
usr13duckfarts: pwd  #What does that say?00:00
duckfartsusr13 it says /home/ubuntu00:02
duckfartsi can get a url from pastebinit00:02
duckfartsbut when I type a command and then | pastebinit it freezes the terminal00:02
usr13duckfarts: df |pastebinit00:02
usr13!paste | duckfarts00:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:03
usr13duckfarts: df  #Paste results00:03
duckfartsok here we go00:03
eeeeduckfarts: sudo mount /dev/sda5 /00:05
usr13duckfarts: sudo chroot /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root00:06
eeeeduckfarts: nevermind00:06
Tripouthi all, has anybody some time, to tell me a way how to fix missing 32bit libaries for an nvidia driver on a 64bit system00:06
duckfartseeee it says mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'00:06
duckfartsusr13 it says chroot: cannot change root directory to /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: Not a directory00:07
eeeeusr13: shouldn't he mount the /proc and /sys and whatever before chrooting?00:07
usr13eeee: Oh yea.00:08
duckfartsIf I just instal from the usb tool it might wipe out my main partition right?00:08
zerothiswell, I managed to use the "forcevesa" boot option to get lubuntu installed. But the screen goes blank when X starts. but this time, there is apperently no way to use forcevesa (or it does not work). Like before, nomodeset seems to do nothing00:08
usr13duckfarts: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot00:09
usr13duckfarts: Follow  that guide ^^^^^^^^00:09
duckfartsok I'll read that thanks00:09
eeeeduckfarts: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done00:10
usr13duckfarts: Once you are chrooted to the root filesystem, install a kernel.  I'm thinking first do: apt-cache search linux-image-3.16.000:10
eeeeduckfarts: it's almost done, after that, run the command usr13 posted earlier00:10
usr13duckfarts: Yea, as eeee points out, first things first....00:11
eeeewait a second00:11
eeeethey are already mounted on /media00:11
eeee.. he should unmount, them mount "/" to /mnt, then mount /boot to /mnt/boot00:12
zerothisboot from hard disk=blank screen, try lubuntu=blank, only install with forcevesa works. From there, I cannot seem to even mount my installation (by design, I'm guessing, to prevent hackers from using a LiveCD to gain root access to my installation).00:12
eeeeusr13: right?00:13
usr13eeee: All I can tell so far is that the root filesystem is mounted at /media/ubuntu/8cd25a57-fecb-4502-a7d0-96fcf823752700:14
usr13eeee: So I told him wrong....00:14
usr13duckfarts: sudo chroot /media/ubuntu/8cd25a57-fecb-4502-a7d0-96fcf823752700:14
usr13eeee: That is the mount point ^^^^^^00:14
eeeebut shouldn't /boot be mounted to it ? /mountpoint/boot ?00:15
eeeethat's what i was asking00:15
eeeecause /boot is mounted on another /media/...00:15
usr13eeee: /boot/ is mounted  /media/ubuntu/f6745243-2027-47fd-a126-4ffaf26862db00:16
usr13eeee: (which is sda100:16
eeeeyeah so if he chroots to the first mountpoint , /boot will be in a different place00:16
eeeebeyond the scope of the mountpoint00:16
eeeehow are the kernels supposed to find there way out of the chroot to /boot ?00:17
duckfartsusr13 i got this prompt: root@ubuntu:/#00:17
usr13duckfarts: pwd00:17
duckfartsit shows "/"00:18
eeeeok ls /boot now00:18
duckfartsthe kernels i removed with apt-get remove were ubuntu 12 and 13 kernels00:20
eeeei'm just guessing asking btw, maybe he doesn't need to mount it, i'm using EFI and i have to mount it00:20
=== Mars is now known as Guest70148
usr13duckfarts: ls /boot   #What does that say?00:20
usr13duckfarts: df00:20
duckfartsls /boot doesnt say anything00:21
eeeeso i guess he has to mount /boot00:21
usr13duckfarts: apt-cache search linux-image-3.16.000:21
usr13eeee: Oh  yea, maybe it is not mounted?00:22
usr13duckfarts: df  #What does that say?00:22
duckfartsusr13 http://i.imgur.com/dtBh5Kr.png00:22
eeeeit's mounted, it's just mounted before the point where he mounted the root file system00:22
richacanyone have an apparmor profile for an irc client?00:23
eeeeit's in  /media/<boot>   , and the installation is in /media/<installation>  , and now he's chrooted into /media/<installation>/, so he can't go back a level to /media/<boot>00:23
eeeehe has to mount it to /media/<installation>/boot00:24
duckfartsapt-cache search linux-image-3.16.0 doesn't show anything00:24
richacdam apparmor is not even logging00:24
eeeeduckfarts: i think you're trying to shoot ducks with farts here00:25
eeeepardon the pun!00:25
eeeeexit the chroot00:25
usr13duckfarts: exit00:25
OerHeksduckfarts, 3.16 is only available for Utopic14.10 http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/00:26
OerHeks3.15 rc2 is the latest for current Trusty00:27
richacoh its in kern.log00:27
richacanyone got ap rofile for pidgin or something similar00:27
richacok so which one sounds like its needed for connecting?  markerline, timestamp, xmppconsole, spellchk, or vvoncifg lol00:29
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usr13OerHeks: Sorry, that was my mistake.00:30
eeeeduckfarts: did you exit the chroot?00:31
eeeeduckfarts: mount /dev/sda1 /media/ubuntu/8cd25a57-fecb-4502-a7d0-96fcf8237527/boot00:31
OerHeksusr13, i just read somewhere that AMD/ATI still haven't released stable drivers, so development is kind of silent http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTc3NzM00:31
eeeeduckfarts: add a sudo to that and run it00:31
duckfartsran it00:32
duckfartsnothing happened00:32
eeeeduckfarts: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /media/ubuntu/8cd25a57-fecb-4502-a7d0-96fcf8237527$i; done00:32
eeeenow run the above00:32
duckfartsok ran it00:33
eeeenow chroot again00:33
excelsiorahello ubuntu, I have people asking me about a beginners course in Linux. Where should I point them?00:33
usr13duckfarts: sudo chroot /media/ubuntu/8cd25a57-fecb-4502-a7d0-96fcf823752700:34
duckfartsok did it00:34
eeeenow ls /boot00:35
duckfartsgrub  lost+found  memtest86+.bin  memtest86+.elf  memtest86+_multiboot.bin00:35
duckfartsthese are the same files i see in my boot partition00:35
duckfartsin nataulis00:35
usr13duckfarts:  apt-cache search linux-image-3.1300:35
eeeeit is your boot partition00:35
excelsioraThey're asking about debian wheezy in particular, but I'm an Ubuntu guy.00:36
usr13eeee: OerHeks Is that the right version for 14.04 ?00:36
duckfartsusr13 it lists a bunch of stuff00:36
eeeeduckfarts: sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic00:36
duckfartsok looks like it went smoothly00:39
usr13duckfarts:  ls /boot  #Do you see the new kernel?00:39
duckfartsexcept i got grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.00:39
usr13duckfarts: Oh, well, that is a problem.00:40
duckfartsyes i see it00:40
cfhowletton /dev/sdb1?  not on /dev/sdb?00:40
eeee/dev/sdb                      1004544   1004544         0 100% /cdrom00:41
eeeeduckfarts: do you see a vmlinuz-... file ?00:41
eeeeand initrd.img...?00:41
* cfhowlett blushes furiously and comments not on that which he should not00:41
usr13duckfarts: sudo grub-install /dev/sda00:41
usr13cfhowlett: Right?00:41
duckfartseeee where in the root? no00:42
eeeeduckfarts: in ls /boot00:42
cfhowlettusr13, /sda is the usual target, yes00:42
zerodividedhaving trouble setting up grub00:42
cfhowlettzerodivided, details?00:42
zerodividedok I have an SSD with 3 partitions00:42
zerodividedand a fakeRaid with 1 partition00:43
duckfartseeee no i don't00:43
zerodivided  /boot / and /steam are on SSD00:43
zerodividedand /home are on the raid array00:43
usr13duckfarts: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda |grep sda100:43
duckfartsi have a grub folder00:43
zerodividedso during installation the grub install failed00:44
zerodividedand I opted to create it manually00:44
eeeeduckfarts: ok, sudo grub-install /dev/sda00:44
zerodividedwhich is where I'm stuck at00:44
duckfartsi did sudo grub-install /dev/sda00:44
usr13duckfarts: Ok, that should do it.00:44
eeeeok, any errors? i think you should get a msg about a missing initrd?00:44
duckfartsit didn't change anything in /root tho00:44
eeeeduckfarts: you have to reinstall the kernel now00:45
zerodividedwhen I do a "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" I get error: failed to get canonical path of '/cow'00:45
duckfartsoh i see vmlinuz now00:45
usr13eeee: I think grub automatically applies  initrd   Right?00:45
duckfartsI have to reinstall it tho?00:45
cosmicfire10I got the XPS 13 Developer Edition with 12.04  and I want to upgrade to 14.04 but Dell and the Ubuntu website say that only 12.04 are certified. Is it safe to use 14.04?00:46
eeeei think he has to reinstall the kernel now00:46
usr13eeee: Really?00:46
eeeeduckfarts: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic00:46
usr13eeee: Ok.00:46
zerodividedcfhowlett, any ideas?00:47
usr13duckfarts: Yea, reinstall the kernel and see if you get error.00:47
eeeezerodivided: you need to mount /proc and the rest00:47
eeeezerodivided:  for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done00:47
duckfartshmmm i still got an error----- grub-probe: error: cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.00:47
cfhowlettzerodivided, sorry.  I've never configured or touched SSD or raid, so unwise for me to advise.  ask again in channel00:48
zerodividedok, thanks00:48
eeeezerodivided: run that after mounting the installation at /mnt00:48
duckfartsshould I try rebooting without usb anyway?00:48
eeeeduckfarts: hold on00:49
eeeeduckfarts: ls /boot ,00:49
eeeeis there a initrd.img ?00:49
zerodividedeeee: done00:49
cfhowlettcosmicfire10, DELL has so far NOT made 14.04 an OEM.  Don't know why.   (Looking at YOU Barton George!).  14.04 will run, but you'll likely need to go back to DELL to get those nice drivers OR reinstall the DELL PPA's post 14.04 installation.00:49
eeeezerodivided: now chroot00:50
zerodividedchrooted to /mnt00:50
zerodividedinstall device isnt specified00:50
cosmicfire10cfhowlett, thanks!00:50
eeeeyou have to add the disk00:50
eeeesudo grub-install /dev/sdx00:50
cfhowlettcosmicfire10, happy2help00:50
zerodividedInstallation finished. No error reported00:51
zerodividedanything else before I reboot?00:51
=== lachesis_ is now known as lachesis
zerodividedSetting GRUB_TIMEOUT to a non-zero value when GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT is set is no longer supported00:52
eeeeno problem00:52
zerodividedgrub-probe: errror: cannot find a GURB drive for /dev/sde100:52
zerodividedsde1 is my live usb stick00:52
eeeeyeah nevermind that i guess00:53
zerodividedAddinb boot menu entry for EFI firmwaree configuration00:53
zerodividedlooks like it might have worked?00:53
usr13duckfarts: sudo grub-install /dev/sda  #Far as I know, that should do it.00:53
zerodividedIll reboot and let you know. Thanks!00:53
usr13eeee: Right?00:53
eeeedid you mount the efi partition?00:53
eeeezerodivided: after mounting /mnt ?00:53
duckfartzthanks eeee I got my computer booted from hard drive00:54
zerodividedeeee: ummm no00:54
eeeezerodivided: if you sudo parted -l00:54
eeeedo you see a small fat32 partition ?00:54
zerodividedone moment, rebooting to live cd00:55
eeeeduckfartz: great, np00:55
netlarShould I use the proprietary driver for my Radeon HD775000:55
duckfartzhmm I have a new problem now00:56
duckfartzmy laptop has a widescreen and ubuntu now seems to think its 4:300:56
duckfartzso im getting a stretched 4:3 desktop00:56
eeeeduckfartz: settings > display00:57
duckfartzand I have no option to change it in settings00:57
eeeeduckfartz: xrandr00:57
nothinganyone in here able to help out with xmlstarlet?00:57
=== nothing is now known as Guest38397
netlarIs that driver stable for 14.04?00:57
=== Guest38397 is now known as fearnothing
=== fearnothing is now known as anothernothing
zerodividedeeee: Error: Invalid arguement during seek for read on /dev/sda00:58
duckfartzeeee failed to get size of gamma for output default00:58
zerodivideddo I need to remount everything and chroot?00:58
eeeezerodivided: yes00:58
anothernothingI'm trying to use xmlstarlet to query a document where there are multiple elements with the same name00:58
anothernothingso for example, within <list></list> I have four elements labelled <str></str>00:59
usr13duckfartz: xrandr00:59
eeeezerodivided: mount the efi partition to /mnt/boot/efi00:59
usr13duckfartz: What does that say?00:59
zerodividedeeee: ok as soon as I find it01:00
anothernothingI want to get the content of the fourth element where the first one is a specified value01:00
richacanyone know how I can stop all multicast address broadcasts from my box?01:00
richaci have them blocked with ufw and canceled out in the systemctl config file01:00
usr13duckfartz: You can do  xrandr -s ###x###01:00
SamsonMcCarthyHello there evry one01:00
richacbut its only being blocked,  and not totally disabled01:00
netlarI am scared the proprietary driver will mess up the system01:01
richacso it floods log, but i don't want to use a lower level logging for sanity01:01
duckfartzusr13 it says failed to get size of gamma for output displays01:01
duckfartzfug also my internet isn't working01:01
duckfartzi guess all my drivers are gone?01:01
usr13duckfartz: WiFi?01:01
richacor is there a way ufw can ignore certain logs,  like can be done with basic iptables?01:01
duckfartzwifi is kill01:01
usr13duckfartz: It's a laptop?01:02
delinquentmeIm running a command ... How can I catch all of its output01:02
eeeedelinquentme: send it to a file you mean?01:02
duckfartzits not recognizing any networking devices01:02
tanghaoi installed ubuntu14 in the virtualbox,but after i exit out from the virtualbox i cannot login the ubuntu ,it returns"... mnt..... / Keys: S   .......M......"01:03
usr13duckfartz: ifconfig01:03
usr13duckfartz: ?01:03
tanghaomy host system is also ubuntu01:03
anothernothingguess nobody here knows about xmlstarlet?01:03
zerodividedeeee: I dont see a fat32 partition01:03
usr13duckfartz: We installed the wrong kernel I think.  We should have looked at the list.01:03
xangua! Patience | anothernothing01:04
ubottuanothernothing: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/01:04
duckfartzifconfig makes a list but doesnt show any devices01:04
eeeeduckfartz: usr13 that's the latest one01:04
duckfartzoh i think that kernel was the one that didn't instal all the way because the boot partition was full01:04
anothernothingxangua - I know, but there's a lot of noise in here tonight :P01:04
duckfartzI need to install .34 I think01:04
tanghaohad anyone met the same situation with me01:05
duckfartzI had .35 before though01:05
duckfartzlike it was listed but maybe it didn't finish?01:05
eeeezerodivided: are you sure?01:05
eeeezerodivided: nothing that mentions an EFI partition?01:05
usr13duckfartz: I would say that you do not have kernel modules installed.01:05
zerodividedeeee: nothing01:06
usr13duckfartz: Or the kernel you have does not match the kernel modules you have.01:06
duckfartzare the kernel modules saved in the boot partition?01:06
excelsiorahello ubuntu, I have people asking me about a beginners course in Linux. Where should I point them? OS Programming course material? Training sites like Red Hat's?01:06
richacno tanghao i don't know why that is01:06
richacyou can't log back into the virtual ubuntu you mean?01:07
zerodividedeeee: do you think it will work?01:08
cfhowletttanghao, that will tanghao after 10 seconds or so01:08
cfhowlett*time out*01:08
richacah there ya go01:08
eeeezerodivided: maybe01:08
zerodividedOk, Ill reboot01:08
eeeeare you on it now?01:09
tanghaowait for a moment ,i will sent you a picture01:09
zerodividedlive cd01:09
eeeei mean chatting from it?01:09
anothernothingexcelsiora: massively depends on what their background is01:09
zerodividedno, I'm on a laptop01:09
eeeeoh ok01:09
eeeegive it a shot01:09
anothernothingmore input please. Are they windows geeks? basic users? networkers? complete computer beginners?01:10
duckfartzso what would be easiest thing for me to do? make backup and then install 14.04 from usb? go back and try to install the -34 kernel to see if it works?01:10
zerodividedfixed boot order...01:10
usr13duckfartz: No.  They are in /lib/modules/3.1?.?01:10
usr13duckfartz: Look and see01:10
zerodividedeeee: error: can't find command 'fwsetup'01:10
usr13duckfartz: Like I said, I think we just installed the wrong kernel.01:11
eeeezerodivided: is this a UEFI machine?01:11
zerodividedeeee: now I'm at an empty grub menu01:11
zerodividedyes, brand new mobo so I suppose so01:11
usr13duckfartz: /lib/modules/3.  #Hit the tab key couple times01:11
usr13duckfartz: What do you see...01:11
cfhowletttanghao, Yes, I know the screen you.  I see it about once a month.  It should time out after 10 seconds.01:11
eeeeok, and why are you reinstalling grub?01:11
richactanghao i just installed apparmor on pidgin its not letting me save that i'm sorry01:12
zerodividedduring the installation of Ubuntu, it failed the grub install01:12
richaccan you upload it to a site01:12
duckfartzi have modules for -35 and a bunch of other ones01:12
eeeezerodivided: how did you install it?01:12
zerodividedbooted the live cd and clicked install01:12
zerodividedthen I setup my own partitions01:12
usr13duckfartz: What are the latest ones?01:12
eeeezerodivided: did you create a EFI partition?01:12
tanghaocfhowlett, but i had already wait for 5min01:12
eeeewas the cd booted in UEFI mode?01:12
zerodividedNot sure01:13
cfhowletttanghao, ah, that is NOT normal.01:13
usr13duckfartz: So when you uninstalled kernels, did you use the package manager?  Or not?01:13
zerodividedHow do I do that?01:13
cfhowletttanghao, did it ever boot properly?01:13
eeeewhen the screen was loading, was there a tiny man at the bottom?01:13
duckfartz-32 to -3501:13
eeeezerodivided: from the bios01:13
tanghaocfhowlett, it login the system first time01:13
zerodividedhmm let me check01:13
duckfartzwhen I uninstalled the kernels i used apt-get remove01:13
cfhowletttanghao, so ... ONE proper boot?  and then you did ... something.  right?01:14
duckfartzbut i was making a list of old ones to remove and accidentally hit enter on 3.13.0 I think maybe is what happened01:14
tanghaocfhowlett, then i shared folders in the vbox01:14
tanghaocfhowlett, yes01:14
richactanhao, i'm sorry if this is not related,  but sometimes things will change to root permissions01:14
duckfartzand then mabe it removed all the -34-generic etc01:14
cfhowletttanghao, thus triggering the filesystem check.  unshare.  update/upgrade your guest.  reshare and test.01:14
richacif you load vm as root it will swith permissions and you ahve to switch them back01:14
anothernothingxmlstarlet question: using the following link as an example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21729396/xmlstarlet-selecting-element-by-its-position-number how would I do the xmlstarlet equivalent of SELECT field[3] WHERE field[0]="Charterish"01:14
richacwhich happened to me when i had to be root to install the extensions01:15
richacsorry if not related i'm going to step out now01:15
zerodividedeeee: mobo setting => Boot Control device = UEFI and Legacy OPROM... should I set to UEFI only?01:15
usr13duckfartz: uname -a01:15
tanghaocfhowlett, thx very much,iwill try to do follow your solutions01:15
eeeezerodivided: not sure01:15
zerodividedill try it \01:16
cfhowletttanghoao, happy2help.  hey, did you look at ubuntu-kylin yet?01:16
duckfartzit says 3.13.0-35-generic #62-ubuntu SMP Fri......etc01:16
eeeei think you should install01:16
eeeeusing an EFI partition01:17
zerodividedI'm going to delete all the partitions and start over01:17
tanghaocfhowlett, yes01:17
mrwappiehaha just did the same01:17
tanghaocfhowlett, my host is Xubuntu,and the guest in the vbox is ubuntu-kylin01:18
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:18
cfhowletttanghao, 32bit guest, right?01:18
guardianpwr081hello, i am trying to clone a running ubuntu server using .... if the backup server is and the live server is, do i have this command right? >>>> rsync -aHxv -p 22299 root@* / <<<<01:18
cfhowletttanghao, that there ... suggest you try 32 bit guest.01:19
analogfreakWHERE IS MY MAC ADDRESS???????01:19
cfhowletttanghao, unless you have a lot of ram for the guest = 4 gigs?01:19
cfhowlett!caps | analogfreak01:19
SenorSenpaihey everyone, installed ubuntu 14.04 onto an external drive connected to my mac via booting a usb pen. after install the bootloader isnt detecting the newly installed drive as bootable, what can I do?01:19
dustinspringmananalogfreak: all caps rage much? ifconfig should tell you.....01:19
zerodividedeeee: partitions have been deleted01:19
analogfreakok thanks01:20
analogfreakit worked!01:20
tanghaocfhowlett, i have a computer with 4G ram,the cpu is intel 1007u01:20
compdocguardianpwr081, not sure you can clone a system that way01:20
eeeezerodivided: ok, now create a 300MB EFI partition01:20
cfhowletttanghao, and 64 bit likes to have at least 3 gigs of ram to run.  so your GUEST has less than 3 gigs, right?01:20
zerodividedeeee: done, should I create a / , /boot ,  swap and /home like before?01:21
eeeeit's up to you, you can create a swap and /01:21
eeeeor /home and /boot also i guess01:22
eeeezerodivided: how much RAM do you have?01:22
zerodivided16 GB01:22
eeeeok, swap should be around 18 i guess01:22
eeeeit'll more or less be used for hibernation01:23
zerodividedeeee: ok, i have an EFI, /, swap and /home partition set01:24
duckfartzdo i need to boot from usb again so i have internet access again or can i fix my modules from terminal without internets?01:24
eeeeduckfartz: did you try sudo service network-manager start ?01:25
usr13duckfartz: dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.13.65.what.ever.it.is01:26
tanghaocfhowlett, sorry,my english is poor,i dont really understand the word gigs01:26
tanghaocfhowlett, i got it01:26
tanghaothx for remind me01:26
tanghaoi set the guest with 1G ram,but i installed a 64bit kylin into it01:26
tanghaochmaybe, this is the reason...thx01:26
usr13eeee: I think the problem is that he has no access to any of his kernel modules01:26
cfhowletttanghao, go to your computer store.  find ONE computer that runs 64 bit but has only 1 gig of ram.  (Answer = NONE)01:27
usr13eeee: They are there but not in use.01:27
cfhowletttanghao, for your guest OS, 32 bit.01:27
zerodividedeeee: Installer crashed01:27
duckfartzeeee its already running01:27
eeeezerodivided: doing what?01:27
zerodividedlooked like it finished up grub and then crashed. Not sure what it was doing01:28
duckfartzusr13 dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-3.13.0-35-generic ?01:28
usr13eeee: /usr/lib/modules/3.13.65/  #Or something like that.  They are there but not being used.01:28
richaci guess he thought maybe possible in a vm though01:28
tanghaocfhowlett, yes, i forgot this point just before01:28
usr13duckfartz: Yes01:28
eeeeduckfartz: ok, so less /var/log/syslog ? anything about wifi?01:28
richacusually its the bios that messes that up01:28
richaci lxde with windows xp running a vm01:29
tanghaocfhowlett, you are greatful01:29
richacand 1gb of pc4200 ram01:29
richactanhao means hes grateful01:29
cfhowletttanghao, ... OK.  Thanks.01:29
usr13duckfartz: Did that do anything?01:30
tortibHas anyone used roundcube 1.0.2 ?01:30
erikkAny way to resize my firefox title bar in Ubuntu Gnome or is that a setting controlled by the de?01:31
duckfartzusr13 yes it did01:31
eeeezerodivided: any luck booting into it?01:31
duckfartzand i restarted and have the same problems01:31
zerodividedeeee: yeah it just booted01:31
cfhowletttanghao, PM?01:31
tanghaocfhowlett, you are my sky,take me to fly01:31
eeeezerodivided: i think the last steps are removing the software of the liveusb, like gparted01:31
tanghaocfhowlett, here is in the morning in the middle of china01:32
* eeee rofls01:32
cfhowletttanghao, you're a poet and don't know it.01:32
zerodividedeeee: ok seems to be working fine\01:32
zerodividedeeee: thanks for the help, where should I send the beer?01:32
eeeeno problem, any time01:33
usr13duckfartz: ifconfig01:33
usr13duckfartz: Anything?01:33
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duckfartzusr13 yes01:33
usr13duckfartz: eth0?01:34
Guest87577anyone know if there is a torrent out there of the archives?01:34
duckfartzusr13 no01:34
Guest87577like a snapshot of it01:34
usr13duckfartz: wlan0 ?01:34
Guest87577so i dont have to spend two weeks rsync'ing the entire arch lol o.O01:34
usr13duckfartz: What do you have there?01:34
duckfartzusr13 no the first line is Link encap:Local Loopback01:34
usr13duckfartz: Nothing more.... right?01:35
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duckfartzusr13 and then it tells me my local host and zero packets and shit01:35
gorelative_homecurious if there is a bt sync out there for the arch01:36
SchrodingersScatwhat does that mean01:37
monoxydewindow goto 501:37
usr13duckfartz: sudo fdisk -l   #Is your 575G root partition on hda5 ?01:37
duckfartzusr13 sda5 is Linux LVM01:40
duckfartzusr13 so yes I think01:41
duckfartzusr13 one interesting thing it says is Disk /dev/mapper/ubuntu - -vg - root doesn't contain a valid partition table01:41
duckfartzusr13 and /dev/mapper/ubuntu - -vg-swap_1 doesn't either01:42
usr13duckfartz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery01:46
richacwhat services should i add to apparmor?01:48
duckfartzusr13 my chroot procedure wasn't standard right?01:48
usr13duckfartz: Use the above information to mount and chroot to your root filesystem (sda5).  From there, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:48
duckfartzoh ya root system01:49
usr13duckfartz: sda5 I think01:50
usr13duckfartz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot  #This is the one you need.01:51
usr13duckfartz: Pay particular attention to " mount the /proc filesystem in the chroot"01:52
usr13duckfartz: The section on "Setting-up the chroot"01:52
usr13duckfartz: Reinstall the kernel and then do updates01:53
