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BerenBarahirHow do you install ttf-mscorefonts-installer using the command terminal?03:06
BerenBarahirHow do you install ttf-mscorefonts-installer using the command terminal?03:07
BerenBarahirwoops, thought I was in the wrong channel03:07
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Guest22424how are you04:34
Guest22424please i install kubuntu on my macbook pro but i don't know partchin04:37
Guest22424what is hts+ sda304:40
finrodI'm running a live CD and my whole OS froze up.  How do I reboot?05:32
finrodI got a bunch of applications opened up and was running terminal commands when it happened05:33
lordievaderGood morning.07:41
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madhatt3ryeah it is a good morning indeed, friday again08:30
StephaneAscoetI have to install Unity on my Kubuntu at work, how can I do?09:20
lordievaderStephaneAscoet: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:20
lordievaderStephaneAscoet: May I ask why you have to install that? You've got KDE!09:20
StephaneAscoetlordievader: but this will uninstall KDE, no?09:21
lordievaderStephaneAscoet: No, at the login screen you get the option to use KDE or Unity.09:21
StephaneAscoetlordievader: I was waiting for the question... I use Kubuntu(thus, KDE SC) everyday since I've been workin here, but it's my last day and my boss would prefer that the guy who will replace me uses Unity09:22
StephaneAscoetThanks, I try09:22
lordievaderBad choice ;)09:23
StephaneAscoetYes, of course but it their probleme now09:23
rezahi, i have change default file manager to dolphin, every thing works fine, except desktop icons wich is still opened with nemo09:28
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StephaneAscoetIt's  installed, if I don't come again here it will be because it works, bye09:33
rezahi, i have change default file manager to dolphin, every thing works fine, except desktop icons wich is still opened with nemo09:34
lordievader!patience| reza09:35
ubottureza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.09:35
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:13
aoa_hello dose anyone know how connect andriod 4.4.4 to kubuntu10:28
aoa_i connect phone with cable but it mount read only mode and recognize as camera10:29
eizodoi have installed kde5 using project neon, and i'm trying to run yakuake (from project neon) on my kde4; but i'm getting "Couldn't start kded5 from org.kde.kded5.service"; how can i fix that?10:29
hateballaoa_: I have used http://www.webupd8.org/2012/12/how-to-mount-android-40-ubuntu-go-mtpfs.html in the past10:36
aoa_in past , what now ?10:37
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath
aoa_i will crazy , android use linux as kernel , now linux can't mount partition of android . it is ridicule10:39
hateballaoa_: Well, now I don't connect it physically :p10:40
aoa_i know , airdroid , right ?10:40
hateballwell I use google drive or owncloud or something10:41
hateballor even ssh10:41
aoa_ok your Internet speed is awesome .10:41
hateballanyhow, you could well give gomtp-fs a spin, it wont hurt10:41
aoa_Dose it work on 14.410:43
hateballdoesnt seem to have a package for trusty10:45
hateball!info mtpfs10:46
ubottumtpfs (source: mtpfs): FUSE filesystem for Media Transfer Protocol devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-4.1 (trusty), package size 17 kB, installed size 74 kB10:46
BluesKajeizodo, ask in #project-neon10:46
hateballYou could try this, but at least in the past I had to use the go-mtpfs to get things working10:46
hateballaoa_: So you have no wifi to share? You don't need to move things over the internet10:47
hateballYou could SSH on the same LAN... or use something like Es Explorer on the phone10:47
eizodoBluesKaj: thanks10:47
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cousin_luigiIs there a tool to enable/disable daemons? I don't have much experience with upstart.12:21
shadeslayer_cousin_luigi: sudo service servicename stop12:23
shadeslayer_ah enable12:23
shadeslayer_not sure12:23
cousin_luigishadeslayer_: My point exactly. Is there a GUI tool?12:24
shadeslayer_never bothered12:24
cousin_luigiI'm trying to figure out when dnsmasq is launched and why. I saw it in the process list and I don't like it in the least.12:24
shadeslayer_cousin_luigi: why do you not like it?12:26
cousin_luigishadeslayer_: what's the point of having it running when in client mode?12:27
cousin_luigiWhat business does it have?12:27
shadeslayer_DNS caching locally?12:27
cousin_luigiI see. What happens if I remove it?12:29
BluesKajcousin_luigi, ssytem settings>startup&shutdown>service manager12:29
cousin_luigiBluesKaj: Those are KDE services.12:30
shadeslayer_cousin_luigi: dns resolution for things only available on the local network might not work, atleast that's what the man page indicates12:32
BluesKajcousin_luigi, ok , i misread your question12:33
cousin_luigishadeslayer_: Ok, as long as it's not a hard dependency.12:34
shadeslayer_I think it is12:34
shadeslayer_for resolvconf or something12:34
shadeslayer_but not sure12:34
cousin_luigidafuq, networkmanager depends on it12:35
hateballthere are ways to disable it, but you can't just stop the service12:35
hateballyou need to config network-manager to ignore dnsmasq as well12:35
shadeslayer_not surprised12:35
BluesKajnetwork manager overwrites resolv.conf settings unless you want to run a static ip12:40
cousin_luigiBluesKaj: That's fine by me.12:48
BluesKajcousin_luigi you set the dns server settings in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head or base if you intend to use /etc/network /interfaces instead of network manager12:55
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BluesKajcousin_luigi, did you remove dnsmasq ?13:39
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cousin_luigiBluesKaj: No, I want to use networkmanager but I'd do without dnsmasq if it was possible.16:26
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lordievadercousin_luigi: Do you happen to have kvm installed? (I believe that did something with dnsmasq)16:31
BluesKajcousin_luigi, you can either use the package manager or apt-get to remove dnsmasq, but then NM won't be able to resolve dhcp addresses16:32
cousin_luigilordievader: Unless it's installed by default no.16:33
cousin_luigiBluesKaj: networkmanager won't be able to do a thing because it depends on dnsmasq-base.16:33
BluesKajcousin_luigi, there's your answer16:34
cousin_luigiBluesKaj: I know I have to keep that crap. I'm not too happy about it. But at least it's not my primary system.16:35
TJ-14.04, trying to pair Bluetooth keyboards; the Device Wizard never presents a PIN but shows a spinner constantly - is this a known bug, I've not been able to find references to it so far?16:52
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mr-richis there a way to get a list of hardware in my computer? (ie: video card model/manufacturer)?17:04
lordievadermr-rich: lspci or lshw17:04
Walex2mr-rich: all lists you get are not complete, but most stuff will be there. as <lordievader> said, plus 'dmidecode' and perhals 'lsblk'19:38
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Jef91Does dolphin support browsing through samba shares?22:06
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benjamin__a c++ question :) ...is it possible to "delete" a struct pointer in an vector? .... delete v[i]; ?22:39
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