
pittiGood morning05:09
didrocksgood morning05:11
thumperhey didrocks05:14
thumpero/ pitti05:14
thumperhow goes things in the world of client?05:14
didrockshey thumper, long time no talk ;)05:14
thumperI know, right?05:14
didrocksthings are going well, how is it in the cloudy one? :)05:14
thumperno 'everyone together' things any more05:14
thumperbusy busy05:15
didrocksyeah, I kind of miss that :(05:15
thumperthe standard "everything takes longer than you think" problem05:15
thumperalso, test fixing takes longer05:15
thumperdumb intermittent test failures05:15
thumperthat sort of thing05:15
didrockssame everywhere it seems :)05:15
thumperI've spent all day chasing two intermittent bugs05:15
thumperI *think* I have fixed them05:15
thumperwe'll see05:15
didrocksargh, and no easy reproducer?05:16
didrocksI guess having a cloud setup to reproduce is even harder actually05:16
thumperthis was just our unit tests :-|05:16
didrocksoh waow ::05:16
didrocksand did you get some love for Go, in the end?05:17
pittihey thumper05:17
didrocksI tried for 2-3 days, didn't get that much of it I wanted05:17
pittibonjour didrocks05:17
didrocksguten morgen pitti05:17
thumperyeah, I'm enjoying Go more now than I did in the past05:18
thumperI still prefer python for hacking scripts up05:18
thumperbut I'd definitely use Go instead of C or C++ for most other tasks now05:18
didrocksoh, you have been converted! :)05:19
thumperI'm sure there are places where C++ is still better05:20
thumperbut they are getting fewer05:20
dufluthumper: Am I the only one whose view of the language is tarnished by the obese rodent character? :)05:20
thumperduflu: haha, maybe05:20
* thumper chuckles05:20
* duflu wants slick and fast languages (and mascots)05:21
thumperfunnily enough, there are two big killer things for Go05:21
thumpercompile speed05:21
thumperand gofmt05:21
thumperno more arguments about brace position, or where to put whitespace05:22
thumperI've learned to live with the other deficiencies05:22
didrocksmy only thing I have some "old habits" and hard to get is this not real notion of class05:22
RAOFRust looks pretty interesting, but much less actually-usable than Go.05:22
didrocksand it tried to half-hide the notion of reference… but not that much05:23
thumperyeah, pointers are still a thing05:24
didrockshey willcooke! up early today07:10
willcookeyeah :(07:10
willcookeor rather, child07:11
didrocksahah, a good reason to wake up I guess :)07:11
larsugood morning!07:12
didrockshey larsu :)07:12
larsuhi didrocks07:12
larsumorning willcooke!07:12
larsuhow are you guys going?07:13
* willcooke is sleepy and grumpy07:13
didrockstime for a 1o1! :)07:13
willcookeI feel sorry for FJKong, he's up first today07:14
* FJKong agree willcooke07:15
didrocksyou agree to be sorry for yourself? :)07:16
JackYuLaney, hi, could you please take a look the merge request at https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/ubuntu-cdimage/kylin/+merge/23282907:40
seb128good morning desktopers07:45
seb128Laney, hey, he's on holidays, should be back tomorrow07:45
didrocksJackYu: ^07:45
pittibonjour seb128, comment vas-tu ? tu est retour à ton ancien temps de se lever :)07:46
pittididrocks: ^ il doit te visiter à nouveau !07:47
seb128pitti, salut, je suis fatigué donc je dors un peu plus, je vais essayer de me réveiller plus tôt de nouveau quand ça ira mieux07:47
JackYudidrocks, seb128, :(07:47
seb128didrocks, thanks07:47
didrockspitti: ahah, j'ai fait la même blague avec le "seb128 est de retour en France, ça se voit" ;)07:47
pittiseb128: :( (I was just kidding)07:47
willcookeJackYu, he's likely to be on email later on - I will email him07:48
JackYuBonjour tout le monde07:48
seb128pitti, no worry, I'm not sick, just a bit tired ;-)07:48
JackYuwillcooke, thanks:)07:48
seb128willcooke, he has an IRC proxy, he's going to see the ping, no need of emails07:49
seb128but he's flying atm/or just back07:49
didrocksmorning JackYu07:49
seb128let him time to settle down07:49
willcookeseb128, ahh yes, I see that.  Ok, so JackYu Laney will get on to that asap07:51
JackYugreat, thanks all.07:52
seb128larsu, do you think we need to hide the cog menus in GNOME apps if we add a menubar? or should we keep those widgets and just add the menubar for users who like to use those menus?08:13
