
cmaloneyYay, my keyboard showed up again. :)14:53
cmaloneySo now I have my keyobard good as new.14:53
cmaloneyI think they replaced the switches on it.14:53
cmaloneyFeels pretty new.14:53
cmaloneyMakes me happy. :)14:54
widox cmaloney your leopold broke?14:56
cmaloneywidox: It was giving me ghost keypresses.15:10
wolfgerOoh... haunted keyboard.15:11
widoxI get double presses sometimes - kind of annoying15:19
cmaloneywidox: Check and see if you still have warranty coverage15:19
rick_h_yayayayayay http://r.bmark.us/u/cb2e24e3d9e20915:28
rick_h_jcastro ran away and doesn't want to see it15:28
cmaloneyYeah, people are crowing about it15:33
wolfgerThat's awesome news15:49
trevlarsomebody just opened a pull request with this line: "cat /dev/null > newfile.txt"16:25
trevlarwould there be a reason to do that instead of just touch?16:25
wolfgerjust to be cute?16:28
wolfgerI can't think of any reason16:29
trevlaryeah before I said something I wanted to check16:35
wolfgerrewrite it as "ls /dev/null >> newfile.txt"? :-D16:37
cmaloneyecho -n > newfile.txt16:42
cmaloneytrevlar: Only reason I can think of is if touch is not installed on a machine16:43
cmaloneywhich I'd consider a bug16:43
cmaloneyalso: touch won't empty a file, it'll just change the timestamp16:43
cmaloneywhereas cat / echo will create new files16:43
cmaloneybah, that's the reason right there.16:44
trevlarcmaloney: ah yep16:45
cmaloneyI don't always have brain farts but when I do everyone gets to enjoy the smell16:47
cmaloneyor something like that.16:47
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Bookiebot is awol again?16:48
mrgoodcati'm sure he is16:51
mrgoodcati've been having networking issues16:51
mrgoodcathang on16:51
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho16:54
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Enjoy The Pain by 16volt on American Porn Songs16:54
jrwrentrevlar: if touch does not exist?16:55
trevlarjrwren: it does. the line in question is in a provisioning script for an ubuntu 14.04 image for vagrant16:56
trevlarI think cmaloney is right. to empty the file if it already exists16:57
jrwrenyes, he is. I had not caught up.17:02
wolfgeroh, silly me. I forgot how cat worked. Too long away from the CLI.17:04
wolfgerMy suggested alternate would be a touch replacement though.17:04
wolfgerplus create the file if the file did not already exist17:05
mrgoodcatit may seem like a small victory but i have to share it. i got my chromebook running arch with no issues at all that i can see17:13
mrgoodcatpersonal victory17:13
mrgoodcathad to compile 3.17-rc4 myself though since 3.16 doesn't support my touchpad17:14
brousch_Arch? We care only about Ubuntu here.17:14
jrwrenthat is a pretty new kernel.17:15
jrwrenI'm still running 3.11 and 14.04 only ships 3.1317:16
mrgoodcat3.17 is the first with support for the c720 hardware17:16
brousch_chromebook already is Linux!17:17
jrwrenso is android, but its not a good linux.17:18
brousch_Chromebook is more Linuxy17:19
brousch_You can get a shell17:19
mrgoodcatchromebook is pretty good linux actually17:19
rick_h_because it has a terminal hidden away?17:19
* rick_h_ is cranky and grumbly today watch out17:20
mrgoodcatyou can install ubuntu in a chroot on it17:20
brousch_And install chroots. Oh wait, you can do that on Android too17:20
rick_h_oh wtf you guys are crazy17:20
rick_h_just because I can put linux on a calculator and run `ls` doesn't mean people with that calculator are 'running linux' or 'linux users'17:20
brousch_rick_h_: Who peed in your coffee today?17:21
rick_h_brousch_: I  don't know. It's just been peed in17:21
rick_h_and I'm unhappy about it all :P17:21
brousch_Hung over from Apple Day?17:21
rick_h_who? no I didn't eat any apples today17:22
rick_h_that whole company can go diaf and I don't care. They could release a flying self driving car and I'd still not care.17:22
brousch_But ... CUPS!17:23
rick_h_if I want to print I go to the printers17:23
mrgoodcatrick_h_: chromeos is a gentoo derivation17:24
mrgoodcati thought CUPS was maintained by apache now?17:24
cmaloneyIf there's no compiling then it's not gentoo stylin'17:24
rick_h_mrgoodcat: that's nice, but so are fridges out there, and tvs, that doesn't make them linux users17:24
brousch_OK, I'm actually having trouble coming up with another thing Apple does that a Linux user cares remotely about17:24
cmaloneysue companies?17:25
mrgoodcatI'm having trouble figuring out why chrome isn't linux17:25
brousch_ChromeOS is Linux!17:25
cmaloneychromeos is not a linux distribution17:25
mrgoodcatcmaloney: why not?17:25
rick_h_chromeos is a tv17:25
