
Noskcaj-schoolJust a quick "survey", is xubuntu still ok for upower 0.99 this cycle? ubuntu's stuff finally supports it, so darkxst and i have a giant FFe to make01:16
Noskcaj-schoolbluesabre, ochosi ^01:19
bluesabreNoskcaj: Yeah, if everything can support it with minor changes or just a rebuild, we can probably proceed with it.02:33
bluesabreochosi: do you agree?02:33
Unit193I believe Debian had only partial support in one of the packages, at least saw a bug about it.02:37
Noskcajbluesabre, Pretty much all is sorted in debian already06:32
Noskcajit should be just rebuilds06:33
elfyI really should write stuff down or remember it - but as I didn't and don't - how do I apply this patch to test it xfce 1113406:34
ubottuxfce bug 11134 in General "Desktop Settings Infobar gives move option when unavailable" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1113406:34
elfyhi Noskcaj 06:35
Noskcajhey elfy 06:35
Noskcajdownload the source, copy patch in, build it, install, test06:35
Noskcaj5 minutes work06:36
elfyright 06:36
elfyyou'd make an awesome teacher06:36
Noskcajbzr branch lp:ubuntu/xfdesktop406:36
Noskcajcopy the patch to xfdesktop4/debian/patches/thingy.patch06:37
elfyso why can't you just patch the installed version06:37
NoskcajAdd thingy.patch to xfdesktop4/debian/patches/series06:37
Noskcajelfy, because compilers06:37
elfynvm then Noskcaj - I'm not going to doing all that 06:38
Noskcajthen run "quilt push" "bzr add" "bzr-buildpackage"06:38
Noskcajthen install your new binary06:38
NoskcajI can make it if you need, then you just add ppa:noskcaj/staging06:39
Unit193Erm, why all that?  Just apt-get source it and drop the patch in.06:42
NoskcajUnit193, In case he was on !utopic06:43
Noskcajand it's not that much of a difference in workload, really06:44
Unit193Sure, no quilt or bzr* commands.  Anywho, it's moot either way.06:45
elfyvery moot 06:45
* Unit193 moos at elfy.06:46
elfywhy can't I patch < foo.patch06:46
Unit193elfy: You could do that too, yep.06:46
Unit193sudo apt-get build-dep xfdesktop4 && apt-get source xfdesktop4   to get all the build deps and source.06:47
Unit193elfy: Either of us could pop it into a package, or if you wait until tomorrow I can do the entire test.06:50
elfy\o/ lightdm .9 ->"Don't check the logind CanGraphical seat property ..."06:50
elfyUnit193: it's morning so I'm a bit meh - and that was much too much writing for me to find the requisite amount of care :p06:51
elfyhopefully todays image will in fact boot :)06:52
ochosibluesabre, Noskcaj: well frankly it doesn't make me very happy. upower0.99 is fairly different (even if there are more features partly) and is largely untested within xfce, so it's quite risky – especially because I have no idea whether we can get any resulting bugs fixed in time for the release07:13
Noskcajochosi, The downside is it means ubuntu-gnome is stuck with a release from the start of last year07:13
Noskcajand some stuff from earlier07:14
Noskcajbut if you are worried about it, say so and the FFe won't go through07:14
ochosiwell yeah, i am slightly worried, i haven't given any of the xfce components in question any testing with upower0.9907:14
ochosiand i do expect some oddities07:15
ochosithose that tested that combination were mostly on other distros07:15
ochosihave you tested any of it?07:15
ochosiif we get enough testing before the FFe goes through, i'd probably be fine with it though07:15
ochosi(but i'm not so optimistic about that going down)07:16
Noskcajochosi, i'm setting up a complete testing PPA, so (elfy) would we be able to get some testing on that?07:17
elfyyou can set it up - I can ask people to test it - but don't count on any getting done07:19
elfyNoskcaj: hah - I knew it - tried all that ^^ bzr: ERROR: The build failed.07:32
Noskcajpastebin the log?07:34
bluesabreochosi: sure would be cool if some super minor issue (typo, spacing, etc) was found and fixed to make the git revision +1 so this builds https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+recipe/xfpm-daily08:37
ochosibluesabre: i can look into that08:42
ochosibasically need to scan the buildlogs?08:43
bluesabreit will build on next git change08:43
ochosinow i get what you mean08:43
bluesabreso if something changes in xfpm, we're good to go ;)08:43
ochosican't you just manually schedule a rebuild?08:43
bluesabre(unless you break xfpm)08:43
bluesabrethe version numbers fail08:43
ochosiwe're not planning to, no :)08:43
ochosioh, hmpf08:43
ochosii see08:43