seb128larsu, in evince you made it hide the button in the toolbar when the menus are displayed, but I wonder if we should just not bother/keep the ui and add the menu as well08:13
larsuseb128: hm, good question08:15
larsumy first instinct is to hide them08:15
larsuwhich is why I did that in evince08:15
larsunot sure08:15
larsuI think becasue I dislike having duplicate ui08:15
seb128I would default to "let the widget like, those who know it/want to use it can"08:16
seb128especially that the menus are sort of hidden08:16
larsuand what's the point of having the menubar if you can just use the gear?08:16
seb128the point is why we add those menus back08:16
larsubut like I said. Good Question08:16
seb128consistency between apsp08:16
didrocksdoes the gear cover exactly the same items than the menubar?08:16
larsuseb128: I don't have a thought out opinion yet08:16
seb128it's where they traditionally08:16
seb128it's where they traditionally are08:16
larsutrue, true08:16
larsudidrocks: not always08:17
seb128didrocks, as you want08:17
larsuubt usally08:17
seb128didrocks, we create the menubar for unity, so we can put whatever we want in there08:17
larsuoften they leave away stuff that people know by now and never use the menus for08:17
seb128I think we did cover everything that is in the cog08:17
larsusuch as cut/copy/paste08:17
didrocksI guess what seb128 says makes sense, hiding the cog then, but then, there is the question of chromium and other things with the sandwich menu…08:18
seb128didrocks, I was in favor of not hiding it :p08:18
seb128chromium has both08:18
larsuseb128: do we patch it to have a traditional menubar or does that come from upstream?08:19
seb128no idea08:19
seb128question for qengho08:19
seb128or didrocks08:19
didrocksit's starting to a be a common pattern (even on the web), so maybe yeah, keeping it would make sense. Sad for the duplication with menus, but they are hidden anyways, so we can take them as "shortcuts through the HUD"08:19
didrockslarsu: it's from upstream08:19
larsuoh, wow08:19
didrocksso yeah, they do have menus + cog08:20
larsuI wonder how new style ubuntu desktop apps will handle this08:20
larsuwill they have traditional menus?08:20
didrocksthey will have HUD content, not sure for menus08:20
seb128let's see the day we do a developer desktop08:20
larsuwill unity8 look similar (with the menus in the panel) to what we have today?08:20
seb128currently the new desktop is one of tablet users08:20
seb128those apps are not complex enough to have menus08:20
didrocksbut I guess export menus is mainly for HUD nowdays08:20
seb128neither cog nor menubars08:20
larsuright, currently08:20
larsudidrocks: ya08:21
larsuseb128: I'm asking because if we'd know how unity8 will do it we might accomodate for that08:21
larsulike, leave the cog for transition if we're going cog as well08:21
seb128larsu, my gut feeling is that we don't know, nobody looked at that yet08:21
seb128we focus on the desktop-for-tablet-users atm08:21
didrocksmost of the platform, android included has a cog anyway08:21
seb128if anything08:22
didrocksso it can be an expected user pattern08:22
seb128but afaik design didn't even focus on unity8-desktop yet08:22
* mpt drinks a bottle of vodka08:22
seb128mpt, hey08:22
seb128mpt, :-(08:22
seb128didrocks, I hope we are not doomed at copying android08:22
didrocksit's more Con-versh-hips ;)08:22
* seb128 hates cog menus on desktop08:23
larsuso does mpt...08:23
seb128they might make sense on small screens08:23
didrocksseb128: the web has it, so we'll have it anyways08:23
seb128but a menubar is much easier to access, would it only because it's always in the corner08:23
didrockseven if it's only in a browser08:23
seb128didrocks, that doesn't mean it's not a sucky user experience and than we can't do better08:23
didrockswell, people will still browse the web :)08:24
seb128yeah, and still hate it08:24
seb128we can do better ;-)08:24
mptdidrocks, the Web has cog menus *because* by its nature it can’t have decent pulldown menus08:24
larsulike I said, I can see leaving them there if we'll use cog menus in the future08:24
larsuotherwise I don't see the point of duplicating stuff08:24
