
CoimbraOERIAS is back!01:44
gebbioneserious? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1322925 5 months and no change?03:14
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1322925 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Copy, paste stops working randomly in Ubuntu 14.04 nautilus" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:14
gebbioneuseless distro03:15
gebbionegoing to look for something better, so many bugs, how was ubuntu 14 acceptance tested????03:15
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:42
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Swap Ideas Day! :-D08:18
DJonesHave I slept for 6 months, its not APril 1st is it? http://games.slashdot.org/story/14/09/09/2334235/report-microsoft-to-buy-minecraft-studio-for-2bn08:27
Myrttiif Notch would want more money quickly, then that might be the way, I'm a bit doubtful he'd do that though.08:28
MyrttiI suppose everything is possible.08:28
DJonesIts possible, but I can't see how MS would expect to recover $2bn from Minecraft sales/income08:29
DJonesPlus there's the comment by Notch about releasing the source code as "some kind of open source" once sales drop off08:30
ElionsSome cities have less habitants than there are people who own minecraft08:31
ElionsSo it's unlikely08:31
Elionsat least, anytime soon.08:32
Myrttiwell there is a saturation point to it all08:32
Myrttiwhat keeps the sales going is new ways Minecraft is being used08:32
DJonesXbox version looks to sell for £17 ish, that'd be around 70M xbox minecraft sales needed to break even08:33
diplo+ the income from Xbox Gold to use it?08:34
DJonesAhh, thinking about it, its probably not got anything to do with the game, they just want to by copyright/patents :)08:38
pulsewhen do jobs start at in uk on average?08:49
pulsecan someone tell me? :P08:49
pulse(i mean what hour of the day)08:49
diploBetween 8-9am08:51
diploI start at 8 as do quite a few of my friends, depends on the job I guess08:51
DJonesIf you're a postman, its probably around 5am08:53
DJonesTypical shift work would be 6am-2pm, 2pm-10pm, 10pm-6am08:54
popeymy previous job had "core" hours between 10 and 4 which you had to be in the office for, but they didn't care about the start/end time08:58
popeyso if you came in early, you could go out early08:58
pulsethanks :)08:59
directhexpulse: it largely depends on office culture09:13
directhexpulse: e.g. i set off the alarm for my current job on my third day by arriving at 10am09:14
pulsewell, i think each country has an average of its own09:14
pulsehere in slovenia jobs usually start at 809:14
pulseit's no rule though, i was wondering when i can contact some firm in the uk :P09:15
pulsei contacted them successfully now so no worries09:15
Myrttiwhen I was a kid I thought all the jobs in Finland started at 709:17
ThomasRedstonelol, office jobs are traditionally 9-5:30, but there are increasingly jobs that either specify an earlier start, say 8:30, and later end, around 6:00, or where pressure of the work, and the culture forces people to work longer hours without it being in their contract...09:20
DJonesBankers are at the office between 5am and 8pm, 1st & last 3 hours of the day to shred the incriminating paperwork09:22
ThomasRedstonefrom what I've heard a lot of that time is wasted (at a junior level), and the later time is the actual work, because they only actually get the stuff they've been waiting on towards the end of the day, crazy bankers09:24
ThomasRedstoneanyone here been using Netflix on Ubuntu? I've got it working by upgrading lnbnss3 to the version used 14.10, but it's unstable (which might be purely down to the fact I'm using a different OS's deb files...)09:25
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:25
bigcalmAnybody here make use of Checkpoint VPN?09:25
davmor2bigcalm: NO09:26
bigcalmdavmor2: DAMN09:26
popeyi used to09:28
popeywhen i worked in an office with silly windows rubbish09:28
ThomasRedstonebigcalm, what's your real question? Maybe someone knows something...09:29
