
=== zz_RedDeath is now known as RedDeath
* RedDeath Back00:58
zerothisI have a notebook that runs _only_ the lubuntu GUI installation, not LiveCD, not the installation after finished. So I need to know, what desktop environment and drivers specifically is lubuntu running during the install?01:37
holsteinzerothis: the same01:53
holsteinzerothis: the issue is, the installer may be different.. so, you can gleen anything from that01:53
holsteinzwhat have you tried to make the live CD work?01:54
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:54
holstein^ ?01:54
zerothisI've tried every versions of lubuntu back to herring, even the mini isos. Only the ubiquity installer works in GUI.02:23
zerothisbtw, the system is running, i just can't see it. I can pop in an audio CD and play it02:57
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ubardgreetings everyone04:12
ubardI have a screen flickering problem after the last updates04:13
ubardcan anyone help me out?04:13
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absk007after updating oh-my-zsh today, i get http://i.imgur.com/KoF7S6t.jpg this error while starting up.06:55
d2ydx2...were you pressing control m/07:01
d2ydx2? side note, after updating today my broadcom wireless firmware stopped working07:01
absk007d2ydx2, why should i press ctrl + m?07:11
absk007d2ydx2, it just broke my whole zsh thingy!!07:11
=== giga is now known as Guest27085
Guest27085hi there, this isn't the italian support to lubuntu, right?14:48
ianorlinunfortanetly this is English only not italian14:49
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:49
Guest27085no problem, just to be sure I'll be understood :)14:49
ianorlinthat might give help in italian but may not know about lubuntu14:49
Guest27085so I'm having a bunch of issues after installing lubuntu 14.04 on a macbook 4.114:50
ianorlinname the first one?14:50
Guest27085ianorlin, no probs, I'll use english here14:50
Guest27085like, I remember that setting touchpad sensitivity wasn't so easy14:50
=== Guest27085 is now known as valemaio
valemaioI had to change a config file, but I can't remember which one14:51
ianorlindoes going to menu prefrences keyboard and mouse should give you graphical appliaction to do it14:51
valemaioyeah, but it doesn't keep the settings once rebooting the system, if I remember14:52
valemaiolet me give it a try14:52
valemaiooh wait, now I remember. I have to set how sensible the touchpad is on finger touch14:54
valemaiobecause I have to literally dig a hole on it to use it14:55
valemaioand I can't do it from the graphical setting thingy14:55
ianorlinah yeah that is different14:56
valemaioyeah sorry, I've got bad memory :)14:56
ianorlinyou can use synclient from the command line for that14:56
valemaiotoo bad I can't run memcheck on my brain...14:56
valemaiosynclient! that's it! thanks!14:57
ianorlinbe back in 10 to 15 minutes14:58
valemaiosure, thanks!14:58
valemaioBRB me too, I'm rebooting to see if it keeps the settings14:59
giga_as I remembered, synclient doesn't keep the changes after rebooting. any suggestions?15:05
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valemaiosorry, wrong nick15:22
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valemaiodoes anybody know how to make a terminal command to run on startup? I'm running lubuntu 14.0415:33
ianorlinwrite it to a script and then put it in default apps for lxsession15:35
valemaiothat's the problem, I know how to do theoretically, but how the script should be written? can you link me a guide from the internet? so far I've found nothing useful15:36
valemaioit's still for the synclient thing15:36
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valemaiowait, maybe i've found something useful for me15:43
ianorlinwhat is the synclient optoin you want to set15:44
valemaiofingerlow=15 && fingerhigh=2015:44
valemaiobecause it won't keep it at startup15:44
valemaiokeep them15:44
valemaiohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2114618 maybe this is it15:45
valemaiolet me give it a shot, if you don't have any suggestions15:45
ianorlinyou start the script with #!/bin/bash15:47
ianorlinthen synclient fingerlow=1515:48
swift110Hey guys15:48
valemaiocool, I don't know how to write the sharp symbol with this keyboard XD15:48
valemaioI'll copy/paste it15:49
valemaioallright, let me try again15:55
valemaioallright, it works!16:00
valemaiothanks for your help!16:01
valemaioBTW i've just installed a SSD hard drive on this macbook and now lubuntu boots in less than 5 seconds!16:01
swift110Thats cool16:03
swift110How does lubuntu work on the mbp16:03
ianorlinmac book pro16:15
ianorlinnot sure which one I don't have a mac16:15
