
pcvonzAnybody know how to to get Amarok to play stuff over DLNA?00:43
skreech_aanyone up to troubleshooting a USB microphone?05:19
nagerstHow do i disable the virtual desktop switching when using hte mousewheel at the top of the screen?08:05
nagerstvery quiet today08:18
MoonUnit`possibibly in system settings, workspace behaviour , screen edges08:19
nagersti found it.08:20
nagerstIt was hidden in the desktop settings (right click the desktop)08:20
bonk3rzzvnc server??? anyone help???/08:34
bonk3rzzkubunu 14.0408:34
kruemelteehello everybody ... got a little problem with the installer of kubuntu 14 x64 ... seems as if the installer doesn't recognize my first harddisk (on console I'm able to see the disk, write partition tables, everything), but within the graphical installer the setup won't let me choose sda. Only within the dropdownmenu "install bootloader" I found sda ... any ideas?08:55
lordievaderkruemeltee: Could you make a screenshot of the partitioner?08:59
lordievader!screenshot | kruemeltee08:59
ubottukruemeltee: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.08:59
kruemelteeyeah ... I'll try it ... please wait09:02
kruemelteeokay, screenshot wasn't that easy but I made one with my cam ... first picture shows the manual prepare of partitions (only sdb /500GB) and sdc (USB Stick) is available ... ath the bottom you'll see sda for the bootloader-installation ... second screen is automatic installer09:10
lordievaderkruemeltee: Okay, go to a tty and give me the output  of "sudo fdisk -l" please.09:17
kruemelteeit's not that easy ... I'm chatting here on another machine ... please wait, I'll install ssh so I'm able to copy output09:23
SN3there is no decent GUI mysql client for kde09:24
kruemelteebut within console I'm able to see sda, I first cleaned up the partition table, created a new one and partitioned by hand with my favorite layout09:24
SN3at least not a stable one09:24
kruemelteemaybe I just got an old copy of the installer CD?09:24
SN3mysql workbench crashes too often09:24
kruemelteeroot@kubuntu:/home/kubuntu# fdisk -l09:27
kruemelteeDisk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes09:27
kruemeltee255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders, total 312581808 sectors09:27
kruemelteeUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes09:27
kruemelteeSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes09:27
kruemelteeI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes09:27
unopastekruemeltee you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:27
kruemelteegot it ... there's the complete output09:28
lordievaderHmm, that should be fine indeed. What version of Kubuntu are you using?09:29
kruemelteeI downloaded 14.04 LTS ... but I currently think I've got a wrong image ... got it not directly from kubuntu.org, got it from chip.de instead ... I'll download directly from kubuntu.org and try it again09:30
lordievaderkruemeltee: That would be a good idea ;)09:31
kruemelteebut the stick says kubuntu 14.04.1 LTS ... seems to be the correct one09:31
lordievaderAn alternative (when that one doesn't work either) is to use the mini iso.09:32
kruemelteeokay ... with text installer?09:32
lordievaderkruemeltee: Yes.09:32
lordievaderBut it is more flexible than the regular iso.09:33
kruemelteed'you know where to get the mini iso?09:33
lordievaderkruemeltee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:33
kruemeltee;-) but that's ubuntu, not "kubuntu", isn't it? I'll setup this one for my brother, first steps within linux and kde is imho the best one for him09:35
lordievaderkruemeltee: It's the mini iso. It is quite bare. During the installation it will download the necessary things. You can configure it to install the Kubuntu desktop rather than the Ubuntu desktop.09:36
kruemelteecool, thanks for that hint ... I'll give it a shot ...09:36
kruemelteepretty intresting, the minimal-installer doesn't get me my harddisk too ... this time I see sda (USB Stick) and sdc (500GB SATA) ... may be a problem with the harddisk? it's an 160GB intel SSD ...09:43
lordievaderkruemeltee: You would start thinking that, ey.09:43
lordievaderkruemeltee: Perhaps you can load it into a different machine, and see if it gets recognized there.09:44
kruemelteebut how's that possible? that one is on the same controller (just another connector) ... on tty2 I'm able to fdisk, see verything ... the harddisk seems to be okay09:44
lordievaderHmm, through fdisk you are able to see it?09:45
kruemelteeI'm currently thinking of installing ubuntu on the other harddisk and sync the system later on my SSD09:46
lordievaderkruemeltee: If you are adventurous you could do a debootstrap install ;)09:47
kruemelteecan you give me some edge-point how to do this? I'm using archlinux on all of my machines, LPIC 2 ready ;-) ... on Arch I have to do all for myself ... but there's an option for installing base packets within another root-Document and later chroot into the new one09:48