davmor2popey: but windows let in light into the office, without windows you would be able to see unless they have those new fangled electric lights!09:31
* popey notes his blind is shut09:31
ThomasRedstonepopey, my curtains too, what is wrong with us?!09:36
davmor2it's the sun it burnses us, the precious09:37
ThomasRedstoneFreelancer.com sent me an email with the subject "Are you capturing your mobile users?", where the hell do they expect me keep them all?! I'm not some evil super villain!!!09:37
davmor2ThomasRedstone: surely you are the only person using your mobile09:38
ThomasRedstonea good point, my daughter does sometimes, and she's already kind of captured, she can't legally go anywhere without my permission! Muhahaha :-P09:39
diploRecommendations of what to use other than Nagios, any preferred over another ?10:10
diploOPsview/Icinga/Zabbix are what I was thinking of trying10:12
foobarrydoc says i have bronchitis10:17
bigcalmTummy says I have hunger *gurgle*10:37
davmor2bigcalm: it lies10:40
bigcalmIt makes me feel ill10:41
* bigcalm reaches for the chewing gum10:41
foobarrydiplo: adagios10:42
foobarryits nagios with the annoying bits fixed10:43
bigcalmfoobarry: that sucks, I hope you get well soon10:43
diploI've not seen that foobarry10:44
* diplo takes a look10:44
bigcalmA possible alternative to nagios: https://github.com/intrbiz/bergamot10:45
foobarryi also had a 24hr sick bug yesterday to compound issues :(10:46
foobarryfeeling v sorry for myself10:46
diplodemo is broke bigcalm, foobarry that looks quite nice10:46
diploMay play with it locally10:46
bigcalmdiplo: it's by a guy from our LUG. He really needs more people to contribute and make the project great10:48
diploGet him to fix the demo first then :D10:48
diploI'll download later and try it locally10:48
foobarryadagios allows editing of config files , where nagios will overwrite and squash files badly10:48
bigcalmI'll prod him about the demo10:48
foobarryalso its morepretty10:48
diployeah I noticed that, quite liked that10:49
foobarrywhere's this list of 5m gmail accounts that were compromised?10:54
foobarrythink i've got it10:57
foobarrywow there's some lame passwords10:57
intrbizbigcalm: hello there, thanks for plugging http://bergamot-monitoring.org/11:19
davmor2intrbiz: wow dude what are you doing here ;)11:21
intrbizhaha, dancing with the devil, something like that11:22
intrbizis Ubuntu 14.10 shipping with systemd?11:22
davmor2intrbiz: dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight :)11:22
bigcalmdavmor2: at the moon under water no doubt11:23
intrbizmmmmm beer11:23
foobarrymy wife's name is on the 5M google emails11:23
davmor2intrbiz: pass it's had bits for a while so I'm not sure11:23
foobarryis there a list of passwords associated with the 5m names?11:23
davmor2intrbiz: I would say it is more likely to land fully in 15.04 though but that is me guessing.11:28
diddledanfoobarry: what's this about gmail accounts?11:28
diddledan(I just came in)11:28
foobarrylist of 5M compromised gmail  accounts out there11:28
diddledannot good11:28
bigcalmintrbiz: if it's the only thing stopping a .deb release, man up and write a init.d script ;)11:29
davmor2foobarry: the guys purged the passwords reading the news articles11:29
bigcalmintrbiz: or are there other bits of systemd that I'm missing?11:29
foobarrythe first two letters of the pasword don't match with one she ever used11:31
foobarryhave google ever distinguished between accounts with a "." in the name?11:32
foobarrylooks like hte passwods are not for gmail accounts11:35
diddledanI'm not sure I understand the question11:37
diddledangmail usernames with or without a . must be unique11:37
diddledani.e. dan.llew and danllew are different usernames11:38
foobarryreally? even in gmail?11:41
foobarryi thought i could send to foo.barry and foobarry and get both mails11:41
foobarry"Gmail doesn't recognize dots as characters within usernames, you can add or remove the dots from a Gmail address without changing the actual destination"11:42
diddledanthat's odd behaviour11:42
