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mihirMorning :)06:07
justCarakasgood morning07:12
mihirjustCarakas: Morning :)07:23
dholbachgood morning07:51
dholbachbzoltan, are we going to make click-reviewers-tools a dependency too?07:56
popeydpm: i get "ERROR: could not find desktop hook for 'evernote-account-plugin'07:57
bzoltandholbach:  that is the next on my plate ... the ubuntu-emulator is MRd few minutes befire07:57
popeywhen trying to build latest of your reminders branch07:57
bzoltandholbach:  happy? :) https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/ubuntu-emulator_dependency/+merge/23442508:01
bzoltanpopey:  I guess you have seen my mail about the core app MRs?08:01
popeybzoltan: yes,08:01
bzoltanpopey:  Cool :)08:02
popeyin progress08:02
popeyElleo: http://www.emojione.com/ we should totally include this in ubuntu! ☻08:02
popeywould improve everything 1000 percent!08:03
mihirpopey: whenever you get time , can you look at restructure and comment on it..08:03
popeysure thing mihir08:04
dpmpopey, thanks for testing. Could you give me some more context on where you got the error? is is the click-reviewer-tools?08:05
mihirpopey: MR link for reference , https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/filesRestructure/+merge/23436508:05
dpmpopey, I'm on a call for the next 30 mins, might not be too responsive08:05
popeydpm: when building a click in qtc08:05
popeydpm: will paste full log.08:05
mihirpopey:  need your final inputs on day view , http://i.imgur.com/o14gZRa.png08:05
mihirpopey: MR link ---- https://code.launchpad.net/~akiva/ubuntu-calendar-app/1357260-ubuntugrey-dayview-background/+merge/23440008:06
dpmpopey, yeah, that's due to the bug linked to in the MP description, I think - the click reviewer tools do not support this setup yet08:06
popeymihir: so right now highest priority is fixing the AP tests, nothing can land till we do. I didn't realise balloons was out yesterday and today so he can't help us.08:06
dpmso you'll have to use click-buddy08:06
popeydpm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8325372/08:06
popeywell, it does build the click08:07
mihirpopey: it passes all APs on my machine :(08:07
popeymihir: what about on device?08:07
mihirpopey: I need to check that..so on device i believe Kunal's MR need updates on AP and one  on UTC timezone. I will again work with balloons tonight will fix this issues08:08
popeyballoons wont be available08:09
justCarakasdid they run out of helium ? :p08:10
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mihirpopey: ohhh..:|08:13
popeyHappy birthday JamesTait08:16
dholbachbzoltan, +108:16
dholbachJamesTait, congratulations!08:16
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Stand Up To Cancer Day! :-D08:16
JamesTaitThanks popey, dholbach. :)08:16
justCarakashappy birthday JamesTait08:17
JamesTaitThanks, justCarakas. :)08:18
popeynik90: https://twitter.com/ruskin147/status/510332849053257728 saw this and thought of you...08:20
Elleopopey: renato's been working on getting an emoji font pack included in the image, so we'll at least be able to display emoji to some extent08:31
Elleopopey: we've also had some vague conversations about an emoji keyboard layout, but nothing's been decided on that yet08:31
Elleoshouldn't be too hard to implement once the fonts are there though08:31
popeyI desparately need to send my wife pictures of small piles of poo08:31
brendandpopey, who says you need emoji for that?08:33
popeydpm: see response from mardy on your branch?08:47
dpmpopey, yes, he's just pinged me on #webapps08:47
dpmI'm looking into this now08:47
mivoligomzanetti: hi09:28
mzanettimivoligo: hey09:29
mivoligomzanetti: I fixed the size of levels09:29
mzanettimivoligo: awesome09:29
mzanettimivoligo: I've been busy too and fixed a lot of other stuff09:30
mivoligomzanetti: great!09:30
mzanettimivoligo: man... this game turns out to be much more awesome than I hoped when I started it09:31
mivoligomzanetti: how about the json files for levels, can I now use 5 rows?09:31
mzanettimivoligo: yeah. I still need to update the ratio to 7/1209:31
mivoligomzanetti: keep it 1/209:31
mzanettiah ok09:31
mivoligoI'll try to push the changes soon09:32
mzanettimivoligo: so yeah, I just need to update the code to use 2*fieldSize for dead area09:32
mzanettiwill do that asap once you pushed an image I can test it with09:32
mivoligomzanetti: as I understand I need to push to levelpacs brunch, right?09:33
mzanettimivoligo: yep09:33
mzanettimivoligo: well, to something like that:09:34
mzanettimivoligo: and then propose a merge against lp:machines-vs-machines/levelpacks09:34
mivoligomzanetti: ok, so give me few minutes :)09:35
mzanettimivoligo: once you feel confident with bzr etc I'll give you direct write access so you can skip the merge proposal step and directly push to levelpacks09:35
mzanettimivoligo: but in the beginning I'd like to keep an eye on what you're doing and fix things *before* they land in the target branch09:35
