[07:23] hi Cantide gremble StonedAlchemist Squirm and others too [07:24] Hello Kilos [07:24] hello '-'/ [07:53] Morning Kilos [08:20] how clever are you guys? [08:23] haha [08:24] chicken === Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria [12:37] hi :) [12:45] https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t31.0-8/p552x414/10547748_10152492486625528_2763122705383127673_o.jpg [12:45] lol I took that earlier [12:45] my fiance in the photo [13:07] The lady or one of the elephants? [13:07] :)) Just kidding. Nice pic [13:08] Although it's not a too good idea standing around while an entire elephant herd is only a few paces away.. [13:32] stoned heh, we were with professional guides who have been doing this for 18 years, they know whats safe and whats not [13:32] those elephants actually came within 5 meters of me === smile is now known as smile|faraway [15:12] what a lekker day , we reached 30 degrees today [15:13] come on summer come on [16:12] heh its bloody cold here right now [16:12] with the wind coming off mount kilamanjaro [17:36] hi nlsthzn [17:42] alo [19:07] night all. sleep tight