
bazhang<bubbajuice> To fix it, I manually downloaded the right .deb packages for 'libc6' and 'libc6-i386' and then force installed them to the system...01:21
bazhangwhat could go wrong01:22
knome14:35  gatis: Should admin of Ubuntu "ikonia" even have moderation access? He  is going nuts in my PM: http://pastebin.com/RiYHQuTC11:39
knomeis that a fake or real log?11:39
ikoniapartially real11:39
ikoniahe missed the part where he pm'd me a ton of bible stuff as he does each day11:40
knomeso you are trolling a troll in the PM?11:40
ikoniatoday I tried a different approach11:40
ikoniait appears to have worked11:40
ikoniahe's stopped sending me bible stuff now11:40
knomeand started harrassing #xubuntu-offtopic11:40
ikoniahas he ?11:41
knomeand he's also pasted some stuff on #xubuntu11:41
ikoniathats probably the only one he's not banned in11:41
ikoniajust ban him11:41
knomethat's a direct quote from the channel11:41
ikoniahe's been doing all the channels for about a week now11:41
knomei haven't seen him behave like crap much yet, so if he knows how to behave in the xubuntu channels, i have no reason to ban him11:41
knomeif you want to do that, feel free to.11:41
ikoniahe's already banned in the #xubuntu channel11:42
ikoniacheck BT11:42
ikoniahe's been a problem in ever ubuntu channel, and non-ubuntu channels11:42
knomei will take it to consideration though that he's misbehaving, and will be giving less rope11:42
knomethat's not a reason to ban him from $another_channel, if he knows how to behave there11:42
knomehave a nice day.11:42
ikoniayou're kidding me ?11:42
ikoniaooh a rage quit11:43
gatisCan someone please talk to ikonia? He is not "sane"11:45
ikoniaI am totally sane11:45
gatisread our PM11:45
ikoniaproblem ?11:45
ikoniahas any of this to do with ubuntu ?11:45
ikoniaor your bans ?11:46
gatisI wonder admins should be sane11:46
ikoniaI'm totally sane11:46
ikoniado you need anything from the operator team ?11:46
ikoniaor shall we stop playing these silly games11:46
gatisI want other admins to read our conversations here: http://pastebin.com/RiYHQuTC11:46
gatisikonia: now you talk differently11:46
ikoniayou've spammed it in multiple channels11:46
ikoniaexactly the same11:46
gatisikonia: i said you are fake11:46
ikoniaanything else ?11:47
gatiswhere is "i praise you" ?11:47
ikoniaI praise you for getting yourself banned and stop the channels being ruines11:47
ikoniado you want anything from me or the team ?11:47
gatisBut i came just to post our PM11:47
ikoniaor are you just trying to cause yet another problem ?11:47
ikoniaok, done11:47
ikonianow you can /part11:47
gatisno i came to post PM11:47
gatishttp://pastebin.com/RiYHQuTC :P11:47
ikoniayou've posted it11:48
gatismake fool of yourself more11:48
DJonesHmmh, a 3 way "PM" with bazhang11:50
DJonesLines 53 & 55 of that "PM" paste11:50
ikoniaoh has he edited more ?11:51
ikoniaI didn't read, I assumed it was the same as before11:51
DJonesLine 55 >bazhang< ikonia is going nuts..11:51
ikoniaI suspect the initial pm he sent me with relogious stuff he didn't expect to get the response he got and expected more requests to stop11:54
=== idleone_ is now known as io
rww15:59:47 < WeiJunLi> ActionParsnip: btw do you have any link for download windows vista iso ?16:01
rww15:59:58 < ActionParsnip> WeiJunLi: no idea, try asking in ##windows16:01
rwwthat'll end well16:01
ubottuIn #ubuntu-server, RoyK said: ubottu: also, FTP is an outdated protocol, don't use it! Use sftp instead.17:01
rww!search ftp18:22
ubottuFound: ftp, ftpd, ftp clients, ftp server, ftp servers, ftp client, ftp-server, sftp18:22
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd18:22
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP18:22
ikoniahello waykool9921:38
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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