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aisraelTaking precise/vdbench00:00
mwhudsoni don't suppose anyone has a juju charm for running a docker registry? :)00:02
joseok, have to go print some Juju posters, be back in a while!00:04
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mbruzekworking on  cs:precise/unattended-upgrades00:07
aisraeltaking precise/transcode00:12
aisraeltvansteenburgh: http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests/charm-bundle-test-641-results/charm/charm-testing-lxc/000:18
aisraeltaking precise/tracks00:18
mwhudsonok, failure mode i haven't seen before00:41
mwhudsona machine (using the manual provider) thinks it is provisioned, but it isn't showing up in juju status00:42
mwhudsonah http://askubuntu.com/questions/433842/how-to-resolve-error-machine-is-already-provisioned-in-manual-provision-set-up00:45
cory_fuThis looks really cool: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/thoughtstem/codespells-express-yourself-with-magic00:46
lazyPower-sprintmwhudson: looking now hang on01:01
lazyPower-sprintmwhudson: did that answer clear you up on gettin the machine added to your manual environment?01:02
mwhudsonlazyPower-sprint: no i just gave up and started again :)01:02
mwhudson(this is all mostly automated)01:02
lazyPower-sprintOk. I've been using digital ocean in phaux manual environment and haven't seen that - but the answer looks solid.01:03
lazyPower-sprintjose: good dev-credit if you've got the bandwidth: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/python-moinmoin/+bug/136753202:21
mupBug #1367532: tests need refactoring <audit> <python-moinmoin (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1367532>02:21
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: please keep juju help requests isolated to this channel so the community can benefit from the help you recieve, and allow others who may know the answer an opportunity to answer. <302:29
fuzzy2014-09-10 02:38:14 INFO juju.state.api apiclient.go:242 dialing "wss://localhost:17070/"02:38
fuzzy2014-09-10 02:38:14 INFO juju.state.api apiclient.go:250 error dialing "wss://localhost:17070/": websocket.Dial wss://localhost:17070/: dial tcp connection refused02:38
fuzzynothing is running on 17070, all I did was reboot it. Restarting mongo doesn't do anything for me. Now juju status just hangs02:39
joselazyPower-sprint: I may be able to take a look at them later, triaging and shortening the queue atm02:41
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: this is related to the mongodb server, hang on and let me tap someone in that has a better idea about how to triage the issue02:43
lazyPower-sprintjose: no rush - its not a hot-button charm but would be good to flex your amulet muscle02:43
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: we need you to pastebin the ~/.juju/environments.yaml for your manual provider sans credentials02:45
fuzzynp one moment02:45
fuzzyI was generating a pastebin for you guys already02:45
fuzzyhttp://hastebin.com/wefavoqate.avrasm there is the log file example let me get you that yaml file02:47
marcoceppifuzzy: what is juju@juju, is it the machine you're running juju commands from and what you're trying to bootstrap?02:48
marcoceppislash did bootstrap?02:49
fuzzymarcoceppi: juju is my bootstrapping host and juju is the user that does it all02:50
fuzzyI don't run this from a laptop, I run it from a host02:50
marcoceppifuzzy: so, that's going to be the first likely problem. To confirm. You're running the juju commands from the same host you're trying to bootstrap02:51
fuzzyi've already bootstrapped like 4 hosts02:51
fuzzyI'm sorry if i'm getting your terminology wrong, but instead of fight linux mint & juju I use a server to springboard from02:52
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: to be clear, in juju jargon, bootstrapping is with reference to the api-controller node.  as in node 002:52
marcoceppifuzzy: right, is that server juju.int.ziphub.com ?02:52
fuzzythat is correct02:52
marcoceppifuzzy: okay that's going to be painful02:52
fuzzyjuju.int.ziphub.com is machine 0 and only runs the juju-gui02:52
marcoceppijuju really wasn't meant to be done in such a way. It may be better to simply spin the Juju Vagrant image and drive that from your mint desktop02:53
