
=== r is now known as Guest75972
EiriksUbuntuHello, I am a beginner when it comes to programming, but I'm willing to learn. Is there an offline/downloadable  beginners guide available?12:08
=== jordan is now known as jordsan
=== jordsan is now known as jordan
sebbuEiriksUbuntu, several exists in epub/pdf versions15:13
sebbuthe dive into * serie for exemple15:13
sebbuEiriksUbuntu, which language do you want to learn ?15:15
EiriksUbuntuI don't even know, I would like to be able to help fix bugs and such15:16
=== idleone_ is now known as io
sebbuhttp://www.examiner.com/article/10-free-bash-scripting-ebooks || http://www.noobslab.com/2014/05/two-free-ebooks-can-help-you-to-become.html <-- bash (command line stuff, init scrit, configuration script, packaging, etc...)15:25
sebbuhttp://www.onlineprogrammingbooks.com/cplusplus/ || http://cplus.about.com/od/freeebookscprogrammin1/ <-- C++ (programs, tools, etc...)15:26
sebbuEiriksUbuntu, did you study math / logic / algorithms at school/uni/whatever ?15:26
EiriksUbuntuI have studied math, and linguistics15:27
sebbuformal languages/grammars then ?15:27
EiriksUbuntubut nothing college level15:27
sebbuotherwise, you can help with something else than programming too15:28
sebbuI know documentation isn't always as much maintained as the software itself15:28
sebbutranslations aren't always done to all languages15:29
sebbusometimes, API/tool/whatever documentation is there, but there's no quickstart/tutorial in it15:30
EiriksUbuntuI understand, but i think my heart is in wanting to help fix problems15:30
sebbudo you have a specific thing you want to help with ?15:34
sebbualso, you said "fix bugs and such"15:34
sebbufor open source software, you often have issue tracking software, either externally (bugzilla/others), either internally to the version control system (sourceforge, github, googlecode, etc...)15:35
sebbuthere's known "issue" you can help with15:35
sebbuthey don't all have big time requirement, sometimes it's just a matter of number and priorities15:36
EiriksUbuntuok, so thats what I should be looking into right? Get familiar with the code, then i can help more.15:37
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology

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