
=== IdleOne is now known as io
ceasefiresLinux noob here. If I downloaded kate via terminal (apt-get), where can I find it to put it on my taskbar or run?03:12
ceasefiresAside from running it in the terminal03:13
holsteinceasefires: you can always edit the menu and add what you like.. or add a shortcut where ever you want..03:14
holsteinceasefires: you dont see it in the menu?03:14
ceasefiresNo, it isn't there. I can run it by typing "kate" in terminal though03:14
holsteinceasefires: i would just add one, since its a "kde" application03:15
holsteinactually http://askubuntu.com/questions/196614/how-do-i-edit-the-menu-in-lubuntu outlines most of what i would start with03:16
ceasefiresOkay, I'll try that out. Thanks a lot03:16
timbbaI installed Lubuntu 14.04 and I want to remove some unnecessary programs. However almost all are trying to remove also lubuntu-desktop package.. So will it remove the whole LXDE environment by doing so?04:14
holsteintimbba: i would..04:15
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD04:15
holsteinand just add lxde and whatever you like04:15
holsteintimbba: you should be able to remove "lubuntu-desktop" though as a meta package04:15
Unit193timbba: lubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage, feel to remove packages that it depends on.04:16
Unit193Erm, whoops.04:16
timbbaI have lots of other programs configured manually already (compiled by myself).. so I do not want to start from scratch.. so by removing also lubuntu-desktop won't harm? So LXDE stays and it will launch graphical user interface still..04:17
timbbalast sentence was question04:18
holsteintimbba: well, you lose all of that when the hard drive fails, anyways.. so i might take a minute to come up with a backup strategy that would make starting from scratch more of an easy task ..otherwise, how to remove lubuntu from lubuntu may not be a simple task04:18
Unit193Right, lubuntu-desktop is just for installation time, and during upgrades.04:19
holsteineven removing lxde apps from lxde can be challenging.. its quite lean at the start.. and the metapackage should be safe, as stated ^04:19
timbbaok, thanks for the info :)04:19
sargasif I install lubuntu-desktop on top of ubuntu 14.04, what packages do I get?04:22
FuuqUmiistgood ones i guess04:23
holsteinsargas: i might just add lxde04:23
sargasFuuqUmiist: Ikr04:23
Unit193sargas: Look at the deps of it and you can see, there's also lubuntu-core.  And, you can even just install the task.04:23
sargasthanks guys04:24
sargasI'll try the desktop first, I'm trying to move away from Unity on my laptop04:24
sargaspulseaudio is making me age twice as fast04:24
holsteinsargas: shouldnt be04:25
Unit193If you  apt-get install lubuntu-desktop^  you'll get the task rather than pulling in the deps.04:25
holsteinsargas: i would try a live CD of soemthing without pulse just to make sure its the issue.. avlinux.. for example04:25
sargasI know... but it along with the flash player plugin (enabled) are giving me a hard time browsing and running some java code04:25
sargasholstein: that's a great idea actually04:26
Unit193holstein: Lubuntu doesn't come with pulse.04:26
holsteinsargas: i really think youd' do better with a newer flash..04:26
holsteinyup. ^ lubuntu live, or avlinux.. something with no pulse..04:26
holsteinor just remove pulse from ubuntu04:26
sargasholstein: how do I get it, I though apt-get upgrade got the newst one04:26
Unit193Mmm, yeah.  Newer flash does handle some things better.04:26
holsteini mean, if pulse or flash are the issues, i would throw another wrench in the works by switching distro's04:27
Unit193sargas: Only Chrome or Chromium get it, unless you use the experimental freshplayerplugin.04:27
sargasUnit193: I've heard of freshplayerplugin, and the early stages of the one Firefox is going to include in its packae04:28
holsteinsargas: the chrome flash is the only current one we get in linux04:28
sargasI was enjoying web dev on firefox a lot, but the lack of flash support is making it freeze on certain occasions04:28
holsteinsargas: you can use the chrome flash in chromium..04:28
sargasI see04:28
sargasholstein: I didn't know that04:29
Unit193freshplayerplugin is a wrapper to get PPAPI plugins into NPAPI browsers, specifically pepperflash.  I don't remember what Mozilla calls their decoder though.04:29
sargasI don't either... but I might try chromium04:29
sargasI'm trying to stay aways from Chrome's privacy rape04:30
holsteinsargas: sure.. but, if you want flash, thats the *only* recent one04:30
sargasI'll get Lubuntu live on my USB drive and see what it looks like04:30
holsteinsargas: you can use it in the chromium browser..04:30
Unit193!info pepperflashplugin-nonfree04:30
ubottupepperflashplugin-nonfree (source: pepperflashplugin-nonfree): Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.3ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 9 kB, installed size 65 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)04:31
sargasubottu: interesting04:31
sargasholstein, Unit193, ubottu: thanks for the help04:32
Unit193Alrighty, have fun.04:33
sargasI'll get Chromium with pepperflash04:33
sargasthen I'll try Lubuntu on a USB bootable drive04:34
sargasthanks again04:34
holsteinsargas: cheers.. and good luck04:35
=== RedDeath is now known as Guest84663
switchtehbeatdoes lubuntu support gnome?09:08
switchtehbeatif I install this  09:24
switchtehbeatTrusty Core  will be drivers still be installed??09:24
switchtehbeatI guess no one is here :/09:33
=== Guest84663 is now known as RedDeath
* RedDeath Back15:25
* RedDeath Salut/Hello15:50
ianorlinhi RedDeath15:51
RedDeathhow are you?15:54
ianorlingood anyway I can help you?15:55
ianorlinthis is a support channel but there is #lubuntu-offtopic for general chat15:55
ianorlinI am well but need to report bugs in development release so you won't have to struggle with them15:56
ianorlinhmm what package is the lubuntu default gtk2 theme engine in?16:26