usr13duckfartz: Do exactly as it says in the section "Setting-up the chroot"01:54
richacthere is some ip's I don't want to log with ufw,  is it possible,  or is that a silly question and I should just iptables.02:00
richaci don't want to go out of promiscuous mode, just want to ignore like for instance the cable boxes in my house getting logged lol02:00
richacthat one master cable box man,  scares the crap out of me02:01
tanghaodear friends,how to set the default encoding in ubuntu1402:01
richacare you talking about programming language,  or media? lol02:02
richac fonts?  i'm sorry if I'm noob02:03
tanghaoprogram language02:03
richacoh then i can't help you i'm sorry02:03
tanghaonot at all,thx for your reply02:04
tanghaolet me feeling i am online02:04
godbodHi, can someone give me the test channel please ?02:05
MDTech-us_MANI installed both gnutls-bin and libgnutls-dev but I still get this error:02:05
MDTech-us_MANSorry, but I couldn't detect GnuTLS. Make sure gnutls-config is in your path.02:05
godbodis that #test ?02:05
usr13godbod: /join #test02:05
godbodor #flood ?...02:05
godbodoh okay02:05
MDTech-us_MANany ideas?02:07
tanghaoMDTech-us_MAN, sorry to tell you that  i have no ideas02:09
MDTech-us_MANnone at all?02:09
tanghaoMDTech-us_MAN, i am a noob02:10
voidfireis there a php5-mongo package in the repos? I cant seem to find it02:10
MDTech-us_MANanyone else?02:10
tanghaoi MDTech-us_MAN ,i cant get the package in the software center!02:11
MDTech-us_MANtanghao, you have a lot to learn my friend02:12
JoniiI have a problem. A program says it cant work because it cant locate libudev.so.0. From my googling, it looks like this library was removed from Ubuntu with 13.04. Can I do something to make this program run?02:13
tanghaoMDTech-us_MAN, ok,thx02:13
JoniiBasically I think I'm asking is, could I just get libudev.so.0 from somewhere and be done with it?02:13
goldenfoxJonii, have you tried this sudo apt-get install libudev0:i38602:14
JoniiDoes it have to be 32bit thing?02:14
Joniigoldenfox: anyhow, that's kinda what I was trying to confirm if doing that would be safe :302:15
goldenfoxare you on 64bit?02:15
Joniigoldenfox: yeah02:15
goldenfoxtry this, sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1.3.5 /usr/lib/libudev.so.002:15
goldenfoxassuming you have a libudev.so.1.3.502:15
Joniigoldenfox: that worked02:17
JoniiI don't quite understand what just happened, but it worked02:17
rasteroidone of three desktops will not run with nvidia, it is the only upgrade from precise; all fresh installs have no major issues02:18
goldenfoxJonii, it just created a symbolic link to libudev.so.1.3.502:18
rasteroidrecent system upgrades have affected audio functionalty; audio sub-system no longer functions02:18
anothernothingposted my xmlstarlet question on stackexchange02:19
anothernothingif anyone knows xmlstarlet could they take a look please02:19
rasteroidif the audio doesn't work, and i can't use nvidia, why am i using ubuntu?02:19
rasteroidsorry, but this is not what i need to be doing right now ;-)02:20
Ritleehoping for help, but not quite for ubuntu, any clue about this message while trying to start Transmission on my DNS 343 i get this error:  evmap.c:401: Assertion ctx failed in evmap_io_active02:24
rasteroidRitlee: what is DNS 341? the error seems to indicate that the context of a map, ie. key -> value structure, is invalid at the moment when this code is trying to do something, eg. alter, the map in question.02:26
Ritleerasteroid: DNS 343 is a Dlink 4 bay nas, with Fonz Fun Plug installed... linux yes, ubuntu no... their channel has no one active for help, and the forum is SLOW...02:27
Ritleerasteroid, so you think the command used to initialize Transmission might have bad input (map?)02:28
rasteroidRitlee: did you try googling evmap.c:401'? if someone else has seen this issue they would have used that as part of their search terms'02:29
Ritleerasteroid, hmmm google... some times that eludes me ;)02:29
rasteroidRitlee: it seems to be a 12-month or so old problem in transmission.02:31
foodre85on a fresh install of ubuntu the backports (unsupported) repo is enabled for updates by default. Does this mean every fresh install installs unsupported packages?02:31
RitleeI'm seeing that... though not seeing the fix02:31
rasteroidRitlee: the call invokes something in libevent; that's where the map is, but there's nothing more that i can fidn02:33
OerHeksfoodre85, good question, i noticed backports enabled by default too02:33
foodre85OerHeks, it's been like this for previous distro versions of ubuntu too02:34
Ritleerasteroid, yeah... kinda wondering about trying an older version of libevent02:34
OerHeksfoodre85, up to 11.04 , apt defaulted to always installing packages from Backports. On later releases,  apt only installs packages from Backports when they are explicitly requested02:38
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MDTech-us_MANwhat package does gnutls-config belong to?02:41
foodre85OerHeks, ty02:41
cfhowlettMDTech-us_MAN, run a terminal:   apt-cache show gnutls-config02:41
MDTech-us_MANUnable to locate package gnutls-config02:43
cfhowlettMDTech-us_MAN, try a wildcard for the filename: gnutls*02:43
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TimotyHi, is there any linux command to see an image?02:48
Timoty$ cmd <path_to_image>02:48
sydneyTimoty: What do you mean by 'image'?02:49
Timotyan image (.png, .jpeg, ...)02:49
SchrodingersScatTimoty: not sure what ubuntu comes with by default now, but yes, normally you can call commands from the terminal like that and give the path of an image02:49
OerHeksi would choose caca-utils, so you can play a video in terminal too02:50
xanguaGood thing you don't know what that lib means02:52
TimotyI trying to find a command that comes with linux thoH02:52
OerHeksTimoty, wa]02:54
OerHeksTimoty, what ubuntu version are you using now?02:54
Timotywhy ?02:58
sydneyThat often help solve things or answer questions :)02:58
CarlFKTimoty: display02:59
TimotyI got it03:00
Timotyeog is installed by default, so I am gonna use that H03:00
Timotydisplay doesn't exist03:01
CarlFKah right, it's part of imagemagick03:01
bwrightWhere does libboost-all-dev install it used to be /usr/lib/boost03:01
xanguaI thought your goal was "to see images in terminal"03:02
bwrightBut it appears not to install there anymore?03:02
Timotyfrom terminal command03:03
Timotyxangua I just wanted to see and image typing a linux commandP03:03
bwrightSo sick of ubuntu messing with dev shit every release.03:04
cfhowlettbwright, use LTS then03:05
CarlFKcfhowlett: that won't stop what he is sick of :)03:05
kdefWhen I run 'python3.4 -m venv --clear myvenv' I get this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.4/+bug/1290847 Anyone have any ideas? I'm on 14.04.103:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1290847 in python3.4 (Ubuntu) "pyvenv fails due to mising ensurepip module" [Undecided,Fix released]03:05
bwrightcfhowlett: I do, don't worry it isn't a unique issue to ubuntu most linux distros do it.03:06
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cfhowlettbwright, true, true ...03:06
bwrightcfhowlett: Been using ubuntu since 2007, just been pissing me off the last 2 years :P03:07
bwrightJust slightly less than other distros though :P03:08
bwright/usr/lib/boost doesn't exist after an install of libboost-all-dev03:09
OerHeksbwright, maybe in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/449348/why-are-boost-package-libs-installed-to-usr-x86-64-linux-gnu03:12
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leeyaahow can i check if there is .deb package for Linux::Pid module ?03:23
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cfischerHi there, I want to know when I'll be able to use Wayland on Ubuntu03:35
allu2cfischer: isn't wayland already in the repos?03:39
rwwallu2: no, it isn't.03:41
cfhowlett!info wayland03:41
ubottuPackage wayland does not exist in trusty03:41
allu2I assumed since weston seems to be there03:41
cfhowlettcfischer, "when it's done" ...03:41
allu2!info weston03:41
ubottuweston (source: weston): reference implementation of a wayland compositor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 461 kB, installed size 1146 kB (Only available for linux-any)03:41
rwwor rather, last time I looked there wasn't a working wayland implementation. perhaps i am wrong now.03:42
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y3gangcan anybody recommend some document or book? I want to know layers on linux such as shell, display manager, DE... I am so confused about these things.03:44
cfhowlett!manual | y3gang,03:45
ubottuy3gang,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:45
Basketballleeee, you here03:45
charles26any body in there03:45
y3gangthank you03:46
SchrodingersScatcharles26: ground control to major tom03:46
cfhowlettcharles26, nope.  no one ... oh, wait; counter says only a few thousand ...03:46
cfhowlett!ask | charles26,03:46
ubottucharles26,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:46
charles26yeah but they are ghosts03:46
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SchrodingersScatspooky mode03:47
MonkeyDronesomeone called the ghost busters?03:48
Bashing-omy3gang: Nother good one: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Trusty .03:49
y3gangoh I will read them too03:49
y3gangthank you03:49
MonkeyDronenew to Ubuntu y3gang? just curious here03:49
MonkeyDroneCool cool03:50
DarylHow does 1 become a Ubuntu Member?03:50
rwwDaryl: read the link ubottu already gave you in #ubuntu-offtopic03:51
Daryloh ok thx03:51
cfhowlettDaryl, reading the links is a HUGE advantage to membership.  just sayin ...03:51
Basketballlhey cfhowlett  is the install any different 12.04 on a windows 8.1 preloaded pc03:52
MonkeyDronethe day developers support linux in the full sense, would be just great03:52
DarylYa... Just wasn't paying attention to the Link03:52
cfhowlettBasketballl, it is.  your 8.1 computer runs uefi.  slightly more complicated.03:52
cfhowlett!uefi | Daryl03:53
ubottuDaryl: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:53
Basketballlcfhowlett, is there a command that tells you if you have uefi or bios03:55
cfhowlettBasketballl, 8.1 = you have EFI03:55
DarylOh i mean not like Installing Ubuntu on my comp i already have it installed 14.04 LTS. I mean part of the Whole team wise to be part of something like Helping Ubuntu Build stuff03:55
Basketballlcfhowlett, windows 8 was not preinstalled i was confused with friends pc03:55
Basketballlcfhowlett, windows 7 was preinstalled03:56
cfhowlettBasketballl, you give bad details you get bad answers03:56
Basketballlcfhowlett,  lets start over03:56
cfhowlettBasketballl, win7 = mbr.  straight and easy dual boot installation03:56
cfhowlett!dualboot | Basketballl03:56
ubottuBasketballl: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:56
Basketballlcfhowlett,  so even if it has windows 8.1 now it is still bios03:57
cfhowlettBasketballl, nope nope and nope.  if it's 8.1 capable, it has efi.03:57
Bashing-omBasketballl: Here is a fairly descent guide I jyst ran across -: http://www.everydaylinuxuser.com/2014/05/install-ubuntu-1404-alongside-windows.html . The author fails to mention defragging and chkdisk !03:57
cfhowlettBashing-om, thanks!03:57
rwwWindows 7 can run on UEFI. Windows 8 can run on BIOS. I have done both.03:58
cfhowlettrww, *spit*  WHAT!?03:58
Bashing-omcfhowlett: :D ... My bit to try and help, and a bit of pay back to all of yall .03:58
cfhowlettBasketballl, appears I gave misinformation.  deepest apologies.03:59
cfhowlettrww, can you give Basketballl more guidance?03:59
Basketballlrww,  the pc is a Acer Aspire X1420G04:00
rwwBasketballl: The link cfhowlett gave you details various ways to see if your computer is running under UEFI mode.04:00
rwwI would recommend actually reading it.04:00
jcoolhow can we solve purple screen error? When windows boots after grub purple screen shows. This is happening after ubuntu 14.04 LTS install.04:02
cfhowlett!nomodeset | jcool,04:02
ubottujcool,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:02
rwwBasketballl: That said, the manual for the Aspire X1400 implies it has BIOS, not UEFI. Not sure if the same is true of the X1420G.04:02
john_ramboI closed the psad configuration (in terminal) by mistake. How do I restart the process ?04:03
hexacodeis creating a custom linux iso as simple, as mounting it, and perhaps placing some ami specific startup scripts in certain places, then burning the iso to a usb?04:03
DrManhattanI am going to use Ubuntu 14.04 and am currently setting it up for use with Plex media server. Should I use the desktop or server kernel?04:03
jcoolcfhowlett, that seems to be a helpful post. will try it out :)04:04
Basketballlanyone kknow how to fix this https://plus.google.com/115845578186971249788/posts/X6xMRcW9cim04:04
Basketballlsame issue with deb and ppa04:04
cfhowlettjcool, wishing you luck.  bring back an update.04:05
phunyguyDrManhattan: not entirely sure the kernel matters there04:05
jcoolcfhowlett, sure.thanks for the same.04:05
rwwphunyguy: (you're still opped up)04:05
phunyguyno I'm not04:06
samthewildoneare the ubuntu soruces flooded ?04:06
samthewildoneI've noticed earlier today that downloading has become very slow from various sources.04:06
phunyguyesaie: can we help you with something?04:07
esaieiam new to linux04:07
cfhowlett!manual | esaie,04:08
ubottuesaie,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:08
phunyguyok :).... welcome04:08
esaieyes it's04:08
esaie i like linux  best than windows04:09
phunyguyesaie: we can discuss that more in #ubuntu-offtopic04:10
phunyguyesaie: this is a support channel04:10
allu2hexacode: I think there are some tools for making custom linux iso's, and I remember that you might also need to mess up with some checksum hashes or stuff when you add things in the iso04:10
esaieit fun to using04:10
cfhowlettesaie, /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:10
esaiei have go now04:11
phunyguyk, bye :)04:11
esaiebed time04:12
trelooolBashing-om: On that link you gave you mention that the author fails to mention defragging and chkdisk. When should these 2 items be done? On Windows I assume.04:14
cfhowletttreloool, no need for defragging linux and chkdsk is a windows command.04:15
cfhowlett!defrag | treloool04:15
ubottutreloool: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.04:15
SNAFUdowserI've just got my Ubuntu install and I'm having problems getting the graphics drivers working.  When I boot it's a black screen.  Then when I boot nomodeset, install the Nvidia drivers, and reboot it starts hanging during the start up.  I can't even boot into text mode.  Are there any other drivers I can try?  What can I do?  Help greatly appreciated! :D04:16
trelooolThanks cfhowlett.04:16
cfhowletttreloool, happy2hlep04:16
allu2SNAFUdowser: Ubuntu version? Nvidia Card model?04:19
rodrigo_ds7GTX 78004:19
samthewildonerodrigo_ds7, new gpu ?04:19
rodrigo_ds7On ubuntu 14.0404:19
samthewildonerodrigo_ds7, nice man.04:19
allu2:P I asked SNAFUdowser04:19
samthewildoneI'm jealous... I'm on the HD770004:20
samthewildonerodrigo_ds7, any chance you have steam ?04:20
rodrigo_ds7Also works great with Steam OS04:20
samthewildoneadd me asap @ samthewildone04:20
allu2#ubuntu-offtopic please samthewildone, rodrigo_ds704:20
Bashing-omtreloool: I am a firm believer in defraggin window at leat twice prioe to resizing, and chkdisk also at least twice after resizing ( partition table) and rebooting Windows at least twice,04:20
cfhowletttreloool, windows will like force a chkdsk anyway04:21
trelooolBashing-om: Thanks for that.04:21
Bashing-omtreloool: - just my thoughts -04:22
Basketballlanyone kknow how to fix this https://plus.google.com/115845578186971249788/posts/X6xMRcW9cim04:24
allu2Basketballl: this isn't elementary support channel :/04:25
Basketballlit is happening in both elementary and ubuntu]04:25
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allu2Show me pictured of it happening in Ubuntu then04:26
xanguaLibre office icons working fine in unity04:26
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fishcookeri have dvd disc which contains video  .. how to make backup to iso file?04:37
cfhowlettfishcooker, brasero04:38
allu2fishcooker: did you try the disks utility?04:38
fishcookernope im on 14.04 allu2.. i will inspect it cfhowlett04:39
allu2fishcooker: I'm on 14.04 too :P04:39
fishcookerhey allu2 do you use lightdm too?04:40
allu2fishcooker: Yeap I indeed do, any questions on it?04:40
fishcookeri have problem on login screen after i do suspend .. i cant input my password sometimes i need to login on console by pressing ctrl+alt+f1/f2/f3.. do login there as root and do service lightdm restart04:42
allu2hum suspend problems tend to be tricky, have you tried if its enough just to switch to f1 and then back to f7?04:42
CorvetteIn Unity on 14.04, is there a way to make the menu open in the 'apps' category rather than the 'home' or 'recents' category?04:45
allu2Corvette: super+a I believe04:45
CorvetteThat will open the menu in apps category once04:46
CorvetteRight? How do I make it do that every time04:46
fishcookerok allu2 i will make it next time thanks for sharing04:48
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lotuspsychjehowcome CUPS doesnt show in the startup items list to disable?04:53
lotuspsychjeim trying to tweak unwanted services to speed up boot time04:54
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SNAFUdowserallu2: Sorry dude this is so late, but GTX 760 and Ubuntu 14.0404:56
goodwinscreen or tmux?04:56
SNAFUdowserNewer?  Honestly I have no idea haha I've just been told tmux and I've used it and enjoyed it greatly.04:57
SNAFUdowserAnd I use it*04:57
goodwini am new to screen/tmux. i need to choose one04:58
goodwinit seems screen is newer than tmux04:59
SNAFUdowserWhat?  really??  lemme see thats suprising to me04:59
SNAFUdowserCheck this out http://superuser.com/questions/236158/tmux-vs-screen05:00
SNAFUdowser"GNU Screen is almost 25 years old"05:00
SNAFUdowserTmux is deff newer05:00
rwwgoodwin: it doesn't matter. pick one at random and stick with it05:01
rww@random tmux screen05:01
SNAFUdowsergood choice ubottu05:01
SNAFUdowserI've just got my Ubuntu install and I'm having problems getting the graphics drivers working.  When I boot it's a black screen.  Then when I boot nomodeset, install the Nvidia drivers, and reboot it starts hanging during the start up.  I can't even boot into text mode.  Are there any other drivers I can try?  What can I do?  I have GTX 760 and Ubuntu 14.0405:04
lotuspsychjeSNAFUdowser: is that an optimus card?05:06
SNAFUdowserlotuspsychje: Not sure I'll check it out.  I think it's just like a close to stock evga 760 gtx.  But I'll make sure05:07
SNAFUdowserNo it's not a 760m05:07
SNAFUdowserIt's just a plane 760 in my desktop.05:08
lotuspsychje!optimus | SNAFUdowser05:09
ubottuSNAFUdowser: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/05:09
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SNAFUdowserlotuspsychje, I don't think it is optimus though.  Sorry if I wasn't clear.05:10
SNAFUdowser(or am I wrong?)05:11
lotuspsychjeSNAFUdowser: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221896405:13
lotuspsychjesounds like your card no?05:13
allu2Ok so now I got the answer for this Corvette guy and he's gone..05:16
SNAFUdowserlotuspsychje: I don't think I have the optimus card, and the symptoms are actually not exactly the same, because I can't even get into the login screen to have a login loop.  After installing the nvidia drivers I literally can't even see the splash screen.05:17
SNAFUdowserIt's just a blinking cursor.05:18
allu2SNAFUdowser: have you tried the nvidia's own installation script?05:18
SNAFUdowserI haven't actually.  That could help?  I'll try it but if it fails I think I might have to reinstall lol.05:18
allu2SNAFUdowser: well yeah, its kinda "last hope" :P05:19
allu2you could also try nouveau :P05:19
SNAFUdowserallu2: Is nouveau what is installed by default?  Because that's not working at all either :/ lol05:20
allu2SNAFUdowser: if I read correctly it ought to be supported by nouveau http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/#nve0familykepler05:22
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SNAFUdowserallu2: I'm checking it out.05:23
allu2SNAFUdowser: based on http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_700_nouveau&num=1 I also suspect the binary drivers from nvidia should work with 14.0405:25
TechHysteriahow do i fix laggy effects?05:26
pfsense_rookieTechHysteria, in the brain?05:27
TechHysteriai ran compiz --replace but that didn't work05:28
SNAFUdowserallu2: Cool I'll need a few to try some of this out.  I think I'll try Nouveau first because it looks a little easier to install ;)05:29
allu2SNAFUdowser: be aware nouveau doesn't offer same 3D performance as binary ones though05:30
SNAFUdowserallu2: Jesus ok well.................. it looks like God is telling me to not run linux.  Installed nouveau and boom now can't boot, even in recovery.  I've prolly spent 60 hours trying to install Linux on this desktop, no joke.  I guess it's just not meant to be.  GG NO RE good night people and sorry for all the questions which ended up not helping.  OY!05:38
linageeI've lost the top bar on Xbuntu (xfce), anyone know how to get it back?05:41
gorgathI want to install a mainline kernel, how do I setup the kernel with grub?05:42
gorgathIt's the bleeding edge kernel05:42
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:43
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)05:43
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:43
samuel_some one has a good reason to install Ubuntu and not mint ???05:48
pfsense_rookiesamuel_, if you mean Linux Mint Debian, you should.05:49
OerHeksnow go ask in the mint channel :-D05:50
lea_samuel_ you could try Elementary Os05:50
allu2samuel_: Ubuntu = More users, more likely someone has had your future problem already and that the fix for it works for you too05:50
samuel_and what about amazon ??  i know you can uninstall but you'll trust it if one of the best hackers ever says it's not good ??05:54
OerHeksone of the best hackers, so so05:55
OerHeksdo you have an ubuntu support question? this is rather boring05:55
allu2samuel_: I fail to see how I should trust mint any more with their own softwares which sources I've never looked at, and I doubt you will ether :P05:55
allu2samuel_: if you wish to polish your tin hat I suggest looking into LFS project05:56
samuel_Tks allu2 always is good to read a good opinion ;)06:01
stapler117where can i find documentation on installing ubuntu to and booting from an iscsi target?06:06
stapler117target is IET06:06
stapler117the problem I'm having is IET is throwing ubuntu an error on boot that the target is already in use. I assure you no other device is using that target06:07
stapler117A work around I have right now is to have two separate targets. one for /boot and one for / . The boot time isci initiator pulls from the /boot target. This will get it to boot, but not without manual intervetion and skipping mounting the /boot partition.06:08
linuxyogiHi! I need an apparmor profile for Transmission (Ubuntu 14.04) ...Searched a lot ...If any one has created one please share it06:08
LildirtHm, I'm having some issues with configuring my monitors. Seems like display just stops functioning altogether whenever I apply settings.. it's not every time, it's random.06:09
LildirtAnyone ever had an issue like this?06:09
LildirtI'm on a LiveCD, if that's important.06:09
user123321Greetings Ubuntians.06:19
pfsense_rookie<helmut_> hil06:45
samba35i am trying to minidlna on ubuntu 14.04 ,i have installed extra package  ,i am getting parsing error file /etc/minidlna.conf line 67 : listening_ip= x.x.x.x06:48
gorgathHow do I configure grub2 to boot my custom kernel06:49
netlarI am trying to play a mp4 video with VLC and I am getting this http://imgur.com/9j2ZsNh What could be causing this problem06:50
netlarLike so much ghosting06:51
allu2netlar: have you tried changing video output?06:52
allu2gl, xv, X11 so on?06:53
netlarallu2: the video track?06:53
allu2netlar: Tools --> Preferences --> Video --> Output06:55
__marcoGood morning. I would like to install the xubuntu environment beside the ubuntu's one. Is it enough to install xfce?06:55
allu2__marco: that depends on what you really want06:56
naphstorhey suggest me an anti virus for ubantu 13.1006:56
netlarallu2: ok I am there06:56
allu2naphstor: need none, but I hear avast offers something, then there is clamav06:56
netlarallu2: and I see, Video --> Deinterlacing and Mode06:57
allu2netlar: try switching between X11, OpenGL and XVideo saving and seeing if it works after06:57
netlarahh ok06:57
__marcoallu2: I need to test a program written with gtk2 that does not work anymore on ubuntu 14.04. ubuntu 14.04 is really slow on virtualbox (first reason to use xubuntu) and I need anyway to test the program in xubuntu and ubuntu06:57
naphstorok ,but when i use pen drive so its file will be shorcut mood for other pc06:58
OerHeks13.10 is EOL06:58
__marcobut I don't want to create two different virtual machines06:58
allu2__marco: sure you can just install xfce4 and test with it06:58
netlarallu2: Would I use a certain output if I am using the open source video driver?06:59
allu2netlar: honestly I usually just switch and try few randomly and it usually helps06:59
netlarallu2: I got it to work, thanks for your help06:59
allu2netlar: Great, no problem :)07:00
__marcoallu2: I am not really practice with xfce. I know there are/were many gnome-* packages needed to make gnome2 works. So, is the xfce4 package enough?07:00
naphstorallu2: when i install window7 in vertual box so it cant be completed?????how i can install window7 in vertual box??07:00
allu2__marco: I assume xfce installs the desktop (stuff like xfwm4, xfce4-panel and so o n)07:01
