
=== steel`afk is now known as steel_spi
GeekasaurusI'll ask again: I have Kubuntu 14.04.  On the main console, there is no desktop after login.  There's a nice, happy graphic, but nothing else.  It doesn't matter which desktop I choose: Default, Gnome, Gnome Flashback (Compbiz), Gnome Flashback (Metacity), KDE Plasma Workspace, or Unity.  All of them result in no desktop (nautilus).00:44
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* RedDeath Back00:58
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schoppenhauerhello. I selected the "brai" keyboard layout as secondary layout in kubuntu 14.04, but it really behaves strange when I try to use it. most programs just ignore the dot-keys, one particular program (Skype) once showed braille-dots.01:45
schoppenhauerany clue what the problem could be?01:45
aryoschoppenhauer: i don't have idea, but i recommend using ibus01:50
schoppenhaueraryo: does ibus support braille input? I don't really think so.01:51
schoppenhaueribus would be nice since I want to use japanese as well.01:51
aryoIbus-anthy provides japanese layout, but for braille i don't know01:53
schoppenhaueraryo: how does ibus integrate in kubuntu?01:54
aryoAs it is installed, it will integrated well01:55
schoppenhauersomehow, starting ibus and selecting japanese and typing "wakarimasen" does not ... do anything01:56
schoppenhaueraryo: that is, just inputs the roman letters ...01:56
aryoIf not, you can configure it with im-config01:56
aryoYou need im-config, select ibus and restart kubuntu01:57
DarthFrogDoes anyone know if/what the Kubuntu devs have said about systemd?02:09
Unit193Optionally for utopic, default later on.02:09
DarthFrogDarn. <stronger language repressed>02:10
DarthFrogI'm not aligned with Lennart Poettering's vision of Linux.02:10
schoppenhauercreate your own vision \o/02:14
schoppenhauerit is free software02:15
schoppenhaueruse fvwm02:15
schoppenhauerwhy is there no fvwmbuntu?02:15
schoppenhauerwell. good night. and thx.02:15
DarthFrogschoppenhauer:  I've used fvwm in the past.02:19
DarthFrogand fvwm is orthogonal to systemd.02:19
schoppenhaueribus works \o/02:21
schoppenhauerwell. I am still a person who likes the good old sysvinit.02:21
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hateballI like how the opendesktop.org certificate is still not replaced...05:46
Graf_Westerholthateball :)05:53
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mcstr__guys i have some problem with gtk libs... i have manually installed gtk3 via offical webbapge download and now it wont't start any gtk based apps or apps usin this library ... all i get is macstar@macstar-desktop:~$ cheese07:15
mcstr__cheese: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0: undefined symbol: gdk_frame_clock_get_type07:15
mcstr__i have checked libgtk-3 is installed07:16
mcstr__any fix for this? or shall i just reinstall libgtk?07:16
mcstr__reinstall libgtk3 won't fix the problem07:21
lordievaderGood morning.07:31
mcstr__i could try to remove libgtk-3 via muon but then it wants to remove so many apps i don'tt wanna do this07:32
mcstr__and as i said manually reinstallation does not fix the problem07:32
mcstr__any ideas?07:33
mcstr__i mean if i remove it i lose chesse, conky manager, glade, plasma widget kimpanel, simple scan audacious plugins appgrid braesero hmmm07:35
mcstr__well gonna try this now anyway07:38
mcstr_macstar@macstar-desktop:~$ cheese08:11
mcstr_cheese: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0: undefined symbol: gdk_frame_clock_get_type08:11
mcstr_the problem remains08:11
mcstr_has anyone an idea please?08:11
yofelfor some reason your libgtk3 has a different ABI than what we had before, so you'll have to rebuild anything that uses it08:13
lordievadermcstr_: I have no idea if this is related but what version of gtk3 do you have? http://upstream-tracker.org/compat_reports/gtk+/3.7.8_to_3.7.10/abi_compat_report.html08:13
mcstr_lordievader i suspect it is, i manually installed gtk3 a few days ago via official homepage and since then i have this problem08:14
mcstr_lordievader how can i check my gtk ver?08:14
lordievadermcstr_: I know next to nothing about gtk, let me check some stuff.08:15
lordievader!info libgtk-3-008:15
ubottulibgtk-3-0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.8-0ubuntu1.2 (trusty), package size 1874 kB, installed size 6745 kB08:15
lordievader!info libgtk-3-0 precise08:16
ubottulibgtk-3-0 (source: gtk+3.0): GTK+ graphical user interface library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-0ubuntu0.8 (precise), package size 2252 kB, installed size 5946 kB08:16
