
Unit193knome: Considering perhaps http://paste.openstack.org/show/cZed8nUINAyyEi0HxMKP/06:55
bluesabreupdated gtk-theme-config (with translations) pushed12:42
bluesabreupdated xubuntu-default-settings with drag-workspaces enabled and classic menu fixes pushed12:42
knomeUnit193, looks good to me13:03
elfyknome - started a pad for later - http://pad.ubuntu.com/trackers13:08
Unit193Benefit is  make test  will fail if validation fails.13:12
eric_the_idiotNoskcaj, do you have a deadline for a new xfdesktop release date?14:35
ochosibluesabre: wow, awesome MR from andrew15:32
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
knomegood morning pleia2!15:58
* pleia2 yawns and grumps16:01
knomeback in 2 mins.16:01
* elfy is floating about 16:04
pleia2shall we make an etherpad to collect a bug list?16:05
pleia2reading backscroll ftw16:06
knomehuh, and sorry16:07
knomeok, so16:08
knomei made some comments on the pad already16:08
elfyyep - I added one 16:08
knomere: that comment16:09
knomei think it would be generally a good idea that the "history" page was a blank "search page" when opened16:09
knomeso *no* default loading from the database16:09
knomethen you could also use non-default filters16:10
knomei usually filter out everything else then xubuntu, but i might want to search for xubuntu and studio16:10
knomeanother question16:11
knomei guess elfy might be able to answer this...16:11
elfyindeed - I'd generally be wanting say Xubuntu, this month, arch16:11
knomewhat's the difference between the "defect summary" and the bug list(s) in the history?16:11
knomeIF ONLY that site was running with some code i understand..16:12
elfydefects summary includes everything that is currently testable - precise/trusty/utopic16:13
knomeso the bug lists in the history is a partial grep of the defects summary?16:14
knomewith the information about which *builds* the bugs are filed against16:14
elfyhang on - which history are you talking about here ?16:15
knomedefects summary: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/reports/defects16:15
knomehistory: "see removed and superseded builds too"16:15
elfyright 16:15
elfyyea - as I said :)16:15
knomebecause i'm sure showing the bug lists on that view slows it down by far16:16
elfyjust don't know where you are getting the history bug list 16:16
knomethe history shows the bug lists per build16:16
knomethe bug icons16:16
elfyok - I thought there was a list I'd never found 16:17
elfyright so - difference is as I said - for sure now :p16:17
knomedo you think we *need* the bug icons for each build in the history?16:17
elfywell I use them 16:18
elfynot as often as I would if it didn't take a week to load though :p16:18
elfyI'd refer back to last beta at the next one for instance16:18
knomei dislike the bug icon lists generally...16:18
knomei would very happily remove them and even replace with something else16:19
knomebut on the history page... i don't know what would be a sane choice16:19
elfywell - it's useful to see the number of critical bugs against a particular bug - and it's quick to scan red icons16:19
elfys/particular build16:20
pleia2well, on pages where you don't actually need to read the bugs I can see value16:21
knomeeven then it could be *one* icon that opens a tooltip with a list of bugs16:21
knomein some tabular form16:21
elfythe majority of the time mouseover bug is sufficient to trigger memory16:21
elfyand the majority of issues anyone is likely to have will go if you know you're only seeing things you want to - eg xubuntu for us16:22
knomeyes? :)16:24
elfyif defects summary could be filtered then you'd not need so much on the history imo16:24
* pleia2 nods16:24
knomei'd rather see a list of all bugs16:24
knomethen a column that tells how many builds it affects16:25
elfyI go to history preferentially - because of that 16:25
knomethat sounds like changing the db structure or doing expensive queries though16:25
elfydefect summary is a pain unless you've got some idea of bug desc or package16:25
knomemaybe we need to file a bug against the defects summary page instead :)16:26
elfyI was looking for one the other day - didn't find it until I'd found the thing elsewhere and new the number16:26
knomeactually, i'd really like all of the bug lists to be like that16:27
knomeeven in the testcase pages16:27
knomethat's SO much better than the bug icons16:27
knomeand since all the data is loaded and output ANYWAY, it doesn't really make sense to hide the data16:27
elfyso how would you deal with the bugs listed there on the testcase page 16:28
knomejust list them the same way as in the defects summary16:28
elfynecessarily if it isn't an icon you're going to need to go elsewhere16:28
knomeand i would make the columns sortable.16:29
knomemaybe i need to do a PoC16:29
elfyif there was a way for the tracker to recognise that I was on xubuntu testcase and aren't interested in kylin bugs16:29
pleia2knome: ++16:29
knomeelfy, though you might16:29
elfymmm 16:30
knomei guess the OPTIMAL situation was16:30
knomeonly show bugs that are reported against the current product16:30
knomeand then a link that says "Show all bugs"16:30
elfyI can just see a page with bugs listed - even if you could sort them - going to be a long list and long page16:30
knomethat asynchronosly loaded the rest16:30
knomeelfy, to me, that's better than the bugs list now16:30
knomeand as i proposed in the pad16:31
knomethere should be a button to add to the critical bugs/bugs list16:31
knomeso you could practically go through the list16:31
knomeand clickety-click16:31
pleia2right now it's very awkward x_x16:31
elfythat would work it seems16:31
* knome checks the tracker code16:32
elfypleia2: if you don't know the bug numbers and are dipping in and out - which the majority of people do - I would agree16:33
pleia2even if you know the bug numbers, I don't want to type it :)16:34
elfywell I don't clear stuff on this browser - so I tend to have groups of bug numbers in there - and I just start typing and bob IS my uncle - there is the group of bugs I need to report again ;)16:35
pleia2you are a testing machine16:35
elfynot so much this cycle 16:36