netlarallu2: I have one other display problem, more of an annoyance that a problem and only with Google Chrome07:01
__marcoallu2: ok, thanks07:02
netlarallu2: When I resize the window, there is lots of distortion during the resizing07:02
allu2netlar: first idea, try firefox :P hum but honestly  chrome://flags might have some graphical options that might help07:03
netlarallu2: Yes firefox does not have that problem07:03
allu2naphstor: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=installing%20windows%207%20virtualbox%20ubuntu07:04
netlarallu2: wow there are so many flags07:05
allu2netlar: yeah there is all sorts of cool and unstable stuff there :D07:05
netlarallu2: ewww hate that word, unstable07:05
allu2netlar: Usually its kinda like "it works awesomely" or "It doesn't work" :P07:06
allu2netlar: I haven't have any "this kinda works but might crash anymoment" experiences07:06
allu2netlar: but then again, I've been a firefox user since they got sense in the sync part07:07
netlarallu2: I was thinking it wsa because of the video driver07:07
netlarallu2: Reason I thought it maybe the video driver was because the problems with the video playback too07:08
allu2netlar: could be, but it would be harder to track so its easier to try the easy solutions first07:08
netlarallu2: Well I tried also loading the proprietary driver, but that was so damn buggy, went back to the open source driver07:09
allu2netlar: graphics drivers tend to be bit trouble some depending on hardware07:11
netlarallu2: I do not think amd drivers are all the good07:12
allu2netlar: heh personally I've had no real problems with Radeon HD775007:12
netlarallu2: Actually that is the graphic card I have07:13
allu2netlar: I also have AMD motherboard and CPU :P07:14
netlarI have Intel chip07:14
allu2netlar: I tend to build my Pc's from same manufactors parts as far as possible07:15
allu2netlar: tends to brind less problems07:16
rolleiflexhey, uh, I have a weird problem07:16
netlarallu2: For a linux box?07:16
allu2netlar: any box for that matter (dualbooting Windows  7 for games)07:16
allu2rolleiflex: hit me07:16
rolleiflexI created a .desktop file with my application and loaded it to applications, but only the icon shows on unity start menu07:16
netlarmakes sense07:16
rolleiflexnot the name of the package07:16
allu2pastebin the .desktop file07:17
rolleiflexall other packages have names, ha07:17
rolleiflexallu2: here you go: http://pastebin.com/j2HRGeEG07:17
jr_Hey guys. When I try to visit CUPS in the web browser (port 631) I get "Bad Request". What's going on?07:18
allu2rolleiflex: hum so the problem is that its name is missing?07:19
rolleiflexlet me get you a screenshot..07:19
allu2rolleiflex:  did you try restart Unity after adding it, just in case?07:19
rolleiflexyes, I restarted the machinem07:19
rolleiflexallu2: this is what it looks like https://i.imgur.com/4YPRvQL.png07:20
allu2rolleiflex: could the icon be somehow too large?07:20
rolleiflexit can be, but isn't it supposed to be scaled down?07:21
allu2rolleiflex: not sure :P just guessing07:21
rolleiflexallu2: yeah, you might be right :)07:21
rolleiflexlet me try to get it down.. any other clues?07:21
allu2rolleiflex: hum I don't see the Encoding=UTF-8 in some of my system .desktop files07:22
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rolleiflexallu2: might be worth taking it out07:22
jr_I don't get why this isn't working...07:25
jr_can someone please help?07:25
allu2jr_: I'd love to but I've never had to deal with CUPS07:26
jr_allu2: oh :( thanks though07:27
kudakwasheany idea when the ubuntu phone will be released?07:27
jr_I haven't either :p07:27
kudakwasheor when and how i can get on?07:27
Valarkin_Good morning all. After much help from the kind geeks here i finally got a LVM comprised of 5 and a bit HDD's configged, formatted and I moved /home/ to it.  I then spent all of yesterday doing installs and configs of the desired software. About 1am I rebooted the machine and tried to login as a user.  I was able to logon, but the user dirs were _gone_ and fdisk reported the lvm had no filesystem07:28
Valarkin_!  Since the volume was lost, I unmounted the lvm, put a new ext4 fs on it and remounted it. I then tried to make the /home dir on the volume and was told it already existed. I took  a dir listing and sure enough - all 4 user dirs. To be safe, I rebooted and the machine has failed multiple reboot attempts - and is still down 6 hours later.07:28
ubottuValarkin_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:28
Valarkin_silly bot I said nothing to you :P07:29
allu2he likes ! marks :P07:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone07:29
Valarkin_Ahhhh :D07:29
Valarkin_I guess what I am asking is: how the heck does a reboot cause that on the fs?07:30
Valarkin_and what do i do to prevent it happening again?07:31
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allu2Valarkin_: hard to say since lvm isn't my area of expertize, only managed to set one up on installation07:33
Valarkin_fair dues, and I know it is early/late for most ppl too07:33
allu210:33am still no sleep :P07:33
TJ-Valarkin_: When a boot fails, first thing is to try Recovery mode07:33
TJ-Valarkin_: Second: ensure kernel is doing maximum logging using "debug", and capture logs. If necessary use a serial or net-console07:34
Valarkin_I am on OVH - so i only have a CP - I have to manually reboot when I tell it I want rescue but the reboots fail07:34
Valarkin_so I am going to do a clean reinstall and start over :D07:35
bekksValarkin_: do you have a dedicated server or a VPS?07:35
TJ-Valarkin_: Surely you have remote console access, IPMI or KVM over IP ?07:36
Valarkin_server doesnt respond to pings07:36
Valarkin_even when the cp says it's running07:36
Valarkin_and there is no surely - I get a bare install and the rest is up to me .07:37
netlarI seem to have messed up Unity Dash, it will not display applications anymore, how can I correct this07:37
TJ-Valarkin_: There surely is a surely - any dedicated host should have console access07:38
Valarkin_oh, I can ssh in when the server works07:38
Valarkin_but since its refusing to respond to external connects....07:38
TJ-Valarkin_: That's nothing to do with it - console access is at BIOS level. OVH offer it as "Serial-over-LAN"07:39
Valarkin_Oh - sorry - still learning.07:39
TJ-Valarkin_: We're talking about what you'd see as the system boots itself, as if a keyboard video mouse (hence KVM) are connected... but you have remote access to that07:39
TJ-Valarkin_: OVH document it here: https://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/serial_over_lan.xml07:40
Valarkin_oh it's techincally soyoustart not ovh - different manager07:40
mojzeszi want to ask about wpa_supplicant do you know how i can disable autostart in linux?07:41
Valarkin_I only get 1 rescue boot option: rescue-pro07:41
incocorphi every 107:41
Valarkin_I can choose network boot with 3 kernel options: hz1000, standard, and GRSec07:43
kurugot a weird problem. I can't seem to get the background wallpaper to actually show07:43
Valarkin_I do not mind doing the reinstall - I just want to be sure I'm not cocking something up to cause it.07:43
kuruinstead I get garbled stuff.. this is on an external monitor (when I'm on the laptop screen it's fine)07:43
Valarkin_to fail again*07:43
pagioswhy do i get like 30 of these before gertting an ip address from the dhcp server? http://pastie.org/9533392 it takes like5 min to acquire n ip address07:44
bekksValarkin_: Thats the preinstalled image of the hoster, isnt it?07:44
Valarkin_yes - no install process just slaps an image up. I can choose their kernel or the distro kernel though07:45
pagiosSep  7 10:45:26 hiperbox-01 dhclient: No DHCPOFFERS received.07:46
pagiosSep  7 10:45:26 hiperbox-01 dhclient: Trying recorded lease
kuruanyone know of a screenshot sharing site I can show you the bg image I'm getting07:46
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:47
kurutrijntje, thanks07:48
Valarkin_OS is reinstalling. The grand adventure continues :D07:49
kuruanyone got brilliant ideas?07:49
guardianpwr08hello, can someone tell me whats wrong with my rsync command?  I am trying to backup a running server to a clone -  rsync -avz -dryrun -e 'ssh -p 30000' --rsync-path="sudo user" --stats user@server.com:/ /07:49
TJ-kuru: Does the external monitor + same cable combination work fine on other systems?07:51
kuruTJ, I don't have the same issue using Gnome (default)07:51
TJ-kuru: What interface is the external monitor connected to (VGA/DVI/HDMI/DP) ?07:51
kuruit's only with Unity07:51
kuruso I don't think it's a hardware issue07:51
kuruIt's a VGA connector07:51
TJ-kuru: Hmmm, that suggests an OpenGL compositor issue07:52
kuru(Mandarin to me) :)07:52
hualet_deepinkuru: i think it's a compiz issue.07:52
kurudo I reinstall or what do I do?07:53
TJ-kuru: Your screenshot makes it look like a timing issue (incorrect modeline). Did you try loading the same desktop background into an image viewer to be sure it isn't just the image corrupted :)07:53
kuruTJ-, oh the image is definitely not corrupted07:53
kuruit doesn't matter what images I try to use or change it to.. it simply doesn't respond07:53
kurunot at login and not while on Setting07:53
kuruhualet_deepin, so how do I fix it?07:53
TJ-kuru: OK, so a composito issue - have you been 'playing' with Compiz or the Appearances settings?07:54
kuruTJ-, I have.. but not before this issue appeared07:54
TJ-kuru: The greeter is responsible for that part of the log-in, so I wonder if there's any clues in the logs in "/var/log/lightdm/*"07:54
TJ-kuru: Also, the X server log might show something: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log"07:55
kuruI've looked at both and nothing screams at me07:55
kuruanything specific I should be looking for?07:55
TJ-kuru:  I notice an Apple-like logo top-right; have you been customising the look and feel?07:56
hualet_deepinkuru: it must be occasional, right? if it is, just leave it to the ubuntu developers.07:56
kuruhualet_deepin, occasional? No, it's always that way.07:56
kuruTJ-, like I said, I have.. but this has been before I've tried to do any customization07:57
kuruTJ-, I was actually hoping my fiddling with it would automagically fix it :)07:57
TJ-kuru:  That screenshot looks as if there's an active session and its either locked the screen or switching user, is that correct?07:58
kuruTJ-, I am logged in and active..07:58
kuruTJ-, not sure what you mean?07:58
kuruTJ-, it's not locked or switching users.. it just won't remove the pre-login screen background image07:58
TJ-kuru: The contents of the screen is the login greeter display07:58
kuruTJ-, correct.. that's sorta the whole problem :)07:59
TJ-kuru: So, it is possible the correct background isn't being drawn, or drawn corrupted, resulting in what we see07:59
kuruTJ-, I'm guessing so07:59
TJ-kuru: You said you've verified the correct background image isn't corrupted?08:00
kuruTJ-, correct.08:00
TJ-kuru: Does this happen if you log-in as the Guest user?08:00
dididodohi... i updated my 12.04 which is now kernel 3.2.0-68. since then, my mobile broadband (huawei usb stick)  is not working anymore. before the update it used to work perfectly for a long time and over muliple updates. it's not a modeswitch issue. still, there is no ppp0 device and no 'enable mobile broadband'08:01
dididodoany idea?08:01
bekksdididodo: how did you upgrade, exactly?08:02
dididodobekks: plain update manager procedure ... no upgrade, it was a simple update within 12.04 world08:03
alkecituI can't get sudoers to work such that I can run apache2ctl without a password.  I'm pretty sure my config is correct (e.g. I know that rules are matched in order).  my sudoers file is http://pastebin.com/xDd77bLK  the weird thing is, if I replace the path to apache2ctl with ALL, then it works (for all files).  why can't I make it work for just apache2ctl?08:04
TJ-kuru: Any clues in "~/.xsession-errors" ?08:04
kuruTJ-, nothing looks weird08:04
bekksdididodo: Can you pastebin sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade please?08:04
dididodobekks: sure. one moment, please, i have to boot the box first ...08:05
TJ-dididodo: what does "nmcli nm" report?08:06
dididodoTJ-: one moment, still booting ...08:06
TJ-dididodo: I know the feeling this time of morning :)08:07
dididodoTJ-: this is a bit tricky, because i'm not writing from the box which is concerned, however, the connection i'm using right now depends on the same broadband connection which doesnt work on the other box. now ... nmcli  ... what are you exactlly looking for? it's a bit too much to write everything ...besides, the stick is not plugged in anyway  ;)08:11
TJ-dididodo: last line, what are the 2 WWAN statuses?08:12
dididodoTJ- ... WWAN-HARDWARE enabled .............. WWAN disab08:13
TJ-dididodo: There's your problem then08:13
TJ-dididodo: "nmcli nm wwan on"08:13
dididodoTJ-: great, thanks ... and what is the solution?08:13
dididodoTJ-: one moment08:14
TJ-diddledan_: check the status has corrected itself once you do that08:14
TJ-grrr, tab-completion!08:14
TJ-dididodo: check the status has corrected itself once you do that08:14
dididodoTJ-: i tried nmcli nm wwan on ... with and without sudo ... the command executes without error ... but nmcli nm still returns ... WWAN disabled08:17
dididodoTJ-: at least i have an idea now ...08:17
TJ-dididodo: OK, there should be some indication of why in "/var/log/syslog"08:18
TJ-dididodo: I'm not sure if that remains disabled when no device is connected08:18
TJ-dididodo: In the background though, it causes the "modemmanager" service to be run, which communicates with Network Manager08:18
dididodoTJ-: you mean i should try it again with the stick connected?08:19
TJ-dididodo: That'd make sense :)08:20
TJ-dididodo: When you do, check what is being reported in "/var/log/syslog" too08:21
dididodoTJ-: i now have tailed  /var/log/syslog  ... there are many NetworkManager messages ... you are looking forsomething specific?08:22
dididodostill without the device connected08:22
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dididodoTJ-: i have to disconnect from here in order to test the box in question ... i'll be back in a few minutes ...08:24
TJ-dididodo: Well, I'd do "tail -f /var/log/syslog | tee /tmp/wwan.log" just before plugging the device in, then capture what happens. If NM still reports WWAN disabled, then do "nmcli nm wwan on" and see if that causes specific messages in syslog. If that all fails, "pastebinit /tmp/wwan.log" so we can diagnose it better08:24
dididodoTJ-: ok,  i'll do that ... thanks, so far08:25
ABDU1989how to convert joystick to mouse08:25
bekksABDU1989: you cannot.08:26
TJ-ABDU1989: There are several ways; for the X server, have you seen http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/4624/joystick-as-a-mouse-with-fedora08:27
ABDU1989I was working in the archlinux08:28
bekksTJ-: I didnt knew thats possible. TIL. :)08:29
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ABDU1989TJ- for ubuntu not fedora08:34
bekksABDU1989: The xorg.conf stays the same :)08:35
zubairahmedhi pumba08:37
TJ-ABDU1989: That answer is distro-agnostic, if you read it08:39
pumbazubairahmed:  have you heard of aspire e11 laptop trackpad going nuts with 14.0408:39
pumbai cant seem to find a fix08:39
ABDU1989yes thnks08:39
pumbai need help08:40
pumbai cant figure out how to fix it08:40
TJ-bekks: ha, yeah, I once had to use a joystick as input on a server in a data centre for some proprietary stuff, and was only carrying a bluetooth mouse with me :)08:40
zubairahmedTouchpad and keyboard are not working08:41
zubairahmedThe solution is to add i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset to the end of the kernel line of the grub menu config at /boot/grub/menu.lst.08:41
zubairahmedhere Pumba08:41
bekksTJ-: :D08:42
zubairahmedIt is for Toshiba Satellite L775D S7340 though08:42
zubairahmedfollow this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224314408:43
TJ-zubairahmed: pumba That is a pretty common issue, or has been. I seem to be seeing it more frequently of late08:43
pumbaTJ-: do you know of a fix?08:43
RoBo_Vdamn, I can't seems to enable hibernation (created swap file though)08:44
TJ-pumba: zubairahmed just have you the usual fix08:44
kudakwashei'm trying to use a live disk and want to save some files to disk08:46
kudakwashei have ubuntu installed08:46
pumbai dont have a menu.lst file in /boot/grub/08:46
kudakwashebut the disk is encrypted08:46
kudakwashei can't remember the password08:46
kudakwasheis there a way to reset the password08:47
trijntjekudakwashe: probably not, how did you encrypt the disk?08:47
kudakwashetrijntje: the way it's done during installatin08:47
trijntjekudakwashe: did you encrypt the whole install or just the home directory?08:48
kudakwashewhole disk08:48
pumbaTJ-: zubairahmed ?08:48
trijntjethen there is no way to gain access to your files without the password08:48
kudakwashetriste: what is that window that pops up just after installing ubuntu with  a long string?08:49
kudakwasheis that the passphrase?08:49
kudakwashebecause during installation it asks for one as well08:49
kudakwasheis one for the home directory one for the disk?08:49
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:50
kudakwashetriste: the above four lines were meant for your : -)08:50
trijntjekudakwashe: the popup is for the encryption of the home directory, did you use full disk encryption, home or both?08:50
TJ-pumba: Add those options in "/etc/default/grub", to the settings in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX then do "sudo update-grub"08:52
kudakwashetrijntje: both08:53
trijntjekudakwashe: in that case you need both passwords to get access to your files08:53
kudakwashetrijntje: i guess i have to back up everything and reinstall, this time writing down the passwords :-)08:53
zubairahmedpumba There is no menu.lst any more with grub2. You already found the generated configuration file /boot/grub/grub.cfg, but this one should not be edited. To change menu entries edit the files in /etc/grub.d/.08:54
kudakwashetrijntje: thanks08:54
zubairahmedread here http://askubuntu.com/questions/345254/there-is-no-menu-lst-under-boot-grub-and-12-04-server-cant-boot08:54
kudakwashetrijntje: because a lot of the time i need to use live dvd's08:54
kudakwashetrijntje: and save files to disks08:54
TJ-zubairahmed: Changes to the kernel command-line are not done in that location, but in "/etc/default/grub"08:54
zubairahmedTJ I see08:54
pumbaso where exactly do i edit, confused08:55
TJ-pumba: Add those options in "/etc/default/grub", to the settings in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX then do "sudo update-grub"08:55
TJ-pumba: so you have something like "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset"08:55
TJ-pumba: if there are other options there already, add to them, don't remove them08:56
beleaany idea how to make mysql write and read less from the disk?08:57
beleait does about 500,000 I/O requests / day ... for under 100 hits per day to the website08:58
bekksbelea: You could check the SQL statements the website uses.08:58
beleabekks i'm seeing such things in fatrace: mysqld(29981): W /tmp/#sql_751d_0.MYI mysqld(29981): W /tmp/#sql_751d_0.MYI08:59
beleai have latest wordpress installed with 2 updated plugins that's all08:59
beleaim paying 20-30$ / month for 300-500 million I/o requests to the EBS volume08:59
dididodoTJ- ... are you still there ... i did as you said but nothing happened, even no writing to the log files ... i rebooted, plugged in the device and suddenly it works even without executing nmcli ... right now i'm writing from the box that used to have the problem ...09:00
TJ-belea: you could do some analysis with tools like mytop09:01
TJ-dididodo: Well, its fixed at least :)09:01
beleaTJ- i used iotop ... and am seeing mysqld the most active09:01
TJ-dididodo: I wonder if the device simply didn't get recognised, or usb_modeswitch didn't work on it09:01
dididodoTJ-: wwan enabled ... everything back to normal09:02
pumbaTJ-:  didnt seme to work09:02
pumbai added it, trackpad pointer stil going nuts09:02
dididodoTJ-: i think usb_modeswitch succeded ... thats what i saw from the codes in lsusb09:02
anonymworks great09:02
dididodoTJ-: there was no ttyUSB* device, no ppp0 ... nothing09:03
TJ-pumba: The system has been rebooted?09:03
dididodoTJ-: anyway, GREAT thankyou to you ...09:04
TJ-dididodo: Does the device also have an ethernet interface? Some do and use cdc_ether driver to give am Ethernet interface rather than serial port09:04
dididodoTJ-: i hope the problem will not return but now i know what tto look for, anyway09:04
dididodoTJ-: definitely no eth interface09:05
TJ-dididodo: At least it works09:05
dididodoTJ-: it's a usb mobile broadband stick09:05
dididodoTJ-: that stick has served me very well so far09:06
pumbaTJ-: yes09:06
pumbastill not working09:06
pumbai can move hte pointer but itll start moving irradically09:06
TJ-pumba: Check "/var/log/kern.log" for any indications of problems09:07
dididodoTJ-: yes, thanks a lot ... you saved me a lot of time ... best wishes09:07
pumbapico /var/log/kern.log09:07
TJ-dididodo: I use one that can do both serial and/or ethernet, can be a pain sometimes when you're used to the typical serial mobile broadband configuration to have nothing show up, then realise there's a new Ethernet interface (which modemmanager doesn't handle)09:08
dididodoTJ-: you mean its only a logical ethernet interface, but no ethernet hardware?09:11
TJ-dididodo: Well its an Ethernet interface (layer 2) as far as the system is concerned. It usually also runs an embedded DHCP and HTTP server too, for configuration09:12
dididodoTJ-: all i can say its a huawei 1552  mobile broadband usb stick09:13
ripthejackerHi everyone09:14
ripthejackerHow do i get write permission in a live usb stick?09:15
dididodoTJ-: i'll do another cold start and check if it stays ok09:16
kudakwashei was here a moment ago asking about the password for encrypting the disk and the one for the home directory - i realised i have the passphrase for decrypting the disk - i have just forgotten the one for my home direcotory ( i think that's the string that comes in the pop up winodow after installation )09:19
kudakwashei can still log in09:19
kudakwashebut can't access my drive with a boot disk09:20
kudakwasheisn't there a way to get the pop up window back with the passphrase09:20
kudakwashelive disk i mean09:20
HiMaXkudakwashe: patients09:21
TJ-kudakwashe: If you're asking about the encrypted user home directory, and you know the user account's password, you can manually unlock it09:21
kudakwasheTJ-: ok, because i have the passphrase to unlock the entier disk, kist not the one for my home direcotry, and i'm logged into my user account now09:22
kudakwasheTJ-: how can i do that09:22
dididodoTJ-: i restarted everythying from cold and broadband still responding perfectly ... that's the end of this episode ... thanks and good bye09:22
TJ-kudakwashe: So you've changed the user account's password at some point, meaning the encrypted home can no longer be automatically mounted?09:23
TJ-kudakwashe: Do you still know the original user account password - the one that was valid when the encrypted home directory was created ?09:24
kudakwasheso 1) i have the passphrase to decrypt my entire drive at boot 2) i can log in to my user account (sudo account) because i have the password 3) i can't remember the passphrashe to decrypt the home directory09:24
kudakwashei need 309:24
kudakwasheTJ-: ^09:25
Ahadhey guys how to install flash in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit?09:26
TJ-kudakwashe: If you know the original account password you can use it to rewrap the encrypted home directory with the new password. If not, you'll need the master key which you would have been urged to record somewhere safe when the encryption was done.09:26
SlickRick420updated my weed blog few days ago www.salvia420.blogspot.com <309:26
SlickRick420ubuntu is the best09:27
SlickRick420im on it now09:27
Ahadhey guys how to install flash in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit??09:27
kudakwasheTJ-: yea i took a photo of the master key, but then my phone was stolen so.... how can  i do it the other way09:28
kudakwashehey SlickRick420, eat a %^$&09:28
TJ-kudakwashe: As I said - if you know the original password for that user account09:28
matty_rGood evening, how do I view which version of WPA supplicant i'm running?09:28
kudakwasheTJ-: i do know the password, now what09:28
Ahadikonia: you there?09:29
kostkonmatty_r, wpa_supplicant -v ?09:29
TJ-kudakwashe: "man ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase"09:29
kudakwasheTJ-: danke09:29
matty_rkostkon, thanks that worked :D09:30
Ahadkostkon: Can you help me with me flash problem?09:30
kostkonmatty_r, ;)09:30
kostkonAhad, which browser09:30
matty_ryou don't happen to know what the latest version is do you?09:30
Ahadkostkon: chromium09:30
TJ-kudakwashe: The file you'll need to point the tool to is at "/home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase"09:31
kostkonAhad, sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree   or use the software centre to install that package. Then restart chromium09:31
kostkonmatty_r, no idea :/09:31
kudakwasheTJ-: thanks, i was just about to ask you that after reading the man page09:32
matty_rkostkon, no dramas thanks for your help09:32
kostkonmatty_r, np09:32
kudakwashetrisquel *cough*09:32
gorgathI'm running Linux 3.17.0-rc309:32
gorgathI compiled it myself09:33
Ahadkostkon: it says unable to locate package :/09:33
kostkon!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree09:33
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)09:33
Ahadkostkon: i didnt get you09:34
kostkonAhad, it should be there. Try enabling the multiverse repo in your software properties or whatever is called09:34
