=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu === tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson [06:50] Good morning. === rperier_ is now known as rperier [07:31] !ninjas | KF5 5.2 [07:31] KF5 5.2: Ninja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy [07:32] hmm, must get sgclark onto that list [07:32] Tm_T: can you remove smartboyhw, murthy and add sgclark? [07:35] :) [10:04] shadeslayer_: sddm maint scripts seem bugged as dpkg-reconfigure does not bring up debconf [10:07] ubottu: ~ninjas [10:07] Ninja Time! apachelogger, debfx, JontheEchidna, Quintasan, Riddell, ScottK, yofel, smartboyhw, murthy [10:07] bah [10:13] Riddell: updated [10:13] lovely thanks Tm_T [10:13] needed to show it who's the boss first [10:21] Riddell: What do I ssh into to get the tarballs (I was going to do kapidox)? [10:22] ScottK: ftpubuntu@depot.kde.org [10:23] yofel: I think my pubkey needs updating. Can you grab the one off LP (~kitterman) and put it in authorized keys. [10:24] ScottK: but wait, someone should first run the script first, then you'll have the source in the PPA anyway [10:24] I'll update your key though [10:24] -first [10:24] Thanks. [10:24] Thing is, I have time to deal with it now. Later today, I won't. [10:25] hm.... well, we can just take it out of the script run [10:25] ScottK: try now [10:26] yofel: Perfect. Thanks. [10:41] yofel: I got kapidox, so go ahead and take it out of the script run. [11:21] apachelogger: yeah I know [11:21] apachelogger: I broke them [11:21] need to fix [11:42] Hey folks [11:45] apachelogger: btw /etc/apport/native-origins.d/ === rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter === rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter [13:40] Is anybody else getting certificate expiration notices on api.opendesktop.org? [13:53] manchicken: yes, looks like it expired today [13:54] Okay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't caching or something. [14:12] shadeslayer_: origins? [14:12] what? [14:13] oh dang I forgot about the gdb issue again [14:13] gnah [14:17] manchicken: you use api.opendesktop.org? [14:29] apachelogger: crash reporting [14:30] I am not following [14:30] apachelogger: you can whitelist PPA's by putting a file in that folder [14:32] what are you talking about? [14:34] he just said something abot ppa crash reports on errors.u.c === kubotu_ is now known as kubotu [16:38] Is there some new desktop tab thing with latest updates to 14.10? Like, in this screenshot http://i.imgur.com/TPALEB8.jpg note on top left ... [16:46] Ah, sorry, somehow theme got changed from what I normally use ( Oxygen) [19:09] hi! even though akademy is running, maybe someone has tried booting 14.10 beta1/daily isos in virtualbox? doesn't work for me. ends up with a corrupted guest screen. [19:59] I this a good place to ask about the kubuntu-backports ppa for trusty? [20:26] rberg_, backports are no longer a ppa on 14.04 afaik [20:28] BluesKaj: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports has kde 4.14.0 for trusty.. so I guess I meant to ask about kubuntu-ppa/backports [20:30] rberg_, guess I've had the backports in the soureces,list for so long i forgot they were originaly ppas :) [20:30] I am finding this version of kmail syncs my email almost constantly. this causes long delays while "Retrieving Folder Contents" before displaying my email [20:50] plasma5 get hot new stuff says "loading of providers from file: http://download.kde.org/ocs/providers.xml failed" [20:51] i guess the real error is, that the only service listed here currently lacks a valid ssl certificate