in general apps should be able to set modes11:56
asacthat dont have auto suggestions11:56
asaclike password11:56
asacotoh, in browser you can also remember you pass :)11:56
asacbut thats different11:56
asacogra_: i dont know where the ddictionary is kept11:56
asacbut i am sure you will find it in there11:56
asacoh ... there is another bug11:57
asac1. after i unlock terminal it prints the pin in the first line11:57
ogra_it is gone when i close the terminal11:57
asac2. and of course at that point it shows the 305011:57
asacbut only for the first line11:57
asacafter that11:57
ogra_only happens within one session11:57
asacbut thats a bug11:57
asacright, but for me it doesnt happen after the second line11:57
* asac tries again11:57
* ogra_ sighs ... why is krillin always behavinng different :(11:58
asac1. kill terminal11:58
asac2. open terminal enter pin11:58
asac3. click in terminal pastes my pin :)11:58
asac4. /me uses backspace to delete11:58
asac5. type ls11:58
asac6. type first digit of pin -> does not suggest my pin11:59
cjwatsonbzoltan: thanks.  response time entirely understandable, I don't expect people to be around on Saturday :)11:59
asacthats what i experience11:59
asacogra_: try that :)11:59
cjwatsonasac: autocorrect is an utter pain when I'm trying to type Irish ...11:59
asacyou just not hit enter after the pin gets pasted on first line i guess11:59
ogra_hmm, right12:00
ogra_doesnt happen anymore12:00
asaccjwatson: hey :) yes, i hate it a lot for whatever. i use my own shorthands and special english-germano self inventions and it ONLY gets in my way :)12:00
asacand the bad is you dont notice that it changed your word until after you send the text :P12:00
asaci think i have it never do the right correction for me in android12:00
asaccant imagine it helps anyone else :P12:01
cjwatsonI'm fine with autocorrect being offered (autosuggest or whatever); the annoying bit is when it's automatically applied when you go to the next word by entering space or whatever12:01
cjwatsonthat just gets in the way12:01
asacyes thats autocorrection12:01
asacsuggestion is fine, just dont bloody do it :)12:01
asacsee the mail thread :)12:01
asaci think we should turn on suggestion, but nothing else by default12:01
asacogra_: its weird... i think the big problem is the initial paste12:02
asacwhich is super buggy12:02
asacogra_: a) why does it paste anything when i first click in the terminal12:02
asacb) why is my pin in the clipboard12:03
asac-> that certainly is a security bug too12:03
asacogra_: who would know? mterry? where do i file this bug against?12:03
mterryasac, for Terminal?12:04
ogra_terminal-app i would guess12:04
asacmterry: yeah see the steps here:12:04
asac13:57 < asac> 1. kill terminal12:04
asac13:57 < asac> 2. open terminal enter pin12:04
asac13:57 < asac> 3. click in terminal pastes my pin :)12:04
asac13:58 < asac> 4. /me uses backspace to delete12:04
asac13:58 < asac> 5. type ls12:04
mterryasac, I'm guessing they forgot to turn off the predictive hint for their keyboard entry12:04
asac13:58 < asac> 6. type first digit of pin -> does not suggest my pin12:04
mterryasac, I think the lockscreen also does that, shame on me12:04
asaclook at step 312:04
mterryasac, I don't know why it's in the clipboard12:05
asaci enter pin and in the unlock screen and its in the clipboard it seems12:05
asaci dont know why terminal pastes when i click in it :)12:05
asacbut it must come from somewhere12:05
mterryasac, but I remember hearing someone blame the OSK / predictive text for that12:05
* asac doesnt know if its in the clipboard12:05
asacjust assumes12:05
asacmterry: for stuff being in the clipboard?12:05
mterryasac, well, for the text showing up like that, wherever it came from12:06
asacmterry: read the instructions12:06
asacit doesnt show up :)12:06
mterryasac, well it's pasted in?12:06
asac(as suggestion)12:06
asacbut not as suggestion12:06
asacjust as real content12:06
asacit is not suggested after that (unless you accept it of course)12:06
mterryasac, I think someone mentioned the same problem with the lockscreen and pasting text into app12:06
asacmterry: where shall i file this against?12:07
mterryasac, and at the time it was theorized it was due to the OSK's treatment of predictive text12:07
asacso we dont forget to look into it12:07
asacpredictive text == suggestion?12:07
mterryasac, with the suggestion that the lockscreen should really disable predictive text for that field (or really, maybe the password hint should automatically disable it)12:07
mterryasac, I think so yes12:07
* asac turns all that stuff off and tries again12:07
mterryasac, well I have that off and I still see it12:08
mterryasac, I'd guess OSK for now, to file the bug12:08
asacmterry: what do you have off? all options? or just auto correction?12:08