lordievaderOh, then this shouldn't be a problem ;)09:49
lordievaderkruemeltee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot09:49
kruemelteeseems to be possible ... but I think it's faster to install first on the second harddisk and later synch the installation to the ssd, isn't it?09:53
lordievaderInstalling it right away to the target disk seems like the fastest option to me.09:54
lordievaderAnyhow I need to leave, good luck ;)09:55
kruemelteethx for your advice and help09:55
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
yossarianukhi - I have 2 GPU's on my system - an external Nvidia one (my main one)  and a intel one (ingergrated)  - the main one (nvidia) shows the desktop - the intel one just shows the kubuntu logo - how do I control what is on the2nd (intel) GPU?14:33
BluesKajyossarianuk, usually the pci graphjics card is setup by you or default in the bios depending on the bios maker and version, suggest you check the bios peripherals or hardware settings14:37
yossarianukBluesKaj: I meant to use both of them14:39
yossarianuki.e they are both displaying14:39
yossarianukbut I want to know how to control what is displayed on the 2nd (intel)14:39
BluesKajhave you checked system settings>display and monitor? altho the only contro I see there is toggling between 2 outputs14:42
yossarianukBluesKaj: yes - only nvidia is there....14:43
yossarianukxrandr --listproviders -> shows both14:44
lordievaderyossarianuk: Set it up with xrandr?14:45
BluesKajodd there doesn't seem to be an xrandr config file14:49
BluesKajor is this a task for xserver-xorg.conf ?14:50
michalskala_hledá se expert na virtualbox17:24
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:52
nfksome years ago it was common to hear that dist-upgrade should not be run by users, is that still valid today?18:37
nfkbecause it seems that apt-get upgrade will not upgrade the kernel images18:37
nfkif anyone is wondering why i'm not using muon-updater, i'm all ears on how to run it via ssh18:38
lordievadernfk: Apt is fine. So is apt-get dist-upgrade. However what I think you are talking about is do-release-upgrade, what will take you from, for example, 12.04 to 14.04.18:44
=== Earthwings_ is now known as Earthwings
nfkis that specific to *ubuntu, i don't remember such command from my not that long months with debian years ago18:54
nfkand thanks for explaining about dist-upgrade18:54
BluesKajnfk, http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade18:57
nfkbasically it's debian stupidity19:00
nfkthen again, gentoo is similarly stupid but at least there it makes sense sort of with giving each kernel its own slot so that they can co-exist19:00
nfkthe feature is meant for cases when mysql is replaced by mariadb yet in the debian world it's used for mere minor versions and revisions of a kernel19:01
nfki could understand if at least it was when going from 3.2.11 to 3.2.12 but doing this for even revisions of that same is silly19:02
nfkthen again, i can't really blame kubuntu as it's debian's fault, though i was sure at least kernel was from ubuntu project19:03
lordievadernfk: No it isn't. A new kernel is a new kernel.19:04
lordievaderEven a config change of the same kernel (and a recompilation) may break everything.19:04
nfkwhich is why you test the kernel19:04
nfkthen again, this is debian we're talking about, the only distro where they give medals of honour for breaking the distro19:05
nfkeverywhere else on repeated offence the commit rights are revoked19:05
nfkbasically on debian everyone not running on previous stable is just considered a huge and manual and unruly testing service19:07
lordievaderJup, if debian declares something stable it really is quite stable.19:07
nfkand quite old19:07
nfki wonder how much of debian stable software is not more than 2 years old19:08
nfki think the kernel is about 3 yo19:08
nfkof course, they backport the hell out of it, but... that's retarded and wasteful19:08
nfkhonestly, think of the amount of resources put into backporting instead of just testing and using the newest kernel, it's not like linus torvalds breaks the kernel every other release19:09
nfkbut i guess debian is again showing the worst aspects of humanity and thinking others are just like them19:09
BluesKajmust be terrible to be so burdened by knowledge and unable to change the world19:18
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krisedoes anybody know why all the images are not shown when i change my browsers color setings to dark and is there way to fix it21:05
=== alien_ is now known as Guest31873
Guest31873hey, i'm having trouble with google chrome in kubuntu.. for some reason when i click on links from a google.com search the browser fails to direct me to the page and just remains unresponsive.. same thing happens when i try to click the Search Tools button also.. I have tried everything.. doesn't anyone know anything about this bug ?21:56
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