valemaiothat's not a pro, it's an old macbook 4.116:16
valemaioyou know, the last built in plastic, but with intel architecture16:17
valemaioand lubuntu works fine, just some minor issues which I've solved16:17
valemaioalso thanks to ianorlin16:17
ianorlinyou're welcome16:17
valemaioanyway, gotta go. thanks again!16:18
MarinHello, on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu I see "using UNetbootin is highly recommended". But if I simply use dd to copy the ISO I have download on this page in order to make a bootable USB key, will it work too?17:28
testdrMarin: you can copy the downloaded Lubuntu-14.04.1 iso with dd direct to the usb-thumb-device -- you only lose any data on the usb-stick and you need to partition and format it later again to use it for other data. Another way is to write the "iso" with the "usb-creator"(gtk/kde) to an usb-stick with enough space on it17:34
testdrMarin: its told that some android-handys kann be used as an dvd-boot-medium with the iso as file in their storage (but i have none to verify it)17:36
ianorlinyes dd will work Marin but you must be careful with dd17:41
Marinthanks, indeed it worked17:42
zy3pDhey i got a fresh lubu 14.04.1 installation and the sound indicator is invisible17:45
zy3pDhow to make it visible?17:46
wxlfirst of all, are you sure the sound is working?17:53
wxlzy3pD: ^17:53
zy3pDthe sound works17:54
zy3pDi added the indicator on panel but it is invisible17:54
zy3pDand yes i can hear sound17:55
wxlthat's a new one on me!17:55
zy3pDany ideas?17:57
MarinRe... I have booted the Lubuntu 14.04 image from a live USB key, and then the blue wallpaper and the borders of the "Installation" window shows up, but the content of the window is totally empty, blank. Also, the graphical environment seems frozen, but I can still move the mouse cursor. Is that a known problem?18:02
zy3pDok then my secound problem, when i open a menu in an application it has an ugly white backgrund, under 13.04 it had an nice gray background, how to change this?18:03
Marin...problem solved, I had to go to a tty (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and then come back to the graphical environment (Ctrl+Alt+F7)18:08
testdrMarin: this problem (first kinda frozen graphic) is not known - but its known if there may be problems with the hardware (graka) - and i hope you did check the md5sum of the downloaded iso (to make shure it is not corrupted).18:28
Marintestdr: the checksum is right18:30
testdrMarin: last, are you using an older computer with small memory? There are limit for installation with small memory - for the live-version-install you need more than 512MB ram (there is the alternate-Lubuntu-installer for computer with less memory)18:30
Marintestdr: a "free -m" shows 463 MB total... I didn't know that before (someone from my family gave it)18:31
Marinindeed, the installation seems to be slow and swap a lot18:31
testdrMarin: then it could be the install will break -- not run to the end. Like i said, there is the alternate-Lubuntu-install-iso -- i did use it with success for an older laptop with only 256MB ram.18:32
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testdrMarin:i would suggest you look for the alternate-install-iso -- but, last, there is the option to install without goint into the live-version (an option that uses less memory). The alternate-install uses a non-graphic-installer (only ascii-terminal)18:33
Marinthanks for your advice18:34
Marinwill the last version of Firefox at least run correctly with that amount of RAM?18:34
testdrMarin:  yes - firefox 31 will run in lubuntu with only 400-500MB ram, but you should not use it with 100 tabs and 10 windows18:36
testdrMarin: after lubuntu-boot, the used memory is less 200MB - so there is enough for running firefox - even with light youtube-vids. But running office and firefox will do a lot of swapping18:38
Marintestdr: personally i'm using firefox 31 on a lighter distro with 768 MB ram, and I have often difficulty to use websites such as YouTube, and the last Google Maps is totally unusable. Its RAM usage has incresed a lot with last versions18:38
Marintestdr: (only aside of a text editor, a terminal and a IRC client that consumes an insignificant amount of RAM)18:40
testdrMarin: firefox goes easy over 1GB ram-usage and pidgin (for irc) goes over 0.5GB -- but there are smaller irc-clients and for an editor there are other choices than an gtk-editor (for me even vim is a good choice). And like said, the usage of firefox should only user very few tabs and only one window - and maybe disable java/script most the time.18:42