mptthough Google Docs puts a lot of effort into trying08:24
larsumpt: those menus are atrocious08:25
seb128mpt, ok, the question is, if a GNOME app has a cog menu, and we distro patch a classic menubar as well, should we hide the cog under Unity or just have both available08:25
larsubut then, so are the rest of those apps08:25
mptI remember trying to implement hierarchical subsubsubsubmenus for Launchpad08:25
* mpt gets another bottle of vodka08:26
larsuI feel sorry for you :)08:26
mptseb128, I would say, hide the cog08:26
seb128mpt, thanks08:26
didrocksseb128: just a note on the cog menu on android, it's not all or none. You have three properties: "always in the actionbar (the bar containing the title)", "if enough room, otherwise cog" (depending on screen size), "always in cog"08:28
seb128didrocks, they work fine on android because you use you finger and it's easy to click on them08:28
seb128didrocks, I hate using cogs on the web in a desktop webbrowser08:28
seb128didrocks, it's not in an easy target like a corner08:29
larsumpt: I agree with you that we should hide them on our current desktop. But in general, I think cog menus are preferable to the global menu bar08:29
seb128didrocks, it's also less handy to navigate than a menubar08:29
larsumpt: especially on unity, where we don't even show it08:29
didrocksseb128: I don't agree on the navigating part (I hate menu for that, properties are in File, Edit or Project?), but yeah, agreed about the easy target one08:29
larsuthe problem with cogs is that you have one menu that contains all the things08:29
larsuand you have no idea whether the thing you're looking for is in there08:30
seb128didrocks, a flat menu with 30 items and 5 submenus is not easy to "find the right submenu" than it is in a menubar08:30
=== Sweetsha1k is now known as Sweetshark
didrocksseb128: if you have a flat menu with 30 items, there is an issue with your apps IMHO :)08:30
seb128didrocks, or that you are libreoffice08:30
seb128or google doc08:31
seb128it needs those items08:31
seb128those do a lot of actions08:31
didrocksyou don't need to put everything you have in a menu in the cog08:31
seb128well, then you have a tradtionnal menubar :-)08:31
didrocksor subscreens08:31
didrockslike preferences one08:31
seb128or 3 toolbars stacked with stack of icons08:31
larsuoffice 95!08:32
seb128well, office has lot of normal actions08:32
seb128those shouldn't be in subscreens08:32
didrocksI don't think you use 3 toolbars stacked with stack of icons on a daily basis, even on an office app08:32
seb128look at the edit menu of writer08:32
seb128how do you decide what actions are used or not?08:33
larsuseb128: http://weblog.sinteur.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/WordToolbars.jpg08:33
seb128larsu, ;-)08:33
larsuif only we had some way to search through them!08:34
larsumaybe if I press my Alt key..08:34
larsuanyway, back to the original question.08:35
seb128didrocks, well, even google doc has traditionnal menus, and if you look at insert/format/tools in a document, they have a least a good 30 items08:35
didrocksseb128: indeed, but most of same mirror what you get in the toolbar or right click08:35
seb128toolbar has like 15 items08:36
larsuI've seen lots of people use that menu, though08:36
seb128I do08:36
larsu(anecdotal blah blah)08:36
larsuI don't, but I don't use gdocs08:36
seb128anyway let's agree to disagree08:36
seb128I find menubar useful and I'm glad even google decide to keep them when it's useful ;-)08:36
didrocks(btw, little tip: Alt + / enables to search the menu)08:37
seb128didrocks, where/how?08:37
seb128doesn't work in firefox+gdoc08:37
didrocksseb128: google doc?08:37
didrocksworks in chrome08:37
larsuwelcome to the web!08:38
seb128I guess another custom hack that works only in chrome :/08:38
didrockspossibly, yeah08:38
didrocksI could test if firefox wasn't freezing at startup here :/08:39
* didrocks kills and restarts08:39
didrocks(indeed, doesn't work on firefox)08:40
seb128larsu, k, sorry, back to the topic ... do you think we should resolve other questions, or just hide the cog as mpt recommended?08:41
larsuseb128: no just that question and I think we should go with mpt's advise08:42