ochosiwill see whether i find something minor08:43
bluesabretranslation maybe?08:44
ochositoday in the afternoon i might have an hour or two for FOSS08:44
ochosithat'd be ideal08:44
ochosii've been planning to send a call for translations out today anyway08:44
bluesabreI usually cheat and add/remove/edit TODO08:44
ochosibut i can ask some italians to complete the translation directly08:44
bluesabrethere you go08:44
bluesabrethey're a friendly group (the g+ folks)08:44
ochosiok, asked and already got a confirmation that it'll be done today :)08:48
bluesabreso is xfpm done then?08:48
ochosipretty much08:49
ochosinote: there'll always be bugs :)08:50
ochosibut we wanna do a release at some point08:50
ochosiand now that we also support lxpanel 0.7 i think it's time08:50
bluesabreprobably a good time for then for a translations call08:58
bluesabrethough the xfce projects are really good about getting translated without poking people08:59
bluesabreits that because of something with transifex that notifies the translators?08:59
ochosii guess09:02
ochosibut xfce has had a strong community of translators for a long time09:02
bluesabreI see09:02
ochosiso even before the move to transifex.com translations were flowing in pretty constantly09:02
ochosi(at least from what i remember)09:02
ochosimeeting-time, bbiab09:02
ochosibluesabre: btw, one note: i've tested the desktop icon sizes a bit more over the last two weeks (since we first had that discussion), and i'd like us to go for 48px/64px (icon/tooltip)09:09
ochosimostly 48px isn't so much bigger, it crops the strings less and it's consistent with thunar09:09
brainwashback to 48px, hooray09:09
ochosiwell, a bit of back and forth is okay to test things out imo09:10
ochosiit also means that the tooltip isn't so huge09:10
ochosii mean in comparison to the icon09:10
bluesabreok, poke the others and get their thoughts09:10
ochosiyou mean everyone in !team? :)09:10
bluesabreI'm also in favor09:10
brainwashstill wondering, why we've changed it from 48 to 32 in the first place09:11
bluesabrewe're flexible09:11
bluesabreochosi: reminder: icon-theme09:12
bluesabreknome: reminder: wallpaper09:12
bluesabreAs usual, I'll take care of these uploads this evening :)09:17
ochosibrainwash, bluesabre: the switch to 32px was made because there was a MR by Unit193 :)10:02
ochosiand i felt we could try it out10:02
ochosibluesabre: translations have already been added in transifex for xfpm, so i guess they'll land in the next hours10:05
brainwashstill strange, we've just changed them to 48px in trusty, even upstream :D10:06
brainwashsneaky MR10:06
elfywoohoo images boot in vm now 11:58
elfypleia2: ^^ 11:58
elfymore than 1 :p11:59
elfynot looking for anymore booting issues till 15.04 12:00
* bluesabre notes this12:01
ochosigood good12:06
ochosibluesabre: i'll do another update of the icon-theme this afternoon12:06
ochosiso tonight you'll have it ready12:06
bluesabreochosi: great12:06
ochosidon't think there'll be anything to do for themes12:06
bluesabreelfy: have an opinion on desktop icon size 32 -> 48?12:06
elfyhi ochosi 12:07
ochosibluesabre: also, the commit in xfpm has already landed from transifex, so that build should work now12:07
ochosihey elfy 12:07
elfybluesabre: well - my opinion is that *anything* bigger than 22px is wrong :)12:07
bluesabreochosi: cool, I'll poke the builders12:07
elfyso not the best person to ask :)12:07
bluesabreelfy: 22px for desktop icons it is12:07
elfyworks for me :)12:08
bluesabre[fileman icon]12:08
ochosielfy doesn't seem to have a hidpi screen :>12:08
knomebluesabre, yeah yeah...12:08
elfyochosi: lol12:09
ochosibluesabre: what's your take on upower0.99 btw?12:12
bluesabrewell, xfce4.12 is supposed to freeze right about now12:12
bluesabreso, finding upower issues now would be very beneficial for upstream12:13
bluesabrethe others were talking about it a few weeks back12:13
ochosiyeah, but the question is what do we do if things break12:13
ochosiwe're quite late in the cycle12:13
elfyso - would it not be better to be finding them at the beginning of the next cycle so there's months rather than weeks to deal with it?12:13
ochosielfy: yeah, that's the point i'm implicitely making (also said that to Noskcaj)12:14
elfyI'm blunter :)12:14
bluesabrebut I think there are not very many packages affected by it, but I'm not going to make the call on my own12:14
ochosii mean there was all cycle for the transition to be done and while i understand that it might be nice for ubuntu-gnome to get 3.12, i'm not 100% willing to take the risk12:15
