
Kilosmorning Squirm  StonedAlchemist  Trixar_za  Xethron  and others05:53
StonedAlchemistMorning kilos05:53
StonedAlchemistHow are you?05:53
Kilosnot too bad ty and you?05:54
Kilosjust an unhappy head05:54
StonedAlchemistEh not bad I suppose.05:54
Trixar_zaMorning Kilos05:56
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  06:38
Kiloslo nuvolari_  waar is jy nou07:08
nuvolari_ek is in die kaap oom07:09
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
nuvolariwel, by die werk07:10
Kilosek wens jou alle voorspoed me die nuwe werk seun07:10
inetprogoeie more07:28
Kiloshi inetpro  07:28
bdukMore almal07:32
Kiloshi bduk  07:32
nuvolaridankie oom Kilos 07:53
Kiloseks bly jy kan darem irc doen07:53
Kilosohi superfly  07:54
superflyhi Kilos08:09
Kiloshi Cantide  08:45
Cantidehello :p08:46
Cantidedinner time here..08:46
Cantidesoooooooooooooooooo hungry08:46
Cantidei need to cook some South African food... if only i had the ingredients >_<08:46
Cantidewhat are you up to, oom Kilos ?08:46
Kilosdont they have mealie meal08:46
Cantidei need to go shopping i think .-.08:47
Kilosmake pap and fry onions and tomato for gravy08:47
Cantideright now i'm just cooking rice and some processed stew08:47
Kilosim just parking off and doing some gardening in between08:47
Cantidei wish i had a garden ._.08:48
Kilosrice is good if you are chinese but za peeps need pap as well08:48
Cantidei like rice :)08:51
Cantideyeah, pap would be good08:51
ThatGraemeGuymake biltong08:51
ThatGraemeGuyand potjie08:51
ThatGraemeGuymmmmmmmm potjie08:51
Cantidethose are a bit tough in my tiny apartment08:51
Cantidecan't make fire anywhere ._.08:51
bdukDont you peeps got work or something to do08:51
ThatGraemeGuyyou make biltong using fire? :-o08:52
ThatGraemeGuyand you can make potjie on gas08:52
Cantidei meant for the potjie08:52
Cantideno work here - 5 day weekend :)08:52
ThatGraemeGuynormally unforgivable but we can allow it in emergencies08:52
Cantidei can buy biltong - much easier08:53
Cantidecan't get a pot or make fire.. .so potjie .____.08:53
Cantidebrb, rice is done08:53
inetpropotjie? Eish! 09:00
* inetpro very hungry now09:00
* Cantide is eating now09:01
KilosCantide  you can make potjie in a slow cooker as well09:07
Kilosthey must have slow cookers there09:08
Cantidei'd have to buy one09:08
Kilosthey cant cost too much there09:08
Kilosvery handy machine that, start it just before bed and eat lunchtime09:08
Kilosand supper and next day09:09
Cantideor make it so i can control it from my phone09:16
Cantidethen i can just start cooking at the right time, no matter where i am09:16
ThatGraemeGuyyou laugh, that isn't as far-fetched as you think09:23
ThatGraemeGuyshould prove pretty simple using a few basic arduino bits09:24
Cantidei've been playing with arduino lately09:40
Cantidegot two unos lying around now09:40
charlmorning all09:44
charlMaaz: coffee on09:44
* Maaz puts the kettle on09:44
charlhi Cantide 09:48
charlhow are you doing09:48
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!09:48
charlMaaz: thanks09:48
Maazcharl: No problem09:48
Kiloshi charl  09:50
Cantidecharl, pretty good - i have a 5 day weekend :D09:52
Cantidewhat about you?09:52
Kiloshi Joe_knock  09:53
charlCantide: nice ! i'm also doing well09:57
Joe_knockcharl you're a long way from ZA. which part of Europe are you in?10:22
charlJoe_knock: NL10:38
charlnothing is "a long way" on the internet though :P10:39
charlit's about 100ms away :P10:39
Kiloshi somaunn  11:03
Kilosi go eat now11:03
somaunnhello Guys11:03
somaunnWhoa good Kilos 11:05
somaunni have a question here11:05
somaunneverytime i browse the web for some reason i get redirected to gen.xyz11:05
somaunnwhat does it mean ?11:05
somaunni didn't experienced that with fedora11:06
somaunnbut now Ubuntu is giving that ***** stuff which i can't find the fix on google11:06
Kilosusing firefox somaunn  ?11:24
somaunnyes, Kilos 11:26
Kilosis that the only browser you have installed11:26
Kilosmethinks try another browser and if it also does it then its not the fox thats corrupt11:27
