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* RedDeath Back00:58
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writing_novelCan I ask a quick question here02:19
writing_novelbluesabre gave me this one liner:02:20
writing_novelxfce4-panel --quit; killall xfconfd; cp /etc/xdg/xfce4/panel/default.xml ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-panel.xml && sleep 2 && (xfconfd &) && (xfce4-panel &)02:20
writing_noveland it worked to give me the look and feel I wanted, except that it gave me an error about xfconfd not existing02:20
writing_novelany ideas?02:20
e87hdI am having DNS issues03:14
e87hdit is taking a long time to resolve IP's03:14
e87hdI am running 14.0403:15
e87hdI am using google's public DNS servers to test them03:15
e87hdbut no matter which DNS server I use, I experience the same behaviour03:15
Unit193How are you testing?03:16
e87hdwith firefox03:16
Unit193;; Query time: 52 msec   ;; SERVER:
Unit193Try dig.03:16
e87hdand nslookup03:16
e87hdwhen I tried to connect to irc03:16
e87hdit could not resolve irc.freenode.net03:17
e87hdnslookup could not as well03:17
e87hdI think it has something to do with resolver.conf03:17
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e87hdbut I dont know enough about it03:17
Unit193resolv.conf, and you're likely using resolvconf which is a cache.  I used dig @ google.com  to test.03:18
Unit193See also http://docs.xubuntu.org/1404/internet-networks.html#network-troubleshooting03:18
ubotturesolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution03:18
Unit193xubuntu651: Hello.03:18
xubuntu651hi guys..why whenever I click on the whisker menu my PC turns to black screen then profile login menu again03:20
e87hdso, right now I am getting time outs when I ping google.com03:22
e87hdif I ping it is working03:22
e87hdit also just takes a very long time to surf the web03:24
e87hdas every page I go to seems to take forever to load03:24
e87hdand the status bar in FF says, "Looking up $website ..."03:25
e87hdI found this article that might resolve my issue http://askubuntu.com/questions/134578/slow-wired-connection-dns-issue03:33
e87hdI just don't know how to implement it03:33
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xubuntu427hi guys..I tried everything in the forums to solve my xubntu login loop10:19
xubuntu427still to no avail10:19
ObrienDavewhat login loop?10:53
xubuntu694anyone online?11:29
garandilwe're offline at the moment11:29
ObrienDavenobody home but us chickens ;P11:30
xubuntu694quick question, does anyone know how to update bios on xubunut? my netbook can't charge the battery unless i update bios..11:31
garandilshould be able to do flash from USB11:31
ObrienDavemost BIOS flash utilities are meant to be run from USB stick or floppies11:33
xubuntu694I think the bios update was made for windows os , will it be a problem?11:33
ObrienDaveshouldn't be an issue11:33
xubuntu694thank you very much i will try to do that11:34
garandilIt might not be able to interact with the HW via Wine11:36
garandilUSB flashing would be the safest way to go as BIOS upgrades potentially can brick your computer11:36
xubuntu916when updating bios from usb, what format does it have to be, in order to be booted?11:54
garandilThe current BIOS should have a flash option11:55
ObrienDaveumm, it should be transferred to USB as an image file. likely with unetbootin, yumi, etc.11:55
garandilWhere it can read *.bin files from a certain FS type of USB storage11:56
xubuntu916so these .exe files should be transfered into .iso?11:58
ObrienDavenoooo, they might be windows executable. i've seen that before11:59
xubuntu916Hopefully I won't destroy BIOS completely.. but before I do it. Does anyone know how to get rid of the netbook battery problem? I have gor Acer aspire on 521, before switching to xubuntu, laptop was running on win 7 and I was able to charge my battery. Now when the cable is out, laptop switches off immediately.12:07
ObrienDavecould be a bad battery. they don't last forever especially if left on the charger for months at a time12:08
ObrienDavekilled more than one battery that way12:08
xubuntu916you might be right, however plenty of acer/ubuntu users had the same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1558296&page=2&p=10126099#post10126099    however due to my limited knowledge i dont know how to install these patches https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15707    on kernel12:16