mivoligomzanetti: for me it might stay this way09:36
mzanettiok. works for me too09:36
mzanettinik90: hey. I have an alarm showing up in the clock app which doesn't ring ever, but I also can't delete it09:50
mivoligomzanetti: ok, I've proposed for merge10:10
mzanettimivoligo: looking10:10
mzanettimivoligo: you proposed it for the wrong target branch10:11
mivoligomzanetti: sorry, check now10:12
nik90mzanetti: hey did you by any chance create this alarm in the old clock app?10:12
mzanettinik90: could be...10:13
nik90mzanetti: saviq had the same issue where he couldn't delete the alarm he created in the old clock10:13
mzanettimivoligo: ok. looks better. Just a hint for next time: if you make a mistake when submitting a branch, you can click on "Resubmit" in there and fix it instead of createing a new one10:14
nik90mzanetti: I suspect it could be that the old clock somehow messed up the alarm10:14
mivoligomzanetti: ok, thanks10:14
mzanettimivoligo: ok. merged.10:19
mivoligomzanetti: bear in mind I copied enemies from the first level10:20
mivoligoI mean in json files10:20
mzanettiah... no worries10:20
mzanettithe enemies in the level files need to be reworked completely10:20
mzanettimivoligo: hmm... something's off10:21
mzanettimivoligo: so the images should now have 2*fieldSize dead area around, right?10:22
mzanettion all edges10:22
mivoligomzanetti: it has 2 at the top and bottom and 4 on the sides10:23
mzanettion each side?10:23
mzanettihmm... why is that?10:23
mivoligoto have 1/2 hight/width10:23
mzanettibut doesn't that change the ratio?10:24
mivoligomzanetti: hmm.., now ratio is 1/210:24
mzanettibut not for both10:25
mzanettimaybe you're right..10:26
mzanettiyeah... my bad10:26
mivoligomzanetti: yesterday I said wrongly 7/1210:26
mivoligoit was 9/1210:26
mzanettiah. this looks better: http://i.imgur.com/aJI4FHu.png10:27
mzanettimivoligo: ok. pushed10:28
mzanettinow you just need to pull lp:machines-vs-machines and then re-run setupdata.sh in there10:28
mzanettiand you'll have the new levels10:28
mzanettiyeah, this is quite awesome now10:29
mzanettiyou can resize the window and the image will always fill the space10:29
mzanettiunless you resize it like 800*20010:29
mivoligomzanetti: level failed! ;)10:30
mzanettiI think you can only pass the first one if you upgrade the towers10:30
mzanettithere's no chance in winning with level 1 towers :D10:30
mzanettibut this will change soon :)10:30
mzanettimivoligo: when do you think you could push svg's for the enemies and towers?10:31
mivoligomzanetti: I'll try to upload them over the weekend10:31
mivoligomzanetti: if not, on Monday morning probably10:31
mzanettiI'll be around this weekend mostly10:32
mzanettiso feel free to ping me10:32
mzanettimivoligo: I'm just asking because I need to adapt the script to with enemies and towers10:33
mzanettimivoligo: if you could just push one of each for a start that would be awesome to unblock me10:33
mzanettithen you can take your time with the rest of them10:33
mivoligomzanetti: ok, I'll try asap10:34
mivoligomzanetti: btw, did you try it on the phone? How does it look like?10:36
mzanettimivoligo: yesterday night I did a lot or performance optimizations10:38
mzanettimivoligo: now it runs quite smoothly on the phone10:38
mzanettiand looks great10:38
mzanettimivoligo: the animations don't feel as smooth as on the desktop.. not exactly sure why though10:38
mivoligomzanetti: size maybe?10:38
mzanettiyeah... png's are too large still10:39
mihirnik90: ping10:39
mzanettione more reason I'm looking forward to get some enemy/tower svg's so I can play around with device specific releases10:39
nik90mihir: pong10:39
mihirnik90: got couple of mins?10:39
mzanettimivoligo: in any case, you should be able to select a Ubuntu device target in QtCreator now and just click play to run it on the phone10:40
mihirnik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/filesRestructure/+merge/23436510:40
mivoligomzanetti: unfortunately I don't have supported phone10:41
mzanettioh really10:41
mihirnik90: Scroller.qml is lying in root, as i found it is not using anywhere..i'll remove after talking to kunal10:41
nik90mihir: what about CalendarTests.qml ?10:41
mivoligomzanetti: galaxy s310:41
mihirnik90: please provide your inputs :)10:42
mzanettimivoligo: oh that's sad... we need to change that :)10:42
nik90mihir: Do we need https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/filesRestructure/view/head:/calendarTests.qml10:42
mihirnik90: even that too , i couldn't find where does that is being used...so left with those two filed10:42
nik90ah okat10:42
mivoligomzanetti: it's a great phone as an android phone :)10:42
mihirnik90: but i haven't removed it as of now will do it..10:42
mihirnik90: i ran AP it ran successfully :)10:43
boris_cool great program10:43
nik90mihir: if the app runs correctly, then ap should work as well since we didn't really change the functions.10:43
boris_just loaded qt on linux10:43