marcoceppias it'll give you juju and CLI02:53
marcoceppimoving past that02:53
marcoceppirun the following and let us know the output02:53
marcoceppifuzzy: sudo initctl list | grep juju02:53
marcoceppiso the bootstrap-host is your bootstrap node, it does all your orchestration02:53
marcoceppiit's designed to survive reboots, but ocassionally doesn't for whaatever reason02:54
fuzzyjujud-unit-juju-gui-0 start/running, process 200302:54
fuzzyjuju-db start/running, process 201902:54
fuzzyjujud-machine-0 start/running, process 202902:54
marcoceppiso, it has survived reboots02:54
marcoceppifuzzy: can you run `juju status --debug` ?02:56
fuzzythere is nothing running on 17070 when I ask netstat02:57
marcoceppifuzzy: try `sudo restart juju-db` then `sudo restart jujud-machine-0`02:58
marcoceppifuzzy: also, can you include `/var/log/upstart/juju-db.log`02:58
marcoceppijuju-db is lying by saying it's up but it doesn't appear to be up02:59
fuzzynp gimmie one moment02:59
marcoceppifuzzy: sure, sure02:59
fuzzyhere is my *juju* process list http://hastebin.com/fiqayoyage.hs03:02
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: after the restart, still spammig that the state server cannot connect to mongo?03:04
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: ok the order shouldn't stop, but my thoughts are lets validate that the DB brings up proper, and then lets bring up the api server, and monitor them03:17
lazyPower-sprinttail your syslog in a terminal, and service stop juju-db && juju-machine-0 && juju-unit-juju-gui-003:18
lazyPower-sprintconfirm once you've got everything halted on the machine03:18
lazyPower-sprintif i were to guess, i'd say this is due to a stale lock causing mongodb to barf, and since the serviceis on a recycle, its not actually up but thinks its up03:18
fuzzyGimmie one minute guys I gotta eat dinner03:29
fuzzylazyPower-sprint: juju-machine-0 and juju-unit-juju-gui-0 are not recognized as a service03:40
lazyPower-sprintsorry, jujud-machine-003:41
lazyPower-sprintand jujud-unit-juju-gui-003:41
fuzzylazyPower-sprint: ok that worked, syslog is quiet03:42
lazyPower-sprintok, check and make sure there isn't a stale mongodb.lock file floating around03:43
fuzzyroot      1839     1  0 02:36 ?        00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/runserver.py --logging=info --guiroot=/var/lib/juju-gui/juju-gui/build-prod --sslpath=/etc/ssl/juju-gui --charmworldurl=https://manage.jujucharms.com/ --apiurl=wss:// --apiversion=go03:43
fuzzythat is still running if i do ps -aef | grep juju03:43
fuzzymongo is not running03:43
fuzzylooking for lock file03:43
fuzzyfind / | grep mongodb.lock returns nothing03:44
fuzzyfind / | grep mongo.lock returns nothing03:44
fuzzyit's mongod.lock03:44
fuzzyand i found it03:44
fuzzyit's got a stale pid in it03:45
lazyPower-sprintso, how familiar are you with removing a mongod.lock and dealing with mongo afterwords?03:45
fuzzyabout 0 out of 003:45
lazyPower-sprintyou can cowboy the removal, and cross fingers that everything goes welll - which it does about 80% of hte time03:45
fuzzyok so what happens if the shotgun approach doesn't work?03:46
lazyPower-sprint20% of the time, there are further issues that crop up, and are a byproduct of mongod not shutting down properly and leaving the database in an inconsistent state03:46
lazyPower-sprinthard to say, depends on whats gone wrong.03:46
fuzzyAlight so in the future make sure backups are in place so roll backs can happen03:47
fuzzyI dunno it's still not going03:51
fuzzyi'm just going to rebuild everything and try again03:52
fuzzyIt should only take me about an hour03:52
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: shouldn't have to do that03:53
lazyPower-sprintdid you remove the mongod.llck and attempt to restart?03:53
lazyPower-sprintif it has an issue restarting, it will barf the output to stdout/logs03:53
fuzzyI removed mongod.lock03:54
fuzzyand rebooted the machine so the startup process would start everything in the correct order03:54
fuzzyand juju status is still failing trying to connect to 1707003:54
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: i wouldn't have rebooted the server - port 17070 is the state server api. and the reason you cannot connnect to that is because it cannot connect to juju-db04:00