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 15707 in EC "_REG evaluation required while no EC OperationRegion" [Normal,Resolved: code_fix]12:16
xubuntu916if anyone could explain me in a simple way how to put this patch through kernel i would be grateful12:21
lakechfomahey so i had the live cd running on a laptop which i then (without thinking) closed and removed the drive12:23
knome"simple way", "patch through kernel"? nope.12:23
lakechfomaupon opening the machine i realized that A i didnt need the live OS anymore and B it probably wouldnt work right anyway12:24
lakechfomaso i shut it down12:24
lakechfomathe shut down hung12:24
lakechfomaso ye olde truste "hold down the power button" ensued12:24
lakechfomabut that does nothing.12:24
lakechfomahow is that possible and what do i do?12:25
ObrienDavehold the button down longer?12:29
byt3bl33d3rdoes anyone now how to change the background of xflock?13:07
Azelphurbyt3bl33d3r: I don't know the answer, but I have a point in the right direction, xflock isn't actually a lock screen, it just invokes whatever you have installed (light-locker, xscreensaver, etc)13:09
AzelphurI think light-locker is the default, so you probably wanna search around for changing the background of light-locker, rather than xflock.13:10
byt3bl33d3rAzelphur : ah ok thanks.. i had to remove light-locker because it kept crashing X for some reason.. so now i have gnome-screensaver13:14
Azelphurrighto, then yea you'll wanna research changing it for gnome-screensaver13:14
cfhowlettbyt3bl33d3r, lightlocker and screensaver definitely have conflict potential.13:17
Azelphurcfhowlett: he said he removed it13:17
cfhowlettAzelphur, ah. thanks.13:18
cfhowlettAzelphur, I've got ubuntustudio = xubuntu + lightlocker and xscreensaver.  xubuntu recommends xscreensaver removal.13:19
AzelphurI use xscreensaver myself, light locker seems to nuke my audio13:19
Azelphurwhich I'm unsure is a feature or a bug13:19
ObrienDavefeature ;P13:19
ochosiAzelphur: http://xubuntu.org/news/screen-locking-in-xubuntu-14-04/13:23
Azelphurochosi: feature then, cool :)13:24
byt3bl33d3rok im stuck lol13:30
byt3bl33d3r/usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/gnome doesnt exisist on my system13:31
byt3bl33d3rneither does /usr/share/gnome-screensaver13:31
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monkeynautcheck out this screenshot of my chromium address bar.  is this the normal appearance for the font size?    i think it is, but want to make sure there isn't a configuration on my machine that is causing it.  it's nit-picky, but i wish i could shrink that font size a bit:   http://i.imgur.com/gc5U4wQ.png14:07
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boldfilterGet Google chrome profile error every time I start it up17:24
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somanWhy I always get skype tray context menu with only about 3 items and up and down buttons? How make skype to show all items at once?19:18
brainwashsoman: that's bug 96595320:36
ubottubug 965953 in GTK+ "Indicator menus are too short and scroll when opened from screen bottom" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96595320:36
somanbrainwash: thanks for info. I hope the update will be available soon. It's really annoying using skype with such bug.20:46
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Wlsonjl3how do i hook my laptop to my tv using an hdmi cable? i can't seem to get it working22:56
Wlsonjl3how do i hook my laptop to my tv using an hdmi cable? i can't seem to get it working23:03
Wlsonjl3is there a program i need??23:03
ObrienDaveWlsonjl3, afaik you need to enable the display23:04
ObrienDaveAs Far As I Know23:05
Wlsonjl3how do i do that?23:05
Wlsonjl3oh nvm23:05
Wlsonjl3lol thank you23:05
ObrienDavehook up the cable, settings, display. iirc (IF I Recall Correctly)23:05
Wlsonjl3thank you, again :P you seem to be here whenever i have a question23:06
ObrienDaveour little secret ;P23:07
writing_novelBluesabre: Your one liners almost worked, although I did get the look and feel I was looking for it did report an error.23:56
writing_novelI got some error with regard to the xfconfd23:58
writing_novelI would have to reinstall (which I don't mind to do) the Xubuntu again to recreate it (I had been installing and deleting Xubuntu in different scenarios anyway(23:59

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