intrbizbigcalm: Its the initscript and log handling that I mainly rely on, nothing to major, just another bit of time11:43
bigcalmFair enough. I think you need more contributors to the project :)11:44
* bigcalm slithers off to lunch11:46
mappssamsung motherboard here12:30
popey\o/ changed my launchpad name https://launchpad.net/~popey12:30
* popey like sbears12:30
popeyalso bears12:30
Azelphurpopey: now get your name changed by depol to that. :P12:30
Azelphurpopey: did you see my latest shenanigans in Bitcoin land?12:32
popeyyour job?12:32
popeyyeah, nice one.12:33
Azelphurthat and I got randomly shipped to Berlin by ownCloud, having only heard about it 4 days prior12:33
mappswhat you don re bitcoin12:37
Azelphurmapps: https://home.azelphur.com/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=0d302c5f272a6614b4e0502df3360659 is my employment contract :P12:37
mappslol cool12:38
Azelphurindeed, gonna be fun :)12:38
mappsthink id be laughed at if i asked for that12:38
mappsi guess small company?12:38
Azelphurmapps: well, it was offered to me, they offered me any currency I liked12:38
Azelphursomewhat small, but they are in the Bitcoin realm which is why Bitcoin is an option12:39
mappsah yea12:39
mappssomehow dont think bet365 will pay me in btc;p12:39
mappsi have to wait 6 weeks for pay after this month too..which blows12:39
Azelphurmapps: the fact that a site like bit365 doesn't accept BTC is a major loss for them :P12:40
mappssomehow bcause my pay date moves when i move to gibraltar ..quite annoying and i dont see why12:40
Azelphurthe BTC casinos are /huge/ now12:40
AzelphurI made a tidy sum by investing in SatoshiDice12:40
mappsi dunno its too much hassle for me tbh12:40
mappsand for most people betting id imagine12:40
mappslogin betfair type my 3 digits in moneys there12:40
Azelphurmapps: it circumvents gambling laws in USA, which is why its so popular.12:41
mappsmake a betting exchange with btc12:41
mappsthat would be cool12:41
mappsthe new iphones seem nice12:44
mappsand claim prety good battery life12:44
Azelphurmapps: sorry, I read the specs last night while giggling12:45
mappsthe battery life was decent..no?12:45
Azelphurtheverges article read like a comedy12:46
mappsi dont see the appeal of a smart watch tho12:46
mappscant see what id want it for12:46
Azelphurmapps: yea, apparently it's a bit better battery wise12:46
mappsthey claim 24hrs on one of them12:46
Azelphurthe things that made me laugh were the 1334x750 "Retina HD woo shiny" display :P12:47
marxjohnsonUm, 24 hours battery life for the iphone?12:47
Azelphur"Apple says it uses an all-new sensor with even larger pixels than before." made me burst out laughing12:47
marxjohnsonIf that's decent, what's it like on the 5?12:47
mappsway less than 24jrs lol12:48
Azelphur"Apple says the camera has a new autofocus system that uses pixels on the image sensor to focus even faster than before." what else is it gonna use, magic sky fairies? :P12:48
marxjohnsonOh dear. I wonder what they do differently that makes it eat power? Maybe I just have less power-hungry stuff on all the time on my Nexus12:48
Azelphursorry...that article was so funny :x12:48
mappsyea my nexus7 lasts a long time12:49
mappsbut my 5s if i actually do anything on it dies pretty quickly12:49
Azelphurmarxjohnson: it's 24 hours of standby time, web browsing and such is only 10 hours.12:49
Azelphurand that 10 hours is probably with everything but the essentials turned off12:49
marxjohnsonHoly crap12:50
AzelphurI imagine it's pretty much on par with other modern smartphones.12:50
Azelphurmapps: on the watch, I really did like apples navigation thing, can't fault that in theory12:50
Azelphurand googles one is terrible12:50
mappsbut who needs it12:50
AzelphurI'd use it12:50
marxjohnsonWell when i was playing Sonic 4 on my Nexus that drained the battery in a few hours, but with normal usage (occasional calls/texts/browsing, TTS audio books) it lasts about 2 days12:51
AzelphurI walk places a lot12:51
mappsso do i..but use your phone for stuff?12:51