yofelmcstr_: what does 'ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0.*' say?08:16
lordievadermcstr_: "apt-cache policy libgtk-3-0" will tell you what version you have I suppose.08:16
mcstr_yofel macstar@macstar-desktop:~$ ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0.*08:16
yofelok, that's 3.10.808:17
mcstr_lordievader acstar@macstar-desktop:~$ apt-cache policy libgtk-3-008:17
mcstr_  Installiert:           3.10.8-0ubuntu1.208:17
mcstr_  Installationskandidat: 3.10.8-0ubuntu1.208:17
mcstr_  Versionstabelle:08:17
mcstr_ *** 3.10.8-0ubuntu1.2 008:17
unopastemcstr_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted08:17
mcstr_sorry for flooding --> http://paste.kde.org/pjqxai9bs08:18
lordievader!paste | mcstr_08:18
ubottumcstr_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:18
yofelthat looks ok...08:18
mcstr_yofel tried to reinstall libgtk3 and also removed installed again did a reboot08:19
mcstr_problem remains08:19
mcstr_could it be that this file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk-3.so.0.  is a wrong symlink?08:19
yofelwell, what does it point to?08:20
mcstr_symlinks to libgtk-3.so.0.1000.808:22
yofelthen that part is ok08:24
yofelmcstr_: did you also install cheese from the website?08:25
mcstr_yofel nope08:25
mcstr_removing and reinstalling ruby glib2 now08:25
mcstr_problem remains :(08:26
mcstr_please have a look at this http://paste.kde.org/ps5lgk9is  it says these packages are installed but not needed anymore ... did not get that before08:27
mcstr_save to remove?08:27
yofelthat happened because they were automatically installed as dependencies and you removed whatever used them08:29
yofelso it's usually safe to remove them08:29
mcstr_yofel i have libgdk-3.so.0.0.12 in /usr/local/lib thats an older one right?08:30
yofelit should be... but I'm not sure :/08:31
mcstr_moved those in another folder08:31
mcstr_so that it does not use them anymore08:31
mcstr_and now cheese works08:31
mcstr_checking synaptic but i bet every prog will work now again08:32
mcstr_synaptic runs fine as well now :)08:32
lordievader!info libgdk08:32
ubottuPackage libgdk does not exist in trusty08:32
lordievader!info libgdk3.0-cil08:33
ubottulibgdk3.0-cil (source: gtk-sharp3): CLI binding for GDK 3. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.99.2-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 81 kB, installed size 412 kB08:33
mcstr_stop it guys :) thx for help but moving these files fixed it08:33
mcstr_i will copy now the .1000.8 files into /usr/local/lib just to be save08:34
lordievaderStill, that is an ugly fix and there might be a bug related to it.08:34
yossarianukneptuneos sounds interesting .. Based on Debian Stable/later kernel/later nvidia drivers/ latest stable KDE and BFS scheduler08:34
lordievaderBut this gtk business scares me...08:34
mcstr_lordievader me too :)08:34
yossarianukbut no UEFI support.....08:34
lordievader!offtopic | yossarianuk08:35
ubottuyossarianuk: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:35
yofelwell, what might've happened is that it was using the system gtk, but was using a plugin or other lib from /usr/local/ which messed things up08:35
yofellibrary linking is scary08:35
lordievaderWouldn't that count as a bug?08:36
mcstr_an amazing side effect of this fix is that the older version of glade does not crash anymore08:36
mcstr_that's amazing08:36
yofelwould be a bug, not sure where I guess. If cheese had an RPATH defined then it's a bug there, if not then it's a bug in gtk08:36
mcstr_always used to crash when i created an about dialog after a window now i can create so many widgets no crash08:36
mcstr_yofel no gtk based app or app using gtk libs was working anymore before the fix08:37
yossarianuksorry .... (its semi related as its a KDE /debian based distro - but point taken..)08:37
lordievaderyossarianuk: For #kubuntu-offtopic it is fine, but since it is no Kubuntu support question it is offtopic here.08:37
yossarianuklordievader: np08:38
mcstr_gotta go now i ll be back later….. if i can still do anything to help fixing this if its really a bug somewhere let me know08:38
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bilohi, any info when the next version will be released (14.10) ?11:08
ikoniaerrr 10/201411:08
ikoniait's in the name11:08
lordievaderHmm, that doesn't work anymore.11:10
ubottuA schedule of Utopic Unicorn (14.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseSchedule11:10
bilothanks !11:11
biloim asking because im new to linux and i want to find the best linux to run flawlessly with owncloud  ? any pros/cons with kubuntu ?11:12
