
darkxsthmm, I can't reproduce the tracker autopkgtest failure locally in adt-run, could someone give it a bump to try run tests again00:05
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darkxsthmm, I can't reproduce the tracker autopkgtest failure locally in adt-run, could someone give it a bump to try run tests again07:07
mlankhor1tcan someone accept fglrx-installer NEW in -proposed?07:45
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LocutusOfBorg1mlankhorst, do you think this change is not important for ubuntu?13:37
LocutusOfBorg1just wondering why of the upload of 1.16.0-1 instead of -2 (if I understand correctly)13:37
mlankhorstI was waiting on doko's feedback at the time, then decided to upload anyway. but using -2 should be doable, package that depends on it is still in NEW. :P13:38
mlankhorstafter the xorg transition I'll get around to it13:39
LocutusOfBorg1thanks! :D13:40
mlankhorstcan xserver-xorg-video-sis and xf86-video-msm be removed from the archive? first one has been removed from debian, second one needs to be removed from debian still, debian bug 75422114:37
ubot2Debian bug 754221 in xf86-video-msm "xf86-video-msm: FTBFS against xserver 1.16" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75422114:37
ubot93Debian bug 754221 in xf86-video-msm "xf86-video-msm: FTBFS against xserver 1.16" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75422114:37
mlankhorstif that's fixed I think that should be all for transitioning to work14:58
debfxexcept virtualbox?15:08
mlankhorstyeah I don't have rights for that15:08
mlankhorstit needs a rebuild only bump15:08
debfxmlankhorst: I'll take care of that15:15
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cyphermox_could someone please re-run the utopic-adt-network-manager test to unblock network-manager? seems like it failed on i386 only, but this is something I'm already aware of and requires fixes (in progress) in urfkill15:46
mlankhorstoh can xserver-xorg-video-msm xserver-xorg-video-sis, glamor-egl and nvidia-173 be removed?17:43
mlankhorstglamor-egl moved to xorg-server now, nvidia-173 is EOL'd by nvidia, -sis is removed by debian and -msm doesn't build in debian, will be replaced by freedreno17:44
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