kostkonAhad, open your updater, click on Settings09:34
Ahadkostkon: software and updates right?09:36
kostkonAhad, yes09:36
Ahadkostkon: now which tab?09:37
Ahadkostkon: i have ubuntu softwares, other,updates,auth & additional drivers09:37
kostkonAhad, did you find it?09:39
kostkonAhad, it's called Multiverse09:39
Ahadkostkon: it has a check on it .. should i uncheck it?09:40
kostkonAhad, no, leave it09:40
kostkonAhad, what's the output of  apt-cache policy pepperflashplugin-nonfree09:40
TJ-Ahad: Is the Ubuntu release 14.04 Trusty?09:41
Ahadkostkon: Installed: (none)09:41
Ahad  Candidate: 1.3ubuntu109:41
Ahad  Version table:09:41
Ahad     1.3ubuntu1 009:41
Ahad        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/multiverse amd64 Package09:41
AhadTJ-: yes09:42
kostkonAhad, it's there..   try again:   sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree09:42
Ahadkostkon: it is installed now09:44
kostkonAhad, restart chromium and load some flash based site e.g. youtube to test it09:44
Ahadkostkon: but i still cant veiw online videos.. chromium says to install adobe flash player :/09:44
Ahadkostkon: yes did that09:44
kostkonAhad, no idea. it should be working. restart it again.09:45
kostkonAhad, or use.. chrome09:46
Ahadkostkon: still no luck :/09:48
kostkonAhad, log out and log back in. If that does not work, maybe start thing about finding an alternative, like firefox or chrome09:49
SmashmanHello ubuntu fellows, I am having a problem using the keyring and my private key09:53
SmashmanCould someone give me a hand, please?09:53
gorgath !keyring > Smashman09:54
SmashmanNothing happened, gorgath09:54
SmashmanYeah, this doesn't help, gorgath09:57
SmashmanDo you actually have a suggestion?09:57
SmashmanThat does nothing...09:58
gorgathstate your problem09:59
SmashmanWhen I try to import the key, it goes into the Gnome2 Key Storage09:59
SmashmanNot OpenSSH keys09:59
SmashmanAnd as such it doesn't work as I'd expect09:59
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gorgathimport the key from the console09:59
SmashmanWith which command?10:01
SmashmanI made a thing in .ssh that lets me connect10:03
SmashmanBut it forces me to type the password each time10:03
Smashmanand also stops me from doing something with pycharm that I want to10:03
gorgathman openssl10:03
gorgathread well, son10:04
SmashmanYou just typed 2 different things10:04
ThKoGood morning guys, I’ve got a little question: In which folder should I put my Android SDK, that root, www-data and ALL other users can execute the command „android“? More specificaly I need a shared folder for all users…Is there something in linux like shared folder in windows? Thank you :)10:09
Valarkin_Hi all. After much help from the kind folk here i finally got a LVM comprised of 5 and a bit HDD's configged, formatted and I moved /home/ to it.  I then spent all of yesterday doing installs and configs of the desired software. About 1am I rebooted the machine and tried to login as a user.  I was able to logon, but the user dirs were _gone_ and fdisk reported the lvm had no filesystem.  Since10:10
Valarkin_the volume was lost, I unmounted the lvm, put a new ext4 fs on it and remounted it. I then tried to make the /home dir on the volume and was told it already existed. I took  a dir listing and sure enough - all 4 user dirs. To be safe, I rebooted and the machine  failed multiple reboot attempts - and was still down 6 hours later.   I have since reinstalled the OS but need to know what I did to10:10
Valarkin_allow this to happen and how to avoid it this time around.10:10
bekksValarkin_: fdisk cannot report filesystem details at all.10:15
Valarkin_perhaps I am misrememebring the command, but the net result is correct10:15
Valarkin_I was tired and i am a noob :D10:16
bekksblkid will show you filesystems on a block device, along with their types.10:16
Valarkin_as I say, the system is not on a clean install waiting for me to set up the large volume10:17
Valarkin_ah, just rememberd, I have it in pastebin - one sec10:17
Valarkin_is on a clean install*10:17
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EiriksUbuntuif I get GDE for 12.04 will I be able to just get rid of Unity? Or, will it be a startup option?10:18
Valarkin_sudo fdisk -l ..... Disk /dev/mapper/fileserver-share doesn't contain a valid partition table10:18
bekksIt doesnt need a partition table.10:19
Valarkin_so my apologies if I am using incorrect terminology, I'm still learning10:19
bekksNormally, you dont use fdisk on logical volumes.10:19
Valarkin_ok, well, why would a reboot have rendered the volume inaccessible10:19
TJ-Valarkin_: because you're not quite sure what you're doing, and you did something wrong :)10:20
Valarkin_no, i just did that because soemone here asked for it - I used parted for all the config10:20
Valarkin_Yup, that's what i am trying to get to :D10:20
bekksThat depends on the exact error - simple things like a typo in /etc/fstab may have occured.10:20
gorgathValarkin_: just get fscked10:20
TJ-Valarkin_: It might be wise to keep on saving (to another PC) the shell history file so you can always go back over the commands you've issued10:21
Valarkin_yeah, I'd meant to last night and distracted myself into forgetting before I closed putty10:21
Valarkin_its a remote box10:21
TJ-Valarkin_: I'd *highly* recommend experimenting locally - either on bare hardware or in a VM, before trying to do things remotely10:22
EiriksUbuntuI second that10:22
Valarkin_I dcan not get the same starting state as the remote boxc nor do i have the hardware locally to replicate what I am trying to accomplish10:23
* TJ- kicks self *hard* ... when doing a debootstrap install *always* remember to create a user account *before* rebooting the system!10:23
Valarkin_everyhting was functional before the reboot10:24
gorgathTJ-: no worries just use a liveUSB10:24
levoi'm on low disk space on my linux partition (got some ntfs partitions too on the same hard drive) now i want to upgrade from 12.04 32bits to 14.04 64bits, what do you suggest me to do, is it possible to upgrade or should i keep a copy of my home folder or anything ... to keep the settings?10:24
gorgathlevo: back up and install fresh imo10:24
geirhalevo: how much free space are we talking?10:24
Valarkin_guys, instead of telling me to create an enviroment I can not, can you set me on the path to accomplishing what i need given the resources at hand?10:24
levogeirha: less than 100mb10:25
Valarkin_In a perfect world it would come configged tghe way I want it10:25
gorgathubuntu has a habit of going crazy on updates10:25
Valarkin_both extremes are equally unreasonable :P10:25
TJ-gorgath: Live USB - what's that? :D10:25
EiriksUbuntuyeah updates don't like each other yet10:25
geirhalevo: Yeah that is far from enough for an upgrade10:25
gorgathI have a frankenbuntu anyhow10:25
levohow to add some of my ntfs partition to the linux partition?10:25
gorgathI installed programs from source10:26
EiriksUbuntuI updated from 10.04 to 12.04 and with minimal tweaking it actually works great10:26
gorgathincluding the kernel10:26
EiriksUbuntuI had some boot issues and freezing at first, but thats my own fault10:26
levothe question is, is there anywhere else other than home folder which config files are kept?10:26
levoand i think i need a fresh install because i'm going to install the 64bit version10:27
EiriksUbuntuI am really proud of the community because everything on my laptop just works now :-)10:27
EiriksUbuntuyeah, to go from 32 to 64 you need fresh10:28
gorgathEiriksUbuntu: you sound like a microsoft shill10:28
gorgathJust Works (TM)10:28
EiriksUbuntugorgath this is Eiriksvin10:29
EiriksUbuntunever been a ms fan10:29
levoand i hate "Unity", is it some ways I don't get that10:29
gorgathUbuntu is just the microsoft of the linux world10:30
* gorgath waits for flames10:30
EiriksUbuntulol I use nothing but GDE (Gnome)10:30
Akiva-Thinkpadis edubuntu still a thing?10:30
levolxde is the best for me and my poor laptop10:30
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, what? That is not based on any sort of reality. Ubuntu has open development, and releases their stuff as open source, and asks for donations to help keep it going10:30
EiriksUbuntuUbuntu is still linux, and linux I can tolerate because if I see a problem I can fix it myself10:31
gorgathI mean the design philosophy is the same, keep the user in GUI land.10:31
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, no its not; Unity is a search UI; its almost a cross between vim and Mac10:32
geirhalevo: in that case, installing lubuntu is probably the easiest option10:32
levoso i should download 14.04 and then remove unity and install lxde, right?10:32
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, do you use the HUD?10:32
levolubuntu doesn't get updated as much as ubuntu AFAIK10:32
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, what does the hud do?10:32
geirhalubuntu is ubuntu, just with lxde installed by default instead of gnome10:32
gorgathsearch buttonn thingo10:33
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, searches for what?10:33
EiriksUbuntuI prefer a GUI that is easily taught to my family so they don't feel intimidated by the big bad penguin10:33
eeeeAkiva-Thinkpad: commands relevant to the application you're using10:33
Akiva-Thinkpadeeee, hey I know; I want to know if gorgath knows10:33
Akiva-Thinkpadeeee, he probably thinks i'm talking about the dash10:34
eeeelol you're testing him?10:34
levoso i'm gonna download lubuntu 14.0.1 64bit, is it ok?10:34
Akiva-Thinkpadeeee, of course! who in their right mind would hate the hud?10:34
eeeei just woke up10:34
Valarkin_Silly religiosty over an OS. Gorgath would you say "I love hammers. It is the only tool I ever use. Saws are divices and screwdrivers will screw you hard"?10:34
eeeei thought he was helping you out :)10:34
usr13geirha: It is a bit of a stretch to say Ubuntu is like MS because we are kept in GUI land.  I just don't think it is a fair analogy.10:34
* TJ- passes eeee a mug of coffee10:34
eeeethanks TJ- :)10:34
Valarkin_morning eeee10:34
eeeemorning Valarkin_ :)10:35
Valarkin_you got as little slaeep as I it seems ;)10:35
gorgathUbuntu misses the point of the UNIX philosophy10:35
TJ-Folks... lets keep this to support issues, other chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:35
Akiva-Thinkpadgorgath, Which is?10:35
gorgathyou search it10:35
Akiva-ThinkpadTJ-, right10:35
gorgathmr wizard10:35
Valarkin_eeee - I have a fresh install on the server. Could I beg some handholding to make sure I get this right?10:36
usr13 gorgath Akiva-Thinkpad  /join #ubuntu-offtopic10:36
eeeesure what's the problem10:36
Valarkin_once you are settled in and all10:36
Valarkin_may I pm you?10:36
levoone other thing: the link says it is lubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso  but my cpu is intel, it's not amd. am i missing something?10:36
TJ-Valarkin_: It would help us if you define precisely what you want to achieve in the end, rather than asking us at each step when you get stuck, because we may just be able to help you avoid doing things that are neither necessary nor recommended10:37
geirhausr13: ah, you meant gorgath10:37
trendynick_i was trying to save a ogv from wikipedia in chrome and now I have a white box (right click menu) that cannot disappear (it is on top of almost everything, right click on desktop/wallpaper is over it)... is there anyway to fix it by force10:37
usr13geirha: Yes I did, sorry.10:38
EiriksUbuntuis the gnome package in the software center the same as the apt-get for it?10:38
geirhalevo: No, it works for both intel and amd cpus. AMD just happened to be first with the 64 bit, so they got the name10:38
TJ-levo: "amd64" was so-named because AMD invented the 64-bit x86 compatible instruction set; Intel later licensed its use from AMD when the Intel IA64 (Itanium) architecture didn't take off10:38
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org10:39
EiriksUbuntuI'm so happy that they brought in the drivers for ATI10:39
TJ-levo: It is always known as x86_64 just to confuse you more :)10:39
geirhalevo: So what I'd do in your case is copy your homedir somewhere, and maybe also /etc.  When you've installed the new system, copy back the files you need (not all)10:39
Akiva-Thinkpadis there an ubuntu distribution for small children?10:39
levogeirha: how about adding some ntfs partition to the linux one?10:40
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eeeeAkiva-Thinkpad: yeah, it's called arch linux10:41
EiriksUbuntuwell imma get offin here and try booting 14.04 live usb10:42
Valarkin_tj - could you scan this fstab and tell me if there is anything obviously wrong with it please? http://pastebin.com/Ae0aSqj310:42
Akiva-Thinkpadeeee, no you are confused. Arch is for Ricers.10:42
Valarkin_sorry if I am being a pest.10:42
levothanks guys10:43
eeeeAkiva-Thinkpad:  :)10:43
Akiva-Thinkpadeeee, CFLAGS ZOMG!10:43
TJ-Valarkin_: If that's an Ubuntu install you don't need to specify /proc /sys /dev etc.10:44
Valarkin_I didn't do that, it's how it came as a base 14.04 install.10:44
TJ-Valarkin_: upstart (the init daemon) sets those up (and others) from its "/lib/init/fstab"10:45
Valarkin_ah ok.10:45
gorgathLinux cyde 3.17.0-rc3-next-20140905 #1 SMP Sun Sep 7 20:37:46 EST 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:49
gorgathI'm running linux-next10:49
gorgathstraight from a git clone10:49
gorgathcan't get more bleeding edge than me, baby10:49
eeeeValarkin_: are you running an encrypted /home ?10:58
eeeeValarkin_: ls -la | grep .ecryptfs10:58
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:59
Akiva-Thinkpadhey BluesKaj10:59
BluesKajHi Akiva-Thinkpad11:00
eeeeValarkin_: sorry, ls -la ~ | grep .ecryptfs11:01
john_ramboSomeone please have a look at this and confirm if Firefox is in enforce mode coz I can browse every part of the filesystem with Firefox's File>open .....http://paste2.org/eJ7h42Gp11:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:06
john_ramboI am using Ubuntu .. I am asking about apparmor11:08
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen11:08
Abu-NanaDoes anyone have any idea how to reduce the system font size by 1px11:10
Abu-Nanaincluding browser11:10
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:13
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EiriksUbuntuWell, I got to try out 14.04 and I must say, fantastic stuff! My question is: should I just copy my home folder, or make a backup to restore?11:18
EiriksUbuntuI really want to keep all the packages I have already downloaded11:19
EiriksUbuntuwish i could just update to it, but my internet is so slow it would take days11:20
hualet_deepinEiriksUbuntu: home folder has nothing to do with your installed packages11:20
EiriksUbuntuyeah i know, just fishing for conversation, lol11:21
hualet_deepinEiriksUbuntu: well...you succeed ;)11:21
cyclonisgood morning all11:22
EiriksUbuntu:-) Morning11:23
EiriksUbuntuhualet_deepin: how would I keep all the packages while installing from live usb11:24
LorraHi everybody! I recently updated from 12.04.4 to 14.04.1. I was quite happy to use sshfs to access a remote directory as if it was on my computer. After the update I get a permission denied error and the remote location is not mounted. Does anybody have a clue on this? Thank you very much ^^11:25
hualet_deepinEiriksUbuntu: i'm sorry i don't know11:26
eeeeEiriksUbuntu: what do you mean?11:26
EiriksUbuntuhow would I keep all the packages i have dowloaded, like xchat, and restricted extras while installing from live usb11:27
gorgath>not using weechat11:28
LorraI login to the remote server from the same box with ssh just fine (passwordless, with the private key)11:28
hualet_deepinEiriksUbuntu: i just put a list of packages in a shell script, everytime after i reinstalled the os, i run it ;)11:28
EiriksUbuntu? what does that mean?11:28
gorgathit means you should use weechat11:29
Valarkin_It is often a good thing to periodically check one's sense of self-importance  gorgath11:29
cyclonishey EiriksUbuntu how well does ubuntu support kickstart11:30
EiriksUbuntugorgath please inform me about the differences11:30
gorgathweechat is a console IRC client11:30
EiriksUbuntuI have been having a great time with kickstart11:30
gorgathmeaning you can run it over ssh if you like11:30
cyclonisdoes  ubuntu read the preseed file first or kickstart11:31
EiriksUbuntumaybe i had to much medicine, but i don't know what ssh is or used for11:31
gorgathsecure shell11:31
gorgathit lets you log into remote computers11:32
streulmahello, who has experiences with Ubuntu on Retina display? What's the best resonable setting for crisp text on Retina Macbook Pro?11:34
EiriksUbuntucyclosis i haven't had to deal with anything like that just connected11:35
EiriksUbuntuWell, I'm updating to 14.04 I'll be back after the install11:40
gorgathdon't wana let you goooo11:41
EiriksUbuntulol, it won't take long, everything on my laptop runs native now on 14.04 that is a long way from 10.0411:42
gorgathdun leev me11:43
EiriksUbuntukk be back in a few11:43
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gorgathI'm using kernel 3.16.211:48
gorgathlatest stable11:49
gorgathhi croppa11:52
guest13421I have gone through various links and various recommendations on net but i am unable to remove that purple screen on windows boot11:53
guest13421sometimes it goes away and sometimes it shows.11:53
guest13421any soln?11:53
gorgathtry that again11:53
guest13421gorgath: try what?11:54
gorgathfrankenstein: !!!11:55
guest13421gorgath: ok. I have dual boot. Ubuntu and Windows 7. Ubuntu 14.04 works fine. When I boot into windows it shows me purple screen but continues to load in back screen!11:55
gorgathtry #windows11:55
guest13421gorgath: I tried setting quite splash besides set root= and it works on some load and on some it doesnt.11:56
guest13421gorgath: it happens after ubuntu installation else it works fine.11:56
gorgathit continues to load windows in the background?11:56
guest13421gorgath: yep it does. but shows purple screen for 2-3 minutes in front.11:56
guest13421a scratched purple screen on windows boot11:56
gorgathsounds like corrupt windows11:57
guest13421gorgath: happens in 35 odd systems on which ubuntu has been installed.11:57
gorgathif it wasn't already11:57
guest13421gorgath: windows works absolutely fine although after 5 mins of boot. no issues with win 7operations.11:58
TJ-guest13421: Did we discuss this a few days ago, too?11:58
guest13421TJ-: first time asking on ubunut channel :) till now googled and tried and nothing works.11:59
drvanonWhen I connect to my site with chrome it times out, but when I use curl, it responds really fast. Whos kind of problem would this be: aws, ubuntu or wordpress?12:02
drvanonMy mistake, I jused the wrong IP12:03
=== newbie is now known as Guest93705
Guest93705I have a digipass for my bank account.  It offers connected mode through a USB cable.  Unfortunately, the Digipass 870 from Vasco doesn't work in connected mode iin Ubuntu 14.04.  Anyone wanna help me?12:06
TJ-guest13421: OK, then you're not alone. I spent some time debugging it for someone else. It seems to be a very recent issue - I'm going to guess it is caused by some recent Windows 7 update12:06
bekksGuest93705: Whats a "Digipass 870"?12:07
Guest93705You put your bank card in the slot and you can connect to your bank account with this "calculator" looking thing12:08
guest13421TJ-: ah ok. :)12:08
bekksGuest93705: "PIN/TAN generator"?12:08
Guest93705bekks: PIN12:09
TJ-guest13421: I'd love to know what is causing it though; it must be a change to a boot-loader. Are those PCs all using EFI boot?12:09
guest13421TJ-: I did change some seetings in grub loader to make windows use quite splash and all laptops use legacy support boot in their systems.12:11
trijntjeGuest93705: I dont think those things are made to work with ubuntu, and its safer to type the codes in anyway12:12
TJ-guest13421: Windows doesn't accept command-line parameters, so I'm not sure how you'd set those options for it12:13
Guest93705trijntje: It says that it is compatible with Linux, so it SHOULD work in Ubuntu.  Why it doesn't, I don't know.  As it is, it talks about installing something like a driver or something like that, but the download or installation never happens12:14
guest13421TJ-: I went to ubuntu. edited grub file as per this link: http://zaidmunir.blogspot.in/2014/04/purple-screen-on-windows-start-when.html12:14
trijntjeGuest93705: I think you'd have to ask the bank how to install the drivers12:15
Guest93705trijntje: Saw someone who has the same problem.  That person (I did a google on the problem) said that the bank brushed them off, saying that they don't support Linux.  Vasco, the makers of the digipass, would have told that same person that they don't do support after purchase.12:17
trijntjeGuest93705: unless somebody here has the same device, there is no way for us to help12:18
Guest93705trijntje: Read this data sheet, please http://retail.vasco.com/Images/DP_870_DS201311_FR.pdf12:18
Guest93705trijntje: End of page 212:18
trijntjeGuest93705: you can use the device without a usb connection right?12:19
Guest93705trijntje: Yes.  But they brag about how it works with Linux and some functions that require a physical connection, I think12:20
Guest93705trijntje: And that bothers me12:20
trijntjeGuest93705: I don't know who 'they' are, but I'd ask them if they say it works on linux. I cant help you any more, sorry12:21
Guest93705trijntje: Thx anyway.12:21
Guest93705trijntje: Bye12:21
BluesKajguest13421, I have to ask , after making the changes to grub did you run sudo update-grub ...lots of users forget to do so.12:22
guest13421BluesKaj: I did run that.12:23
guest13421BluesKaj: On grub screen does show the update I did.12:23
BluesKajguest13421, ok12:24
TJ-trijntje: Guest93705 would have needed to install pcscd and libccid; then the device should work in connected mode12:29
TJ-guest13421: I believe your issue is closely related to this documented issue with Windows not selecting the correct splash screen to display due to a BCD problem: http://www.mydigitallife.info/fix-and-restore-windows-7-boot-screen-that-changes-to-vista-style/12:31
BluesKajguest13421, I have a long login with windows due to the bios/uefi not seeing my cdrom drive for some reason...this happens quite often and the bios/efi is set to legacy mode as well ...no purple screen though12:31
TJ-guest13421: You are seeing the remains of the GRUB GFX background after the boot menu has been removed... and Windows fails to load its own splash screen12:31
TJ-guest13421: I'm guessing the 'Purple' colour you describe is the same one that GRUB/Ubuntu use for the splash screen background?12:32
guest13421TJ-: yes.12:35
guest13421BluesKaj: Its a brand new laptop and it happens on all 35 systems I have.12:35
TJ-guest13421: Then whilst Windows boots, you're seeing the GRUB artifact since Windows failed to draw its own splash bitmap12:36
guest13421TJ-: what might cause that? as if I remove ubuntu it works fine.12:36
ActionParsnipguest13421: do both OSes boot ok?12:37
TJ-guest13421: You mean remove Ubuntu, removing GRUB, and allowing Windows to boot directly with its own boot-loader?12:37
guest13421ActionParsnip: yep they do.12:37
guest13421TJ-: yep.12:37
ActionParsnipguest13421: then who cares.....12:37
TJ-guest13421: So, to have Windows boot directly, you're also having Windows Repair/reinstall/reconfigure its own boot-loader?12:38
guest13421ActionParsnip: but taht splash screen shouldnt occur as everything is ok. This is first time I came across such an issue in ubuntu.tilll now it used to work fine on old laptops.12:38
guest13421TJ-: yep.12:39
ActionParsnipguest13421: are you wanting to remove Ubuntu and have windows as the sole OS, or is it that there is some cosmetic issue with the bootloader but everything is fine?12:39
guest13421ActionParsnip: nope. pissed with windows but need it for electronics software. want to work only on ubuntu.12:40
guest13421ActionParsnip: I have installed it in many colleagues laptop , it is recently that I face this issue.12:40
ActionParsnipguest13421: then you will need to dual boot as Ubuntu doesn't satisfy all your requirements12:40
kasisnuHi. What is the ascii code for the menu key?12:40
kasisnuI've been stuck at this for a while.12:41
TJ-guest13421: That confirms that Windows repairs itself, or isn't affected by something GRUB does. On the evidence so far I'd suspect that Windows is not switching the video mode before loading its splash image, and as GRUB puts the display into a graphics mode, Windows doesn't reset that to one that matches what it needs. As a test, try enabling "GRUB_TERMINAL=console" in "/etc/default/grub" and see if the issue continues to happen. That'll tend to prove/disprove t12:41
TJ-he graphic mode-setting theory12:41
ActionParsnipkasisnu: Mod_L is the key, you can use xev to see the codes etc12:41
TJ-kasisnu: There isn't one12:41
kasisnuActionParsnip: Thanks!12:42
TJ-kasisnu: ASCII is a character set, not a key-code mapping12:42
kasisnuTJ- : Thanks! A key code might be good enough for what I'm trying to do.12:43
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TJ-kasisnu: I think you just got your terminology a bit wrong :)12:43
kasisnuTJ-: I think I did! :D12:44
guest13421TJ-: I will try that and return back with results.12:45
TJ-Hmmm - anyone ever seen a GRUB install *lose* its "normal.mod" !?12:48
guest13421TJ-: It says grub terminal not found12:49
TJ-guest13421: what is "it" ? during a boot or whilst doing "update-grub" ?12:50
guest13421TJ-: doing update-grub12:51
TJ-guest13421: This is on a BIOS mode boot, not EFI, yes?12:51
guest13421TJ-: yep.legacysupport mode in BIOS.12:52
TJ-guest13421: And what did you set the option to12:52
guest13421GRUB_TERMINAL = "console"12:52