ikoniabilo: find a distro that has owncloud packages and use them - and they will support you in getting it running11:13
biloowncloud should be running on an external server11:14
biloim more interested in a flawless integration with the desktop11:14
ikonia.....so you don't want to use your own owncloud build, you want to connect ao an existing one11:15
biloive heard about konnect and kalendar. is it really that simple ?11:15
ikoniaon that I have no idea11:15
ikoniaI don't use the kde desktop any more11:15
bilowhich one do you use ?11:15
bilodo you use owncloud ?11:17
ikoniaon occasion11:17
ikoniaI'm currently evaluating if I should use it more/less11:17
hateballas long as your calendar handles caldav it should be OK11:18
bilowhat is your criteria ?11:18
hateballcalendar app*11:18
ikoniamy criteria is specifc to me11:18
biloi want to make sure that the sync works   well across all plattforms and i dont end up with 3x the contacts i had spread all over the  thing11:19
hateballWell it's just carddav11:21
hateballAt any rate, the friendly people in #owncloud probably knows more about owncloud11:22
* hateball only uses the webdav part of owncloud11:22
BluesKajHi folks11:50
bilothNKA THANKS11:56
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btm05when I start an application from the shell (Konsole, tmux) I can't see the mouse pointer inside the application.13:49
btm05Is this a graphics card issue?13:49
btm05dmesg says something about a conflicting frame buffer usage, is that relevant?13:50
btm05When I start the program from Dolphin, everything is fine. On other distros there's also no problem.13:51
btm05I'd like to get this fixed because it's really annoying to have to change to the file manager everytime I want to test the GUI.13:51
BluesKajbtm05, which gpu and driver?13:53
btm05BluesKaj: Intel GM45 and the driver is i91513:57
btm05It's a venerable thinkpad r500.13:58
btm05venerable, is that the right word for old.13:58
btm05But I just discovered, that I only have the problem from tmux. In Konsole, everything works, so I might have some rubbish in my tmux.conf13:58
BluesKajok , I'm uing a lenovo g500 with the same driver, but I'm not familiar with tmux or what it doea13:59
btm05it's a terminal mu- something or other.. multiplexer.13:59
btm05Let's you quickly jump around in the one physical terminal nicely. good stuff and worth a try.14:00
BluesKaji just use yakuake for this machine for sshing I use the terminal... not on the job, merely a home user with a small LAN14:02
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=== Guest98723 is now known as Slartibartfast13
Slartibartfast13I"m running Kubuntu on a live CD, and it looks like it automatically mounted all my hard drives.  Is that supposed to happen automatically?15:05
Slartibartfast13Kubuntu 14.0415:05
TJ-14.04 with vanilla (untouched) samba; Shares set via Dolphin don't show up, even on localhost (checked using 'smbtree'). Can't find any logs to indicate what is happening under the hood either. Anyone able to help?15:07
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, that's in case you decide to install Kubuntu15:08
Slartibartfast13But I don't want Kubuntu to make any changes to my Windows system, so should I unmount all the hard drives, so it only uses my RAM, BluesKaj  ?15:10
BluesKajit won't make any changes to your windows setup15:11
Slartibartfast13Or should I just unmount the system drive?15:11
Slartibartfast13Yeah, but what if, for example, I download and insstall Google Chrome using the live Kubuntu CD?15:12
TJ-OK, some progress. Starting from terminal "QFileSystemWatcher: failed to add paths: /var/lib/samba/usershares" and I find "ls -dl /var/lib/samba/usershares" => "drwxrwx--T 2 root sambashare 4096 May  6 13:08 /var/lib/samba/usershares" but "groups | grep samabashare || echo Not Found" => "Not Found"15:13
Slartibartfast13I am worried that if my system drive is mounted, it could make permanent changes to that hard drive when I am running the live CD15:13
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, it won't install on your windows or any other OS on the hdd. I will hold it in the memory, and it will be gone once you quit15:14
Slartibartfast13Ok, that sounds good.  It is only accessing the RAM when I install stuff using the Software Centre?15:14
Slartibartfast13But what would happen if I install too much stuff for the RAM to handle, beyond the RAM's memory limit?  Would Kubuntu then try to access my hard drive?15:16
Slartibartfast13I got 3.25 GB of RAM memory15:17
Slartibartfast13Oh, so it would probaby stop the installation and give me a warning, BluesKaj ?15:18