Azelphurmapps: it's another stage in miniaturisation and portability, on the same basis, use your laptop for stuff ;)12:52
Azelphurthe watches are mostly useful for notifications though, it's a pain to pull your phone out just to find out you got an email that could have been viewed with a glance at your wrist.12:53
marxjohnsonPlus you get to feel like you're in Thunderbirds12:54
Azelphurindeed, great fun talking to your watch and freaking people out12:56
diploAzelphur, I got round the email alerts by only having alerts/noises on emails I care about. Family/friends and a few important ones make a notification sound etc where as everything else just slips through13:01
AzelphurI see, I prefer to not miss anything :)13:01
mappshow long you in germany for?13:06
Azelphurmapps: I'm not in Germany any more, I came back last Monday :)13:08
mappshm cool got 4g where i am atm13:20
mappsnormally only use my orange 3g contract..luckily one of thems ending in 2 weeks:D13:20
mappsstill got 18months on my ee one tho and i wont be here..dunno if its worth phoning ..im not gonna pay it off may aswell keep it if thats the case13:21
Azelphurmapps: going to Berlin?13:22
mappsbut gt 2 contracts atm orange unlimited 3g iphone 513:23
mappsee iphone 5s 5gig 4g13:23
mappsdidnt really want 2 while im not here..so luckily 1 runs out13:23
mappsi could try and lower the tarrif on ee one i guess13:23
Azelphurmapps: or sell it to someone that wants it13:24
mappsnah then if theyre up to no good its under my name:D13:24
directhex10T sata rust drives announced by hgst @_@13:50
* popey looks at the 12 bays in his microserver and ponders 12x10TB14:04
diddledanpopey: they have 12 bays?!14:07
popey4 internal, 8 external14:07
davmor2popey: why you ponder that, what flowers would you like at your funeral when you're beloved finds out an kills you? ;)14:08
diddledanI wonder how quickly you could fill up a 120TB array?!14:08
diddledanI suggest running a `for i in /dev/sd??; do dd if=/dev/zero of=$i; done` first... might take a few days to complete :-p14:09
intrbizSeagate (sort of) announced 8TB drives the other week.  Sadly it looks like HGST are having to use SMR to get the 10TB, which will dent perf somewhat14:10
diddledanintrbiz: SMR?14:10
intrbizshingled magnetic recording14:10
popeyi could keep backups for longer14:14
ujjainare credit cards used for paying rent? seems like a good idea to use a 2% unlimited cash back credit card for your rent14:30
ujjainthat 2% is 240 yearly for me14:30
diddledanujjain: no14:43
diddledanujjain: it is usually cash, cheque, debit or directdebit14:44
SuperEngineer"Following the death of his pet rat, Pepeijn Bruins decided he wanted to have it stuffed and attach three propellers."14:47
SuperEngineeris that really what happens on the Real Ale Train?14:47
diddledanyey for getting "stuffed" drinking ale14:48
davmor2SuperEngineer: only before the party starts, afterwards they are too busy playing pass the ratcopter15:16
* SuperEngineer likes the idea of a ratcopter15:27
mappsujjain,  nah places charge a fee for using cc15:27
ujjainah right15:28
mappslike booking flights and hotels :( else id use a cashback card all the time15:28
mappsive had like £60 of m&s vouchers so far his year:D15:28
ujjainah right fair point15:28
ujjainI remember having such experiences15:28
mappsi get cashback on my m&s mastercard15:28
mappsi get cashback on my barclays american express BUT not everywhere takes it anyway15:28
SuperEngineermapps - keep a gun in same pocket as wallet... you'd be serprised how much cash back you get ;)15:29
mappsits obv known not everywhere takes amex..as its 1 account but 2cards.an amex and a mastercard..the amex has cashback and 0 abroad fees:D15:30
mappshm i didnt know you were allowed lighters or matches in hand luggage..had to chuck some cool matches we got in a bar in Latvia..but yet at the airport accidently had a lighter on me and they said its ok15:30
mappsi was sure you werent allowed O_o15:31
SuperEngineer[probably the phosphorous in the matches that frightened them... silly huh?]15:33