pleia2anyway, yeah, a newcomer won't have that, and I didn't so much16:36
elfya *list* on the tracker page would work better 16:36
knomehrr hrr.16:37
pleia2a list, then you click on the + button to add it to the bugs list16:37
elfyfiltering on defect summary would be awesome - more awesomer than history - but history still needs it16:37
elfyso a new bug for the defect summary so far 16:38
knomeand we probably need a new bug for the testcase pages as well16:39
knometo use the bug table instead of the bug icons16:40
elfyI mean ... 16:41
elfydefect summary has bugs for Precise Alpha 1 on it ... 16:42
elfyand one of those goes back to natty lol16:42
elfydefects summary - small issue - but what do the column title mean16:45
elfyI guess com is comments, sub is subscribed, dup duplicates16:47
elfywouldn't bug heat be more useful than knowing who many comments there were 16:47
knomeor simply the status16:48
elfyand what use is dupes if there's nothing to say which dupes16:48
knomewell, you can go to LP and look16:48
elfydupe adds heat anyway16:48
elfyas does subscribers 16:48
knomei agree showing heat would be better than showing those columns16:48
knomesame with the bug tooltips16:49
elfyI'm happy to do the bugs for this - but for defect summary - 1 bug with a list? seperate bugs for each issue?16:50
knomei'd say just one bug is enough16:51
knomeonce you've filed the bugs, i can comment/edit the descriptions :)16:51
knomei mean, to fill in details16:51
elfyha ha ha 16:52
elfydoes that cover defects summary and testcase report 16:54
pleia2what else?16:56
elfynot thinking of anything else16:57
pleia2I think the etherpad pretty well describes the issues I've been having16:57
pleia2separately, would be nice to add some bug reporting tips to some of our testcases16:58
pleia2we can do that though :)16:58
pleia2most new people will have no idea what ubiquity is, for instance16:59
pleia2so adding some tips around installer instructions with "if you find a bug here, submit bug against ubiquity"16:59
pleia2I still find the bug reporting to be the hardest part of the process :\16:59
elfypleia2: so do I ;)17:00
* pleia2 just comes in here and asks17:01
elfythough tbh my pet hate are people who mark an install testcase as failed because they've got an issue with a package somewhere17:01
pleia2well, to be fair, there isn't great documentation about what passed/failed means afaik17:01
pleia2maybe some info about that in the tracker too!17:02
elfypleia2: so a bit of expansion on problems encountered ...  list?17:02
pleia2well, more like an info clicky thing on each of the fields in the tracekr17:02
pleia2I know there's a bug out there for "Hardware profile"17:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1017207 in Ubuntu QA Website "Clarify what a "URL to the hardware profile" is in tracker" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:03
pleia2so pretty much that for all of them17:03
elfypleia2: saw that this morning when I was looking at the list - I never ever use that thing17:03
elfyofficially - if something doesn't do EXACTLY as the testcase says it should be a fail17:04
pleia2sure, *I* know that :)17:05
elfyany lubuntu/xubuntu/ubuntu test at the moment should be a Fail as they all have the cangraphical-=no issue :)17:05
elfyif you do it via vbox at least 17:05
pleia2is there a writeup anywhere about what these fields mean?17:06
elfyhard to know what to write - people have failed installs because the box with the writing goes full screen width 17:06
pleia2or should we write them and voluntell knome to make a patch to link to descriptions17:06
bluesabreochosi: indeed, we should test it out and see if there are any glaring issues17:06
pleia2(or if it doesn't seem important, ok, but it can be tricky to know what each field means for new folks and this seems like an easy-ish one to fix)17:07
elfypleia2: I'm not even sure how to go about it - I'd pass for things other people would fail critically17:07
pleia2yeah, that seems like a problem17:07
elfyand then is the fail because it's a fail, or because the testcase is not quite right17:08
knomepleia2, aha :)17:09
pleia2knome: <317:09
knomepleia2, any idea what " URL: depends on the underlying entry " means on the LP api?17:10
knomehow do i figure out the URL?17:10
pleia2lp api lol17:10
pleia2so no, not so much17:10
pleia2its error messages always confound me17:10
pleia2knome: so, think you can draw me some pretty pictures to show balloons this week re: defects/reports17:13
knomeno idea17:14
knomewhen do you meet him?17:14
pleia2we're doing a presentation together on Thursday at Ubucon, but I'm sure I'll be seeing him Thurs-Saturday17:15
pleia2haven't firmed up a time to chat QA yet17:15
knomethen probably17:15
knomebut... no hard promises17:15
pleia2I'll do my best to describe if I have no visual aids :)17:15
pleia2alright, if we're done here it's time for me to go out for a run17:19
elfyhave fun pleia2 - thanks :)17:19
pleia2thanks :)17:20
* knome facepalms17:23
elfyknome: go for your life bug 136657917:23
ubottubug 1366579 in Ubuntu QA Website "Defects Summary enhancements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136657917:23
elfyripped the testcase page stuff from the pad :)17:29
elfybug 136658117:31
ubottubug 1366581 in Ubuntu QA Website "Testcase Report page enhancements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136658117:31
elfybiab 17:31
knomejson for all critical bugs filed against trusty and reported in the iso tracker17:48
knomedoesn't take long to grep that list17:49
knomeif we only had tags for products and builds, we could create our own lists17:49
knomebuilds would be overkill, granted...17:49
knomebut product would be good17:50
brainwashbluesabre: you didn't add a comment to bug 1357090 yet, are you maybe confused by the comments like I am? this whole report is just meh18:26
ubottubug 1357090 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Black screen on resume in Xubuntu 14.04.1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135709018:26
brainwashblack screen on lid close.. black screen on logout.. :D18:29

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