
rick_h_widox doh! I see the query problem. Stupid stupid00:10
hatchhuwshimi: hey how goes the battle?02:09
huwshimihatch: Just doing some sandbox qa at the moment02:12
hatchhuwshimi:  cool - you should go through the guide on setting up juju for ec2 and doc any issue you have02:14
huwshimiyep will do02:17
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urulamamorning all05:55
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rogpeppe1urulama: morning!07:11
urulamarogpeppe1: hey07:11
urulamarogpeppe1: how are you? got rid of that cold?07:14
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rick_h_morning party people11:21
rick_h_kadams54: around?13:35
kadams54rick_h_: yup13:35
rick_h_can you join me in the standup room?13:35
kadams54daily or friday?13:38
rick_h_I'm in friday 13:38
rick_h_I can jump over if you did the other one13:38
frankbanguihelp: I need two reviews + 1 QA for https://codereview.appspot.com/136570043 (GUI charm). anyone available?13:50
rick_h_frankban: looking13:50
jcsackettrick_h_: i have discovered a problem with updating bundles for machine placement. there doesn't appear to be away to tell a unit it's hosted on a machine with another unit of itself.14:08
jcsackettall the "to" syntaxes are in terms of put this unit on a machine with this other service.14:08
rick_h_jcsackett: ok, well then let's ignore that one for now and we'll have that updated in the updates with deployer/charmstore/gui export14:09
jcsackettok, so when we have colocated units of the same service, just export as we do now (i.e. ignore placement?)14:10
rick_h_I think it's rare enough that there's value in the current work if it doesn't work 100% for folks that put two of the same thing colocated. I'm not sure how that works really. 14:10
rick_h_yea, ignore placement and put them on their own 14:10
jcsackettrock on. i can do that. :p14:10
rick_h_you can't really run two mysql or whatever on the same machine anyway14:10
rick_h_so I think the issue is small at first glance14:10
jcsackettrick_h_: that's an excellent point.14:11
jcsackettmight become an issue with lxc placement, but that's still a weird one.14:11
rick_h_right and that's not available for most providers yet so we have time to update our formats/story by then14:12
rick_h_frankban: code looks good, starting trusty qa/test run/review. 14:13
rick_h_frankban: so if the other reviewer could do precise we can split it up14:13
frankbanrick_h_: thanks! guihelp ^^^14:13
rick_h_kadams54: comments added, I think we're missing some functionality. Let me know if you've got questions 14:20
kadams54rick_h_: wowza, you were on that. I realized I missed some commits and am pushing them now.14:21
rick_h_kadams54: cool thanks14:21
kadams54rick_h_: I'll also have QA instructions on it shortly :-)14:22
rick_h_kadams54: rr14:22
rick_h_hatch: heh, YUI Mail -> reactjs14:24
rick_h_makes sense14:24
hatchrick_h_: hah yeah....I've written Y! off14:27
hatchthe way they treated teh community I'm even scared to use purecss14:27
rick_h_hatch: :/14:28
hatch"a developer scorned"14:29
hatchissue is that pure I think is the best out ther haha14:34
rick_h_yea, same here14:34
kadams54guihelp: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/546 is ready for QA and review.14:50
hatchI can look kyle14:50
jrwrenstandup in 9? is it really this early in the day yet?14:51
hatchkadams54: did you address rick_h_'s message?14:52
kadams54hatch: yes14:52
hatchjrwren: haha what time is it there?14:52
jrwrenhatch: 8 till 11am.14:52
rick_h_jujugui call in 814:53
jrwrenit feels later than that. busy morning, that is all I'm saying.14:54
hatchohhhhh 14:54
urulamajrwren: one of those days :) i finished lunch not long ago (and it's 5PM here :D)14:56
rick_h_frankban: trusty is good, jujugui need a second live env qa/test run of the charm on precise please14:57
rick_h_jcsackett: you were stabbing at ec2 recently, up for background'ing a test run for a bit?14:57
jcsackettrick_h_: i'm going to need my ec2 env to throw generated bundle files at in the not too distant future--how long are we talking?15:00
rick_h_ant__: ^ 15:01
urulamahatch, frankban: FYI, parallels now support utopic as well15:54
hatchurulama: like....actually supports it? Or just claims they do?15:55
urulamahatch: there was an update today and now it works, with HW acceleration and all, just as trusty15:56
hatchwow they might finally be getting their shit together15:56
