
bazhang<wowaname> oh lord i dont think i can stay in this channel without dropping an iq  point00:17
IdleOneHe can thank me later for saving his IQ00:21
IdleOneall yours bazhang :)00:26
wowanamehi can i be banned here00:28
wowanamewaste of a channel imo00:28
wowanameyeah here00:29
bazhangjust leave00:29
wowanameaw you're nice00:29
bazhangwhy would we ban you here00:29
wowanamesame reason you'd ban me in the main chan00:30
wowanamenot you specifically00:30
wowanamehmmm brb00:30
bazhang<wowaname> oh lord i dont think i can stay in this channel without dropping an iq  point00:30
wowanameoh yeah right00:30
wowanamethat's bannable?00:30
bazhangthats not helpful at all00:30
wowanamenor is this conversation we're having right now00:31
wowanameyet we're still having it00:31
bazhangchit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic00:32
bazhangsupport is in #ubuntu00:32
IdleOneinsinuating that people are "too stupid" for you to be around is insulting. I wanted to make sure you didn't suffer any ill effects from being around our users who actually are trying to seek help and be helpful.00:33
wowanamewhat's insulting is like five channels per open-source support project00:34
wowaname(channel) (channel)-offtopic (channel)-ops ##(channel)00:35
IdleOneoh, Ubuntu has way more than that00:35
bazhangwowaname, then dont join them00:35
IdleOneif that insults you then you are not going to like being around Ubuntu00:35
bazhangwowaname, if you think its a waste of time, why bother joining00:35
wowanamebecause it's wasting your time x300:35
bazhangis that the new xD00:36
bazhangwowaname, stick to channels you find worthwhile then00:37
bazhangwowaname, was there anything you needed assistance with?00:41
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (-ArcticFox84-)02:52
phunyguyso we have some folks /notifying users in #ubuntu..... anything we can do about that?03:00
phunyguy[23:20:18] [tertop] douchebag04:26
phunyguymeant for -ops-team04:26
ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (zarahoestra)12:05
ubottujustaguy called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()16:40
phunyguythat person in -ot was the same person /noticing people in #ubuntu last night.17:22

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