SuperEngineer[as if you could do anything nasty with phosphorous!]15:34
mappsno i mean i chucked them in the bin at hotel15:34
mappsbut a lighter is ok?!15:34
SuperEngineerin other words - they were correct15:34
mappsi thought lighters.matches everything was banned15:34
SuperEngineerprovoded it's only got lighter fuel in it - it can't do anything more than explode, surely?15:35
mappswell thats enough15:35
mappsyou could start a fire!15:35
SuperEngineerguess the NSA & GCHQ have now just started this channel lol15:36
SuperEngineer...& having mentioned them... hmmmmmmmm15:36
diddledanI think the NSA and GCHQ have been monitoring this channel for some time - I'm here15:36
diddledansurely my presence is enough to warrant surveilance, no?15:37
SuperEngineerdiddledan [no, probably only the crime squad]  :D15:38
* SuperEngineer likes Gregg Proops advice to all peeps who send him mail following his podcast... add a little hate message for the NSA15:39
SuperEngineer[last one was "if you're going to do that in the office - clean up after you]15:40
SuperEngineerexpletives deleted of course15:41
mappsitd be ok to leave a raspberry pi on for 6months while im away wouldnt it?15:52
mappsjust wanted to leave squid and openVPN running on it so i can use stuff like bbc iplayer15:52
mappsi thought about leaving my dell desktop (old machine i use as server) but i feel its a bad idea?15:53
diddledanat 5volt/1amp it'll barely register on any leccy bill15:53
mappsim not meaning that15:53
mappsi mean like no chance of a fire or something15:53
mappsleaving my old dell desktop on for 6-12months would be dodgy?15:53
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinsi was rudely awoken today my a stern knock at the door16:13
daftykinsi dragged myself out of bed which was quite painful due to not having had my morning pain meds yet, and high-tailed it down there16:13
daftykinsnobody on the street, too slow =|16:13
SuperEngineeryeah gads! I'm either running my pooters on coal or someone locally just lit a coal fire -and I'm *not* running pooters on coal!16:14
daftykinsthen again later! caught him that time though, all for a pesky gas meter reader =|16:14
daftykinsSuperEngineer: feeling some heat?16:14
daftykinsWinnie, the?16:14
SuperEngineerdaftykins: nah - smelling the smell16:14
daftykinsah i see16:14
* SuperEngineer hears sheep bleating - assume they don't like the smell either16:17
bigcalmAre there any better Markdown editors than ReText?16:18
daftykinsjust sent a client an email to see if they'll read the serial number off a NAS i put in for them so i can get the £35 rebate - fingers crossed!16:19
SuperEngineeryou hum it - I'll sing it!16:20
* daftykins blinks16:20
SuperEngineer^ for bigcalm16:20
daftykinsi want what SuperEngineer's having16:20
bigcalmSuperEngineer: you've lost me16:21
SuperEngineerdaftykins: it's called "on leave" - it's a rare earth material16:21
daftykinsmmm leaves16:21
SuperEngineerspoil sport16:22
SuperEngineer..but honest - no leaves [well tobacco is/are leaves I sippose - but nowt else16:23
SuperEngineer[don't worry - I'm off to see daughter tomorrow - i'll you in peace then ;)  ]16:24
SuperEngineer*leave you16:24
daftykinsi'm playing some more Destiny on my new xbox one which i bought yesterday16:25
SuperEngineerdid you choose destiny or was that the "enforced" freebie?16:25
daftykinschoice yeah, it was on offer16:26
SuperEngineernice one!16:26
daftykinsthey had none of the consoles in with the silly Kinect device so i thought meh, no harm in getting the one without :D16:26
daftykinsso i got the console + game for £29116:26
SuperEngineeryeh - less chance of NSA looking at the silly faces we make when playing games16:27
daftykinsbut i really don't get this voice control fascination16:28
daftykinsit's totally unpleasant to me, i never even found myself wanting to try it on my smartphone16:28
SuperEngineer£291?!!! - ypu could have given me £100 and I'd have given you an ex-box!16:28
SuperEngineeremphasis on *ex*-box16:29
daftykinsthat'll be my VAT-less benefit yeah ;)16:29