urulamahatch: naaa, it'll break with next beta, don't worry :)15:58
frankbanurulama: yesterday for quickstart QA i have been working in ssh from my working vm to other three vmware machines (precise, trusty and utopic) + an ssh to the host for osx QA. It's been crazy but worked really well ;-)16:07
urulamafrankban: as long as you have 16gb in that machine, it works great16:14
urulamafrankban: i also like such workflow, and when done, just throw away the VM and make a next clone of a "clean" VM16:14
frankbanurulama: exactly16:15
urulamafrankban: maas without maas :D16:16
urulamajujugui: enjoy, have fun. bye16:19
hatchkadams54: so any luck in the css stuff? I see you updated the tests16:40
kadams54hatch: yeah, should have that landed shortly.16:40
hatchMakyo: can we close #535?16:43
hatchjujugui Makyo needs another review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/54516:43
Makyohatch, yes16:44
kadams54hatch, Makyo: yeah, I'm working on that16:44
hatchMakyo: closed16:45
kadams54Makyo: done with https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/54516:58
kadams54hatch: where is the more menu used at? Want to make sure my stuff doesn't cause regressions…17:03
kadams54Oh wait, n/m, that's for the new MV menus, right?17:03
kadams54hatch: OK, CSS re-swizzled. Take a look and let me know what you think.17:12
hatchwill do17:19
hatchkadams54: +117:26
kadams54hatch: 'cept for the legit test failure on build :-(17:28
hatchyeah well....there is that17:33
hatchjcsackett: Makyo looks like there will be another contributor to the ghost charm https://github.com/hatched/ghost-charm/issues/2517:42
kadams54hatch, Makyo: the bug I'm working on is an uncaught exception that happens when an undeployed service is destroyed. It's happening because there are data-bound elements in the (just destroyed) inspector that are trying to update.18:23
kadams54hatch, Makyo: so… how to go about unbinding everything before destroying the service and inspector?18:24
Makyowhat's the context, hatch?18:24
MakyoOr this.bindingEngine?18:25
hatchit's in the viewlet managert18:26
hatchdestroying the inspector should unbind18:26
hatchMakyo: kadams5418:27
kadams54hatch: yeah, I can confirm that's being called before I hit the error, and yet…18:29
hatchsounds like you have a real bug on your hands ;)18:29
kadams54Could there be multiple bindindEngines?18:34
hatchkadams54:  well first I'd start by tracking the instantiations of the binding engines then make sure they are properly destroyed18:34
hatchif you get any left over...well then you know18:34
hatchbeyond that....18:35
hatchprobably follow the traceback in the error to see where the event is being fired from and see if maybe something isn't being detached wher eit hsould be18:35
hatchkadams54: it could be as simple as moving that unbind to the top of the destructor so that it unbinds before it destroys the views18:37
hatchand the event detachers for that matter18:38
kadams54Alright, did hatch just win the internet?18:38
kadams54Womp, womp. No, sorry.18:39
hatchwell hey I can't do everything!!18:39
hatchIf I always won there would be no internet for everyone else18:39
hatchI just lose on purpose....18:39
hatchkadams54: soooooo any luck?19:33
kadams54hatch: not yet.19:59
hatchare you understanding the databinding system?19:59
kadams54Though I went for a run to take a break from the problem, so we'll see.20:00
kadams54I think I have a very wierd understanding of it :-)20:00
kadams54I've been looking at it from the inside out, stepping through in a debugger20:01
jcsackettjujugui: do we have a good way of checking if a machine is uncommitted? is it still just check for "new" in the name?20:12
kadams54jcsackett: we really should have a isCommitted function on the model, even if it just checks for "new" in the name.20:15
jcsackettkadams54: agreed.20:15
jcsacketthowever, for now, "new" it is. :p20:15
Makyojujugui could use some thoughts on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/547 - namely, trying to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1360183 without jeopardizing the integrity of _dirtyFields20:18
mupBug #1360183: When configuring a service the orange asterisk is visible after you have pressed save <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1360183>20:18
hatchjcsackett: kadams54 I'm adding that right now..."commitStatus"20:19
hatchloooking Makyo20:20
MakyoIt works, but feels evil.20:20
