
waddlesplashRiddell: aha, it's NOT a kwin or xorg problem00:06
waddlesplashRiddell: not sure exactly how to reproduce, but here: 1. open a KDE file dialog 2. right click in the blank space00:06
waddlesplashresult: system hangs until you kill the parent process00:07
waddlesplash(I SSHd in, killed it, and then all worked again)00:07
waddlesplash(I had this happen with Qt Creator. Not sure if other apps are affected, I assume so)00:07
waddlesplashRiddell: also, I can't seem to change to the Oxygen icon theme; I selected it in system settings and restarted but now about 1/4 of my icons are Oxygen, the other 3/4 are still Breeze00:10
waddlesplashRiddell: and not in some apps either -- e.g. in Dolphin, the back arrow is Oxygen but the forward arrow is Breeze. Network icon is Oxygen, folder icon is Breeze, etc.00:10
joseRiddell: pong05:29
soeegood morning06:16
Riddellhi jose, we were wondering if you knew the status of the new kubuntu website06:59
lordievaderGood morning.07:42
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NoskcajI know kubuntu is meant to work without rebuilds, but can someone install ppa:noskcaj/upower to be sure everything is upower 0.99 compatible?408:38
Riddellshadeslayer_: ping!08:57
Riddelldh_install: libkf5i18n-dev missing files (usr/lib/*/qt5/mkspecs/modules/*), aborting08:57
Riddellwhere's that gone?08:57
shadeslayer_Riddell: looking09:18
Riddellshadeslayer_: I got it09:19
Riddellshadeslayer_: got Rishab asking about making a custom distro in the library09:19
Riddellyou able to help?09:19
shadeslayer_Riddell: are you sure?09:19
shadeslayer_Riddell: this was in ki18n right>09:20
Riddellshadeslayer_: it was using pkg-kde-tools 2 not 3 for some reason09:20
Riddellyes he's definately asking!09:20
shadeslayer_Riddell: ah, ok09:23
shadeslayer_Riddell: where's spacetime?09:23
* yofel wonders why he has no dbus upstart session interface on his eeePC @_@09:24
Riddell"in the library"09:24
Riddellwith a laptop09:24
yofeldoes that need an upstart user session?09:24
yofel(this is plasma 5)09:24
shadeslayer_Riddell: can you ask him to come up to the 3rd floor09:25
shadeslayer_Riddell: plans for lunch?09:26
Riddellgo to a shop and get something quick09:26
RiddellI've got kf5 and plasma to care abou ttoday09:26
Riddellshadeslayer_: he's on his way, what room?09:27
shadeslayer_I found him09:30
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:13
Riddellshadeslayer_: http://paste.kde.org/piy6ovkxk10:16
RiddellNoskcaj: what' happening with upowre?10:16
shadeslayer_Riddell: ack10:16
shadeslayer_Riddell: pushed10:18
NoskcajRiddell, ubuntu-gnome is trying to push 0.99.1 for 14.10, but that's only happening if all the other flavours are ok with it10:22
Riddellshadeslayer_: oh foo make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'lintian', needed by 'post_binary'.  Stop.10:22
Noskcajit's pretty unlikely as xubuntu is (understandably) opposed, and mate is having some issues10:22
Riddellmate? we have mate?10:23
shadeslayer_Riddell: fix it10:24
shadeslayer_feeex it10:24
* Riddell makes it sew10:25
Riddellshadeslayer_: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/DIFF10:28
Riddellwhy is pkg-kde-tools in github?10:28
kdeuser56shadeslayer_: will we get a new project neon5 iso today?10:31
shadeslayer_akademy and stuff10:32
kdeuser56shadeslayer_: isn't that automatic? :O10:32
shadeslayer_no 10:32
shadeslayer_we build the ISO, then test it10:32
shadeslayer_and if it's fine, we release it10:32
shadeslayer_ISO building is largely automated though, yes10:33
kdeuser56shadeslayer_: can't imagine you do that for daily builds :P10:33
shadeslayer_we don't10:33
shadeslayer_pointless waste of time10:33
kdeuser56shadeslayer_: so whats the point then for doing it with a weekly snapshot?10:34
shadeslayer_to catch regressions from features introduced last week10:34
shadeslayer_easier testing stuff10:34
Riddellkdeuser56: a report gets sent to the plasma devs on what needs fixed10:35