knobGuys, any experience with a script/program to make a server's backup, and upload to DropBox?  I found this one, link, yet wondering if you have used x y or z in the past?  http://www.andreafabrizi.it/?dropbox_uploader12:58
TJ-guest13421: no spaces around the "=" symbol12:58
guest13421TJ-: it udpdated.now checking.12:59
ActionParsnipknob: just copy files to the Dropbox folder in $HOME and it wil upload...13:00
adrian_hola frikis13:00
knobActionParsnip... hadn't thought of that.13:00
guest13421TJ-: This is amazing. Pink screen gone. It now boots up pefetctly. what did that command do?13:01
adrian_fucking freaks13:01
newbie|2adrian_: please ... the language, please?13:02
cfhowlettadrian_, stop the profanity - violation of community guidelines, unnecessary and rude.13:02
newbie|2Anyone out there can help me find "eid-mw" for a debian Ubuntu distro?13:02
adrian_i'm retarded13:03
TJ-guest13421: Disabled GRUB's graphical mode, thus leaving the system in the BIOS text mode. So, that confirms that it is Windows boot-loader not setting the video mode correctly - probably due to some recent Windows boot-loader update13:03
newbie|2adrian_: I never said that ...13:03
guest13421TJ-: this was awesome debugging :) that wont affect ubuntu right?13:04
TJ-guest13421: Nope, it is just a GRUB setting to make the GRUB menu 'pretty' to match the Ubuntu plymouth graphical splash screen13:04
guest13421TJ-: bingo! super awesome.Thanks for the help :)13:05
XethronLooking for a backup utility to create versioned daily backups...13:08
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XethronTo an external hdd, or over a network to another PC13:08
XethronOf my entire home folder13:08
XethronAny recommendations13:09
pinygu /part13:11
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:17
Netham45If you download a package off of archive.ubuntu.com, there is a /ubuntu/ prefix. If you download it off of ports.ubuntu.com, that prefix is absent.13:19
Netham45If there could just be a symlink created for /ubuntu/ to / on that domain, it'd fix dist upgrading on non-supported architectures (armv7 in my case)13:20
Netham45Where would I post a request like that?13:20
Netham45Right now my solution is to run a mini webserver that responds with all archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/... queries and redirect them to ports.ubuntu.com/..., and changing the IP for archive.ubuntu.com using the hosts file.13:21
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Netham45This /works/, but it's obviously undesirable.13:21
SinistradI dont have an answer, but was curious if it was a RasPi13:23
Netham45Sinistrad, no, it's a CuBox.13:23
Netham45Installed an image and got it all configured and set up, then realized that it was running 12.10.13:24
simonjrsomeday please help me with my front panel audio plugin13:24
simonjrit doesn't seem to work even after I have configure it with the suggestions given from ubuntu help forums13:24
Netham45and the upgrade command assumes I'm on a supported distro (in that, it's on archive.ubuntu.org)13:25
Netham45It /would/ be as simple as overriding the IP of archive.ubuntu.org to ports.ubuntu.org in the hosts if they shared an IP13:25
Netham45Er, if they shared ac ommon tree13:25
simonjrI added the line "options snd-hda-intel model=audio" in the alsa-base.conf file13:26
simonjrbut there is still no sound when I plug-in my headphones13:26
simonjrit dosen't even detact my headphones13:26
simonjris there any configuration I have to do other than that?13:28
TJ-Netham45: All that is un-necessary; simply configure the update location for do-release-upgrade in update-manager-core's "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d/" for the ports repo13:28
simonjrmy soundcard is build-in and the mobo is asrock brand13:29
simonjrit is using the realtek soundcard with via chipset13:29
Netham45TJ-, y'know, I probably should've googled my problem before I just came up with my own hackish solution.13:29
TJ-Netham45: Always the way :)13:29
simonjrit is via VT1708S13:29
Netham45I still think it's odd that the ports.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com servers use a different layout, though.13:30
simonjrI hope somebody has the same problem as this with ubuntu 14.0413:30
blackangelprsimonjr, http://askubuntu.com/questions/457619/sound-not-working-in-ubuntu-14-0413:31
TJ-Netham45: The reason is historical - in the beginning archive.ubuntu.com also had /cdimage/ - nowadays that is a separate sub-domain cdimages.ubuntu.com13:31
simonjrok thanx blackangelpr13:32
knobGuys, google is failing me.    Is there a flag to make a    tar   dry run?13:33
knobI see answers for piping the output to   |  wc13:33
knobYet... how can I pre-estimate the  total size of the .tar?13:33
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Netham45TJ-, makes sense.13:37
TJ-knob: "tar -czf /dev/null --totals /path/to/files" ?13:37
knobTJ-, ... thanks....13:38
knobthinking about it...13:38
TJ-Netham45: funny thing is there *is* a symlink to ubuntu/ within /ubuntu/ such that this becomes valid: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntu/13:39
antsantohe he13:40
Netham45TJ-, know where any documentation on the layout of the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.d folder is?13:40
Netham45My Google-fu is failing me.13:40
malmalmalHello, I am trying to troubleshoot a computer with xubuntu whhich stopped booting after giving a (not enough disk space for update) message13:43
malmalmalat the moment I booted on recovery13:43
malmalmalbecause booting normally results in black screen13:43
malmalmaland I am trying to remove old kernels for starters13:43
allu2malmalmal: try removing some useless files to make up some space13:43
malmalmalallu2, at the moment I booted on command prompt13:44
cfhowlettmalmalmal, also a bit of spring cleaning: sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean13:44
malmalmalbut I have 2 problems13:44
TJ-Netham45: In the package "ubuntu-release-upgrader-core" hopefully13:44
malmalmaltext size is huge13:44
cfhowlettmalmalmal, text? what text?13:45
malmalmalI booted in text mode13:45
malmalmal(hell, I am on freenode webchat, how do I go on hiding people joining and leaving the channel, sorry for nested requests for help)13:46
cfhowlettmalmalmal, if webchat has that option, I never found it.13:47
cfhowlett!behelpful | cos[x],13:47
ubottucos[x],: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.13:47
TJ-Netham45: You should see that the ports are listed correctly in "/usr/share/ubuntu-release-upgrader/mirrors.cfg"13:47
malmalmalok I am going to install an irc client for my system and come back for help, sorry guys13:47
cos[x]i recommend xchat13:48
cfhowlettmalmalmal, hexchat or xchat are quite nice13:48
malmalmalthanks for the reccomendations, but I am on OSX at the moment13:48
malmalmallong story jeje13:48
PROJAK_SXoh the horror13:49
malmalmalBe right back13:49
TJ-malmalmal: cfhowlett It's "Hide JOINS/PARTS/QUITS:" on the Options menu under "Connection Details"13:49
cfhowlettTJ-, good detective work, Lou!13:49
mrwappieuse irssi in terminal13:49
malmalmaloh ok great thank you TJ-13:49
malmalmalmuch better!13:49
malmalmalOk so back to the problem13:50
malmalmalTwo problems I think.13:50
mrwappieit is light to run and it has a simple gui13:50
malmalmalthanks mrwappie, It is good now, thanks to TJ-13:50
malmalmalSo I am trying to resucitate a pc that has a xp / xubuntu dualboot13:50
mrwappienp ;)13:50
malmalmaland that after , possibly, a failed update due to not enough diskspace is not booting xubuntu13:51
red45923question: got a ubuntu laptop working fine except I got a dead key - is there an easy way to remap another less used key to the missing one13:52
malmalmalso I entered recovery mode13:52
eeeered45923: xmodmap13:52
malmalmaland then went onto command prompt, and I am trying to clean old kernels13:52
red45923eeee, thx will check that out13:52
malmalmalfirst problem encountered is that the text size on command prompt is huge, and when listing kernels I can't even see all of them, so i'd like to either reduce the font size or break the list into batches if you know what I mean13:53
malmalmalam I explaining it clearly ?13:53
eeeemalmalmal: you can pipe to less13:53
SchrodingersScatdo you have access to 'more' from where you are attempting?13:53
malmalmalno "more"13:53
malmalmalor you speak of a command ?13:53
malmalmaleeee how do i pipe it?13:54
eeeemalmalmal: ls /boot | less13:54
SchrodingersScatmalmalmal: 'more' and 'less' are commands13:54
malmalmalI see thank you let me try13:54
eeeemalmalmal: don't be fooled by the names though, less is more13:54
malmalmalthat is a great line eeee13:54
eeeeit's true, less is way more advanced13:54
malmalmalI confirm I have access to less13:55
malmalmaland it outputs a list I can advance, although when reaching END i am not sure how to get out13:55
Netham45hit 'q'13:55
malmalmalctrl+z worked13:55
malmalmalis this listing the kernels ?13:55
Netham45ctrl+z backgrounds it13:55
cfhowlettmalmalmal, how many kernels?13:55
leni1Hi. What version of Ubuntu should I install? The specs of my laptop are at this link :http://paste.ubuntu.com/8280192/13:56
Guest94461leni1: latest :v13:56
malmalmalcfhowlett I get a list of kernels that I believe not all refer to system kernels, as I have some starting with abi, some with config, initrd, memtest, system.map...13:56
cfhowlettleni1, 14.04.1 32 bit and MAYBE lubuntu / xubuntu - guessing you don't have a top flight gpu there.13:57
malmalmaland vmlinuz13:57
cfhowlettmalmalmal, count the abi*13:57
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cfhowlettmalmalmal, not enough to overload your /boot , but feel free to clean some.  /boot is normally 100 GB13:57
cfhowlett*100 MB*13:58
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malmalmalthis is a dualboot with low HD13:58
malmalmaland update manager clearly stated not enough memory to update :/13:58
cfhowlettmalmalmal, "low" ?  anyway your /boot = 100 mb give or take13:58
malmalmalsorry cfhowlett, I mean not a lot of space13:58
leni1cfhowlett: thanks13:58
malmalmalthanks for helping13:58
cfhowlettmalmalmal, so update manager was referring to HDD space.  perhaps start deleting naughty pics?13:58
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cfhowlettmalmalmal, actually here's the command to see:   df -H13:59
malmalmalso you are telling me that kernels are not the actual problem13:59
malmalmalok checking13:59
malmalmal18gb 99% use13:59
cfhowlettmalmalmal, boom there it is.13:59
malmalmalyou rock thanks14:00
malmalmalOk so I have to manually navigate and then rm ?14:00
cfhowlettmalmalmal, 18 GB  ?  y so small?14:00
malmalmaltransitioning from windows xp to xubuntu14:00
leni1cfhowlett: any versions of xubuntu/lubuntu that will go with the specs??14:00
cfhowlettmalmalmal, I'd reboot XP and kill them there.14:00
malmalmalfor a non-believer14:00
malmalmalright! but problem: xp is not showing the partition anymore14:00
malmalmalwhich leads me to suspect a broken update14:01
cfhowlettleni1, lubuntu is optimized for older and lower spec machines.  xubuntu also runs nicely on same.  32 bit rather than 64 bit is a guess as you have only 3 GB ram.14:01
malmalmalso I believe I should clean files then move onto fixing broken update?14:01
leni1okay then...so really not ubuntu for this laptop, right?14:01
cfhowlettmalmalmal, make space or nothing you try will work.14:01
cfhowlettleni1, lubuntu and xubuntu ARE ubuntu flavors14:01
cfhowlett!flavors | leni114:02
ubottuleni1: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:02
xangualeni1: xubuntu,lubuntu,ubuntu, they are all *buntu14:02
malmalmalso I manyally navigate, then rm files right ?14:02
cfhowlettmalmalmal, from windows.  From WINDOWS14:02
malmalmalcfhowlett, I can't access xubuntu partition from windows14:02
malmalmalat least not from normal file manager14:02
cfhowlettmalmalmal, right right.  sorry.  OK, navigate and nuke.14:02
SchrodingersScatyou could before?14:02
malmalmalschrodingerscat yes14:03
MonkeyDustmalmalmal  are you now in windows or in xubuntu14:03
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cfhowlettmalmalmal, sorry, I tweaked XP 99% - too much cheap Beijing Beer14:03
malmalmalwell actually the user is NOT sure if she could access xubuntu from winxp, at the moment I am on xubuntu recovery command prompt14:03
malmalmalI am going to navigate and try to nuke files14:04
cfhowlettmalmalmal, in other words, I was trying to give bad advice.  sorry.  use ubuntu to manage ubuntu files.14:04
SchrodingersScator copy them to an external if available14:04
malmalmalany easy way to find huge files on command prompt? any options to rm when deleting files ?14:04
malmalmalright, delete or copy (what commands?)14:04
malmalmalcp ?14:04
malmalmalhow to list mounted usbs ?14:04
malmalmalor xp drive ?14:04
cfhowlettSchrodingersScat, cp will only cp.  you need those files gone to recover space.14:04
malmalmalcp then delete14:05
malmalmalcp then rm14:05
eeeeor mv ?14:05
malmalmalright jaja14:05
MonkeyDustmalmalmal  change 500M to whatever size you want: find / -size +500M -exec ls -lh {} \; 2>/dev/null14:05
malmalmalthanks MonkeyDust14:05
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SchrodingersScatI like ncdu for this, but you would need the space to install it first..14:05
leni1thank you all. Have been using Debian Linux, this is my first foray into the ubuntu world.14:06
cfhowlettmalmalmal, also your ubuntu trash could probably use an empty: nuke .trash14:06
TJ-malmalmal: To analyse where the most disk-space is in use, do "sudo du --one-file-system --max-depth=2 / | sort -n" to find 2 levels of usage sorted so largest use is listed last14:06
cfhowlettleni1, understood. xubuntu has been quite nice on my dell inspiron with 4 gb14:06
MonkeyDustmalmalmal  and disregard /proc/kcore (128T) as it's a virtual file14:07
malmalmalok step by step14:07
malmalmalfirst trash, where do I find trash ? is it a hidden file on root ?14:07
malmalmalor home ?14:07
cfhowlettmalmalmal, hidden in /home14:07
cfhowlettmalmalmal, /home/.trash-001        or quite similar14:07
AlexPortableI did something wrong14:09
AlexPortablenow font settings are all messed up. how can i revert?14:09
AlexPortablemouse is different, fonts suck (small), maximise is on right side14:09
malmalmalcan't find trash under /home or /home/user14:09
AlexPortableno minimize nutton14:09
malmalmalwhere user is user's name14:09
cfhowlettmalmalmal, move on ...14:09
malmalmalok I won't search for trash, then14:10
malmalmalgoing to check downloads, movies and the like manually first14:10
malmalmalwill be back afterwards, thannk you!14:10
cfhowlettmalmalmal, sounds like a plan14:10
eeeemalmalmal: /.local/share/Trash/14:11
AlexPortablemalmalmal: why do you need trash?14:11
eeeefrom your home dir14:11
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yossarianukhi - I have 2 GPU's on my system - an external Nvidia one (my main one) #14:18
Dlamllubuntu 怎么设置http代理啊?14:19
cfhowlett!cn| Dlamll,14:19
ubottuDlamll,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:19
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AlexPortableWhen will ubuntu go flat like os x 10.10?14:25
cfhowlettAlexPortable, no plans for same.  no need either.14:25
AlexPortableis there any theme that does it for me?14:25
cfhowlettAlexPortable, there are such themes, though I don't know where you'd find the Unity versions.14:26
AlexPortableunity not neccessarely required14:26
AlexPortablemore gnome fallback14:26
cfhowlettAlexPortable, ubuntu + osx + theme      are your search terms.14:27
AlexPortablewell that gives me mavericks themes14:27
AlexPortablewhich are ugly14:27
cfhowlettAlexPortable, actually macbuntu might be the place to sart14:28
cfhowlettAlexPortable, and, of course, www.gnome-look.org14:28
olieIs anyone available for a network sharing question ?14:29
streulmahmmmm, I have problem with high resolutions, is there a solution for crisp fonts on scaled resolutions? (1440x900) Retina Macbook Pro 13 inch14:29
streulmafonts in Chrome and Firefox looks terrible14:30
streulmabad for my eyes14:30
glcheethamhi guys, just made the switch a tiling window manager (i3) and I want to get rid of all the gnome packages that I will never use again without breaking the dependencies for chromium, filezilla etc (I assume that this just means making sure I keep gtk) However, when I "apt-get remove --purge gnome-*" apt decides that it wants to install a ton of packages (including mir etc etc) along with removing the ones I told it to r14:31
glcheethamemove. What do you think is going on?14:31
AlexPortablewhat is default ubuntu font?14:31
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cfhowlettAlexPortable, strangely enough "ubuntu"14:31
yossarianukhi - I have 2 GPU's on my system - an external Nvidia one (my main one)  and a intel one (ingergrated)  - the main one (nvidia) shows the desktop - the intel one just shows the kubuntu logo - how do I control what is on the2nd (intel) GPU?14:33
trijntjeglcheetham: if a package depends on gnome-* or something else, apt will install something else if you remove gnome14:33
Novice201yIs Ubuntu 14.10.1 being planed?14:33
cfhowlettNovice201y, no.  it's already been released - about 6 weeks ago.14:34
cfhowlettNovice201y, dOH!  never mind14:34
yossarianukhi - I have 2 GPU's on my system - an external Nvidia one (my main one)  and a intel one (ingergrated)  - the main one (nvidia) shows the desktop - the intel one just shows the kubuntu logo - how do I control what is on the2nd (intel) GPU?14:34
TJ-yossarianuk: Define an additional X screen in "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"14:34
Novice201ycfhowlett: I mean 14.10 (from October).14:35
cfhowlettNovice201y, 14.10 is still in beta.  no work on 14.10.1 until it's released14:35
yossarianuk(didn't mean to re-post..)14:35
MonkeyDustNovice201y  the current version is 14.04.114:35
yossarianukthanks TJ:14:35
yossarianukthanks TJ-:14:35
AlexPortableany way to disable animations in unity?14:36
AlexPortableit takes 5 seconds to open dash14:36
glcheethamtrijntje, is there a package that I can remove which will conveniently get rid of all the gnome-extra packages for me (like gnome-calculator etc)?14:36
streulmahas Ubuntu 14.10 better HiDPI support in Unity ?14:36
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  try ccsm14:36
AlexPortablewhat is it?14:36
malmalmalHello, I am trying to free space on command prompt and I found, under documents, several files starting with "ubn"14:36
cfhowlett!14.10 | streulma,14:36
MonkeyDuststreulma  14.10 support in #ubuntu+114:36
ubottustreulma,: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136314:36
malmalmalone of them I'd like to delete14:36
yossarianukAlexPortable: try unity-tweak-tool14:36
TJ-glcheetham: You'll need to identify the dependencies; I did something similar earlier. "dpkg -l '*gnome*' | grep '^ii'  ", "apt-cache rdepends <package>" and  "apt-cache depends <package>" will help14:36
yossarianukAlexPortable: i would avoid ccsm it can break your desktop/.14:37
glcheethamTJ, cheers14:37
MonkeyDust!ccsm | AlexPortable14:37
ubottuAlexPortable: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz14:37
Novice201yMonkeyDust: I know, and I'm planning update when 14.10.1 will arrive.14:37
cfhowlettmalmalmal, /documents is empty by default.14:37
malmalmalHello, I am trying to free space on command prompt and I found, under documents, several files starting with "ubn", one of them I'd like to delete; "ubninit" 49MB , But I am not sure what is it, seems related to unetbootin14:37
malmalmalcfhowlett, you mean it is probably safe in system terms14:37
yossarianuki.e : http://lifehacker.com/5982844/unity-tweak-tool-customizes-every-inch-of-your-ubuntu-desktop14:37
malmalmalOS-wise, I mean14:38
AlexPortablehow will it break my desktop14:38
cfhowlettmalmalmal, I don't know what they are, but they aren't OS files.14:38
trijntjeAlexPortable: you could disable unity with that tool, so be carefull what you select14:38
Novice201yIs it possible to set that only x.x.1 will be installed on this machine?14:39
TJ-malmalmal: You shouldn't remove files installed by packages. To find out if a file is installed by a package do "dpkg -S <file-name-path-or-fragment>"14:39
AlexPortabletrijntje: ubuntu used to be lightweight14:39
AlexPortablegood for old desktosp14:39
AlexPortableeverything was working out of the box14:40
cfhowlettNovice201y, you could install then not dist-upgrade.  inadvisable but do-able.14:40
AlexPortablenow you have to mess with uefi settings, install other stuff14:40
malmalmalthanks TJ- it does not seem to be related to packages14:40
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  ubuntu does have lightweigt DE's, Unity is just not it14:40
cfhowlettAlexPortable, things change.  if you want/need lightweight, install lubuntu or xubuntu.14:40
trijntjeAlexPortable: you misremember. Things like video drivers and wireless drivers used to be a lot harder to install. And you'll have to send your complaints about uefi to microsoft ;)14:41
TJ-malmalmal: The path to the file will often tell you if it is installed by or created by a package14:41
Novice201ycfhowlett: Or I can set to install only LTS (cause next will arrive in 2018 or 2019) and when 14.10.1 do dist-upgrade.14:41
AlexPortablelubuntu and xubuntu are too limited and ugly14:41
cfhowlettNovice201y, next LTS will be 2016 and yes you can set LTS only on your system.  note: 14.10 IS NOT LTS.14:41
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  then use something light and beautiful14:41
malmalmalanother question, I am using ls -lSh | less , to ouput files in size order .... I am doing this to delete the biggies, BUT I noticed that folders do not appear with their actual size, including what they contain... plus I actually am not sure how to identify folders from files14:41
Novice201ycfhowlett: Exactly - if 14.10 is not LTS, then 14.10.0 will not be installed automatically.14:42
malmalmalwould there be an option to ls that outputs the size of folders including what they contain ?14:42
TJ-Novice201y: "/etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" and the "Prompt=lts"14:42
AlexPortableMonkeyDust: like what?14:42
cfhowlettNovice201y, choose.  if you want LTS only, your system won't install 14.1014:42
trijntjemalmalmal: du -sh folder14:43
trijntjemalmalmal: or you can go graphical with boabab, it's installed by default14:43
TJ-<TJ-> malmalmal: To analyse where the most disk-space is in use, do "sudo du --one-file-system --max-depth=2 / | sort -n" to find 2 levels of usage sorted so largest use is listed last14:43
Novice201yNovice201y: But, when I'll know that 14.10.1 arrived then I'll change settings to accept non-LTS dist-upgrades.14:43
malmalmalthank you both14:43
malmalmalboabab not present14:44
yossarianuk xrandr --listproviders -> shows both14:44
TJ-Novice201y: There isn't a point release of non-LTS14:44
malmalmalunless I have to specify path for boabab, trijntje14:44
trijntjemalmalmal: what are you running? Ubuntu desktop has boabab installed by default14:45
malmalmalit is actually baobab but not present14:45
Novice201yTJ-: What do You mean?14:45
malmalmalTJ- I am actually trying to get sizes within Documents and Downloads14:45
trijntjemalmalmal: you can install it from the software center if its not installed14:46
malmalmali can't access the system14:46
malmalmali am on recovery command prompt14:46
TJ-<TJ-> malmalmal: "du --max-depth=1 $HOME/Documents | sort -n"14:46
malmalmalthanks TJ-14:46
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  there are beautiful distro's, but you suggest ubuntu cannot offer what you want14:47
TJ-malmalmal: You'll need to replace $USER with the real user, otherwise it'll resolve to root not the user account you're aiming for14:47
malmalmalcan I not give the path if I am under it ?14:47
AlexPortableMonkeyDust: well it used to offer what i want at 10.0414:47
AlexPortablebefore unity14:47
cfhowlettmalmalmal, proceeed carefully, doublecheck your doublecheck14:48
TJ-malmalmal: You'd need to provide at least the relative path "."14:48
AlexPortablerunning unity feels like benchmarking14:48
AlexPortablemakes the computer slow14:48
cfhowlett!flavors | AlexPortable, you need not use unity.  NEED NOT14:48
ubottuAlexPortable, you need not use unity.  NEED NOT: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.14:48
AlexPortableand 100% load14:48
cfhowlettAlexPortable, suggest you check ubuntu-gnome14:48
AlexPortablecfhowlett: gnome is not intuitive14:49
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  is there anything you *do* like about ubuntu? if not, don't use it14:49
cfhowlettAlexPortable, adapt to change or choose another distro.  you are free.  best of luck14:49
AlexPortablethe font, the name14:49
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  and the wallpaers, no doubt14:50
cfhowlettAlexPortable, the name?  the NAME?  seriously?14:50
sakamopIt's a nice name.14:50
TJ-Any name that needed Nelson Mandala to explain how to pronounce, is arguably not a good name! :)14:51
MonkeyDustgNewSense is pronounced "nuisance" ;)14:52
sakamopNatural pronounciation is totally broken14:52
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org14:52
malmalmalTJ- can I get the size output human readable? as in MB ? should i check du man pagE ?14:52
cfhowlettmalmalmal, yes, see the du man page14:53
Netham45malmalmal, add -h14:53
malmalmalgreat thank you all14:53
sakamopActually out of the ones I speak, English is probably the most insane, with the most weird corner cases and special exceptions. That's well off-topic though.14:53
TJ-malmalmal: If you don't want to sort the output, yes. Drop the pipe into sort, and use "-h" in addition14:54
sakamopI had to be taught how to pronounce the name "Lisa" :-(14:54
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AlexPortableinstalled ubuntu, installed some themes, now i get black screen14:58
AlexPortablei think its problem with lightdm14:58