rick_h_and that tv is pointed at one channel, www.xxx.com carry on17:25
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I can't install applications on ChromeOS, I can install applications into Chrome17:26
jrwrenor course it is linux, so is android, that does not make it good or usable.17:26
jrwrenan IBM san switch is linux.17:26
jrwrenLinux is everywhere.17:26
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/gvxG4J - MDwiki17:26
cmaloneyLike the Buddha17:26
brousch_Ut oh, we pissed off jcastro17:27
mrgoodcatwhat makes you think that?17:28
brousch_He left, but came back17:28
mrgoodcatah. i have quits and such ignored17:29
brousch_mrgoodcat: So the c720 touchpad is included in that newer kernel?17:31
brousch_Shitty smartwatch app idea: Display ads on your wrist for money17:33
mrgoodcatwas contributed by the chrome team so it works like a charm17:33
brousch_Like a juju charm?17:33
mrgoodcatnot quite17:33
mrgoodcatproblem is now i'm using a custom compiled kernel i have to watch for security updates if i want them then i have to recompile17:34
cmaloneyBut Linux is unbreakable17:34
mrgoodcatoh yea i forgot17:34
mrgoodcatforgive me if i still watch the security mailing list17:35
cmaloneyHey, when people are out to get you paranoia is only good thinking.17:37
wolfgerDid somebody say Gentoo? :-D17:41
mrgoodcatyes gentoo was mentioned17:41
wolfgerGentoo FTW!17:42
wolfgercompile all the source code!17:43
mrgoodcati had to compile the kernel this morning17:44
mrgoodcatif i ever was going to use gentoo, that killed any chance of me ever actually doing it17:44
mrgoodcatcompile on my 2GB, 2 core chromebook17:44
mrgoodcatceleron 2955U17:45
brousch_I just looked. There are approx 250 fart apps in the Play store, but no app to make a sound to cover up an actual fart17:46
wolfgerYeah... I used to love doing that stuff. Then one day I realized I had better things to do with my time than wait for a bunch of updates to compile on a near-daily basis.17:46
wolfgerbrousch_: no sound will cover up a fart17:46
brousch_a cough!17:47
brousch_So I'm thinking about a smartwatch app that turns up your phone's volume and sets off your ring tone. You would use this to cover up the sound of a fart17:49
rick_h_brousch_: it needs to be motion triggered.17:50
rick_h_if you shake your arm around like a monkey it activates17:50
brousch_Like trigger it by waving your hand back and forth like you are disbursing a bad odor?17:50
brousch_I don't think that's necessary. It will look like you are just checking your watch17:51
wolfgerNeed a good mercury switch and have it triggered by lifting one butt cheek17:51
wolfgerof course, it would probably then go off every time you move at all17:52
brousch_Which is more socially awkward? Letting a loud fart or your phone going off at full volume?17:52
wolfgerWell, once you establish the pattern that your phone rings loudly and the room immediately stinks....17:55
wolfgerIt's lose-lose17:55
cmaloneyYou'd need to have a colon sensor17:58
rick_h_CHC tonight party people17:58
cmaloneywoo woo17:58
rick_h_reminder reminder reminder17:58
brousch_rick_h_: Was it cmaloney's colon comment that triggered your CHC reminder?17:59
rick_h_brousch_: or just I can't wait for today to be over and to get there18:00
cmaloneyI'm not sure which scares me more: code that doesn't work, or code that seems to work the first time.18:00
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho18:03
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Scin by I:Scintilla on The Approach18:03
akellingStreaming music?18:09
cmaloneyakelling: Local collection18:17
akellingo okay18:18
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/YIO7gO - #MP3Tribute18:18
cmaloneyYou can pick the album (and others) from this site.18:18
greg-g"All albums are released under a Creative Commons BY NC ND 3.0 license by their respective artists."18:20
greg-g:/ "good enough" I guess18:20
cmaloneygood enough? :)18:21
cmaloneyI think that's flipping awesome. :)18:21
jrwrenCC0 or death.18:21
cmaloneyjrwren: Hope you enjoy the early part of the 20th century18:22
jrwreni'm j/k of course.18:22
cmaloneyjesus, today must be international petiton / call in day.18:23
greg-gwhat else?18:23
cmaloneyCitizens United, Internet Slowdown18:23
cmaloneyTell Scott Walker he's a dick18:23
mrgoodcat!sms gary lol n00b18:23
mrgoodcatdamn wrong channel18:24
jrwrenit must be, since I'm volonteering at a phone bank tonight :)18:37
wolfgervogonteering? Is that where you go around writing deadly bad poetry?18:54
jrwrenMaybe. It is definitely not where one learns to spell.18:56

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