kdeuser56how to help with testing that iso before its released?10:35
Riddellgood question, it's mostly done on shadeslayer_ and apachelogger's secret systems and then reported somewhere secret10:37
shadeslayer_Riddell: pushed 11:40
shadeslayer_Riddell: did you update pkg-kde-tools?12:24
Riddell going green now12:25
Riddellvalorie: yo, where are ye?12:53
shadeslayer_Riddell: she left I think13:00
Riddellnah she said she was in the hack room but it's locked13:00
Riddellshadeslayer_: got her phone number?13:01
waddlesplashRiddell: did you see my messages from last night?13:17
Riddellwaddlesplash: not sure, what did it say?13:18
Riddellwaddlesplash: reading..13:18
waddlesplashRiddell: yeah. so got any idea how to fix that?13:23
Riddellwaddlesplash: I can't recreate the 100% cpu issue but as I say if you're able to then get gdb to give you a backtrace and report upstream13:30
Riddellmixed icons, spooky, I usually blame caches for that13:31
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kubotufeed branches-next had 25 updates, showing the latest 613:43
soeewhy we have some xorg drivers for ati, radeon etc even if my pc does not using any of it ?14:03
waddlesplashRiddell: oh, not really a CPU issue. It's that the focus is stolen and you can't get it back14:20
waddlesplashWithout killing the process. I didn't have this happen anywhere but a file dialog in Qt Creator14:21
waddlesplashso maybe you could try right clicking inside a file dialog in Qt Creator and seeing if it does it for you too?14:21
Riddelloh interesting14:24
Riddellwaddlesplash: I'll try it in a bit, got some other bits to sort out first14:24
geniiLogin Screen settings on 14.10 is crashing every time, but there's not really enough useful info in drkonqi to submit a bug report even though it installed whatever -dbg packages it thought were needed. Is the Login Screen setting crash known already or should I bother with running systemsettings in gdb for a better report?15:46
geniiHm, not much there either.16:05
waddlesplashgenii: I noticed the same for some Plasma crashes16:25
waddlesplasheven after installing debug packages, the backtrace is full of ??s16:25
geniiThe info from gdb is also sparse, other than the usual iBus stuff lately it's only saying "double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x0000000000fb2b00 ***"16:28
ScottKRiddell: Are we going to FFe/put KF5 5.2 into Utopic?  I went ahead and did kapidox since it was bug fix only.17:38
RiddellScottK: yeah I think we should17:47
Riddellit's not like anything depends on it17:47
RiddellI'm away for the next week17:47
Riddellhopefully sgclark will take care of it17:47
Riddellcurrently they're stuck on a test in kwidgetsaddons failing :(17:47
yofelQWARN  : KColumnResizerTest::test(forms) Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.18:04
yofelgreat, now tests even require openGL -.-18:04
Riddellhmm lots of warnings about CMake Warning: Manually-specified variables were not used by the project: ECM_MKSPECS_INSTALL_DIR  cos our new pkg-kde-tools passes that to all but not all use it18:12
Riddellhmm ki18n seems to have gained a requirement for python18:25
Riddell"Kubuntu recently surpassed 900 fans on Facebook." oh boy!18:39
Riddellooh thanks yofel 18:45
yofelyw :)18:46
yofel1/1 Test #1: kitemviews-klistwidgetsearchlinetest ...***Exception: SegFault  0.56 sec19:41
yofellibEGL warning: GLX/DRI2 is not supported19:41
yofelyou've just got to love arm...19:41
Riddellmeh, arm shmarm20:09
Riddelldidn't we have a volunteer who wanted to look after that?20:09
mcstr_anyone here got experience with glade/python????20:21
yofelpython yes, pygtk not really20:23
mcstr_yofel i face so many problems now .... i use glade 3.16.1 ... i draw a simple window 3 radio check buttons20:23
mcstr_they are all active20:23
mcstr_even if i uncheck active in settings20:23
mcstr_all 3 active20:24
mcstr_that way ofc the program i wanna do cant work20:24
mcstr_is that a glade problem?=20:24