larsuI hope he didn't drink himself into a coma yet08:42
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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=== willcooke_ is now known as willcooke
seb128larsu, so, you special cases california in the theme, are they doing something really special, or is that an open door to have to add other similar hacks for other applications?13:29
larsuseb128: their panes are eventtboxes13:30
seb128do you know/if that's common?13:30
larsuwe used to have a rule that just set the bg of GtkEventBox (for deja-dup)13:30
larsubut setting that breaks selections in list boxes13:30
larsuwhich are used all over the place13:30
larsunot very common13:30
larsuI don't know why deja dup uses them13:30
seb128I guess we can land that and see what issues it creates13:31
larsuyes, that would be cool13:31
seb128I've the feeling we are going to find other eventbox users :/13:31
larsuI've investigated how we could fix o-s13:32
larsubut I really don't want to13:32
larsuand it's quite a bit of work13:32
larsubut doable13:32
seb128maybe you could dump that knowledge in a launchpad bug?13:32
seb128it would avoid loosing it/having to repeat, and we would have that recorded somewhere13:32
larsuthere's not that much knowledge besides "don't use native windows"13:33
larsubut making a bug might be a good idea anyway13:33
larsuso that we can track progress if there will be some13:33
seb128have a place to state "that's what we should, patches are welcome" as well ;-)13:34
seb128who knows13:34
larsuCompany might jump in and write it for us!13:34
larsuseb128: bug #136776413:53
ubot5bug 1367764 in overlay-scrollbar "Themes using overlay scrollbars have to set explicitly set backgrounds on all scrollable widgets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136776413:53
seb128larsu, thanks13:53
seb128larsu, ok, so the approach of "make GtkHeaderBar not the decoration and stack it as a toolbar seems to work nicely enough14:02
seb128Laney, ^14:02
seb128just did that for evince as an experimentation, and it's looking alright14:02
seb128we might be able to have small patches that allows us to unblock apps updates14:02
larsuI agree that this looks good for some apps14:03
larsubut you'll need to remove the title14:03
larsuthat would be really nice14:03
seb128larsu, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/evince.png14:04
seb128that's 3.13.91 on utopic14:04
seb128larsu, Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/136776914:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1367769 in evince (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Update to new 3.13 serie" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:20
seb128attente_, oh, that might be useful for you, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/unity-system-compositor/0.0.5+14.10.20140910-0ubuntu1 :-)14:21
larsuseb128: cool. I'll have a look14:23
didrockswillcooke: popey: https://plus.google.com/+DidierRoche/posts/7LpwuwqDJMa14:30
didrockspopey: try to take my server down! static page + cloudflares14:30
popey ✔ Challenge accepted14:31
* davmor2 hits the server power lead with an axe, Done!14:32
didrocksdavmor2: no no, only legit ways!14:32
attente_seb128: thanks, i saw that, but didn't manage to test it :)14:34
larsuseb128: the changelog diff looks suspivious14:36
seb128larsu, we usually drop all ubuntu changelog entry (at least in desktop land) when we resync on debian14:37
seb128that's a bit controversal, but it's annoying to merge those, and those entries are recorded in launchpad/would be dropped if we had a direct sync anyway14:37
larsuokay, that makes sense14:37
larsuI'm glad we can get rid of that monster patch14:38
* larsu builds14:38
seb128yeah, me too14:38
seb128larsu, btw I opened https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=736419 let's see how that goes14:39
ubot5Gnome bug 736419 in backends "Support traditional menu bar for environments that prefer those" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:39
seb128larsu, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=736420 as well14:39
ubot5Gnome bug 736420 in backends "Don't user GtkHeaderBar as decoration out of gnome-shell" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:39