bluesabrewe can almost guarantee that package testing will be less than desirable12:15
ochosibluesabre: yeah, i was wanting to ask you for the same reason ;)12:15
elfyshould be perhaps a release team decision12:15
ochosiyup, here we are :)12:15
elfyoh - I'd not noticed :D12:15
ochosiso yeah, *theoretically* everything should work in xfce12:15
ochosithe affected components are (at least) xfpm, xfce4-settings and xfce4-session12:16
bluesabreI'm willing to work towards any fixes, wife is working weekends through the next release12:16
elfyI'm certainly not at all enamoured with the idea of chucking something that could break things - given that we are getting very little in the way of testing12:16
ochosithe session-support is still very fresh btw12:16
ochosibut it's in git master12:16
bluesabrewe could start with tossing it into -staging or using Noskcaj's ppa12:16
bluesabreget a larger amount of -team to just install it and see what breakages we may find12:17
ochosiyup, that'd be fine with me12:17
* bluesabre also thinks that all of -team should be on utopic now if they are not already12:17
elfyI've not got an issue with doing that - if we can get people to test it, but then that's necessarily going to drop it even further into the future 12:17
ochosione thing though, those would have to be hardware installs12:17
ochosiVM doesn't help with upower at all12:17
ochosi(i mean it helps a bit, but not that much)12:17
bluesabres/install/install on their normal machines12:18
ochosielfy: yeah, that means putting it on hold12:18
elfyI've got to go again now - bbl 12:18
ochosisure, ttyl elfy 12:18
elfyochosi: yea12:18
bluesabreheading out too... I'll follow up on backlog when I get back.12:19
elfyanyway - if we decide todayish - I'm -1 to that this late unless we get cast iron guarantees on fixes being able to land12:19
ochosihaha, well i won't continue the discussion alone :D12:19
ochosiand anyway, it's about lunchtime, so i don't mind if we continue this later12:19
elfyI can be about later tonight - later elfy time I mean - rather than wandering off early evening12:20
bluesabreNoskcaj: who all would be affected? is upower only used by gtk desktops?12:20
ochosielfy: well fixes being able to land is one thing, we can't get guarantees on fixes being written though i guess12:20
ochosii think there's a big bugreport that lists all components12:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1330037 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "upower 0.99 transition" [Undecided,In progress]12:21
bluesabrealso, has it landed in debian yet? I know that they were working towards that12:21
ochosiyeah, it should land in the next debian12:21
ochosiso all desktops are affected, incl unity, kde, gnome-variants and xfce12:22
bluesabrethat affects almost everybody12:22
ochosiheck, even razorqt12:22
bluesabrethis does not seem like a good idea...12:22
bluesabreand not one that we can make on our own12:22
ochosisince it affects xfpm, it also affects lxde12:22
bluesabre(and that we better not be left out of either)12:22
ochosiyeah, we can only chip in our 2cents12:23
ochosiimo we should sit down tonight and write up a common release-team statement, explaining why we're -1 on this12:23
ochosi(if we are, but as we're all rather on the sceptical side...)12:24
bluesabreit only affects a few xfce components, so its not quite as dangerous for us12:24
bluesabrebut it looks like the gnome packages aren't even completely patched yet12:25
* ochosi clears throught12:25
ochosisession and powerman and settings are quite central components12:25
bluesabreand other affected desktops have not touched12:25
ochosiso while they aren't many...12:25
bluesabrethey are a big deal12:25
ochositbh i haven't worked on upower0.99 personally12:26
ochosieric has handled all of that12:26
ochosiand he has done so in all the aforementioned components12:26
ochosiso maybe we should interview him on this issue12:26
bluesabrethis affects too many desktop this late in the cycle, and the fixes aren't around for several desktops, I doubt the request would be granted12:26
ochosiyeah, i think ubuntu-gnome is mostly pushing this forward (otherwise no 3.12)12:26
bluesabreanyhoo, dragging behind here, gotta run12:27
ochosiyup, me too12:27
ochosihf and ttyl12:27
pleia2elfy: yay re: booting in vm12:27