TJ-The fix was "sudo adduser $USER sambashare" - but I've not seen that documented as a requirement anywhere; looks like a bug15:18
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, probly, I've never tried more than one or two apps on live media15:19
Slartibartfast13Thanks for your help, BluesKaj15:20
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, yw15:20
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: I suppose it uses tmpfs rather than ramfs. Tmpfs throws a disk full error when the memory is full.15:23
BluesKajTJ-, I don't recall a bug , but do remember having to setup shares and installing samba on both source and target machines before network folder setup would work thru dolphin15:24
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BluesKajeven tho smb eas already installed on both machines15:25
TJ-BluesKaj: This was an issue that Dolphin failed to create the user shares at all, due to having no permission to create entries in "/var/lib/samba/usershares" - this is on a clean Kubuntu install. The share service is from "kdenetwork-filesharing" so I think this a bug that is across that package, and dolphin15:26
Slartibartfast13What does the "fs" stand for in tmpfs, lordievader  ?15:26
TJ-fs == File System15:26
TJ-tmp == TeMPorary15:26
BluesKajTJ-, ok I'll take your word on that :)15:27
Slartibartfast13Where does the tmpfs data get stored, when I run the live Kubuntu CD?15:27
TJ-Security wiki describes the group, but doesn't help much: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Privileges#Share_files_with_the_local_network15:28
Slartibartfast13lordievader, you mean if I install too much data for the RAM to handle, the tmpfs takes over the ramfs, and I get a disk full error?15:29
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, in the tmp dir in the memory15:29
BluesKajit allstores in the memory , if you fill it up the system will most likely freeeze up15:30
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, are you afraid to install kubuntu ona partition ,m if so you can use windows as a host and install kubuntu in VM as a guest OS15:32
TJ-tmpfs lives entirely in the kernel page cache, and on swap.15:33
Slartibartfast13It's probably a bad idea to use Windows as a host, cause this PC has Windows XP installed15:33
BluesKajif there is one15:33
Slartibartfast13It would be better to use Kubuntu as a host, and run Windows XP as a virtual machine, right?15:34
BluesKajwindows xp is no longer even supported by MS , i'd install W715:35
Slartibartfast13W7 costs hundreds of dollars15:35
BluesKajyes kubuntu as host and windows as guest would be best15:36
BluesKajXP will run fine as a guest on kubuntu15:37
TJ-BluesKaj: not necessarily; If there will be Windows applications that need to use GPU hardware acceleration its often better to have Windows on the bare-metal, and Linux in the VMs15:37
Slartibartfast13If I run Windows XP as a virtual machine, I can just close its connection to the Internet, to prevent any malware from getting in from the Internet, right?15:37
BluesKajTJ-, ok , i've never run kubuntu as a guest onm windows it's always been the reverse15:38
TJ-Slartibartfast13: Malware doesn't 'get in' - you invite it through your activities combined with vulnerabilities in the software you're using.15:39
BluesKajlinux isn't nera15:39
Slartibartfast13I think Kubuntu would be more secure for accessing the Internet.  I only need Windows for running my printers and scanners and for gaming15:39
=== zz_RedDeath is now known as RedDeath
TJ-BluesKaj: I've been configuring a laptop with dual-boot Win7 and Kubuntu this week for this very reason; some of the developer tools required to be used on Windows by the university require GPU hardware acceleration, so we also have Kubuntu in a VM, with an additional large shared FAT32 partition.15:40
BluesKajlinux isn't nearly as vulnerable as windows is to malware and viruses15:41
TJ-Slartibartfast13: It's worth checking that those games you use will work in a virtualised Windows installation15:41
BluesKajTJ-, well I just dual boot, VMs never really did much for me and being a home user I have more time to switch being in a relaxed environment free of job pressures15:42
Slartibartfast13They are old PC games on CDs, such as GTA Vice City and Morrowind, from circa 200515:43
TJ-BluesKaj: I had to beat Win7 into submission since the HDD has GPT not MBR, and Win7 on a BIOS system won't read/use a GPT. Had to craft a hybrid MBR partition table to include the Windows and shared_data partitions in order to get dual-boot to work correctly.15:44
Slartibartfast13It sounds like both virtual machines and dual boot systems require a lot of work and maintenance  that is beyond my knowledge and expertise15:46
