
ompal99command to know remote machine is VM or Physical03:52
cfhowlettman virtwhat04:08
ompal99not working04:10
ompal99im trying on live centos image04:12
Patrickdkwell, this is 3ubuntu04:12
Patrickdkcan't help you with centos04:12
ompal99thanks man04:13
Abhijiti have 8 disks. sda to sdh. i want 200MB, , 20GB and <remaining_space> these 3 partitions on *each* disk. then i want to create md0 for all eight 200mb partions. mount /boot on md0. then creaet md1 for all eight 20GB partitions. mount / on it. is this the correct kickstart recipe for this raid1 setup http://paste.fedoraproject.org/131210/99128401/04:20
delinquentmeThe following exception was thrown by libcloud when trying to run the initial deployment: 413 Request Entity Too Large Quota exceeded for ram: Requested 8192, but already used 130048 of 131072 ram04:54
hadifarnoudnginx is loading a totally different site despite the fact that the config is set on the correct folder. ideas?07:41
sarnoldare you sure it's loading the correct config?07:42
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lordievaderGood morning.08:56
Abhijitanyone using mysql master ha.09:39
bekksAbhijit: What if someone does?09:40
Abhijitbekks, how can i make it use user@ipaddress instead of user@hostname?09:41
bekksMake it use that when doing what?09:41
Abhijitbekks, connecting to mysql nodes?09:41
bekksWhen configuring it, use IP instead of hostname.09:42
Abhijitbekks, did that exactly.09:44
bekksThen it wouldnt use the hostnames, unless you have entries for them in the /etc/hosts I guess.09:44
Abhijitbekks, you mean /etc/hosts of the node or manager?09:45
bekksAbhijit: of the manager.09:45
Abhijitbekks, manager only has host entry for itself. not for the nodes.09:45
bekksAbhijit: So lets take a look at another aspect - does replication currently work?09:46
Abhijitbekks, its this file /usr/bin/apply_diff_relay_logs09:47
Abhijitbekks, yes.09:47
bekksAbhijit: So why do you want to use the IP then? Replication works thats what mysql master ha is supposed to do?09:47
Abhijitbekks, replication do not work with mysql master ha. it halts at this error09:48
bekksAbhijit: You ansered yes and no to my question "does replication currently work?" - Does it work or not?09:48
Abhijitit does not work.09:49
bekksAnd whats the exact error? Pastebin it please.09:52
Abhijitbekks, http://paste.fedoraproject.org/131486/09997161/09:53
Abhijitbekks, any idea?10:04
Abhijitbekks, i get this Last_IO_Error: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'log event entry exceeded max_allowed_packet; Increase max_allowed_packet on master'10:07
Abhijitwhen i do  show slave status\G10:07
Abhijitand Slave_IO_State is empty10:07
bekksThen do what the error says and change that given parameter on the master side.10:10
Abhijitbekks, how much to set? i set it to 500M and still get same error.10:20
bekksSo 500M is too small.10:22
Abhijitbeisner, 1024M. still same errror.10:23
Abhijitbekks, ^10:23
bekksDid you restart the master database after changing the value?10:23
bekksThen its still too small.10:24
Abhijitbekks, i am adding this to /etc/my.cnf. is there any way that mysql is using this conf only an not something else?10:25
bekksSure there is, but as long as it is a standard setup, that file is used.10:26
darkxploithello i need the documentation for dnssec on ubuntu server 14.04 LTS . can someone help me please with some links ?15:57
darkxploithello i need the documentation of bind package for ubuntu?..16:02
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andoldarkxploit: Well, if you install the bind9-doc packages you'll find the documentation under /usr/share/doc/bind9-doc/arm/16:15
andoldarkxploit: For getting started with dnssec I can very much recommend this book - https://www.michaelwlucas.com/nonfiction/dnssec-mastery16:16
darkxploitandol, ok thank you16:24
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dustinspringmanso, i'm still having an issue... ubuntu-server 14.04... acting as a pptp server.... whenever a pptp client disconnects, I get a "PPPD" command in TOP that runs on and on forever consuming 100% CPU.... as more and more clients disconnect, the PPPD command in top grows and each of the processes equally consumes CPU until the server is at 100%... I can simply "kill" the offending pppd processes, but thats a manual proces20:20
Arshanhi every one20:41
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qman__dustinspringman: while this doesn't directly address your issue, PPTP is laughably, horribly broken and insecure - you really shouldn't be using it   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point-to-Point_Tunneling_Protocol#Security http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/29460/how-can-i-tell-if-a-pptp-tunnel-is-secure21:15
dustinspringmanthanks qman__ I am familiar with these issues.. unfortunately, the customer had already invested in hardware that lacks the software license to support ipsec.. so I'm stuck until the next budget cycle..21:17
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