asacthis time with all options turned off it didnt happen12:08
mterryasac, uh... I think I have the default set of options12:08
* asac tries more options12:08
asacmterry: can you check in settings -> language?12:08
* asac doesnt know what the defaults are12:08
asacyeah so just word suggestion withtout anything causes this12:09
asacso indeed12:09
mterryasac, uh no, I can't check right now actually -- but I remember that I saw this bug with a test device, not my dogfood one, so it was with the new default of predicitive=on12:09
asacguess auto suggestion uses clipboard to get the current text to then look in dictionary12:09
asacmterry: dont worry12:09
asachave confirmed its the suggestion feature12:10
* asac will file bug12:10
asacwhats the package?12:10
ogra_ubuntu-keyboard ?12:10
* asac tries12:11
ogra_well, that handles all auto suggestion12:11
asacok bug 136631412:16
ubot5bug 1366314 in ubuntu-keyboard (Ubuntu) "security issue? auto suggest seems to copy credentials into clipboard" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136631412:16
asacsubscribed jamie and marc12:17
asacwill shoot them a mal so they keep that on their radar12:17
ogra_is it my fingers or is the krillin touchscreen a lot more sensitive recently ? +12:20
ogra_i can hardly scrolll in webapps without tapping a link12:21
cjwatsonwhoops, I forgot citrain inserts bug refs12:23
cjwatsonoh well, just a slightly noisy qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu changelog12:23
ogra_heh, i gave up wondering about weird changelogs12:24
cjwatsonthings I love: ppc64el (and nowadays powerpc too) build times.  we should just ram power8s into all our phones12:24
ogra_its getting winter soon ... i could need a pocket oven :)12:25
asacpower is cool and powerful :P12:25
asacthey  dont waste energy on heat... just pure computing :P12:25
ogra_yeah, i guess sparc would be the better oven here12:26
* cjwatson sits back and contemplates the laws of thermodynamics12:26
asaci heard go will reduce build times a lot for us :P12:29
ogra_lol, go ...12:29
asacno more C++ energy waste12:29
ogra_go away12:29
cjwatsonit had better, since once we have go shared libraries it sounds like we'll be rebuilding the universe frequently :)12:30
asaccjwatson: you say with shared library we will do more rebuilding?12:31
asacor was that a typo?12:31
cjwatsonsee the thread on -tech12:31
cjwatsonthe current upstream strategy for go shared libraries will basically bump the soname equiv on every source change12:31
cjwatsonat least to start with12:31
cjwatsonI'm ok with it as long as it improves later :)12:32
ogra_another regular haskell bomb for -changes12:32
cjwatsonexactly, except with runtimes as well12:32
cjwatsoncloser to current ocaml12:32
cjwatsonso ... just as well we know how to deal with that kind of thing now ;)12:32
asacwhat was the motivation driver for folks doing a shared library approach like they did now?12:36
cjwatsonI think it's effectively the simplest possible strategy12:38
cjwatsonthey did flag it as something they might well refine later12:38
asacright. but did they do this effort because of us (aka distros) asking for it or because they found their own reason to need this?12:38
cjwatsonoh, right, not totally sure but we have definitely been asking about it, and they noted that part of their proposal was explicitly targeted at distribution builders12:39
cjwatsonthe proposal is a bit broader than just shared libraries for distros; I only read parts of it12:39
bzoltanas expected the unity8 tests are not really happy with the lockings12:45
cjwatsonhow do I get click and packagekit into the silo config for ubuntu-rtm/landing-003?12:49
cjwatsonis the spreadsheet syntax wrong there?  hmm, maybe it needs to lose the :version12:50
* cjwatson tries that12:50
* ogra_ notes that lxc-android-config made it into the archive and triggers a utopic image build12:51
cjwatsonmuch better12:53
cjwatsonasac: I've mailed mvo to let him know that's done, but not expecting him to test over the weekend12:56
asaccjwatson: yes perfect.12:58
asaccjwatson: if its in rtm silo qa will also help testing and give more assurance; they just need goo guidance what type of stuff could happen12:58
* asac steps out for couple hours12:59
asachope you guys are having weekend then12:59
* asac waves12:59
cjwatsonyeah, will send it off to QA on Monday12:59
cjwatsonI'm off too, I smell lunch12:59
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 230 building (started: 20140906 13:00) ===13:00
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 230 DONE (finished: 20140906 14:35) ===14:35
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/230.changes ===14:35

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