daftykinsi am quite impressed by HMV Guernsey, they were practically within £3 of amazon UK's price16:29
SuperEngineerwow - also impressed16:30
daftykinsso i figured i'd prefer walking the ~150m rather than waiting for delivery :D16:30
SuperEngineerI can do the £/metre maths there - that's good value16:32
daftykinsi did have to carry it in my one good arm mind you ;)16:34
popeyI'm with daftykins16:37
popeyvoice control. pah16:37
directhexbut for skyrim?16:38
directhexfus ro DAH!16:38
bigcalmWhere are .desktop files stored globally?16:40
bigcalmOh, found them, ta16:41
bigcalmSo, anybody used uberwriter? :)16:47
popeylooks like pyroom16:48
bigcalmI'm trying to find a decent Markdown editor that will allow me to include CSS when exporting to HTML16:49
bigcalmUberwriter does so, but it's a bit buggy16:49
popeypatches welcome16:49
bigcalmReText isn't buggy but doesn't offer that option16:49
intrbizbigcalm: have you looked at somethink like jekyl?16:49
bigcalmintrbiz: is that a KDE app?16:49
intrbizbigcalm: where you can apply templates to the MD, nah its a Ruby servery thingy16:50
intrbizbigcalm: it what github uses to do their pages stuff - http://jekyllrb.com/16:50
bigcalmAh. Looks overkill, but I'll have a play with it. Ta :)16:51
intrbizbigcalm: MD does allow you to inline HTML, should you might be able to cheat and munge in a style block16:52
Pendulumdaftykins: I do like that voice control makes things more accessible to disabled people. Personally, I have a love/hate relationship.16:54
davmor2bigcalm: emacs, emacs does everything, or vim vim does everything :D17:01
davmor2bigcalm: have you had a look at sublime I think there are a few people using that.17:05
bigcalmdavmor2: I thought sublime was Mac only17:05
davmor2bigcalm: pass17:06
davmor2bigcalm: http://www.sublimetext.com/217:06
davmor2bigcalm: I don't know what it can do and not do I just see it's name banded around by devs17:07
bigcalmI'll see if my current IDE can export MD to HTML17:08
davmor2bigcalm: it does say free for evaluation it doesn't say how long evaluation is :)17:09
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
popeyanyone know someone into debian packaging who wants some contract work? https://plus.google.com/u/0/116915640151584325691/posts/PYh6TGSGZEJ19:11
ujjainAre sleeping at work and playing pc games at work valid rasons to get fired?19:29
daftykinsno to the first if you're in Japan, but i'd hope so for the majority of cases :D19:30
popeyDepends if there's guidelines that say don't do either of those things.19:32
popeyI saw an article recently about Googlers who sleep at work to avoid paying rent19:33
popeyand I know people who play games at work, but they work for game developers... sooo....19:33
daftykinshmm just grep'd that leaked gmail password text file for my addy and some others19:34
daftykinsno sign19:34
ujjainour guidelines say we can be subjected to drug tests19:34
ujjainnot that I use drugs, but still seems like you should be able to do what you want in your free time19:34
ujjainyeah, my gmail address wasnt in the list either, fortunately19:35
ujjainalthough I use a unique password for my gmail address that I dont use anywhere else19:35
daftykinsa friend did research work in Japan, it's considered a high mark of professionalism to have fallen asleep at your desk19:42
daftykinswhat with the crazy hours they put in, etc19:42
ujjainhmm, but everybody is so close to eachother at my company19:43
ujjainI couldn´t, but I hear stories about people arriving 3am at the company after going and waking up at 8am and work19:44
shaunoI don't seem to get in trouble for napping.  I get in trouble for snoring.  apparently that makes the difference.19:44
ujjainah me too, buffalo ujjain :(19:44
shaunothe difference seems to be we can nap if there's no-one in sight.  but I can't snore unless the floor (and the floor below) are empty :/19:46
ujjainthey can make silencers for bazooka´s, why not for me :-( I´m sure I make less sound than them19:48
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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