
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
RoguehorseGood Morning14:49
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
nhainesRoguehorse: good morning!20:54
* ianorlin just learned FTBFS means Fails to Build From Source21:12
* ianorlin also imagines a multiple choice test of wihch of the following is not a file system a.Btrfs b.Zfs c.Reiser2fs d.FTBFS21:13
pleia2hanging out with debian folks this afternoon http://bad.debian.net/pipermail/bad/2014-August/003634.html22:01
darthrobot`Title: [Informal Debian hacking hours: Sunday, September 7th]22:01
pleia2other bay area folks are welcome to join :)22:02
nhainesExcept for Arch users.  Get out!22:05
rwwI'd come, but I'm on gentoo and compiling BART takes too long.22:05
nhainesI wonder if my moderator duties at /r/ubuntu should go on LinkedIn and my resume.22:14
nhainesrww: but I'm leveraging the social community medias!22:14
rwwgo ahead and do some pondering about what the average person thinks of when they hear "reddit"22:15
nhainesApparently it's a great way to get your photo out in the news.22:15
nhainesI once got first post on a Slashdot article.  Maybe I should put that on linkedin.22:42
Roguehorsenhaines: Cool23:30
* Roguehorse is browsing homework to see what needs to get done23:30
RoguehorseI heard a great story from Rick Moen about when VA Linux bought Slashdot - great story!23:37
rwwspeaking of whom, his website's been down for over a week23:38
RoguehorseYeah, his 2230 server died and I went over and helped him get it going again from other 2230's we butchered in his garage23:39
RoguehorseI was under the impression he would have it going this past week but I guess not23:40
RoguehorseHe's on "tour" now across the pond23:40
rwwah, okay :)23:40
RoguehorseHe's working on it though :-)23:41
* Roguehorse built a new site for EBLUG - http://www.roguehorse.com/eblug/index.html23:46
darthrobot`Title: [East Bay Linux Users Group]23:46

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