TJ-Slartibartfast13: Depending on what hypervisor you use to virtualise Windows, you might get reasonable 3D acceleration. I think VirtualBox and VMWare provide such drivers, but so far there isn't one for QEMU/KVM.15:46
TJ-Slartibartfast13: Once set up they're like any other system, but there are pros on cons like with anything, and the hardest part, I think, is deciding which trade-offs to make15:46
BluesKajwell TJ- , just wiped the drive clean of W8 and all it's associated bloatware and partitions and use legacy mode for W7 and Kubuntu15:47
TJ-Slartibartfast13: The 'native' Linux kernel's virtualisation technology - Kernel Virtual Machine15:47
Slartibartfast13But QEMU?  What is that?15:48
BluesKaj!qemu | Slartibartfast1315:48
ubottuSlartibartfast13: qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo15:48
BluesKajTJ-, the only disadvantage with legacy mode is a usb live-OS won't boot unless the uefi is enabled and secure boot is disabled15:55
TJ-BluesKaj: Yeah, I build all mine to dual boot on EFI and BIOS15:56
BluesKajwhen i got this laptop I hadn't read up on eufi and how to work around it in a dual boot setup so I gave up on uefi and too k the legacy route as soon as I knew i could make it work :)15:58
BluesKajTJ- ^15:59
TJ-BluesKaj: I find UEFI makes most grub multiboot issues go away, very welcome not having OSes fighting over which owns sector 0 of the boot device16:00
BluesKajTJ-, never had an issue with grub mucking up, it just installed in the mbr without a hitch16:01
TJ-BluesKaj: I don't either; but I support those kinds of low level issues and they're extremely difficult to resolve remotely especially with non-technical users.16:09
BluesKajTJ-, fortunately I'm not responsible for any other pcs except the machines on our home network16:13
Slartibartfast13What do you mean by "legacy" and "UEFI" ?16:15
TJ-Slartibartfast13: Motherboard's Legacy BIOS vs UEFI firmwares - they boot systems in different ways. UEFI often provides a Compatibility Support Module (CSM) to provide a legacy boot option too16:17
Slartibartfast13Does Legacy refer to Windows, and UEFI refer to Ubuntu?16:18
TJ-Slartibartfast13: No16:18
BluesKajlegacy is the old BIOS method of booting uefi is MS invention to make it easier to deal with the bloatware partitions it creates on new machines :)16:19
TJ-Slartibartfast13: BIOS is legacy; it was what the original IBM PC had in the 1980s16:19
Slartibartfast13Ok, thanks, I understand better now16:20
TJ-BluesKaj: UEFI is an Intel invention; begain in the late '90s mostly for server grade systems but MS's decision to require it for Windows 8 has pushed almost all new motherboards into using it.16:20
Slartibartfast13YEah, now I understand  what you said earlier, makes more sense16:20
BluesKajBIOS was around until 2010 or so iirc then UEFI was introduced on most new machines16:21
Slartibartfast13But all my machines are 10 years old.  All my 3 desktop PCs must be using legacy BIOS16:22
Slartibartfast13and I heard it's not safe to frack with your BIOS16:23
BluesKajwe have 3 desktops here 2006 and 2008 vintage, so UEFI was new to me when I received this laptop for Christmas last yr16:25
Slartibartfast13I think it's easier for me to run Windows XP separately on my old Athlon PC, which still does not have Internet access, no network card I could see16:25
Slartibartfast13and run Kubuntu on this Pavilion PC, which is newer, faster, has more RAM and tonnes of hard drive space16:26
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, ethernet cards are cheapand esily installled16:27
Slartibartfast13I'm using ethernet now over a phone line16:28
Slartibartfast13I appreciate your patience.  Thanks for clarifying a lot of things for me16:36
TJ-Slartibartfast13: I blame you for the fact that I have a vivid image in my mind of an Italian Bistro!16:42
Slartibartfast13Slartibartfast is a character from the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams16:43
TJ-Slartibartfast13: And flies around in a space-ship that looks like an Italian Bistro :)16:44
Slartibartfast13Speaking of flying around in a spaceship.  I was able to install and run such a game using my Xubuntu live CD, and it worked16:45
Slartibartfast13But the game was totally keyboard controlled, and I failed to integrate my Logitech gamepad  controller16:46
Slartibartfast13but then I installed a Sony X game system thingy that recognized my gamepad, but it did not work on the space game16:48
Slartibartfast13However, it appeared to facilitate new sound effect for the game.  I was just screwing around with the live CD, to see what would work16:49