lazyPower-sprintrestarting the db would have spit back any problems on STDOUT / syslog - which would have given us a next step to start investigation04:01
fuzzylazyPower-sprint: I know you probably are too busy for this, but if you would like the keys to the castle before I nuke it, just hit me in a more private method04:01
fuzzyI'm also dealing with a head cold04:01
lazyPower-sprintif you're adamant on blowing it away and restarting thats acceptable - but the root cause was the reboot, and apparently a database lock thats preventing mongo from coming back up correctly04:02
lazyPower-sprintthe fact its not stating that in log output is troublesome to me. MongoDB will fail to start when that mongod.lock file is present.04:02
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13700261/mongodb-wont-start-after-server-crash take a look at this, about the durability and recovery method04:03
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fuzzylazyPower-sprint: is MAAS a better solution than manual provisioning?08:42
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Odd_BlokeI'm using the JuJu Vagrant image and can't get either cs:precise/mysql-48 or cs:trusty/mysql-4 to come up.11:18
Odd_BlokeThey both report: 'hook failed: "start"'11:19
Odd_BlokeNot really sure how to debug the problem.11:19
Odd_BlokeAh, have managed to dig in a bit.11:22
Odd_BlokeLooks like it might be a memory issue.11:22
Odd_BlokeWill restart the Vagrant instance with more RAM and see if that helps.11:22
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Odd_BlokeAlright, all happy now.12:06
* rick_h_ heads back home from coffee shop13:01
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jcastroasanjar,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/84220214:52
mupBug #842202: Charm needed: Accumulo <Juju Charms Collection:New for fgimenez> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/842202>14:52
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corntoegoblinhow do we verify that maas-dns is correctly caching the maas dhcp ips?16:11
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jcastrojose, around?17:28
josejcastro: yeah! what's up?17:28
jcastroAre you working on those 2 merges you locked now?17:28
jcastrobecause if not i can do them right now17:28
aisraelkwmonroe: https://github.com/dergachev/vagrant-vbox-snapshot17:29
josejcastro: yeah, but I'm waiting for authorization to push17:29
joseremember, I just joined ~charmers17:29
joseif you auth me, I'll merge17:29
jcastromarco says you should post a comment on each MP17:30
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jcastrothen one of them will post a response with the ok.17:31
mbruzekjose, comment on the review, with a note at the bottom that once another charmer looks at it, it will be merged or not.17:31
mbruzekjose, so basically don't wait to comment on the mp/bug17:31
mbruzekcomment, and then send marco, chuck, myself a link to the comment and we can take a look.17:32
josehehe, looks like we've got another jose in here :P17:52
josemarcoceppi, lazyPower-sprint, mbruzek: https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/precise/python-moinmoin/fix_proof/+merge/234041, https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/precise/qemu-cloud/fix_proof/+merge/234040, https://code.launchpad.net/~jorge/charms/precise/vsftpd/add-icon/+merge/23403417:53
mbruzekjose, I will take a look17:53
mbruzekjose auth for moinmoin17:57
joseack, pushed17:58
mbruzekjose auth qemu-cloud17:59
joseack, pushed18:00
mbruzekjose auth for vsftpd18:04
joseack, pushed18:06
josethanks mbruzek!18:06
* arosales taking a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~evarlast/charms/trusty/mongodb/no-install-recommends/+merge/23097818:30
lazyPower-sprintarosales: make sure that applies cleanly, mongodb hhas been updated since that MP18:39
arosaleslazyPower-sprint, ya I was just showing marcoceppi  that18:40
arosalesthe current merge as it stands isn't a clean patch18:40
arosalesso I am going to try to clean up and the ntest18:40
lazyPower-sprintasanjar: https://code.launchpad.net/~lazypower/charms/trusty/hdp-hadoop/pass_proof/+merge/23417718:44
mbruzekwordpress fails on power https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/wordpress/+bug/136558518:51