bluesabrebut yeah, confirm with eric what testing may have been done, and let's do a spot check at least on hw, if we're remotely interested12:36
slickymasterWork!team | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224366715:17
slickymasterWorksutpid bot15:19
knomeslickymasterWork, lol16:43
slickymasterWorkknome: :)16:45
* knome just finished the evening work session16:45
slickymasterWorkknome do you think you'll have some time this weekend so we can start on the docs networking section for the new NetworkManager?16:47
knomeprobably.. or you could file a bug about it and jack might fix it before we get to it16:48
slickymasterWorklol, that's an idea16:48
slickymasterWorkdid you get to see the forum thread, knome?16:50
knomeyep, looked at it16:51
slickymasterWorkit's nice16:51
brainwashochosi: can lls 1.4 be used in trusty? 17:24
brainwashsomeone is asking for a fully translated lls http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/light-locker-einstellungen-auf-deutsch/17:25
slickymasterWorkknome, what exactly isn't up to date in the docs, wrt new NetworkManager?17:38
knomesomebody said it's going to change17:40
knomecan't remember who, but i can try to dig it up tomorrow17:40
slickymasterWorkaren't we going to ship the same nm-applet?17:40
ochosiknome: i think that was Unit193 17:40
knomeiirc, there was going to be a new version or sth17:40
knomewho knows!17:40
slickymasterWorkand who, thne, added that item to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-u-docs?17:41
ochosibrainwash: theoretically it should work even with xfpm <1.3, so also in trusty (but i haven' tested)17:42
slickymasterWorkI just have been through today's daily, and as far as I can tell, nothing there is different from what is present in the networking section of the documentation17:42
slickymasterWorkI mean the nm-applet17:42
slickymasterWorkUnit193, care to enlighten me on this, pretty please ^^^ 17:43
slickymasterWorkochosi, the reason there hasn't been no progress on http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfpm-docs:start is because I'm in a fight with myself about installing xfce4-power-manager 1.3.2-0ubuntu2 in my main computer :P17:50
slickymasterWorkI don't feel like wrecking it, but it's the only choice I have to do it on real hardware17:51
ochosislickymasterWork: if you need screenshots for the tabs, i can do them for you17:53
ochosii guess you only need 1.3.2 for that17:54
ochosianyway, i don't think you'd have any regressions with it (and you can easily go back to 1.2.0 with apt)17:54
ochosiit's not like 1.4 will be a rewrite or something, we mostly fixed bugs and introduced a few features17:55
ochosiso: "installing 1.3.2 != wrecking it" :)17:55
elfyochosi: so cur5rent plan with upower is to check with Eric and then decide? 17:55
ochosielfy: i talked to him a few minutes ago17:55
ochosihe said that the list in the bugreport isn't complete (weather-plugin was missing)17:56
slickymasterWorkthat would help ochosi. you can put them under the xfpm-docs namesapce17:56
ochosislickymasterWork: ok, i'll try to get to it tomorrow17:56
ochosislickymasterWork: in case i forget, please remind me17:56
elfyochosi: yea - saw that one get added to the bug minutes ago17:56
ochosielfy: so opensuse seems to be using upower0.99 and logind and things work (that's a good sign), but frankly...17:57
slickymasterWorkwell, if you guarantee me that ochosi, then I'll go ahead and install 1.3.217:57
ochosielfy: i'm still -1 on the whole transition. it's just very late and we still have to be "lucky" not to get any regressions from it17:57
slickymasterWorkso, nevermind those screenshots17:57
ochosislickymasterWork: is 90% good enough for you? :)17:57
elfyochosi: nothing's changed my mind 17:57
slickymasterWorkI'll take your 90% ochosi  ;)17:58
ochosielfy: yeah, i guess we're on the same page. let's wait and see what bluesabre has to say about it17:58
elfyochosi:  okey doke17:59
brainwashit's 14.10, so just get the new stuff in :)18:01
elfythere's a patch for xfce 11134 - I've no idea what to do with it - if someone else can look that'd be good18:03
ubottuxfce bug 11134 in General "Desktop Settings Infobar gives move option when unavailable" [Normal,New] https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1113418:03
slickymasterWorkgotta run guys ->18:03
brainwashelfy: https://launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/+archive/ubuntu/xfce-git18:04
brainwashoh wait, he didn't commit it yet18:04