hatchMakyo: you say mv....but the *'s are in the inspector...right?20:21
hatchMakyo: so dirtyfields is set when the values in the input no longer match the values in the config attr right?20:23
Makyohatch, yes, but the bug is that we don't want to show them alongside the uncommitted icon.  That update doesn't happen until the callback; lazySetConfig only modifies _dirtyFields20:26
hatchso yeah...first I do not like this approach it;s kind of like a bandaid and I'm guessing you agree heh20:27
MakyoYeah, I do.20:27
MakyoI also don't want to introduce yet another set of config things to keep track of.20:27
hatchWhat should happen (totally spitballing) is on save dirtyfields should be synced with the diff between environmentConfig and config20:28
hatchwait...will that work...20:28
MakyoWouldn't that leave asterisks on all the uncommitted fields?20:28
hatchquick call?20:29
MakyoSure, one sec.20:29
hatcher friday standup i guess20:30
hatchi gots an idea20:30
kadams54hatch, Makyo: let me know when you're done chatting. I've got more databinding questions :-)20:53
hatchwe were done long time ago20:54
hatchwe are efficient20:54
kadams54OK, so the unbind function iterates through this._models and this._viewlets20:54
kadams54But _updateDOM iterates through this._bindings20:55
kadams54Why doesn't unbind do anything with this._bindings?20:55
hatchtbh i have no idea. it's been a long time. lemme take a look20:56
hatchkadams54: if I remember correctly bindings is just a collection of objects and doens't actually contain any listeners21:00
hatcham I way off base? What are you seeing as bindings?21:01
kadams54Well at some point, after everything's been unbound, _updateDOM gets called.21:01
kadams54At that point, it iterates through the bindings, hitting on the one for the service-overview21:01
kadams54And tries to render a new value for unit_count21:02
hatchok and did you put a debugger in there to trace back to why it's being called after being unbound?21:02
kadams54At which point it fails21:02
kadams54The stacktrace doesn't really help21:02
hatcheven with async?21:02
hatchright...i mean put a debugger in there21:03
hatchthen do that before it throws the error21:03
hatchto see why updateDOM is being called 21:03
hatchbecause it shoudnt be21:03
hatchthere are only a couple places which call it21:03
hatchkadams54: I'm thinking it's the debounce stuff on line 84521:04
hatchjust another guess21:04
hatchmaybe I'll win the internet with this one21:04
kadams54Yeah, it is…21:04
hatchand holy crap can I fly with this keyboard when my fingers go where they are supposed to21:05
hatch(going where they are supposed to is the tough part however)21:05
rick_h_hatch: lol, takes a couple of weeks to really take off21:05
kadams54If you look at the very bottom of the stacktrace, line 6011 in yui.js is the implementation for later21:05
* hatch can taste the internets.......21:05
kadams54Does it taste like chicken?21:06
hatchnope.....bad coffee21:06
rick_h_hatch: what ended up being ayrton's issue getting his ghost setup working?21:10
hatchrick_h_: which time? lol21:10
hatchthe first time was his hardware21:10
hatchthe second time was he related to mysql with some failed units and then after resolving they didn't re-run the relation script21:11
hatchso he removed the relation and re added it and then he had a truly horizontally scaled blog :)21:12
rick_h_ah coolio21:12
rick_h_yea, just saw his blog post and realized it was him in irc that day21:12
hatchoh he wrote a blog post?21:13
hatchahh I see it now21:14
rick_h_yea, hit the planet21:14
rick_h_<3 4g at the campground since it's a little rainy 21:14
hatchhaha yeah it's nice having tech in the country soemtimes21:20
kadams54guihelp: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/548 is ready for review and QA - should be an easy one.21:25
Makyohatch, a little more elegant? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/547/files21:25
hatchkadams54: lol nice21:26
hatchMakyo: much, don't ya think?21:26
MakyoYeah.  Think I should move forward?21:27
MakyoSimpler to test, too21:27
hatchMakyo: definmitely21:30
hatchdefinitely even21:30
MakyoJust needed a test modification21:50
Makyohatch, https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/54721:50
hatchcool, lookinf21:50
Makyojujugui calling it an early day since I'm fading, but will check in over the weekend on mine/others PRs21:57
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