KilosMaaz  google opera browser for ubuntu11:27
MaazKilos: "OperaBrowser - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu Documentation" https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser :: "Download Opera browser - Opera Software" http://www.opera.com/download :: "Opera Web Browser | Faster & safer | Download the new Internet ..." http://www.opera.com/download/linux :: "Install Opera Web browser in Ubuntu11:27
Maaz13.04/12.10/12.04/11.10/Linux ..." http://www.noobslab.com/2013/04/install-opera-web-browser-in-ubuntu.html ::…11:27
somaunnopera ??? i don't really like opera 11:33
somaunni'm considering using chrome even if i prefer firefox11:33
somaunnthe integrated ubuntu browser doesn't seems to work11:33
Kilostry epipany then11:34
Kilosit is alot like the fox if i remember right11:34
Kilosim not a chrome fan 11:34
Joe_knockNobody should use chrome. Chromium is the "safer" option.11:35
Joe_knockWhich ubuntu are you using? somaunn 11:35
somaunnepiphany ??? it's gnome web browser right ?11:35
Kilosepiphany should be in the repos11:35
somaunnhi Joe_knock thank you will go for chromium11:36
somaunnJoe_knock, ubuntu 14.0411:36
Joe_knockI have some other browser installed when chromium died on me. It's lightweight.11:36
Kilosapt-get install epiphany11:36
Joe_knockWhat exactly is happening when you say "I am being redirected to gen.xyz"?11:36
Kilossorry apt-get install epiphany-browser11:37
Kilosotherwise you get epiphany game11:38
somaunncase: trying to access a link from google.com search result by right clicking > open in a tab. the page loading work starts then endsup showing http://gen.xyz...... with advert of web hosting to GoDaddy11:39
ThatGraemeGuysounds like a dodgy browser extension11:43
ThatGraemeGuyor plugin or addon or whatever firefox calls it11:43
Joe_knockYeah, sounds like something is sitting in between and turning your browser into an ad bot.11:44
Joe_knockThe technique for this is to normally go through each addon and disable it whilst keeping the others active.11:45
Kiloswb somaunn  is it sorted?12:12
somaunnnot really12:15
somaunni think i have a problem with my 3G by the same way12:16
somaunnwhat CLI tool can i use to do QoS measurement of my internet connection ?12:16
Kiloswhat is QoS12:17
somaunni'm also fighting with my ISP to get better signal but i have to prove things when i say " your internet connection is problematic "12:18
somaunnQoS= quality of service12:18
Kilosrun ping command and mtr12:18
Kiloslemme find them12:18
Kilosi also run iftop all the time12:19
somaunniftop ?12:19
Kilosapt-get install iftop12:19
Kilosthen in cli you do sudo iftop12:19
somaunnokay doing it now12:20
somaunntell me what kind of details does iftop gives ?12:21
Kilosdont hmm... man tell him what to use12:21
inetproPidgin Unity Integration Returns in Ubuntu 14.10 12:21
somaunnKilos, i've launched iftop but it looks like an interface monitoring tool12:22
Kilosiftop shows all data in and out\12:22
Kilosya that thing12:22
somaunni everytime use mtr which gives me couple of additional infos such as :packet loss, packet sent, average, best, worst12:24
Kilossomaunn  try mtr -i2 -s0 -n
Kilosand here is a ping command12:24
Kilostime ping -i2 -s0 -c10
somaunnbut looking for something more accurate than mtr12:24
somaunninetpro, let me google about and come back here12:26
somaunndid someone here tried iperf12:45
Kilosoi i looked at the --help. you work it out then tell me12:50
inetprosomaunn: you trying to do network throughput tests12:52
Joe_knockseems like there's no love from SA ISPs these days.12:55
somaunninetpro, yes u right12:56
KilosJoe_knock  i like 8ta12:56
Kilostelkom too12:56
Joe_knock8ta is basically MTN.12:56
Kilosno man12:56
Kilostelkom mobile12:57
inetprouh, I meant to put a '?' at the back... not saying anything12:57
Kilosmtn sucks here12:57
somaunninetpro, but i also want to track bootleneck and problematic node (if possible)12:57
KilosJoe_knock  8ta rocks especially if you have a telkom d-link modem12:58
Joe_knockKilos: 8ta runs mostly on MTNs network (their wireless parts)12:59
