
skellat.wx 4400403:04
jenniCover: Clear, Temp: 77.2°F (25.1°C), Dew Point: 68.7°F (20.4°C), Humidity: 75%, Apparent Temp: 77.2°F (25.1°C), Pressure: 29.95in (1014.17mb), Condition: Rain, Wind: Gentle breeze 7.4mph (12.0kmh) (↓) - Ashtabula, Ohio, United States (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)03:04
Unit193Temp: 79 F (26 C) ~ Mostly Cloudy ~ Humidity: 74% ~ Observed: Fri 05, 22:5203:07
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
Derath-Srvr.wx 4542411:24
Derath-SrvrOh, looks like jenni left11:24
belkinsaNet split?11:47
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
PCLine_Hello people of Ohio that like Ubuntu.21:36
Unit193Strictly speaking... :D21:38
PCLine_Hello Unit19321:40
=== J21_ is now known as J21

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