mihirnik90: Hmm yup :)10:44
mzanettimivoligo: btw... I made the bottom panel a tiny bit larger. on the phone it was hard to hit the buttons/towers at the bottom10:50
mzanettihope you're ok with that10:50
mivoligomzanetti: sure10:50
davmor2nik90: you about?11:07
nik90davmor2: hey, yes11:07
davmor2nik90: how long is snooze meant to be?11:07
nik90davmor2: default 5 mins11:07
davmor2nik90: thanks11:08
davmor2nik90: hmmm it might be off by one :(11:11
nik90davmor2: could be the same bug related to the alarm silence after bug you reported11:12
davmor2nik90: oh wait no it goes on from the second you stopped it not the minute11:12
davmor2nik90: so it went off at 12:11:24 seconds not 12:11 as expected11:13
nik90ah that's expected behavior, no?11:13
davmor2nik90: no expected is 5 minutes from when the alarm was originally started not from when you hit the snooze button11:14
davmor2nik90: I'll try it on android and see what it does11:14
nik90davmor2: not really. let say that the alarm is supposed to ring at 10:00, and you snooze only at 10:02, then the next snooze should appear at 10:07 and not 10:0511:14
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nik90popey: mind triggering jenkins on https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-clock-app/xvfb_and_qml_tests/+merge/23442111:35
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ogra_if i use a page stack and specifically the push() function ... is there a way to force a page refresh when going back to the package that initialized the push ?12:04
ogra_s/package/page/ ... geez12:07
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Mirvnik90: I believe that with https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-002 (on top of utopic) we'd finally have functional AGPS :)12:35
nik90Mirv: yay12:36
nik90thnx for the headsup12:36
MirvI'm waiting for it eagerly too12:37
dpmpopey, when you've got a minute, could you give http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/click/com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5.225_armhf.click a spin?12:46
popeydpm: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-09-12-134931.png12:49
dpmany log messages?12:50
popeynothing useful12:50
popeyfirst is reminders, second is system settings12:51
dpmmardy, we've run out of ideas, the click account still does not seem to work after the last changes ^^ anything we can do to debug what's going on?12:53
mardypopey: do you get prompted to create the evernote account?12:59
mardydpm: the click page above, is that the latest and greatest?13:00
popeysee screenshot http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-09-12-134931.png13:00
popeythats all i get13:00
mardypopey: you'll certainly concede that that's a very clear page, at least ;-)13:01
dpmmardy, yeah, that's from the MP's latest revision. Indeed, a great page for those who love simplicity13:02
popeyNo cruft, all content.13:03
dpmI'm more the functional type, though :)13:03
dpmno cruft, no content13:03
mardypopey: and "find ~/.local/share/accounts/"?13:04
popeymardy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326975/13:05
dpmoSoMoN, quick question: if I use the 7digital scope, when I want to buy a song it opens the browser and takes me to the right page. However, from the browser I cannot play the tracks that appear on their mobile site. Any idea why?13:08
oSoMoNdpm, no, let me try and reproduce13:08
dpmok, thanks13:09
mardypopey, dpm: looks like the qml plugin hook is not working as it should13:10
mardyit was working, some time ago13:10
mardymaybe something changed in click13:10
mardydpm: could you please file a bug on ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts, about the fact that the Main.qml file is not getting installed under /home/phablet/.local/share/accounts/qml-plugins/com.ubuntu.reminders_evernote-account-plugin ?13:11
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dpmmardy, sure bug 1368763 - do you think this is someone you could have a look at?13:17
ubot5bug 1368763 in ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Main.qml file does not get installed correctly by the qml plugin hook" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136876313:17
mardydpm: thanks, I'll investigate right away13:20
dpmanyone from the US or outside Europe who can confirm bug 136875913:20
ubot5bug 1368759 in Ubuntu Rest Scopes "7digital scope's prices appear in GBP" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136875913:20
* dpm hugs mardy13:21
oSoMoNdpm: this seems to be an issue with the website itself, I’m seeing the following error message in the logs: "[blocked] The page at 'https://m.7digital.com/GB/releases/3763648?lang=en&partner=983' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from 'http://previews.7digital.com/clip/[…]': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS."13:21
dpmoSoMoN, is there a way in the browser to force loading mixed content?13:23
oSoMoNdpm, not yet, but there will be, this is related to bug #121403413:23