Kiloswell mtn here is edge and i get full 3g12:59
Kilosi think telkom just has an arrangement with mtn to use their towers to put up telkom transceivers13:01
somaunnguys, talking about that gen.xyz stuff 13:01
Kilosyes somaunn  what did you find13:01
somaunni've tried to access http://translate.google.com but guess what ?13:01
somaunnthe browser displayed this : http://www.gen.xyz/availability-checker.php?src=translate.google13:02
Kilosyou went to  time ping -i2 -s0 -c10
Kilossomething in your fox is corrupt13:02
somaunnokay, how can i fix it then 13:03
Kilosdid you deactivate all the plugins/addon things13:03
somaunni'm even thinking about looking at DNS entries etc... other web browsers are not displaying that gen.xyz page but epiphany said "Ooops"13:04
somaunnthis is my mtr result: http://slexy.org/view/s2TqR3Ymwi 13:04
somaunncan someone translate it for me please ?13:04
Kiloseish i see lotsa bad stuff13:05
KilosThatGraemeGuy  comment?13:06
Kilosyou understand the mtr output13:07
ThatGraemeGuyis that mtr from the Mars rover?13:07
ThatGraemeGuyits pretty hideous13:07
Kilossomaunn  which mtr command did you use?13:08
Kiloshe definitely wont do minetest online like that hey13:08
somaunnKilos, mtr -i2 -s0 -n yahoo.fr13:12
Kiloslemme try it from here13:12
Kilossomaunn  http://slexy.org/view/s20xjoaAgc13:15
Kilosbit of a difference13:15
somaunnkilos, please try this one for me mtr -i2 -s0 -n syn73.com13:17
Kilosok sec13:17
Kilossomaunn  http://slexy.org/view/s20toXjGnq13:21
Kilostry showing your 3g provider your mtr results and see what more they want13:22
Kilosand go past the peeps at the help desk and talk to a data technician13:24
Kilosor even better email their CEO13:25
somaunnKilos, lol that's ... loooool13:33
Kilosthats what i did here when mine was slow13:33
somaunnthe you get results... good move13:38
Kilossomaunn  isnt there somewhere in firefox where you can disable redirects?13:50
Kilosthat frightened him13:51
Kiloswb somaunn  14:20
Kiloshi acherv  14:35
achervhi kilos14:36
Joe_knockEven a slow connection wouldnt cause that ad thingy to pop up. This is strange behaviour for linux.14:36
Joe_knockunisa has a proxy? acherv 14:37
Kilosit a bug in the fox methinks14:37
achervJoe_knock: help14:37
achervJoe_knock: sorry yep14:37
Joe_knocklink? acherv 14:37
Kiloswhat would one use for a domain name on a home server install?14:59
Joe_knockthe regular ip address Kilos. Or localhost.15:15
Cantidegood night!15:17
Kilosty Joe_knock  15:22
Kilosno need for .anything15:22
Kiloseish now it wants a morror15:24
Kilosand wont go past it15:25
somaunncoming back in few hours15:37
Kilosi wonder if purging firefox will help somaun15:46
Joe_knockSo I'm not the only axxess user on the internet :'D15:53
Kiloshi Vince-0  15:55
Vince-0Hi Kilos15:56
Kiloshi lint_obscura 16:21
Kilosi didnt even grrrrrrowl16:22
Kilossomeone got a bad connection or playing lekker16:32
Kilosor trying to spam us16:33
Kilosnuvolari, hoe was jou eerste dag seun?16:38
Kilosi go eat now16:58
KilosMaaz, watch them16:58
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you16:58
Kilosai! sick net again17:54
Kilosinetpro  dont forget the topic updating please18:27
Kiloswb Joe_knock  18:27
Joe_knockThanks. Freenode acting up tonight.18:28
Kiloswhat does (Max SendQ exceeded). mean18:31
Kilosohi superfly  18:33
Kilosthey have a spammer messing around18:35
Kilosi wonder why its just affecting you Joe_knock  18:38
Joe_knockwont be the first time.18:38
KilosJoe_knock     cant you change hosts or something18:55
Kilosor servers or whateva they call them things18:55
Joe_knockFreenode hosts? Kilos18:55
Joe_knockI did try before, but freenode doesnt like south africa.18:56
Kilosyou must be on one thats beeing bombed18:56
Kiloswhat host are you on?18:57
Kilosits only you getting bombed18:57
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  18:58
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:38
=== SilverCodeZA is now known as SilverCode
Joe_knockKilos: fixed20:52

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