Slartibartfast13But I found another game that looked even better, and which does not require much memory or hardware acceleration.  It's called Other-Life16:50
Slartibartfast13When I looked up setup info on Other-Life, I figured I could probably get it installed and working here using a live CD16:51
Slartibartfast13Unfortunately, the installation commands are confusing and don't make much sense, for Other-Life, so I gave up16:53
BluesKajSlartibartfast13, wine will run a lot of games on linux that are designed for windows16:54
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:54
Slartibartfast13this game has linux version16:55
* Graf_Westerholt is playing 0 A.D.16:55
Slartibartfast13But I think if I installed it, it would create a directory on my hard drive to run, another reason why I abandoned the idea of installing it16:56
BluesKajno it won't unless you install it to an OS while running in the OS16:59
adsmzso I ran a few weeks of overdue updates on my kubuntu 14.04 laptop, and now my wireless card doesn't work17:00
adsmzafter a restart17:01
BluesKajadsmz, which wifi chip?17:02
adsmzI have no clue, lemme google it17:02
adsmzor is there some way to check it?17:04
BluesKajadsmz, open a terminal, sudo lshw -C network , look under Wireless Interface,  product17:06
adsmztwo lists came up: *-network UNCLAIMED and *-network17:08
adsmzthey both show different products17:08
BluesKajadsmz, do you see network manager in the system tray ?17:10
adsmzI see a network controller (the UNCLAIMED thing), and an ethernet interface17:11
BluesKaj is there vendor under unclaimed17:12
adsmzQualcomm Atheros17:13
BluesKajwhat does the ethernet vendor show17:14
adsmzMarvell Technology Group Ltd.17:14
Slartibartfast13These are the installation instructions for Other-Life:17:23
Slartibartfast13The only part of these instructions for installing Other-Life, that I don't understand, is the following:17:23
Slartibartfast13 Set the execute bit on the executable programs (*bin):17:23
Slartibartfast13 chmod +x *bin17:23
Slartibartfast13Is that a command line I need to enter in the command terminal, and at what point during the installation do I enter it?17:24
BluesKajadsmz, sorry I can't locate a wifi driver marvel newer than ubuntu 12.04 , and I have some errands to do for the next few hrs so I have to leave17:26
adsmzsorry, craptop crashed17:30
adsmzso any idea what to do about my network issues?17:33
adsmzok then17:37
adsmzI'm having trouble with my wifi. I seem to be unable to turn on the wifi hardware.17:39
adsmzsudo lshw -C network returns a network controler labeled uncalled, vendor is Qualcomm Atheros (this is marked UNCLAIMED); it also returns an ethernet interface, vendor is Marvell Technology Group Ltd.17:41
adsmz*not labeled uncalled, disregard that17:41
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adsmzanyone able to help?17:46
adsmzyou're coming through17:47
kubuntu_I accidentally parted from the default Freenode channel17:48
kubuntu_and I can't get it back17:48
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veduI just ran an apt-get upgrade and now kubuntu is not starting20:40
veduOnly when I goto recovery mode -> resume it starts with a lot of features missing20:41
soeevedu: are you sure you did not removed any important packages during upgrade ?20:47
veduI am not sure. I do not remember the output of it20:48
vedusoee: But seems unlikely20:48
soeedo you have any erros ?20:50
lordievadervedu: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop20:50
vedusoee: yes there were a few errors but the final output seemed ok20:51
vedulordievader: thanks :)20:51
veduSince I am able to use the recovery mode -> resume version of kubuntu I think I have a graphics card driver problem20:54
soeeif there were errors how the final output be ok ? :)20:54
soeelordievader: wasnt the lightdm broken by lastest nvidia ?20:54
vedusoee: in some "processing triggers ... " there were errors in between but in the end no ERROR message was shown20:55
vedulet me check20:55
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kubuntuWhen I tried to turn off my PC to exit my Kubuntu Live CD, it asked me if I want to suspend RAM.  What does that do?21:32
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Slartibartfast13Did you see my message when I was named "kubuntu"?21:33
Slartibartfast13How do you properly exit from a Kubuntu Live CD?21:34
Slartibartfast13When I used the Xubuntu Live CD, it automatically asked me to remove the CD when I tried to shut off, then it automatically shut off when I pressed return21:35
