
=== lazypower-travel is now known as lazyPower-sprint
menn0thumper: morning21:15
marcoceppithumper: you around?23:16
thumpermarcoceppi: yep23:16
marcoceppithumper: opinions on this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/136662723:16
mupBug #1366627: Automagically configure environments.yaml to work for an encypted home directory <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1366627>23:16
marcoceppithe title is wrong23:16
marcoceppibut the body was updated23:16
* marcoceppi updates23:17
thumpermarcoceppi: triaged23:19
marcoceppithumper: \o/ brussels beers all around23:20
thumpermarcoceppi: I don't think I'll be doing it, but we'll try to get someone on to it.23:22
marcoceppithumper: awesome, it's biting new users left and right and the docs to caveat this are always falling behind23:30
* thumper nods23:30
thumperfair call23:30
thumperit wasn't something that I thought of when we created it23:30
marcoceppithumper: yeah, we're sprinting now and basically had a eureka moment23:33
wallyworld_thumper: marcoceppi: there's also this one: bug 136175923:33
mupBug #1361759: Early LXC log files should be in /var/log not /var/lib <landscape> <logging> <lxc> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1361759>23:33
wallyworld_apparently that annoys people23:34

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