cfhowlettAlexPortable, could you login?14:58
AlexPortablein ctrl alt f1 yes14:59
AlexPortablehow to revert lightdm to original settings?15:00
eeeedpkg-reconfigure lightdm ?15:00
malmalmalQuestion ! I booted in recovery then command prompt and am trying to move files from hd to a usb I just inserted. But I am an an intermediate noob and am not sure how to access the usb drive, nor if it is mounted!15:00
eeeemalmalmal: df will tell you if it15:00
cfhowlettmalmalmal, "mount"      will return what is mounted15:01
malmalmali'd say is NOT mounted15:01
malmalmalhow do I go about mounting15:01
AlexPortablenope still black screen15:01
AlexPortablecan anyone help me on this?15:01
TJ-malmalmal: For root/recovery we usually mount on or under "/mnt/"15:01
TJ-malmalmal: So e.g. "mount /dev/sdX6 /mnt"15:02
malmalmalthanks TJ- but I am a bit confused on where to find the unmounted drive15:02
AlexPortableeeee: well that doesn't removes the black screen15:03
malmalmalTJ- I can't see a "dev/sdb" sort of thing anywhere under df or mount15:03
TJ-malmalmal: It is a device right now, under /dev/sd??15:03
eeeemalmalmal: lsblk15:04
TJ-malinator: If you've connected the device and know what devices/partitions are already there, then "cat /proc/partitions" should help you identify the external device. It'll usually have the last drive letter to be assigned15:04
TJ-grrr, tab-complete gremlins again15:05
malmalmalmy god this is like a crash course on command prompt maneuvers, thanks guys15:05
malmalmaleeee TJ- , with lsblk I can see that this USB device, when connected, adds a sdb->sdb1 and a sdc->sdc1 lines15:06
malmalmalsdb seems 4m, while sdc 8GB almost, I believe that is the one I should mount ?15:06
malmalmal8GB would be the USB total diskspace15:07
eeeemalmalmal: do you have a sd card or something connected too?15:07
malmalmaleeee nope, and I can confirm that both sdb and sdc belong to the usb drive, as they dissapear when unplugging15:07
eeeemalmalmal: ok, mount sdc and see the files i guess15:08
eeeemount /dev/sdc1 /mnt15:08
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_unreal_malmalmal, type lsblk15:08
TJ-malmalmal: Is the device a multimode device? It looks like a cellular modem that has both a virtual CDROM file-system and an SD-card slot15:09
_unreal_that will list the devices and there mount points and there root source15:09
_unreal_oh  never mind15:09
malmalmalOk thank you... eeee TJ- BUT actually, I am thinking, could I actually boot on live USB and just go on deleting and moving files through GUi?15:10
eeeemalmalmal: yes, you could15:10
TJ-malmalmal: Yes, of course.15:10
_unreal_malmalmal, what is your exact need with this usb storage drive?15:10
malmalmalit is ok now, _unreal_ , trying to free diskspace on a not booting xubuntu, trhough recovery command prompt, but I better use the GUI on a live usb, right now I was trying to move files to an unmounted usb15:11
malmalmallook mom I talk in a way many people would not understand already YAY15:11
malmalmalTHANK YOU LINUX15:12
cfhowlettmalmalmal, the penguin loves you too.15:12
AlexPortablewhat does jaja means?15:12
_unreal_malmalmal, if your trying to use gui to do file manipulation why not just boot to a live distro off CD15:12
malmalmalthat is actually what I am doing, dear15:13
malmalmalbut thanks for the tip15:13
faqihhello :D15:13
_unreal_ok.... I guess I'v missed to much of the original conversation15:14
TJ-AlexPortable: "jaja" is a Spanish (and other) language laugh, which in English is usually written as "haha" or "hehe"15:14
_unreal_or tee hee hee15:14
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  in german and dutch, it means "yes yes"15:14
malmalmali mean... hahaha15:15
malmalmalor "fufufufu" like they go on manga15:15
malmalmaloder "kyakyakya"15:15
malmalmalOK GUI OMG SO NICE15:16
malmalmalMUCH EASIER, although less learning15:16
faqihUbuntu is more easy now ._.15:16
vitimitiBut that's good15:17
AlexPortableIs there any way I can make changes to ubuntu and make my own distro?15:17
AlexPortableso it's install and done?15:17
AlexPortableinstead having to configure every pc15:17
AmozAlexPortable, there are some projects, I think one is called remastersys15:17
vitimitiThere were several programs to create spin offs15:17
cfhowlettAmoz, AlexPortable sorry, but remastersys is no more15:18
Amozcfhowlett, oh, nvm then :)15:18
AlexPortableor would it be better to make an installscript?15:18
TJ-Alexandro: Use preseed files, or other orchestration tools15:18
AlexPortabledoubleclick, wait, ???, profit15:18
TJ-AlexPortable: Use preseed files, or other orchestration tools15:18
AlexPortablewhat is that?15:18
MonkeyDustAlexPortable  if you should invent you own spinoff, these names are already taken https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%29#mediaviewer/File:UbuntuFamilyTree1210.svg15:19
TJ-AlexPortable: see https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-intro.html15:19
Klas5For some reason when I try to run >emacs & it doesnt open it in "background"15:23
mariannehi guys... small issue, running 14.04 and I have an external HD that isn't showing up when I plug it in. It's NTFS formatted, but that never seemed to matter before.... help?15:23
Klas5but stops my termina15:23
Klas5any one knows why?15:23
MonkeyDustmarianne  does it show in lsblk?15:23
Amozare there any guides where one can read about stuff that is good to do to my server every now and then? E.g. remove old packages and clean up the system in different ways?15:23
eeeeKlas5: what's the exact command you're running?15:24
TJ-Klas5: because it wants terminal input, so presumably suspends when it is put into the background15:24
Klas5>emacs makefile &15:24
eeeeKlas5: drop the >15:24
Klas5well yeah15:24
Klas5> is the prompts15:24
eeeeemacs makefile &15:24
knightshadeuse vim instead :>15:25
marianneMonkeyDust: lsbsk?15:25
Klas5so yeah I write "emacs makefile &" and it opens the file alright15:25
Klas5but the terminal becomes unusable until I do ctrl+c15:25
malmalmalhello again! is there any way to make (x)ubuntu's file manager (on live usb) give me the actual size of folders + its content instead of 12,3kb etc ? or is "du" the only way ?15:25
marianneMonkeyDust: ok, figured that out and the answer is nope15:26
MonkeyDustmarianne  open a terminal and type lsblk ... does it show your external drive?15:26
marianneMonkeyDust: nope15:26
Klas5and it gives some "Warning: Cannot convert string '-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct15:26
MonkeyDust!ntfs | marianne is this useful15:27
ubottumarianne is this useful: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:27
TJ-Got an interesting issue here. Fresh install (of 14.04 kubuntu-desktop) via debootstrap. Worked fine, then suspended to S3 due to inactivity. Resumed but had no keyboard input, so did SysRq+S then SysRq+B to reboot. Now mountall (via Upstart init) is failing to mount the tmpfs on /tmp. That is defined in "/lib/init/fstab". Other file-systems defined there are mounted. So far not found any log entries to give a clue.15:30
TJ-Result is, log-ins fails since permissions on /tmp/ are not 777 and KDE in particular complains  "Call to lnusertemp failed {temporary directories full?}. Check your installation?" after authentication then returns to the greeter login15:31
lekhraj Encrypted NFS without Kerberos possible?15:40
MonkeyDust!info kerberos15:41
ubottuPackage kerberos does not exist in trusty15:41
Gractuhi Rohan_1415:41
Rohan_14Gractu: hi15:41
eeee!india | Gractu15:43
ubottuGractu: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India15:43
n1xmanHi! Is there any windows equivalent of the buntu "Startup Disk Creator"? Otherwise, can the app be used from a vm installinside VirtualBox?15:46
n1xmanI want to put the installer (from downloaded iso" to a usb stick15:47
bekksn1xman: There are various usb boot media creator applications on Windows. But ##windows may know more about them.15:47
MonkeyDustn1xman  try yummi, but better ask in yhe windows channel15:47
eeeen1xman: lili , linux live usc creator15:48
MonkeyDustor yuma or some such name15:48
knightshaden1xman: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#Creating_a_bootable_Ubuntu_USB_flash_drive_from_Windows15:48
SchrodingersScatn1xman: you mean like unetbootin?  http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ also had luck with this on windows15:48
n1xmanbekks, MonkeyDust , I want to create the bootable installer for Ubuntu. So, isn't that rather Ubuntu-specific?15:49
MonkeyDustn1xman  are you now in windows or in ubuntu?15:50
bekksn1xman: Hmm, nope. Since for those apps it is irrelevant which ISO you are using for creating a bootable medium.15:50
n1xmanMonkeyDust: Win15:50
eeeen1xman: lili , see the link above ^^^15:50
MonkeyDustn1xman  i'm sure someone in ##windows can tell you how windows works15:50
theclockknowsallI still like Ubuntu 12.04 even though it is old  because It is fast to boot, fast to process and fast  to browse even download stuff.15:51
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_unreal_that was random15:53
n1xmaneeee: Thanks, man! That LILI looks exactly what I need.15:53
eeeenp, yeah it's nice15:53
n1xmanBut it would still be nice if ubuntu devs made a win version of the startup disk creator15:54
MonkeyDustn1xman  why would they work for windows?15:55
zubairahmedThere are many n1xman15:55
fbdystangHi, I am trying to download and install the newest ubuntu. The newest version is too big for a regular CDR/W. It requires a DVDR/W. Is there some alternate version that is small enough to fit on a regular CDR/W?15:56
malmalmalHello again. I am fixing a pc with dualboot winxp / xubuntu, that had run out of HD space and so it was not booting. I successfully freed enough HD on xubuntu for it to boot and work yay!. But the problem will repeat itself as xubuntu's partition is only 17gb, while winxp has 32 GB of free space! Now that my friend is used to xubuntu and ready to do the total switch (keeping xp for some programs) what size would you reccomend me to15:56
MonkeyDustn1xman  linux seeks to replace windows, not to help it survive15:56
malmalmaland what would be best practice on resizing the partitions?15:56
malmalmalthank you15:56
n1xmanMonkeyDust: Making popular app available on multi platforms is not the same as "working for windows" since it's very objective is to make the user like ubuntu more than win and possibly switch15:57
MonkeyDustn1xman  IBM did that with OS/2 warp and by doing so, made OS/2 obsolote15:57
zubairahmedCan u boot from USB15:58
TenLeftFingersI've installed 14.04 on my machine and the KWorker thread is eating up 50 - 75% of my CPU. Google shows a lot of similar complaints but the root cause for that bug is in combination with the nfs-server. I don't have this. Does anyone know what else might be causing this? ... I *did* install and configure samba server now that I think of it.15:58
n1xmanMonkeyDust: I don't know about that, but I'm sure it won't be the same for ubuntu. It wasn't exactly THAT which made that obsolete - I'm sure there were better reasons15:59
fbdystangzubairahmed, I'll have to check and see if BIOS will let me. Where can I download the USB version?15:59
MonkeyDustn1xman  microsoft could also develop multiplatform, in favor of ubuntu16:00
zubairahmedFbdystang its the same version. Just use live USB disk creator and make a bootable USB from the same iso16:01
fbdystangnev mind found it16:01
fbdystangyeah thanks16:01
n1xmanMonkeyDust: MS isn't ubuntu, and they don't "need" to lure users from ubuntu. A cross-platform ver of the aforementioned app will only benefit ubuntu and make it more attractive to potential new users.16:05
SchrodingersScatn1xman: so you're upset that the 2-3 tools aren't official ubuntu tools?16:06
n1xmanI'm not saying EVERY ubuntu app should be available on windows - only the ones to help the users switch from it to ubuntu as quickly and painlessly as possible16:06
DJHenjinim using the Linux Development 3.13.0-35-lowlatency #62-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT build, and every time i execute something that runs at an extremely high rate with lots of memory access required for some complex calculations (im a developer/cryptanalyst) either the process that I instantiated crashes within a few seconds, or my entire system reboots any ideas?16:06
fbdystangzubairahmed, If BIOS wont let me, is there a smaller version somewhere?16:07
n1xmanSchrodingersScat: not quite. But at least a list of the best tools should be mentioned on the download page to help newbies.16:08
MonkeyDustn1xman  the same counts for adobe and macromedia: more users16:08
eeeefbdystang: you can use the network install16:09
SinistradI'm having problems with lightdm, or at least I think I am. This morning, when I tried to resume my session, the screen was black. I CTRL ALT F7 and got a message that it would send me to the unlock screen in a few seconds, but it didn't. I CTRL ALT F8, and got a login prompt. I had to go back to F7 to reach my desktop. Here is my lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8280317/16:09
n1xmanWell, thanks guys. I gotta run now. see ya later16:09
zubairahmedYes check previous versions 2011 maybe. These isos can be burned on CD and then upgrade online fbdystang16:09
eeeefbdystang: it'll download it and then install16:09
SchrodingersScatn1xman: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows this link is available from the download page, under how to put on usb from windows16:10
fbdystangeeee: so will it download in windows and install over the top of itself?16:12
eeeefbdystang: no it's a small iso, you burn to cd and boot,16:13
jcorganneed help fixing a wiped out /boot partition16:13
eeeethen it downloads and installs16:13
n1xmanSchrodingersScat: Damn! How blind am I? :P I initially clicked on this one: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu Thanks man!16:13
fbdystangeeee, ahhh, thats a cool way to do it. Thanks16:13
jcorgani'm able to boot from a livedvd and i've run grub-install successfully, and copied the livedvd kernel over to the partition16:14
jcorganbut i don't quite know how to finish it up16:14
eeeejcorgan: ?16:14
jcorgani accidentally deleted all the files in /boot16:15
eeeedid you chroot into your installation?16:15
jcorganso i can boot from a livedvd and have access to the partitions16:15
jcorganbut it's been awhile and my grub-fu is not at its highest16:15
jcorganno, i mounted the partition and did a grub-install --boot-directory=...16:16
jcorganbut chrooting makes more sense, duh16:17
jcorganit will take a bit to get that set up, i'll be back in a few16:18
n00bh4x0rwhats up16:19
MonkeyDusti'm able to install a chroot, but from there, never managed to have access to my "host" ubuntu16:19
n00bh4x0ri just hacked into my neightboors network and downloaded all his pron16:20
n00bh4x0ri hope he will never know16:20
MonkeyDustn00bh4x0r  wrong channel16:20
cfhowlettn00bh4x0r, you are in the wrong channel.  please play elsewhere16:20
n00bh4x0rwhere is the right channel16:20
MonkeyDustn00bh4x0r  alt/f4 to have list16:20
hackersarchangel… lol n00bh4x0r actually fell for that.16:25
cfhowletthackersarchangel, ask your ubuntu questions16:25
hackersarchangelI don’t have any?16:26
hackersarchangelI’m in here to either help, or learn something new16:26
hackersarchangelalso waiting on someone to wake up in ubuntu-touch16:26
hackersarchangelso I can pester them about a problem I’ve been having.16:26
cfhowletthackersarchangel, pestering the volunteers?  really?16:27
hackersarchangelit’s a joke .lol16:27
hackersarchangel*** joke. lol16:28
hackersarchangelMy apologies I just got it out of bed.16:28
_unreal_lol alt+f4 clasic16:29
_unreal_whois n00bh4x0r16:30
hackersarchangelTurn it up loud Captain! - U216:33
georg_wien_whi! i need help with my printer in ubuntu 14.0416:35
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, details?16:35
iseneany experts on vifm here?16:35
DaZi wonder how it compares to ranger :v16:36
georg_wien_wprint jobs from libre office work, but only the first job. PDFs don't ever work. its a hp 2550l color laser jet16:36
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, what printer driver do you have installed16:37
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, ONLY libreoffice prints fail?16:37
kxtwoHey guys, I am running a dual boot laptop with 13.10 and windblows.  When I power on I get the warning .10 is no longer supported and I should upgrade t 14.04 lts. I am willing to do it but want to make sure it isn't going to blow out my windows partition or cause me any problems.  A friend said he did it and lost his windows so thought I'd come ask the experts first.16:37
georg_wien_wonly libreoffice works, at least the first job. everything else fails16:38
cfhowlettkxtwo, upgrade in place will not touch windows.16:38
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, and what driver did you install?16:38
kxtwocfhowlett, , no known problems with upgrading at this time?  All of my current settings and files froom 13.10 will be intact?16:38
georg_wien_wi tried different ones, first the ones from hplip then some ppd from the printer cd16:39
cfhowlettkxtwo, in place upgrade will not bother your settings or your data16:39
georg_wien_wthe printer led starts to blink but the job never starts16:39
ZiNkkxtwo: it is only reinstall from disk that removes all other partitions16:40
kxtwocfhowlett, thanks man.  My final question will be, is there any negativity you can think of with me doing an upgrade in place?  Eventually I will wipe this laptop and do a fresh install but super busy right now so looking for quick solutions.16:40
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, run localhost:631 in firefox.  (this is the CUPS printer utility).  verify your printer settings16:40
georg_wien_walready did. everything seems to be ok16:40
cfhowlettkxtwo, I prefer clean install over upgrade in place but YMMV.  If you have a reasonably fast connection, go for it.16:41
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, cat /etc/issue16:41
cfhowlettin a terminal16:41
georg_wien_wUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l16:41
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, on the chance that pieces might be missing:   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:42
kxtwocfhowlett, I am going to sound like an idiot I am sure but, YMMV?  Your mileage may vary? lol16:42
cfhowlettapt-get dist-upgrad16:42
cfhowlettapt-get dist-upgrade16:42
cfhowlettapt-get dist-upgrade16:42
cfhowlettkxtwo, correctomundo!16:42
cfhowlett!ymmv | kxtwo16:43
ubottukxtwo: ymmv is short for "Your mileage may vary". It means that someone else's experience with compatibility, performance etc. may not necessarily match yours. Also see !wfm16:43
kxtwocfhowlett, lol thanks, this machine is an older dell I just use it for school.  Going to reboot now and do the upgrade, hopefully machine runs a little better, its been sluggish since support stopped16:43
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, on cups, did you check the error log?16:43
TenLeftFingersUbuntu password dialog doesn't always indicate that CAPS LOCK is pressed. Alt + tabbing fixes it. What should I file against?16:46
georg_wien_weverything done! sorry errors weren't logged i changed that now16:47
georg_wien_wwill have a try with a print job now16:48
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, test print, read the errors for clues.16:48
georg_wien_wfirst print from libreoffice as usual worked withoud problems16:49
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, do a pdf and an editor file16:49
georg_wien_wsurprisingly second job from libre office worked as well. Didn't had that yet! will try the editor an than the pdf16:50
georg_wien_weditor printing fails. printer blinks but nothing happens16:52
cfhowlettgeorg_wien_w, see the log!16:52
DaZmaybe it's doing *stuff*16:52
toad1Hi, could anybody help me this problem: http://dpaste.com/3QGK5DS16:53
DaZi have hp somethingjet and it blinks for a while before it prints16:53
cfhowlettmalmalmal, !  all problems fixed?16:53
pgnomeI cannot find preferences in the file manager... this distro really sucks now16:53
pgnomehas anyone switched from ubuntu to something else?16:53
pgnomecan never change the defaults16:53
xanguapgnome: Edit menu, preferences16:53
pgnomenot there... I am using gnome16:54
malmalmalcfhowlett :)) since xubuntu was 99% hd full it would not boot, after freeing some space it boots! no broken update. Now I went to windows xp and unassigned 20GB16:54
pgnomethere's no 'preferences' anywhere16:54
cfhowlettmalmalmal, man, you are GOOD!16:54
malmalmaland I am trying to expand xubuntu's partition to take this 20GB although I could use some help16:54
pgnomein older versions of ubuntu, there was a preferences16:54
malmalmalthank youuu!16:54
pgnomethere's only 'properties'16:55
pgnomewhat a pos16:55
melleMe, to arch linux16:55
malmalmalchfowlett, maybe you can help with expanding the partition ?16:55
jj--usb modem drives me absolutely nuts on ubuntu 14.04, it just disconnects on connect here is syslog http://pastebin.com/x68CiSKd16:55
jj--any help appreciated16:55
pgnomeI want a preview of pictures (thumbnails) instead of the default16:55
cfhowlettmalmalmal, haven't done that in a while.  I seem to recall that gparted requires the empty space be located next to the target you want to enlarge.16:55
pgnomedefault of tree and sunset16:55
SinistradI'm having problems with lightdm, or at least I think I am. This morning, when I tried to resume my session, the screen was black. I CTRL ALT F7 and got a message that it would send me to the unlock screen in a few seconds, but it didn't. I CTRL ALT F8, and got a login prompt. I had to go back to F7 to reach my desktop. Here is my lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8280317/16:56
malmalmalI drop the question: I have a pc dualboot xp/xubuntu, unassigned 20GB of space from xp partition, and now would like my xubuntu partition to expand to take those. I booted live xubuntu and into Gparted. It shows dev/sda3 as xubuntu, divided into sda5 and sda6 (main and swap), the unassigned space is OUTSIDE of sda3, should I get it inside to expand? how to? thank you16:56
hackersarchangelcfhowlett is correct, that space should be next to it when resizing. However you are also better off using the Live CD to do that malmalmal16:57
hackersarchangelOk so it’s on the other side of SDA416:57
cfhowlettmalmalmal, would I correct: you want more room for /home?16:57
DatzHi, I have a question about dropbox. It appears as though I'e installed it with the package mananger, and this morning it gave me a message that it needs to be updated. It no longer seems to be syncing my files, and when I ran updates, dropbox wasn't included as one, so it must be getting an external update message. I'm running 12.04. Any thoughts/suggestions welcome. Thanks.16:58
malmalmalcfhowlett I do not seem to have a separate home16:59
cfhowlett!home | malmalmal, you might find that very helpful here.16:59
ubottumalmalmal, you might find that very helpful here.: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving16:59
malmalmalubottu I believe that is not what I am trying to achieve16:59
SchrodingersScatDatz: that's odd, I don't see dropbox in my repos, had you maybe downloaded a .deb off their website?16:59
hackersarchangelmalmalmal, where is the free space? between SDA3 and SDA417:00
DatzSchrodingersScat: that's what I thought too. But I aptitide search dropbox and found "i   nautilus-dropbox"17:00
malmalmalhackersarchangel, the freespace is unassigned and OUTSIDE of any partition at the moment, including xubuntu's partition which is sda3 and CONTAINS two more partitions, called sda5 (main) and sda6 (swap)17:00
malmalmalId like to expand sda5 to take the unassigned space that is OUTSIDE of sda317:01
SinistradDatz, I think that's for nautilus integration17:01
hackersarchangelAH I got it.17:01
hackersarchangelOk so you want it get into SDA5 yes?17:01
pgnomethere is no nautilus... it's called 'files' lol17:01
pgnomewhat a pos17:01
hackersarchangelright click on SDA5 and hit resize.17:01
DatzSinistrad: I see, so to update I should just run a deb from their site then?17:01
pgnomehow do you get 'preferences?17:02
hackersarchangelSee if it will let you do that, it sounds like you have what we call an “extended partition”17:02
malmalmalhackersarchangel don17:02
hackersarchangelwhich is containing SDA5 and SDA617:02
toad1Hi, could anybody help me this problem: http://dpaste.com/3QGK5DS17:02
malmalmalwait wait17:02
pgnomeuse mint instead... at least, the thumbnail preview works properly17:02
malmalmalhackersarchangel, it seems that sda3 contains sda5 and sda617:02
hackersarchangelthat’s what I surmised.17:02
malmalmalyou want me to attempt to resize sda3 or sda5 ?17:02
SinistradDatz, That is your best bet. I'm not sure if there's a PPA for dropbox, but if there is, it might make future updates easier.17:03
hackersarchangeltry resizing SDA517:03
DatzSinistrad: I see. I'll check. Thanks.17:03
hackersarchangelsee if it will even let you. You may need to resize sda3 first, then do sda5 malmalmal17:03
SinistradDatz, No problem. I actually need to install it on my system too. New install here =)17:03
malmalmalthe meny allows me to take the space before or after, but i have to input the size manually, let me try with sda317:03
platinovhi )17:04
DatzSinistrad: nice. Yeah.. I should probably update beyond 12.04.. :P17:04
malmalmalI cannot resize sda3, I have to say that the swap partition (sda6 under sda3) allows me to deactive swap when rightclicking17:04
hackersarchangelok and sda5 doesn’t show free space before or after that?17:04
georg_wien_wi tried it now again and again but cups tells me under http://localhost:631/admin/log/error_log  NOT FOUND. don't know why. but under printer status cups tells me printer doesn't react17:05
