
=== Sachiru is now known as Guest27942
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
urielvigilantI upgraded my Lubuntu from 13.10 to 14.04 with out new install. This is bad ?03:09
urielvigilantNow that iam with 14.04 i need a clean install from 14.04.1 to stay on top of quality ? Same to 14.10 when it comes out ?03:10
absk007how insert unicode character in sublime text using lubuntu?04:00
ianorlinabsk007: one way is copy it from gucharmap04:02
ianorlinand then paste it04:02
absk007ianorlin, uninstalled it. I don't wanna copy paste. I wanna type it04:02
=== Sachiru is now known as Guest83073
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
qwetyuHi. I can't do anymore updates via Synaptic. The error message tells me the server cannot be found, however the servers work perfectly just not with Synaptic.18:18
tewardany reason that Lubuntu 14.04 x86 is constantly asking for the PW to auth to the WPA2 enterprise environment it logs into?22:28
ianorlinnot enough testers WPA2 enterprise environment22:44
tewardianorlin, it doesn't do this in the other variants, though, just Lubuntu :/22:45
tewardi mean, I don't MIND entering my password every time, but....22:45
ianorlinLXDE has its only polkit for this22:45
tewardwell, that's that then.22:53
tewardnew question: can gpg-agent be used with LXDE or is there a specific variant of gpg-agent I need to install?22:53
=== rez is now known as Guest69055

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