yofelno idea, it's been years since I looked at gtk. #ubuntu-app-devel might have gtk folks20:24
mcstr_yofel i also need 2 things with python first connecting a progressbar to a thread executed and read the choices of a combobox done and then apply the things choosen20:25
mcstr_app devel is in the same kubuntu irc? yofel20:25
yofelit's on freenode (which ubuntu irc is just an alias for )20:25
mcstr_yofel thx i am gonna asking there20:26
mcstr_no there is no ubuntu-app-devel channel there20:27
mcstr_ubuntu programming is.....20:28
mcstr_but only 7 users there20:28
yofelhuh, the channel is there...20:28
mcstr_not shown in my channel list20:28
yofelany particular reason why you're using gtk and not qt?20:28
yofeljust join it, it is there20:28
mcstr_yofel found a good ebook introducing me to python now i am continuing with that20:28
mcstr_i can't join it if its not in the list :)20:29
yofel /j #ubuntu-app-devel20:29
yofel or /join20:29
mcstr_yofel thx ! that seemed to have worked20:30
mcstr_yofel is qt as easy as python/gtk?20:31
mcstr_because ideally i look for something easily connecting drawn interfaces/buttons etc. with the program code20:31
mcstr_i am relatively new to programming however i manage the interface and the buttons and also implemented threading, but i need just  a little bit more20:34
mcstr_ideally having someone else colaborating on the prog with me20:34
yofelmcstr_: qt is a different ui toolkit like gtk, can be used from python too https://wiki.python.org/moin/PyQt/Tutorials20:35
mcstr_yofel are there good ebooks out for it? and could i just take the same python code i have written already?20:36
yofelpython code yes, but not the gtk parts20:36
yofel#pyqt might be able to point you to something 20:36
mcstr_yofel ok let me explain what i want to do and please you tell me if its achievable in pyqt or easier than in gtk20:37
mcstr_because i am losing a bit patience because for the 2 things still needed i find nothing on gtk to achieve it20:37
yofelif you have something almost working then continuing with gtk might be easier20:38
yofelI just don't know anything about gtk or where you can get help with it20:38
mcstr_this is so frustrating20:38
mcstr_i went to library today grabbed me 3 books about python20:38
mcstr_2 are just a joke and the one which is okayish is too mathematical20:38
mcstr_i cant release a prog where i just have variables defined as numebrs or words20:39
mcstr_i have the concept of the program so in my brain and should be possible that way20:39
mcstr_2 comboboxes each 3 entries then the script checks what you have chosen and on button clicked it executes the chosen combo20:40
mcstr_i know it's possible20:40
mcstr_but all examples just do print "hello"20:40
mcstr_and replacing this with a command is not ennough20:40
mcstr_it needs a bti more code20:40
mcstr_maybe even if / else20:40
mcstr_if i did not suck so badly in maths i would have managed it by now sure20:41
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waddlesplashRiddell: any update on the hanging bug?21:04
Riddellwaddlesplash: if I run qtcreator qt5 version and click File -> Open File or Project and right click on the file view I get the context menu and no hanging21:19
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waddlesplashRiddell: odd. maybe it has something to do with my hw?21:59
waddlesplashhappens here every time21:59
waddlesplasheven after reboots21:59
yofel_sounds very much like driver issues to me...22:00
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Riddellneeds some faffing around wiht gdb to find out22:04
waddlesplashyes, well22:05
waddlesplashmy gdb cli skills are flaky at best22:05
waddlesplashlooking at htop, there does not appear to be anything with too much cpu usage22:05
waddlesplashbut just running "killall qtcreator" is enough to fix it22:06
waddlesplashI'll go ask the KF5 guys22:07
Riddellgood luck22:08
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