[07:56] howdy everyone [08:10] So I was able to dig up some more information in regards to my SMS issue, but beyond what is going on I can’t figure it out. === gnu is now known as Guest9958 === mibofra_ is now known as mibofra === gnu is now known as Guest84593 [16:30] howdy everyone === josh is now known as Guest28386 [18:08] Hey, can anyone tell me how I should translated https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/indicator-datetime/+pots/indicator-datetime/de/+translate?show=untranslated these, or what does they mean? I saw docs about such strings but can't find it now. [18:14] phillip, does this help? http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/ [18:18] doflaherty: thanks, what does %l mean [18:22] oh, maybe "man strftime" is a better reference [18:22] it says %l is hour ( from 1 to 12) but with a blank for single-digit hours instead of a zero [18:22] 1 instead of 01, for example [18:24] it looks like it's an extension of the standard [18:24] thanks a lot doflaherty [18:24] no problem [23:41] rsalveti, r u here? [23:41] :)