Pwnnacan anyone confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/blueman/+bug/1304599 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/libxfce4ui/+bug/130340418:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1304599 in blueman (Ubuntu) "bluetooth indicator is always white regardless if bluetooth is on or off" [Undecided,New]18:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1303404 in libxfce4ui "Hotkeys with <Super> modifier overriding each other" [Medium,Confirmed]18:35
Pwnnaand that lightlocker bug.. it is still present.. sometimes18:38
Pwnnai don't know how to reproduce it yet, but i'm getting a locked screen sometimes... again18:38
Pwnnais it possible to replace the xfce stuff like libxfce4ui with my own built version easily?18:44
Pwnnalike a symlink away?18:44
skellatbrainwash: As to LP Bug 1367381, this really does not amuse me: http://askubuntu.com/questions/522274/thunar-does-not-show-preview-icons-for-media-files 19:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1367381 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar fails to show previews for media (jpg, png, pdf, etc) file icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136738119:12
skellatbrainwash: I've reported the bugger to get that mess closed over on AskUbuntu19:12
brainwashskellat: which mess?20:25
skellatbrainwash: The user tried to file the same bugreport as an open question on AskUbuntu20:38
skellatAnd then posted there that he rebooted and the problem went away20:38
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
brainwashyeah, some people just cross post stuff on the interwebs20:43
Unit193slickymaster: That was "if NM .10 lands, nm-tool disappears and there's another tool for that now"20:46
slickymasterUnit193, and most probably we don't have a way to know for sure when will NM .10 land, right?20:51
slickymasterso I'm inclined to remove that item from the -docs blueprint20:52
slickymasterand from trello20:53
Unit193Considering it hasn't yet, yeah I think it won't land this cycle.20:56
slickymasterthanks for the heads up Unit193 20:58
Unit193Eh, maybe it'll be useful next cycle.20:58
slickymasterI'll postponed the item in both, LP and Trello20:58
Unit193Validating sv fails.21:02
knomei will refrain from telling stupid jokes about swedish people21:10
knomewill you fix it? :P21:10
Noskcajppa:noskcaj/upower now has all the xfce stuff, if someone wants to test it21:50
Noskcaj(Except weather-plugin, since we don't have upower enabled for it)21:51
brainwashdoesn't only the power manager use upower to do stuff?21:51
Noskcajsettings and systemload too21:52
Noskcajyeah, that's a thing21:52
brainwashoh, this machine here does not even have upower installed :)21:54
brainwashwhat's the big deal anyway?22:00
Noskcajpretty much upower changed a bunch of API stuff end of last year (Dropped suspend stuff, plus other things), gnome now needs it, and debian has upower 0.99.1 currently22:02
NoskcajAnd ubuntu-gnome would rather not have stuff from early 201322:02
Unit193What's the point anywho?  They can't have the latest Gnome without a newer systemd, IIRC.22:03
Noskcajbecause a heap of core stuff is stuck on <<3.1022:04
brainwashdebian already has it, so there shouldn't be any problem to get it working in ubuntu, or?22:04
brainwashor is it just too late for changes like this?22:05
Noskcajbrainwash, ubuntu-only packages, plus unity forcing us to have a huge diff in gnome22:05
Noskcajwe had to wait for some ubuntu-touch guys to patch things there, so it's really late22:05
Unit193Ah cool, only bugs related are Debian 755234 and Debian 752438, neither of which we'd have to worry about.22:07
ubottuDebian bug 755234 in xfce4-power-manager "incomplete support for upower0.99" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75523422:07
ubottuDebian bug 752438 in lightdm "lightdm: upower-1.0 transition" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/75243822:07
brainwashmakes me wonder, why can't they just delay the release of 14.10 a bit, to get xorg 1.16, upower and so on up and running22:11
brainwasha release with only 9 months of support22:12
ochosibluesabre: i don't suppose you're around?22:31
Noskcaj-schoolSince i forgot to mention it, upower is used by all desktops, lubuntu is fine with the transition, kubuntu is uneffected (Everything is run-time compatable with all versions), mate is fine (rebuild only), gnome needs work, but will work, and touch has been patched, but needs a refresh.23:11

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