malmalmalit does not specify any available space, hackersarchangel, although it allows me to specify manually17:05
platinovi used Linux platinov-komputing 3.13.0-35-generic #62-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 15 01:58:01 UTC 2014 i686 athlon i686 GNU/Linux17:05
malmalmalhackersarchangel I am pretty sure that sda5 does not "see" the unassigned space when attempting to resize, because it is outside its parent partition (sda3)17:06
hackersarchangelFound a link for you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/258640/how-to-add-a-space-from-outside-an-extended-partition-to-a-logical-partition-con17:06
hackersarchangelmalmalmal: ^^^17:07
malmalmal[windows] [unassigned] [ sda3 [sda5][sda6] ]17:07
malmalmalgreat, thanks , checking17:07
hackersarchangelThats exactly right malmalmal, so you will need to get it to resize sda3 first.17:07
malmalmalproblem is I cannot resize sd3, it does have an icon of a key, I assume problem is that it is locked for resizing, possibly because swap is active ?17:09
=== ifohancroft is now known as Acidcore
platinovUkraine like you!)17:09
malmalmalis it safe, being on a liveCD, to deactivate swap under gparted, in order to resize the extended partition ?17:09
cfhowlettmalmalmal, wait, are you live USB or did you boot from HDD?17:09
malmalmalI am on a live usb17:09
hackersarchangelare you positive?17:09
malmalmalbooted on liveusb, then run gparted, and looking at HD partitions17:10
hackersarchangelRight click on swap, and deactivate it.17:10
TenLeftFingers  /j #ubuntu-bugs17:10
malmalmalYEP YEP THAT WAS IT!17:10
platinovgparted open is sudo17:11
malmalmalwoot woot17:11
platinovsudo passwd17:11
* hackersarchangel dances around the room.17:11
cfhowlett!cookie | hackersarchangel17:11
ubottuhackersarchangel: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:11
* hackersarchangel noms on delicious cookie17:11
TenLeftFingers\j #ubunt-bugs17:11
malmalmalTHANK YOU17:11
malmalmalOk now the unassigned space is INSIDE extended partition17:11
lord_garthIs there some problem with 14.01 live boot freezing?17:12
malmalmaland I can resize sda5 (main partition under the extended partition) to accept the unassigned space17:12
malmalmalBUT, when doing so, it leaves about 1mb that it cannot eat ?17:12
hackersarchangelthat’s normal.17:12
cfhowlettmalmalmal, 1 mb.  relax.17:12
hackersarchangelIt happens because of some thing with alignment.17:12
malmalmalok I am going to do this17:12
hackersarchangelI think it aligns to sectors or cylinders, not sure which one.17:13
* hackersarchangel watches malmalmal take the plunge17:13
lord_garthWhich Windows 8 partitions do you have to keep before you delete all others for17:13
* cfhowlett holds breath and waits for a resonance cascade ...17:13
malmalmal22 minutes to go, will get back to you afterwards, thankyou cookied to vrybody17:14
* malmalmal bows17:14
=== damccull_ is now known as damccull
platinovgood lock ^_^17:17
=== Acidcore is now known as IFo
=== IFo is now known as ifohancroft
cosmicfire10after installing new wifi  firmware (moving .ucode file to /lib/firmware) how do tell the system to use the new firmware?17:27
SinistradI'm having problems with lightdm, or at least I think I am. This morning, when I tried to resume my session, the screen was black. I CTRL ALT F7 and got a message that it would send me to the unlock screen in a few seconds, but it didn't. I CTRL ALT F8, and got a login prompt. I had to go back to F7 to reach my desktop. Here is my lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8280317/17:28
Novice201yHello. Watching YouTube in 14.04 Unity is very choppy. What can I do in system to make it smooth? Maybe change desktop enviroment? But I would like to keep good community-support like for mainline Ubuntu.17:29
Novice201yOn Lubuntu YouTube works smooth on weaker machine.17:30
SchrodingersScatI youtube-dl the video then play it in mpv, I get better results17:31
=== ifohancroft is now known as Acidcore
=== Acidcore is now known as ifohancroft
hackersarchangelkali-rao: yes?17:33
hackersarchangelI don’t do PM’s17:33
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:33
=== ifohancroft is now known as ifo
master__i need help. i was doing a (nomodeset) on a old version of ubuntu and i think i did a (acpi=off) instead. my fan quite working. i upgraded to ubunto 14.04 it works great but still no fan operation. i am using a gateway nv79 laptop . how do i turn my fan back on ? acpi=on ? please help .17:34
kali-raoany one tell me how to hack ssh by using armitage??17:35
boldfilter1Can I move the unity launcher to the right side?17:35
hackersarchangelkali-rao: you have been ignored. Please don’t PM me without permission first.17:35
bekksmaster__: How did you "do" that (nomodeset) or (acpi=off) exactly?17:35
master__pm me17:35
master__through f617:36
=== jottr_ is now known as jottr
bekksmaster__: Support happens in here, not in a PM. Using F6, you can simply reboot.17:36
master__im not using a liv cd its installed 14.0417:37
bekksmaster__: And still options changed using F6 are not preserved across reboots.17:38
master__bekks how would i reset it and save settings17:39
platinovа есть кто с русскоязычных?)17:40
ramiohi ^^17:40
platinovhi ^_^17:40
platinovwho from ua?)17:41
ramiowell iam from egypt ^^17:41
platinovramio good)17:42
cfhowlett!ru | platinov,17:42
ubottuplatinov,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:42
master__can i do a acpi=on in a terminal?17:42
bekksmaster__: Your dont reset anything since no options are preserved across reboots.17:42
bekksmaster__: Did you cange any config files for setting that option?17:43
master__i might have17:43
BluesKaj!ua | platinov17:43
BluesKajthought ua was ukraine17:44
master__it was 6 months ago i just put 14.04 on17:44
platinovplatinov@platinov-komputing:~$ uptime17:45
platinov 20:45:19 up 1 day, 22:42,  6 users,  load average: 0,71, 0,78, 0,8517:45
tigrangI have a nvidia 6150se gpu and Im getting constant soft locks on xorg17:45
TJ-master__: "cat /proc/cmdline"17:46
platinovsudo apt-get install nvidia-currrent17:46
platinovand sudo rebbot17:46
platinovi wont cnow17:48
malmalmalhackersarchangel TJ- cfhowlett and everybody who helped: "the mouse is in the hole" ;)17:48
hackersarchangelawesome malmalmal17:49
cfhowlettmalmalmal, now there's an image ...17:49
hackersarchangelwell gents I’m outta here.17:49
hackersarchangelgotta go setup a new machine for someone17:49
cfhowlettI too must leave - my people need me.17:49
platinovi going game cs 1.6 ) good lock)17:49
malmalmalthere go the superheroesssss17:49
=== user_690 is now known as c107
TJ-malmalmal: Correction: the mouse is in the Husky!17:49
pgnomewho uses gnome here?17:51
cassio3pgnome, hey -- I like gnome a lot.17:52
cassio3I run mac os x as my primary environment, but I like gnome a lot17:52
cassio3do you run gnome classic?17:52
cassio3or gnome 3?17:52
pgnomeI used to like gnome17:53
pgnomegnome 3, I guess?17:53
pgnomenautilus in gnome 3 has no 'preferences' setting17:54
pgnomefiles/nautilus is unusable17:54
MonkeyDustpgnome  Edit > Preferences17:54
=== alexander is now known as Guest80521
pgnomeMonkeyDust, there isn't an 'edit' menu!!17:56
pgnomeclosest thing is 'properties'17:57
MonkeyDustpgnome  you mean you do'nt see it... i see Edit on my nautilus17:58
pgnomeoh geez!17:58
MonkeyDustpgnome  there is no bar with File etc?17:59
pgnomeno bar17:59
pgnomewell, it is black17:59
MonkeyDustpgnome  and are you sure it's nautilus?17:59
pgnomeI fixed it... in gnome, it is at the top left.... beside 'Activities'17:59
pgnomeI right-click the text to get the drop down options.... geez...18:00
pgnomesorry... I cannot get used to gnome 3! :-(18:00
=== Guest80521 is now known as TA5ET
MonkeyDustpgnome  feel free to use sometihing else18:00
pgnomedoes Unity work like this, too?18:00
pgnomeI'll try to remember.... I think it will go to default again18:01
pgnomethanks MonkeyDust...18:01
=== yc[TERPS] is now known as yc[BAL]
jr__Why can't I access CUPS of one machine outside of my network?18:04
theqqr_stepexcuse me,.how to increase my swap memory?18:09
theqqr_stepexcuse me,.how to increase my swap memory?(use terminal)18:10
daftykinstheqqr_step: what for?18:10
theqqr_stepcaused when i open application was slowy in loading.18:11
rolleiflexhey, does anyone know when I create a desktop file, it doesn't show the name on ubuntu launcher?18:12
rolleiflexit's just the icon18:12
rolleiflexwhich is cool, but.. not very useful18:12
daftykinstheqqr_step: which application?18:12
theqqr_stepdaftykins, caused when i open application was slowy in loading.18:12
theqqr_stepdaftykins, all.18:13
daftykinstheqqr_step: which ubuntu and what system RAM?18:13
daftykinsadjusting swap doesn't make any sense toward application load time18:13
theqqr_stepdaftykins, but when i login with root, the loading is good.18:14
theqqr_stepdaftykins, 10.04 .system ram?what it's mean?18:14
daftykinsyou should never do that.18:14
daftykinstheqqr_step: sorry, 10.04 desktop is long out of support18:14
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.18:14
theqqr_stepdaftykins, thx.18:15
theqqr_stepbut why when i'm loading use root, the loading is fast, but when use another login, the loading is slow. why?18:16
theqqr_step*i'm login use root18:17
eeeewhich application?18:17
theqqr_stepdaftykins, *i'm login use root..18:17
daftykinstheqqr_step: i can't comment on that, you shouldn't even have a password for root let alone log in using that account18:17
Beldartheqqr_step, Moot point as that is not a good or expected use.18:18
eeeetheqqr_step: some apps load a minimalistic version of the app if you launch using root18:18
theqqr_stepdaftykins, for this time i'm not use root.18:18
theqqr_stepBeldar, eeee ,thx18:19
=== ifo is now known as ifohancroft
theqqr_stepi'm try use terminal with "free -m", the result of total memory : Mem=235, Swap=25418:20
nusrhi can someone help me with ubuntu 14. i installed python3.4 and now software center won't start18:20
eeee!aptlock | nusr18:21
ubottunusr: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »18:21
theqqr_stepdaftykins, i'm try use terminal with "free -m", the result of total memory : Mem=235, Swap=254. i'm hear that our swap must 2*memory. is that true?18:21
daftykinstheqqr_step: yeah so it's an outdated ubuntu on an old low specification machine, there's nothing i can do i'm afraid. i would bury that computer18:22
nusrubottu, thanks but i'm still getting the same message bash: /usr/bin/software-center: /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file o18:22
ubottunusr: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:22
nusrtried updating but still nothing18:23
theqqr_stepdaftykins, bury ? what is that ?18:23
daftykinstheqqr_step: throw it away, to recycling18:24
theqqr_stepdaftykins, i can't do it sir. caused i'm not rich.18:24
daftykinstheqqr_step: you won't be able to run a supported ubuntu on 256MB RAM, it's simply too rubbish18:25
doesThe best,even though it would be like walking through glue,would be lubuntu.18:25
daftykinstheqqr_step: you might want to try something like puppy linux - but it will be very basic18:25
TJ-theqqr_step: If things seem to perform better when logging in as the root user, but not as a regular user, I'd guess that the user profile is autostart-ing lots of additional programs, which take up memory and then cause the swap file to be used a lot by the programs you want to work with18:25
theqqr_stepdaftykins, but i don't now way how to increase swap file use terminal. can u give instruction?18:25
nusrhow can i reinstall18:25
eeeereinstall python18:26
nusrsoftware center18:26
eeeesudo apt-get install --reinstall <pythonpackage>18:26
nusrsoftware center is now in a different folder after i installed python 3.418:26
nusrnot in usr/bin18:26
TJ-theqqr_step: Increasing the swap file size won't help speed; it'll just provide more *slow* hard disk space to page contents of RAM into. "cat /proc/swaps" will tell you the current swap size and how much is used18:27
theqqr_stepTJ-, thx, maybe it is true sir.18:27
theqqr_stepTJ-, ok, i will try type that command.18:27
eeeenusr: sudo apt-get install --reinstall software-center18:27
theqqr_stepTJ-, Size=26xxxx, Used=88xxx,Priority=-1,Type=file18:29
nusrthanks eeee18:29
nusrbut error detec and now sending problem ifnormation to apport18:29
theqqr_stepTJ-, but if i was delete some file in user folder, the speed of loading can fast.18:30
eeeenusr: what is the error you're getting, regarding python18:30
TJ-theqqr_step: You'd need to examine carefully the list of autostart-ing programs - some are required, some can be optional18:30
nusrPreparing to unpack .../software-center_13.10-0ubuntu4.1_all.deb ... /var/lib/dpkg/info/software-center.prerm: 6: /var/lib/dpkg/info/software-center.prerm: pyclean: not found dpkg: warning: subprocess old pre-removal script returned error exit status 127 dpkg: trying script from the new package instead ... /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/prerm: 6: /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/prerm: pyclean: not found dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archive18:31
theqqr_stepTJ-, that you mean i uncheck some application in startup applications?18:31
TJ-theqqr_step: Yes18:31
eeeenusr: try to install, sudo apt-get install software-center18:32
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eeeenusr: or remove it then install18:32
does!pastebin | nusr18:32
bekkseeee: The error indicates that he is actually doing that already.18:32
ubottunusr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:32
bekksnusr: you have to install pyclean, too.18:32
theqqr_stepTJ-, ok sir, thx . i will to do it in the next session of login.18:32
theqqr_stepTJ-, can we increase "usr.disk" file ? is it danger or not?18:33
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fribwhen i close vlc it freezes for about 15 seconds before closing .. anyone know why?18:34
TJ-theqqr_step: The numbers you reported showed that only about 1/3rd of swap was in use, so increasing its size won't improve the situation18:35
daftykinsTJ-: hi sir. just a heads up you're assisting an EOL 10.04 desktop install there18:35
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TJ-daftykins: I'm also assisting a novice user in Indonesia that is trying to make the best out of a poor situation.18:36
theqqr_stepTJ-, ok sir, thx ..18:36
daftykinsfail to see the relevance of that statement but ok!18:36
eeeebekks: yeah, i thought software center was missing some files to do the deletion, that's why i suggested to install rather than reinstall18:36
EiriksUbuntuAhh, now I can get into tightening up this 14.04, got to get all new packages, but at least now I can get the dvd stuff too18:37
EiriksUbuntuI think I might look into gnome again though18:37
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sudormrfDoes anyone in here have a suggestion for a program that will rip Japanese subtitles from a DVD ISO?  I have been searching the googles for quite a while and have come up empty handed.  I found plenty that works for English subtitles.  Japanese is proving to be problematic18:47
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habernirhi there18:57
habernircan anyone help me and tell me what its mean18:57
habernir"subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2"18:58
habernirit write me this message when i install spideroak18:58
TimotyHas knows if it is possible to add -finstrument-functions flags by default in compilations ? In .bashrc ?19:11
dannixonTimoty: alias command="command -finstrument-functions"19:13
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dannixonTimoty: In .bashrc that is19:14
Timotycommand = g++ or gcc then19:15
dannixonTimoty: Indeed19:15
Timotyokay got it thanks.19:15
AaronEstradahola jose19:19
AaronEstradahola creeperexplosivo19:23
Timoty<img src="apples.jpeg">19:28
internetaccessserver returned:   (   )~ (  )~   (   )~19:29
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shibbolethHow do I attach quicklaunch icons/launchers to the top bar in GNOME3?19:38
zergutGood day19:38
zergutive tried to replace some files with Nautilus and after it casuse Ubuntu error and  in the end  the files was just deleted19:39
zergutwhere i can find deleted files?19:39
MonkeyDustkernel downgrade needed here -- 14.04 trusty was unusable for me, as it made my laptop (Acer / Intel) heat up and shut down -- this forced me back to 12.04, ok, all well -- but now, the -34 and -35 kernels are trusty related and the heating issue returned, which makes my 12.04 virtually unusable -- i don't like ubuntu anymore -- how to downgrade to an old kernel version -- please don't give me a factoid19:44
essekszergut, deleted or moved to Trash?19:44
zergutesseks: sorry, i just found it in another calatog19:44
zergutmy bad19:45
TimotyMonkeyDust did you use the 64bit version ?19:46
MonkeyDustTimoty  yes19:46
Timotyyeah... I had the same issue19:46
BluesKajMonkeyDust, what's your laptop?19:46
Timotyuse the 32bit version instead19:46
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  Acer / Intel19:46
TimotyI have Compaq AMD19:47
BluesKajodd MonkeyDust, I have a lenovo /intel ...no such troubles19:47
Timotyntu :ned the same issue on a my laptop. Even though I have 64 bit computer19:47
TimotyI am currently using the 32 bit version and it's okaH19:48
BluesKajand 64 bit of course19:48
essekshi guys! (repost from yesterday) is the mini CD supposed to boot in UEFI mode?19:48
letarchкак узнать драйвер на видео19:48
BluesKaj!ru | letarch19:48
ubottuletarch: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:48
MonkeyDustTimoty  i'll try that, but will stay around now that my laptop isnt too hot yet19:49
BluesKajMonkeyDust, Unity?19:49
Timotyok MonkeyDust19:50
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BluesKajmaybe a different DE will make a difference19:50
MonkeyDustBluesKaj  Classic, no effects19:51
jackhows the shit19:51
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TJ-esseks: which image are you referring to - can you give us a link to it?19:52
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Guest32434how is everyone19:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:54
k1lleDhow to check which one video card i use for desktop, and if i start game wichone i use. i nvidia 750m + integrated intel HD graphics 460019:56
rolleiflexI have a .desktop file question20:00
MonkeyDustcan someone please pm me my problem's desicription, that i wrote moments ago20:00
rolleiflexwhen I create two desktop files for the same application, one that launched the app in foreground and the other launches it minimised20:00
rolleiflexunity isn't smart enough to figure out they are the same application20:00
TJ-20:44 <MonkeyDust> kernel downgrade needed here -- 14.04 trusty was unusable for me, as it made my laptop (Acer / Intel) heat up and shut down -- this forced me back to 12.04, ok, all well -- but now, the -34 and -35 kernels are trusty related and the heating issue returned, which makes my 12.04 virtually unusable -- i don't like ubuntu anymore -- how to downgrade to an old kernel version -- please don't give me a factoid20:00
rolleiflexthe minimised version has command line flag, which makes ubuntu think it's a different application20:01
rolleiflexso if the user pins my application to the unity dock and restarts the system, what opens at startup isnt the pinned application but a new one with a question mark in the logo20:01
rolleiflexI'm really starting to hate this... :(20:01
TJ-MonkeyDrone: Have you seen http://askubuntu.com/questions/265999/how-to-remove-kernel-lts-enablement-stack20:02
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rolleiflexis there a way to tell unity that "my/application/executable -flag" is the same application as "my/application/executable"?20:02
rolleiflexthis is fairly dumb : (20:02
MonkeyDustTJ-  yes, i guess it started with the hardware enablement (HWE) upgrade in august20:03
MonkeyDustreading now20:04
TJ-MonkeyDust have you reported a bug against the "linux" package about it?20:06
TJ-MonkeyDust: It sounds like a regression, and ought to get some attention20:06
MonkeyDustTJ-  will do20:07
rune_hallo all20:10
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Guest83062somebody have distribution elementary_20:10
Guest83062somebody can help me_20:12
zeltinegrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo20:13
zeltingives me 2, what does that mean?20:13
Guest83062how install flash on the distro elementary_20:14
bekkshmm. hmm.20:14
bekksGuest83062: Since ElementaryOS isnt an official derivate, you will have to ask the support community of that distro.20:14
Kira9204Guest83062: you should find it if you search for it in the app store20:15
Guest83062bekks I am newbie I always have win OS when I can find this20:15
Kira9204just like in ubuntu20:15
bekksGuest83062: And that feature isnt implemented in zfsonlinux. :)20:16
Kira9204pretty much any guide for ubuntu will work on any ubuntu derrative20:16
Guest83062Kira9204 I install chromium but I dont know which name is it app on the mint name pepper and on the elementary_20:17
bekksGuest83062: I am sorry, I mixed up channels. I never used ElementaryOS, so I cant tell you where to find its support community.20:17
Ben64Kira9204, Guest83062: elementary os is not on topic here. if you wish to discuss it further you can, but not in this channel20:17
MonkeyDustKira9204  wrong channel20:18
Guest83062bekks ok which chanell20:18
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.20:18
MonkeyDustplease guys, if i want to login in launchpad, i'm being sent to ubuntone, which is dead... i don't like ubuntu anymore20:19
pnglIs there a CLI tool for logging that I can pipe to which will rotate logs? For instance, "script.sh | logging-tool log_base_name 5" would 1) replace log_basename.log.1 with log_base_name.log, 2) do the same for for N<=5, and 3) write output of script.sh to log_base_name.log20:19
Kira9204that may be the case, but he is asking for a package name20:19
Kira9204wich should be the same regardless20:19
Ben64Kira9204: a package name for a different distro, so its not on topic here...20:19
ynon1hi guys20:19
bazhangKira9204, packages.ubuntu.com he can search20:19
ynon1i need to get computer icon on my desktop20:20
ynon1i used tweak but it wont work20:21
ynon1i have 14.0420:21
ynon1hi owwwe20:21
baszhio, i need some varnish advise. can someone lookat this gist https://gist.github.com/basz/707690745298268d4aef20:22
bekksbasz: what are we going to find there? :)20:22
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baszI have incomplete javascript files, behind a varnish cache.20:23
baszbekks some output of some tests20:23
ynon1update it through terminal20:23
baszI'm stumped... And have ignored the problem too long20:23
MonkeyDustif i want to login in launchpad to report a bug, i'm being sent to ubuntone, which is dead... how to report that the bug-reporting site doenst work?20:25
TJ-MonkeyDust: Ubuntu One Single Sign On is still used20:25
MonkeyDustInvalid OpenID transaction20:29
TJ-basz: Have you checked whether all the connections are served by Varnish, or whether some go through to the httpd?20:32
baszTJ- Nope.20:33
baszHow would I check that?20:34
TJ-basz: check the httpd access log20:34
baszTJ- I see every load that siege does, immediatly show up in the apache log. regardless of the size is correct or not20:36
baszthe X-Varnish: 1351234921 header does not have an age...20:36
baszso,... goes to apache20:37
genoobiehey running into a problem with wine and an install20:38
bazhang!appdb | genoobie20:40
ubottugenoobie: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:40
bazhang /join #winehq after checking the appdb genoobie20:40
zeltinAfter the installation, you need to relogin so that your user account becomes an effective member of kvm and libvirtd user groups. The members of this group can run virtual machines.20:42
zeltinHow do i relogin?20:42
rodrigoomg irc still alive!20:44
RobertJDohnertOf course it is rodrigo20:44
RobertJDohnertWhy would it be dead20:44
zeltinhow do I relogin my user?20:45
trijntjewhat exactly does the du command report? I'm trying to write my own du-like program, but the numbers I get are always slightly off20:45
rodrigoIn Brazil, i was just a lonely guy logged in irc channels20:45
trijntjezeltin: just restart the pc20:45
zeltintrijntje, seems a little overkill, there must be a simpler way20:45
trijntjezeltin: sure, click on the top right corner, select 'log out'20:46
zeltintrijntje, what will happen?20:47
trijntjeit will log you out20:47
asynechieaHello all. I've been gaming using a PS3 controller for about a year with no problems, but today when I went to pair it, myh bluetooth adaptor is not working. It shows that it is on on the top bar in Unity, but if I got to System Settings -> Bluetooth, it says it is off. If I use the pair command in the terminal I get this error: Can't read version info hci0: Connection timed out (110)20:49
analogfreakasynechiea: fresh batteries?20:50
asynechieafresh batteries... for the bluetooth chip inside of my computer?20:50
analogfreakno, the controller.20:50
asynechieathe problem is that the bluetooth adaptor in the laptop won't start..20:51
analogfreakmy bad20:51
analogfreakany driver updates recently done?20:52
boldfilter1Unity: reinventing the wheel since 201020:52
asynechieanone to my knowledge.. unless something happened in a system update20:52
analogfreaki'm assuming you've done the old windows trick of rebooting 3 times?20:53
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RobertJDohnertany thoughts on the new Unity, good bad or ugly?20:53
asynechieaI've rebooted one time ;)20:53
MonkeyDustif I wanted to report a bug in launchpad, but don't know what package is affected, or it may be several different, how to do it with ubuntu-bug? or any other way?20:54
analogfreakasynechiea: what make and model is the laptop?20:54