wxlwell it shouldn't be lubuntu specific ianorlin16:26
ianorlinI mean I am trying all gtk2 theme engines in repos and only the lubuntu ones do it16:27
ianorlinif you on utopic get a notification from xfce4-notifyd16:27
ianorlinat least on my intel graphics16:27
ianorlinbut no other themes seem to reproduce it16:28
testdrianorlin: you know what a "theme" is?16:35
wxlianorlin: lubuntu-default-settings maybe?16:36
wxlianorlin: rafaellaguna might know, too16:37
ianorlinhe is not on right now16:40
wxlianorlin: he will be :)16:40
ianorlinalso if you open a m3u playlist in mplayer it shows double notifications for songs16:41
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath
joppecan you tell me how to remove steam?19:35
phillwjoppe: how did you install it?19:36
joppevia deb installer from steam site19:36
phillwjoppe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/217872/how-do-i-remove-steam19:36
joppeit says Package 'steam:i386' is not installed, so not removed19:37
joppedrinks beer19:38
joppesteam still shows in my games folder19:39
phillwjoppe: can you pastebin up the result of19:40
phillwdpkg-query -l *steam*19:40
joppedpkg-query: no packages found matching *steam*19:41
joppeso its uninstalled..19:42
phillwjoppe: yup, just get rid of the ~/.steam19:44
joppehow to get rid of my start menu /games19:44
jopperid off it19:45
phillwjoppe: I'm not too familiar with directly editing the menu system. Have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2197247 wxl are you familiar with editing menu entries?19:48
wxlphillw: i think i know how :) what's up?19:51
phillwwxl: he's got rid of steam, but the menu entry remains19:53
wxlis there a .desktop file somewhere?19:54
joppewhere do i look for that19:55
wxl/usr/share/applications typically19:56
wxlcould also be in ~/.local/share/applications19:56
wxlincidentially... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/Documentation/EditingTheMenu ;)19:57
wxlnote that you may have to restart lxpanel19:57
wxlwhich i think is just `lxpanelctl restart` if i remember correctly :)19:58
joppehow do i do that19:58
wxldo that after you remove the desktop entry19:58
wxlso look for something like steam.desktop19:58
wxli don't know the exact name19:58
wxloh wait i can figure it out19:58
wxldidn't realize it was in the repos :)19:58
joppeit still show in my games after that19:59
wxlyou can see all the installed files here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/i386/steam/filelist19:59
wxlso the steps are:19:59
wxl1. remove the .desktop file19:59
wxl2. restart lxpanel19:59
wxlyou did that?19:59
wxlwas there a .desktop file there?20:00
joppesorry im a nood20:01
wxllook under /usr/share/applications20:01
wxlthe file should be called steam.desktop20:01
joppenope no steam at all in there20:01
wxljoppe: did you look under ~/.local/share/applications?20:02
holsteini would check as another user.. if the other user has no steam, i would blow out whatever of my users config20:02
joppejoppe@joppe-desktop:~/.local/share/applications$ ls chrome-aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake-Default.desktop chrome-apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf-Default.desktop chrome-blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo-Default.desktop chrome-coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf-Default.desktop chrome-pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia-Default.desktop google-chrome.desktop mimeapps.list steam.desktop20:03
joppesteam is there20:03
wxljoppe: so remove that steam.desktop20:03
wxl`rm steam.desktop`20:04
joppeit worked, thanks alot20:04
joppei would buy you abeer20:05
wxls'ok, i don't drink20:05
joppelubuntu is great20:06
wxlthanks joppe :)20:06
phillwthanks wxl :)20:06
wxlnp phillw20:06
wxlamazing what i can accomplish without even being in front of lubuntu XD20:07
joppewxl , are you a developer20:08
wxljoppe: i'm head of testing and a release manager so i'm a bit busy to help out too much with development, but i plan on learning packaging so i can help in the future.20:08
joppeok, you all do a good work..20:09
joppehow to get more sound?20:39
wxljoppe: you want to increase the volume or you have no sound?20:40
joppeincrease, im on full now20:40
wxlok so in your terminal load up `alsamixer`20:40
wxlit has a "master" volume as well as individual volumes for like "headphones" and "speakers"20:41
wxlso often times you have the master all the way up but say the speakers are down lower20:41
joppethey are on full20:41
wxljust arrow over to the right one and then arrow up20:41
wxlthey all are, huh? then that's all you got :)20:41
wxlyou can double check and make sure none of them are muted20:41
wxlbut i doubt that's your problem20:41
wxlit's possible your sound card is not well supported and the driver lacks the capacity to get the volume up higher but i would find that highly unlikely20:42
joppewell i was on some ubuntu site and they say that you can go over 100%20:43
wxliiiiii don't think so :)20:45
wxli'd be happy to review what you found tho20:45
joppemy mistake, they are all pre 14.0420:48
phillwjoppe: you may want to try swapping also for pulse audio. It can go over 100% https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio20:50
phillws/also / ALSA20:50
wxloh gosh don't use pulseaudio20:50
testdrjoppe: the default in lubuntu-14.04 ist with pulseaudio and the volumecontrol called "pavucontrol" can go over 100%20:51
wxljoppe: DONT DO IT :)20:53
testdryep - it might blow your speakers or even call the police20:54
wxlwell pulseaudio will certainly bloat up your computer20:54
wxlwhich is why lubuntu doesn't use it20:54
testdrwxl: i dont get your point - if someone uses the default Lubuntu-14.04 installation, then there is pulseaudio installed.20:55
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=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath

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