seb128but I didn't add the patch, because I do the getenv XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP != GNOME trick14:39
seb128which I guess upstream is going to not like14:39
davmor2didrocks: spoilsport http://davmor2.co.uk/~davmor2/hates-what.png did you mean to put hates?14:39
larsuseb128: yeah I saw. We still don't have a good way of doing this14:40
larsuI think desrt said to reuse the dialogusesheader xsetting14:40
popeydidrocks: you should get a bit of traffic now.14:40
didrocksdavmor2: hum? not sure to follow you :)14:40
didrocks 16:41:03 up 8 days, 52 min,  1 user,  load average: 0,14, 0,40, 0,6914:41
didrockspopey: try harder ^14:41
seb128larsu, I guess that's the closest we have14:41
didrockspopey: but yeah, tail -f on /var/log/apache/… is crazy14:41
* popey adds reddit to the list14:42
larsuseb128: ya...14:42
didrockspopey: not sure if LAS mentionned it btw…14:42
larsuseb128: we could make a new one, but I'm not sure that's worth it14:42
didrockspopey: I'm still 3 episods late14:42
didrocksdavmor2: oh, seen it! silly you :)14:43
davmor2didrocks: haha14:43
seb128larsu, right14:45
seb128ok, I'm out for some exercice, bbl14:45
larsuseb128: I'll probably be out when you come back, but I'll be back later. Enjoy!14:45
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
seb128larsu, thanks, you too14:49
seb128larsu, no hurry for evince, it needs a FFe/likely Laney to be back to discuss it14:49
seb128so tomorrow for example14:49
larsuseb128: I'm building and testing it14:49
larsuseb128: and read the patches. I'll comment on those parts before I leave14:50
seb128larsu, thanks, feel free to comment on the merge request14:50
willcookepopey, could you pimp it via the official Ubuntu accounts too please (if you haven't already)14:54
popeyalready done14:54
willcookenice one14:54
popeytwitter, fb, G+, reddit...14:54
didrocksthanks popey ;)14:56
didrocksyou should create an app for that :p14:56
willcookegoing to try and install a cheapo laptop battery I got off ebay.  If I'm not back in 5 mins assume my laptop has exploded.  didrocks - you can have my stuff15:04
didrockseven the horse head I hope! \o/15:05
willcookeno electrical fires \o/15:09
didrocksno horse head for me then :p15:11
didrocksdo you know if the battery has the promoted charge?15:11
willcookehow do you mean?15:11
didrockslike, some manufacturers don't really deliver the mAh that is written on the label15:12
willcookewell, the original Lenovo battery claimed (according to power statistics) a designed energy of something like 60 Wh15:13
willcookebut now it says it can only hold 4815:13
willcookethe new battery says the designed energy is only 4815:14
willcookeso I think I've replaced like for like15:14
willcookebut it was only 15 quid or something15:14
willcookeplus it's got to do its first full charge-discharge cycle15:14
didrockswell, see how it will behave anyway, for this price… :)15:14
willcookeso I'm hopeful it will improve a bit15:15
willcookeOn my 6 cell battery I'm only getting about 2 hours of casual use15:15
willcookeI'm sure it used to be more like 415:15
willcooke(X220 with an i5 )15:15
didrocksyeah, it's not exactly proportinal15:15
didrocksmine is still 73Wh (9 cell), was 86.6Wh when bought15:16
didrocks2 years and half ago15:16
didrocksso, quite happy with default lenovo battery (touching woods…)15:16
davmor2didrocks: wow you have a wooden lenovo15:17
willcookeAt the very least, I've got a back up battery which can see me through a couple of hours15:17
didrocksyep ;)15:17
didrocksdavmor2: heh, yeah, I had high expectations after my dell I needed to put in the hoven…15:17
didrocks(cooking the GPU)15:18
davmor2didrocks: ouch15:18
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* willcooke -> EOD16:59
willcooketa ta16:59
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* Sweetshark just counted that LibreOffice will play some 55 events around the world this year ...19:28
Sweetshark(and that number is likely rather moving up)19:28
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robert_ancelldesrt, are you familiar with sd-bus?21:42
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