asynechieaSystem 76 Bonobo Extreme 720:54
RobertJDohnertI work on the Black Lab Linux project, http://www.blacklablinux.org and we are thinking of doing a Unity release along with our XFCE release20:54
iseneGot a new PC (Samsung NP900 laptop), installed a fresh 14.10. Got issues with system fonts for GTK applications - ugly fonts that doesn't handle Norwegian special characters (æøå) well (they are rendered boldish and somewhat larger than the other characters). Any pointers?20:54
asynechieaI could reach out to their suport, but they are closed on the weekend20:54
asynechieaplus their support is not so good20:55
asynechiealet me try rebooting once more, this time shuitting all the way down.20:55
trismMonkeyDust: for me, I would guess which package I thought it was, and start there, it can always be reassigned (rather than assigning one to ubuntu which often don't get much attention) If unsure you can always ask in the channel and somebody might have a thought20:56
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asynechieashutting down worked :) Thanks analogfreak ;)20:59
analogfreakgreat to hear20:59
iseneHow do I turn off anti-aliasing for every font in the graphical UI?21:04
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SinistradI'm having problems with lightdm, or at least I think I am. This morning, when I tried to resume my session, the screen was black. I CTRL ALT F7 and got a message that it would send me to the unlock screen in a few seconds, but it didn't. I CTRL ALT F8, and got a login prompt. I had to go back to F7 to reach my desktop. Here is my lightdm.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8280317/21:06
Resiliencehello to everyone21:09
conundrum_where are you from Resilience ?21:09
Resiliencespain conundrum_21:10
conundrum_ui , germany21:10
guiteSinistrad: I had this one once :)21:10
Resilienceconundrum_, almos besides, almost he ;D21:10
Octopus_2000test! :-)21:10
guiteSinistrad: just in case, check that you have an xorg.conf in /etc/X11/21:10
guitea “correct” one21:11
Octopus_2000any solutions for de icon mail notification on xubuntu 12.04 with hotmail (ssl tsl)21:11
Sinistradguite, Ahh, I'll have to take a look at it21:11
apornstarHas anyone heard of the compix issue thats causing cpu high usage in ubuntu 14.04?21:11
guiteSinistrad: you can check with a shell while using ctrl+alt+f<anything but 7>21:12
apornstarCompiz rather21:12
ResilienceI'm using lightdm and the power-off/hibernate buttons they don't work, because I have uninstalled the polkit package (I'm using debian), but I want them to work (enlightenment can shutdown/reboot7etc from the dm without using polkit) is there any way I can achieve this? (I ask in this channel becasue ligtdm comes from canonical)21:12
k1lapornstar: try to see if its a known bug on launchpad.net  or make a bug report21:13
trijntjewhy does du sometimes report files as bigger then they actually are?21:13
Octopus_2000Any solutions for de icon mail notification on xubuntu 12.04 with hotmail (ssl tsl)?21:13
apornstarHi does anyone know of a compiz issue with 14.04?21:14
geirhatrijntje: disk usage (du) and file size are not the same thing21:15
trismapornstar: bug 1268146 and bug 1293384 look relevant21:15
ubottubug 1268146 in mesa (Ubuntu) "Very high cpu usage for compiz in 14.04 (mesa incorrectly using llvmpipe)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126814621:15
ubottubug 1293384 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Compiz CPU usage dramatically increased in Ubuntu 14.04" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129338421:15
guiteSinistrad: I have to leave now, but what you could try is generating an xorg file with "X -configure". If this step works, then you should be able to restart lightdm once again and it should work this time21:15
geirhatrijntje: It mainly depends on the inode size, which is 4K by default. That means that a file of 5 bytes must occupy at least 4KiB of the disk21:16
Sinistradguite, Thanks!21:16
guiteSinistrad: if not, it might be a problem with your nvidia… if so, I experienced similar problems and I’m not sure about the solution.21:16
guiteSinistrad: (if you have an nvidia)21:16
Sinistradguite, I have nvidia, with the drivers21:17
trijntjegeirha: that makes sense, thanks. Though for small files du reports 0 since it rounds to 1024 bytes21:17
guiteSinistrad: and so try to remove all dkms for nvidia => “dkms remove nvidia-<version>”, “aptitude purge nvidia-<version>” and “aptitude install nvidia-<version”>21:18
guite(sorry I use aptitude, but you will probably use apt-get)21:18
iseneHow do I turn off anti-aliasing for every font in the graphical UI?21:19
guiteSinistrad: if this doesn’t work, then this bug is my worst enemy and I will not be able to help you anymore21:19
guiteI have to go, bye :)21:19
geirhatrijntje: depends on the filesystem. If it's on ext4, du should only report 0 if the size is 0. (or if it's a sparse file with no written bytes)21:20
faryshtahi, does anyone know a way so that if i try to access *.faryshta.local it sends me to localhost?21:20
apornstarHow can I get a copy of /usr/bin/compiz from a 12.04 installation as I don't have one at hand?21:21
=== AlphaBetb is now known as AlphaBeta
apornstarSorry I got cut off earlier, can some let me know how I can get a /usr/bin/compiz from a 12.04 installation?21:27
zeltinCan I make the shell not show the whole path to where it is? it is annoying when you have long paths...21:28
Flannelapornstar: If you go to packages.ubuntu.com, you can download the deb and extract the file.21:28
apornstarOk thanks I'll try that.21:29
samthewildoneYes I am a bit lazy but, what is the command to resize and rename images via mogrify ? I know the -resize but, what about changing the name ?21:30
SK1N_H34Dhello,.. i'm newbie on GNU21:32
SK1N_H34Dhello,.. all member21:32
trijntjesamthewildone: just use mv to rename stuf21:33
tozenSK1N_H34D: wassap buddy?21:33
samthewildoneI've got more than 10 files21:33
samthewildoneI want to rename to "wall_1 wall_2.... etc"21:33
tozensamthewildone: and?21:34
SK1N_H34Dtozen : where you from ??21:37
SK1N_H34Dtozen : how old ?21:38
SK1N_H34Dmay be you a student ??21:38
ivan_msphello guys21:38
ivan_mspis there somebody who is aware of eclipse21:38
k1lSK1N_H34D: this channel is for technical ubuntu support. we have #ubuntu-offtopic for chat21:38
eeeesamthewildone: man rename21:38
byonicHey! I've created a bootable usb with ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS on it. When I go to reboot my computer the ubuntu loading screen pops up and shortly after tells me it is unable to mount  "/", then presents me with a terminal asking for a login21:39
eeeebyonic: did you checksum the iso? is secureboot enabled?21:39
tozenSK1N_H34D: want to speak send me privat, pal21:40
SK1N_H34Dtry with restart or reboot !!21:40
eeeebyonic: wait a sec, are you talking about an installation on a usb? or a live usb?21:40
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byonic_DC’d, not sure what went through.21:45
=== byonic_ is now known as byonic
SK1N_H34Dany know kloxo ??21:46
SK1N_H34Di want install on ubuntu server 14.04.. ??21:46
SK1N_H34Dwhat it can install on ubuntu ?21:46
samthewildonedoes ubuntu have a wallpaper changer ?21:47
samthewildoneex: every 5 minutes change wall ?21:47
byonicWhere would I find the checksum for 14.04.1?21:48
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases21:48
rwwoh, 14.04.1 isn't on there. joy.21:49
rwwbyonic: http://releases.ubuntu.com/trusty/MD5SUMS21:49
MonkeyDustsamthewildone  wallch21:50
rwwubottu: bug 134971521:50
ubottubug 1349715 in ubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu hashes for 14.04.1 missing on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134971521:50
samthewildonepretty heavy program for something so simple as wall changing.21:52
BaLLoNscusate sono nuovo non sto capendo niente21:53
k1l!it | BaLLoN21:53
ubottuBaLLoN: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:53
=== AlphaBetb is now known as AlphaBeta
BaLLoNok grazie21:53
tiblockHi. Is there soure codes for Unity DE? Or its not opensource?21:59
trismtiblock: https://code.launchpad.net/unity22:00
tiblocktrism, thank you22:00
MonkeyDusttiblock  try this first, see what it says: sudo apt-get source unity --simulate22:02
tiblockMonkeyDust, found it here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/files22:02
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m1dnight_hey guys, i'm having some issues on my linux server. When I do ll or tab completion (last time was tab complete on ssh (for the service)) it takes ages22:06
m1dnight_(when it was freezing i created a new session in putty and that too, hanged22:06
m1dnight_how can i debug such a thing?22:07
Loshkim1dnight_: can you get to the server console?22:08
m1dnight_it's a VM, sure22:08
m1dnight_I can't reproduce it though. It's like something is going to sleep but then it wakes up and it works.22:08
kermiti just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and rebooted, but its still running kernel 3.2, why?22:08
k1l_kermit: what gives you "lsb_release -d"?22:09
m1dnight_oh, I see a lot of strange stuff here now, Loshki22:09
Loshkim1dnight_: you need some kind of logging on the server? Please define "strange"?22:09
m1dnight_exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr action 0x6 frozen22:09
k1l_m1dnight_: see dmesg and syslog if there is some hints whats going on22:09
samthewildoneSo I'm using gnome session flashback but, the "alt + tab" key does not work. Is there a way I can enable it to switch between applications ?22:10
m1dnight_let me screenshot it, because I can't copy paste, okay?22:10
samthewildoneThis is a feature I use heavily.22:10
Timotyubuntu web irc is down22:10
kermitk1l_: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS22:10
rwwTimoty: what do you mean by "Ubuntu web irc"?22:11
k1l_SK1N_H34D: please stop that. keep this channel clear for real ubuntu support22:11
Timotyokay it's okay22:11
k1l_kermit: is the linux-image-generic package installed?22:11
rwwah. for future reference, that's a freenode service, not an Ubuntu one ;)22:11
johncaTimoty: I might be able to help, what would you like to get working?22:12
Timotyno it's okay John22:12
samthewildonenever mind I got it22:12
Loshkim1dnight_: meanwhile, I see google hits for " Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr action 0x6 frozen" and they're not pretty...22:12
m1dnight_http://i.imgur.com/XQMBVJs.png <- this is what I see in the terminal of the VM without a login.22:12
TimotyIt's working now. It's like the server was down22:12
m1dnight_i'll check dmesg now22:12
m1dnight_aaand here we go again :p22:13
m1dnight_it's freezing when I create a session in tmux22:13
m1dnight_ill check it out, thnx Loshki22:13
rwwtl;dr: hard drive failure imminent22:13
eeeei'm trying to kill a process, rhythmbox , pkill rhythm, kill -9 <pid> nothing is working22:13
johncaeeee: do ps -ef|grep rhyth22:14
Loshkim1dnight_: in principle, it's a message about slow responding disks. What that actually means on a vm running lord knows where physically, is less clear...22:14
johncaeeee: don't forget to sudo22:14
johncahahahaa eeee just quit, must have killed the wrong process22:15
johncaeeee what happened :)22:15
eeeejohnca: i see it there, kill -9 <pid> isn't working22:15
eeeejohnca: i tried to kill the pid next to it's pid22:15
Loshkim1dnight_: what rww said...22:15
eeeelol :)22:15
mekhamican someone help me with setting up my dual boot laptop22:16
mekhamiit keeps failing and i can't figure out why22:16
eeeejohnca: nope, still there22:16
eeeemekhami: failing how?22:16
johncado 'which rhythmbox'22:16
mekhamiwell let me walk you through my steps22:16
mekhamii'm booting it from my usb22:16
eeeejohnca: /usr/bin/rhythmbox22:17
mekhamii select install ubuntu from the menu22:17
mekhamii walk through the steps selecting 'erase disk contents and install ubuntu'22:17
mekhamithen it installs, prompts me to restart which i do22:17
eeeemekhami: 1 sec, why are you installing ubuntu first?22:17
mekhamiwhy not?22:17
eeeemekhami: ok, continue22:17
eeeewindows will eat grub again22:17
mekhamithat seems to be the problem22:18
rwwmekhami: because ubuntu handles an existing Windows setup a lot better than Windows handles an existing Ubuntu setup22:18
mekhamiwhen i reboot the hard drive doesn't read22:18
mekhamiit had (has?) windows 8 on it22:18
ubuntu_newbiegud am everybody, cud u help me out on how to download movies just like IDM in windows? tnx a lot22:18
mekhamibut i probably fucked something up somewhere22:18
m1dnight_http://pastebin.com/cSNHdMxh <-- dmesg says the same thing :) I'll go figure it out. I have a week to do so :p22:18
johncaeeee: do sudo lsof /usr/bin/rhythmbox22:18
mekhamiso now all i want to do is reformat the entire hard drive and boot ubuntu22:18
mekhamiwell, dual boot ubuntu and windows 7 which i have a disc for22:19
eeeerhythmbox 25624    e txt    REG    8,5    10496 918274 /usr/bin/rhythmbox22:19
johncaif that doesnt work eeee, try restarting your desktop manager22:19
johnca(gdm, lightdm, etc022:20
eeeemekhami: did you switch to legacy?22:20
mekhamiboot setting?22:22
eeeeyeah, windows 8 is uefi22:22
eeeeand uses a efi partition22:22
eeeejohnca: ok22:22
mekhamibtw the error is Reboot and select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot Device and press a key22:22
mekhamiso yeah22:23
mekhamiokay i'll switch it to csm22:23
SK1N_H34Dhmm... grub rescue22:23
mekhamii get the same error22:23
mekhamiafter switching to CSM22:23
eeeejohnca: nevermind, it's a bug22:24
mekhamiso what do i need to do to fix this22:25
m1dnight_does it make sense to check my smart data in a VM?22:25
m1dnight_I don't think it does :p22:25
eeeemekhami: are you installing ubuntu in uefi mode? if so, you'll need an efi partition22:26
SK1N_H34Dbut, that is can entry on shell ??22:26
eeeemekhami: or install win7 and ubuntu both in legacy mode22:26
mekhamiokay eeee let's say i'm installing ubuntu in csm mode now22:26
mekhamican you help me set up the partitions cause i don't know really anything about file systems22:26
SK1N_H34Dmekhami : you can change configure in bios22:26
SK1N_H34Duefi > efi22:26
pfsense_rookiemekhami, read ubuntu manual pls.22:27
mekhamipfsense_rookie, go fuck yourself pls22:27
SK1N_H34Dyou can search on google..22:27
SK1N_H34Dhow to change system uefi to efi..22:27
k1l_mekhami: no need for insulting and swearing in here, thanks22:27
eeeemekhami: legacy mode with gpt i seem to recall needs a 1MB bios partition to work22:28
Timoty<img src="apples.jpeg">22:28
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:28
Timotyerror message22:28
k1l_mekhami: see this ^. and ask specific questions in here if something is still unclear22:28
Loshkim1dnight_: not in the vm, but somewhere there's an actual disk underneath it all (it can't be turtles *all* the way down). That disk is the one you need to check...22:28
m1dnight_Loshki: I think I've had a facepalm moment22:29
Loshkim1dnight_: from something I said?22:29
m1dnight_The VM is running on an external HDD connected to my server. Something tells me that disk is psinning down.22:29
Loshkim1dnight_: if you're lucky, all you're seeing is pauses while it spins up to speed. If not, you have a bad drive...22:30
m1dnight_I know that's *bad*, but I was planning on buying 2 disks that fit all my data to put in the server. Now i have too many..22:30
m1dnight_The smart data for the drive is not that bad, but not good either.22:30
m1dnight_A lot of reallocated seector count22:30
Loshkim1dnight_: those backups you always meant to do, do them now...22:32
m1dnight_Loshki: I have set up those last week :) 1 offsite, 1 on a dedicated disk (both encrypted)22:32
Loshkim1dnight_: fine, time to replace that disk, it's now good only for scratch space...22:33
m1dnight_Indeed. I've had it for a while now. Time to replace all my disks by 2 new ones. 5TB is "not so expensive"22:33
=== banister is now known as banisterfiend
Loshkim1dnight_: don't get me started: note that the larger the drive the more they seem to have quality issues...22:36
m1dnight_Note: This is a permanent feature of most of our external hard drives and cannot be disabled. WD externals that include WD SmartWare 1.6.X can use the software to change and/or disable this feature.22:37
m1dnight_well, that is <jeremy clarkson voice>stupid</jeremy clarkson voice>22:37
m1dnight_Loshki: Do you have any URL for that?22:38
m1dnight_https://www.backblaze.com/blog/category/storage-pod/ <-- This is all I have tbh22:39
m1dnight_about halfway the article they show stats about their drives. (didnt find any permalink)22:39
ubuntu_newbiehow to download movies here in ubuntu just like IDM in windows? tnx guys22:43
squintyubuntu_newbie,   minitube for standalone app or web browers addons like Video Downloadhelper in Firefox (maybe Chrome/Chromium too)22:46
byonicHey guys! I’m trying to install ubuntu, but everything seems to lock up when I open any sort of window. I’m not sure where to begin troubleshooting :/22:47
Bashing-ombyonic: unclear, is the stall in the install process, or do you have ubuntu installed and non-functional ?22:49
byonicBashing-om: its in the install process22:50
ubuntu_newbietnx squinty ill try that first22:50
Bashing-ombyonic: how far did you get ? Where in the parocess is the stall ? ( graphics releated ?) ..22:51
Valarkin_is there any feeling so glorious as finally beating a problem that has stymied you for a fortnight?22:52
neldogzDoes anyone have a recommendation on best way to image a hard disk to save it as a backup?22:53
Bashing-omValarkin_: Makes one feel good all over, not even 'dove' can come close !22:53
Valarkin_I'm floating :D22:53
ObrienDaveneldogz, clonezilla will give you an exact image22:53
eeeeneldogz: i think you have to dd the zero's to a file, delete it, then dd it22:53
byonicBashing-om: It’s right after the first dialog window after selecting to download and install updates and choosing to install proprietary software22:54
=== phillips1013 is now known as phillips1012
Bashing-ombyonic: Not good, know good 'wired' internet connection ?22:54
neldogzdd seems to be difficult for me to use22:55
neldogzObrienDave, thanks I will give CloneZilla a try :)22:55
ObrienDaveneldogz, it works best if you install clonezilla live to a USB stick22:56
neldogzObrienDave, thanks, that is exactly what I will do22:56
mekhamiany idea why gparted is not letting me resize my partition? it says min size and max size are the same?22:56
squintybyonic,  might want to try doing the main install first (without checking the "download updates while installing") first and then doing the updates after the main installation/reboot has finished.22:57
byonicBashing-om: I’m on a wired connection. But I think its a different issue, I’m able to browse the internet. I get another stall opening the software center.22:58
byonicsquinty: I’ll try that22:58
jiohdianyone know if anyone ever fixed wubi so that it does not take our your whole system after the first update?22:58
ObrienDavewubi needs to die a slow, painful death22:59
jiohdiif no one has fixed it, I agree22:59
Bashing-omjiohdi: IF uefi WUBI no workie anyway .. and also WUBI is no longer supported . Good luck,22:59
jiohdiI just bought a win7 machine it should not have uefi23:00
squintymekhami,  running gparted from the live usb/dvd?  if no, might want to try that.23:00
Bashing-omjiohdi: Most Win7 are not UEFI, some are - later ones may have UEFI .23:01
jiohdithis is a refurbished one23:01
jiohdiI am hoping23:01
jiohdino uefu23:01
k1l_jiohdi: step away from wubi. make a real install23:02
jiohdiI worry that a real install will void the warrentee I have heard stories23:02
Bashing-omjiohdi: You can find out by typing "bcdedit" in a Windows Administrator Command Prompt window.23:02
k1l_jiohdi: that is just FUD23:03
jiohdiFUD. Scottish slang term meaning pussy, vagina, muff,23:05
k1l_jiohdi: no, i was referring to that common term: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt23:06
esseks_jiohdi, some producers used to void the warranty when OS was reinstalled/changed, but nobody does that anymore. It's actually impossible and unreasonable to enforce that policy. Really, serious OEMs like Lenovo will let you keep the HDD while they fix the PC.23:07
jiohdiwell if I bork the system I am planning full tilt ubuntu anyways23:08
netlaropps entered my password, sorry, don't anyone look ok23:14
Raydiationhow gnome is ubuntu gnome? is it close to fedora/arch?23:15
Raydiationdoes it still ship with all the weird logind fix stuff?23:15
rwwit uses GNOME as its desktop environment, just like Fedora.23:15
k1l_Raydiation: it tries to be near the vanilla gnome23:15
rwwRaydiation: it uses systemd-shim, because Ubuntu doesn't use systemd yet.23:15
Raydiationah ok, thats what i wanted to know thanks :)23:15
Raydiationwhen is that supposed to be dropped?23:16
rwwbefore 16.0423:16
rwwnot 14.1023:16
rwwmight be 15.04 or 15.10, i dunno23:16
Raydiationi see, thanks23:16
k1l_there is a lot of work to be done to shift to systemd. that will take some more time23:16
Raydiationshould pretty much work out of the box if they use debians efforts23:17
k1l_Raydiation: well, debian needs some time, too23:17
rwwDebian works with systemd just fine.23:17
rwwRaydiation: Debian's going from sysvinit to systemd, which is relatively easy because systemd can interpret sysvinit scripts.23:18
rwwRaydiation: Ubuntu is going from upstart to systemd.23:18
rwwso all the custom hackery in various upstart scripts needs to be redone. hence, time.23:18
Raydiationah right23:19
Raydiationanything new about the MIR stuff?23:19
rwwnot really. there's an ubuntu-next daily ISO that includes it, if you want to play with it23:20
rwwhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/current/ (heavily unstable, stick to USB boot and don't actually install it, etc)23:20
k1l_the main focus for MIR is phone/tablet so far.23:20
rwwyep. especially with the RTM date for Ubuntu Phone coming up23:21
k1l_yes. i think afterwards they will inlcude the focus to the desktop23:21
Raydiationrww: isnt the daily build the next beta?23:22
rwwRaydiation: no, you're thinking of http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:22
rwwubuntu-desktop-next is the codename they're using for the Mir preview spins23:22
ubuntu-studiomay i ask you some question?23:23
zeltincan there be an uneven amount of pixels in one direction?23:23
Raydiationzeltin: yes23:24
ubuntu-studiowhen i install my studio, it occur error 523:24
ubuntu-studioand my installation crashed23:24
Raydiationzeltin: 1377x780px for instance23:24
m1dnight_ubuntu phone is coming soon? \o/23:26
ubuntu-studioand my studio version is 14.04.1 lts23:27
cos[x]please have better commercials than amazon has for its fire phone23:27
Raydiationubuntu-studio: your question is not very helpful23:27
rwwcos[x]: that's up to the individual OEMs preparing phones with Ubuntu on them :)23:28
rwwCanonical itself isn't in the phone hardware business.23:28
k1l_ubuntu-studio: was it a cd/dvd or usb-drive? did you check the md5 checksum?23:28
k1l_ubuntu-studio: see if that helps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65830/errno-5-input-output-error-when-trying-to-install23:30
ubuntu-studioi will have a try23:31
LegalActionHi hi hi all23:34
netlarWill I need to do a fresh install for 16.04 from 14.04 because of Mir?23:34
k1l_netlar: no.23:34
k1l_netlar: and i bet the "old" xserver will be available for some time even after this23:35
netlark1l_: Oh so Mir will just be added23:35
netlark1l_: So some applications will still need xorg?23:36
k1l_netlar: for legacy reasons yes. but just dont be to afraid of that change23:37
netlark1l_: I am using the open source video driver, that will be supported under Mir right?23:38
k1l_netlar: the xorg drivers like we have now will change with the new wayland/mir anyway23:39
netlark1l_: I am not worried, really, I absolutely love Ubuntu, it is a great OS23:40
netlark1l_: Just AMD irritates me is all, their video driver is crap, but the open source driver works perfectly, so screw them23:41
rwwusing "crap" to describe fglrx is an insult to poop everywhere23:41
* rww sticks to the open source one too23:41
netlarrww: Sorry no insult indented to poop23:42
netlarrww: Is the development on the Gallium driver pretty active?23:43
rwwnetlar: I haven't been paying attention recently, but development on radeon in general seems to be nice and active these days.23:43
netlarrww: I only have one video issue, and that is with Google Chrome23:44
netlarrww: Has some screen tearing when I resize the window, just a small annoyance23:44
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest20905
Guest20905On LiveCD trying to get back into my Luks crypt /home folder23:46
Guest20905I get as far as cryptsetup   but i get a "No key available with this passphrase."23:47
Guest20905 sudo cryptsetup -v luksOpen /dev/sda5 sda_crypt23:48
Guest20905No key available with this passphrase.23:48
Guest20905Is there anyone even on here ?23:49
ReadySetWaitGuest20905: I'm here :)23:50
k1l_there are, but maybe they are just not familiar with encryption23:50
eeeeGuest20905: are you following a guide?23:53
john__I want to pull out a one minute clip from a movie I have on my hard disk drive. It's x.264; What is simple/reasonable software that I can download to do this task (in the opinion of whomever chooses to answer)?23:55
eeeejohn__: openshot is nice23:55
DaZi'd use ffmpeg :v23:55
john__I want a gui, with clicking/dragging23:56
john__although I won't be surprised if openshot uses ffmpeg underneath, since nearly everyone else does too23:57
Faeriehad a little question about intel optimus support in 14.10, someone knows about it ?23:58
blackangelprFaerie, http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=nvidia_prime_ubuntu1404&num=123:59
mJaykFaerie, im using it now23:59

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