mupBug #1365585: wordpress db relation fails in trusty <audit> <ppc64le> <wordpress (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1365585>18:51
arosalesmbruzek, thanks18:51
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lazyPower-sprinthey tvansteenburgh1 is bundletester pip installable or still blocked with package deps in the way?L19:14
tvansteenburgh1lazyPower-sprint: you can pip install it19:14
lazyPower-sprintoooo nvm it looks like its there19:14
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lazyPower-sprinttvansteenburgh: does it expect every project to use venv?19:16
aisraelutlemming: I think I found a bug in the -vagrant-juju cloud images, with the lxc network postrouting. Should I talk to you about that, or someone else?19:20
utlemmingaisrael: me is fine....what are you seeing?19:21
aisraelutlemming: if two lxc containers try talking to each other, the source ip is rewritten to, instead of the machine's private ip19:22
aisraelLike the NAT POSTROUTING has MASQUERADE  all  --  
utlemmingaisrael: hrm, that is ugly. I'm open to a patch :)19:24
aisraelHappy to hunt that down. Is lp:jujuquickimgs/build-trunk the correct place to start?19:25
utlemmingaisrael: lp:jujuredirector would be the place to play19:25
aisraelExcellent, thanks!19:26
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fuzzylazyPower-sprint: would maas be a better option than manual provisioning?20:06
lazyPower-sprintfuzzy: it would be better and provide some automation yes - however - MAAS would allow you to orchestrate commodity hardware in *your* racks, or VM's on your hardware.20:07
lazyPower-sprintits not going to provide enlistment/provisioning from linode20:07
fuzzyI've already got two emails into two dc's. I did the math, I basically need 30 instances to cover my deployment20:07
fuzzyFor the $ I spend @ linode I can get full boxes anyway I want from datashack20:08
fuzzyfor about 3x the resources20:08
fuzzyI have them working up something for me from what primitive knowledge I have of MAAS20:08
mbruzekmarcoceppi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/80778420:09
mupBug #807784: Charm needed: etherpad-lite <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Released by james-page> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/807784>20:09
fuzzyIs there any catches to MAAS and juju?20:09
mbruzekmarcoceppi, nevermind20:10
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lazyPower-sprinttvansteenburgh: i'm not sure how/when charmworldlib is updated, so i set the bug status to fix-committed. If its an instant release cycle can you update that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworldlib/+bug/136313621:05
mupBug #1363136: Need default request timeout <charmworldlib:Fix Committed by tvansteenburgh> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1363136>21:05
tvansteenburghlazyPower-sprint: thanks, i think Fix Committed is correct21:06
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lazyPower-sprintjamespage: is the RabbitMQ merge applicable to trusty as well? the MP is only targeted at precise - without any tests i'm trying to validate this manually.21:25
lazyPower-sprintjjust curious if i need to promote this against the trusty build as well21:25
lazyPower-sprintfor reference: https://code.launchpad.net/~cprov/charms/precise/rabbitmq-server/rabbit-admin/+merge/23320521:26
josearosales: sorry! I didn't see your lock and n'acked the mongodb review you were doing :(21:43
arosalesdid /me forget to lock?21:44
joseno, I forgot to lock21:44
arosalesjose, ok no worries thanks for reviewing21:50
arosalesjose, I am working on an MP that will work, testing now, so I'll have a follow on MP and will comment on Jay's21:50
joseawesome, then!21:52
josemarcoceppi, lazyPower-sprint, mbruzek: auth to push https://code.launchpad.net/~tvansteenburgh/charms/precise/membase/fix-proof/+merge/23421422:20
joseis anyone around having problems with EC2?22:25
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corntoegoblini found the maas dns zone files in /etc/bind/ but the hostnames aren't being added/22:45
corntoegoblindisregard gentlemen22:45
corntoegoblintime to clock out22:45
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