Slartibartfast13But the Kubuntu Live CD asked me to suspend my RAM when I tried to shut off the PC21:35
Slartibartfast13So I am not sure how to shut off the Kubuntu Live CD, so that I can reboot the PC into Windows XP21:36
Slartibartfast13I typed the following in the #ubuntu channel...Will suspending the RAM help me shut down the live CD, so I can remove the live Kubuntu CD, and then clear my RAM, so I can reboot into Windows?21:45
Slartibartfast13Posted it here, cause I got no response21:45
rberg_never heard of that.. usually the cd asks you to remove the installer media and hit enter to reboot21:46
Slartibartfast13I clicked on the big K icon, then Leave21:49
rberg_from there you can select sleep, shutdown, or reboot..21:49
Slartibartfast13May be I installed too much21:49
Slartibartfast13What does suspend RAM do?21:50
rberg_maybe you accidentally double clicked and didnt notice you hit suspend21:50
Slartibartfast13No, it asked me to suspend when I tried to shut down with >Leave21:51
rberg_suspend to ram puts the laptop to sleep while keeping the ram active so you can resume where you were21:51
Slartibartfast13it's a desktop PC21:52
rberg_err computer not specifically a laptop21:52
lordievadersoee: That was fixed yesterday, or so I've heard.21:52
Slartibartfast13Ok, so suspending RAM is a bad idea, because I want the RAM to get cleared before I reboot into Windows21:53
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: You wont be able to boot into windows when you suspend.21:53
rberg_if you suspend if will go right back to linux when you hit the power button.. I would try that then try and hit reboot again21:53
Slartibartfast13But I can just >leave shut down without suspending RAM, refuse suspending RAM, so I can let it automatically clear the RAM, right?21:54
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: What do you mean? Shutdown? Reboot?21:55
rberg_yeah shutdown should power the computer off and not suspend to ram21:55
Slartibartfast13But it never asked me to remove the CD  when I tried to shut down21:56
Slartibartfast13When should I remove the CD?21:57
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: Do you run the live-cd?21:57
Slartibartfast13The live CD is still inside my optical drive tray and Kubuntu LIve CD is running now21:57
Slartibartfast13But I want to shut everything down and remove the CD, so I can boot into Windows later21:58
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: Then it should wait for you to open the tray and remove the disc before continueing the shutdown/reboot process.21:59
lordievaderPerhaps it only prompts at reboot though.21:59
Slartibartfast13Ok, I'll just try shutting it down again, and let my PC decide when to remove the CD22:02
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: You can remove it manually...22:04
Slartibartfast13This tray is annoying on this Pavilion PC.  It never opens or stays open unless the OS is running and waiting for me22:04
Slartibartfast13Well, I mean the Windows OS has to be fully booted up to alow me to open the tray without closing up a second later22:05
Slartibartfast13it's Windows XP22:05
Slartibartfast13You mean remove the CD before I shut down Kubuntu Live CD?22:06
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: No remove it at the BIOS POST.22:09
Slartibartfast13That would be after Kubuntu has shut down and it's rebooting into BIOS?22:12
TJ-Slartibartfast13: POST == Power On Self Test - the process that a PC goes through each time it is powered on, or restarted22:13
Slartibartfast13YEah, I think it does that in BIOS, cause BIOS is reading my Master Boot Record, I assume22:14
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: The POST gives you enough time to remove the disc ;)22:14
lordievaderSlartibartfast13: No, that's after the POST. The POST is meant to check basic functionality.22:14
Slartibartfast13Ok, this is good, thanks22:14
TJ-BIOS == Basic Input Output System, is the firmware that is executed the moment the CPU beings operating. It configures the basic hardware, does the POST, then handles the boot device selection and loading the boot-loader from disk into memory, before handing over control of the CPU to the boot-loader22:16
Slartibartfast13TJ, your explanation is very clear and certainly explains a lot for me22:20
Slartibartfast13Your explanation also helps me understand more about how a dual boot system would work22:21
Slartibartfast13Instead of shutting it down, I will try restarting, so i can get that live CD out at some point22:23
Slartibartfast13then I'll go take a shower, thanks22:24

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