
=== richard is now known as Guest14928
aldohi all , is there any way to get access to the root directory?03:08
aldoI want to install VLC skins..03:08
cfhowlettaldo | sudo cp filename03:09
aldook, thanks,...  is there away to get access via gui03:12
holsteingksudo thunar03:13
holsteinor, boot a live CD, use a GUI filemanager...03:13
aldoI install the GKSU library from the Ubuntu software center then at the terminal || gksu thunar || it launches an access window and open thunar in super user mode03:24
aldothanks a lot for the support03:24
cfhowlettaldo, proceed carefully and have fun03:25
aldothanks a lot03:25
cfhowlettJohnTalent, well what?05:27
ilcapochahay alguién ahi?15:28
cfhowlett!es | ilcapocha,15:29
ubottuilcapocha,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:29

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