wxltestdr: a terminal client might be best for irc. pidgin is an ATROCIOUS irc client.18:46
Marintestdr: I'm using XChat as IRC client, geany as text editor, and xfce-terminal. Most of time I use less than 5 tabs in 1 window. Flash is disabled by default using the builtin Flashblock-like feature that landed in Firefox, and since recently I often disable JavaScrit from about:config. Also, I now use youtube-dl for YouTube and a lighter browser (midori) for Google Maps18:46
wxli think vim is a great choice for an editor (especially in terminal) and i heard about this new irc client that's really nice let me dig it up18:47
wxli think it's f-irc18:48
testdrMarin: for firefox there are differnt addons - for example "QuickJava" with buttons to en/disable such settings in the menu-top-line -- no need to go to about:config)18:48
wxlyes! that's the one18:49
wxlit's like xchat for the terminal. very well done. i'm too deep into irssi to even consider it but it looks very nice18:49
wxlalso the web page is hilarious http://www.vanheusden.com/f-irc/18:49
* ianorlin uses weechat in a terminal18:55
ianorlinvim is hard to learn18:55
ianorlinbut really awesome once you do18:55
ianorlinalso f-irc is in repos18:57
ianorlinalthough not sure if it does SASL18:58
wxli have been meaning to switch to weechat for a long time18:59
wxlalso vim is easy to learn.. compared to emacs :)19:00
* ianorlin hasn't tried to learn emacs19:04
ianorlinvimtutor is really helpful for learning vim19:04
=== firc22be34a4 is now known as ianorlinfirc
karen_hey do any of you guys know how i can fix this glitch in lubuntu, i uninstalled light locker but the computer still locks up19:18
karen_after inactivity19:18
ianorlinis the screen locked still?19:18
ianorlinbut it turns off?19:18
karen_power manager isn't running19:18
karen_yeah as if i still had light locker installed19:18
karen_power manager is off19:19
ianorlindid you just uninstall light locker?19:19
ianorlinit might still be running even though it was uninstalled19:19
karen_any way i can check?19:20
karen_like task manager in lubuntu?19:20
karen_or maybe it's another preference other than lightlocker19:21
karen_oh found task manager19:21
karen_yeah what do you know19:21
karen_light locker is still running19:21
swift110Yes Firefox eats up ram19:21
ianorlinI find that I need to close my firefox window and then open it again after some time19:22
wxli think firefox has a memory leak in it19:22
wxland has for some time19:22
wxli get no such issue with chrome19:23
wxli leave it open constantly19:23
ianorlinor doesn't properly reclaim memory from closed tabs19:23
swift110Ok that would explain a lot19:24
karen_okay messed with the power management section19:27
karen_set it to "never"19:27
karen_i think it was set to 60 minutesd19:27
karen_didn't even know there was a "never" setting until i moved it all the way to the left19:27
phillwwhat version of ffox are you running?19:41
phillwI'm not seing any memory leakage in 14.10 lubuntu19:44
wxlit's a matter of using firefox over time, phillw. and it's not a lubuntu problem, it's a firefox problem.19:45
phillwwxl: piglet was last booted top - 20:45:53 up 15 days, 59 min,  3 users,  load average: 0.80, 1.05, 1.3019:46
phillwffox and chromium have run all that time :)19:46
wxlphillw: how many tabs?19:46
phillwI'd have expected to see a leak :)19:46
phillwchromium currently 9, ffox currently 10 (both have been up to about 20 over last few days while linuxpadawan is sorted out)19:47
phillwboth have behaved19:48
wxlphillw: that's not been my experience but i haven't touched it in a long time19:48
phillwI run both all the time19:48
phillwhave done for several releases, including when chromium had the leak and ffox was bloated19:50
wxli have looked at task manager so many times and just watched the fox's memory usage creep up and up and up19:50
wxli mean you could watch it happening19:50
wxlit wasn't exactly and over time thing19:50
wxlmaybe it's the sites i'm using?19:50
phillwwxl: I run top often :) I find that virt-manager does not always shut down cleanly and needs a gentle prod in the ribs :D19:51
wxloh well, it doesn't bother me any. i just use chrome :)19:51
phillwI do not have issues with either new chrmomium or ffox19:53
phillwone of the issues, I think, is that LTS needs SRU stuff. This delays bug fix updates. 14.10 gets them immediately.19:55
swift110I tend to use a lot of tabs20:00
swift110Im normally using about 2gbram20:01
phillwswift110: KiB Mem:   3655716 total,  3459380 used,   196336 free,    35568 buffers20:22
phillwKiB Swap: 10100684 total,   459728 used,  9640956 free.   727720 cached Mem20:22

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