ubot5bug 1214034 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "Implement API for querying SSL status and certificate information and signalling SSL errors to the embedder" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121403413:23
oSoMoNdpm, in any case if we have a poc at 7digital it would be worth reporting the problem, as loading insecure content over an HTTPS connection is always a bug13:24
dpmok, thanks, I'll add a comment to that bug, then, and I'll find out about a poc at 7digital13:24
rpadovanihey dpm, could you check your version of reminder on the phone? Is it 248?13:43
rpadovaniwrt https://bugs.launchpad.net/reminders-app/+bug/136854813:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 1368548 in Ubuntu Reminders app "Text to pull and release appears in the middle of the screen" [High,Triaged]13:43
nik90doflaherty: ping13:44
doflahertynik90, good morning13:44
doflahertyor whatever time of day it is by you haha13:45
nik90doflaherty: sry I mixed up your name with someone elses..you by any chance the developer of gagger?13:45
dpmrpadovani, yes, 0.5.24813:45
popeynik90: that was mzanetti  iirc13:45
doflahertynope, sorry13:45
nik90doflaherty: ah I remember you now from https://code.launchpad.net/~doflah/ubuntu-clock-app/empty_alarm_page/+merge/23360813:46
rpadovanidpm, I' m not able to reproduce it, are you on -devel or -devel-proposed?13:46
nik90popey: I think you are referring to tagger not gagger :)13:46
popeyYou are right13:46
popeynik90: install it then look in the manifest?13:47
nik90doflaherty: btw the designer I need to talk to about your branch is on leave until monday. So when he gets back we should be able to make a decision13:47
nik90popey: just did13:47
nik90popey: the last names are too simialr :P13:47
dpmrpadovani, I'm on ubuntu-rtm/devel-proposed13:47
dpmrpadovani, mzanetti, I might be a few mins late to the reminders meeting13:47
doflahertynik90, okay, sounds good13:48
rpadovanidpm, np, mzanetti and will do some chat :D13:49
rpadovanidpm, anyway, I'm on devel, so could be a sdk regression. I definitely need 2 phone, one for devel and one for proposed :P13:49
mzanettirpadovani: yeah... I need 3 nowadays13:49
dpmrpadovani, or given we're also tracking ubuntu-rtm, perhaps you need 4 ;)14:01
dpmok, I'm back, jumping into the hangout now14:01
nik90doflaherty: hey, I got feedback from another designer. So we are good to go after some code fixes14:10
nik90doflaherty: I am commenting in your MP atm14:10
FrozenZiaHi - trying to participate in Ubuntu Global Jam, looking at AppDevSchool, and noticed this video is "missing". =o(14:18
FrozenZiaI notice there's a note at the bottom to file a bug if there's something wrong with Summit. Does this count?14:18
FrozenZia(Sorry if this is just a really stupid question.)14:18
mihirnik90: ping14:23
nik90mihir: hey14:23
mihirnik90: hey, you got some time to review ?14:23
nik90mihir: I briefly look at your reorganization MP14:24
nik90mihir: looks much cleaner14:24
nik90I haven't had the time to test it yet on the emulator. but can get to it in a few minutes14:24
mihirnik90: okay, i was waiting for your comment on MP :)14:24
mihirnik90: okay no issues, it was just a gental follow up-was in my to-do list to ping nik90 :P hhehehe14:25
nik90mihir: did you run it in the emulator or device?14:32
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nik90mihir: commented on your mr14:42
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mihirnik90: nope neither of them, i ran on machine and it works fine..i'll run on device/emulator15:00
nik90mihir: it fails complaining that "components" could not be found15:00
nik90mihir: I think it is not being installed in the correct path15:00
mihirnik90: yup even Jenkins did say that , but i couldn't understand that15:01
mihirnik90: it most likely CMake error , and i am looking for clu15:01
nik90mihir: but no worries we can talk to zbenjamin to get his help on that. For now move on with the reorganization15:01
mihirnik90: so i should move all directories to app and we are good to go right?15:01
mihirnik90: okay, will do that now and push the changes..15:02
mihirnik90: i may ping you again, because i am unable to run any app on my device :( will try again today15:02
zbenjaminnik90: mihir: if you want to know what goes where in the click package. Then check the .ubuntu-sdk-deploy directory inside your builddirectory. This is only created for device/emulator targets15:03
zbenjaminnik90: mihir: its the exact representation of the contents15:04
* nik90 checks15:04
zbenjaminof even manually:   make DESTDIR=/tmp/test install15:05
dpmFrozenZia, yeah, unfortunately, when someone recorded a video with their google apps company account, it gets deleted when they leave the company :/15:05
mihirzbenjamin: we need to update Cmake file ?15:05
nik90zbenjamin: yup I see the structure15:05
zbenjaminnik90: can you see whats wrong15:06
nik90mihir: yes, I thinnk your cmake only list the files in qtc, it doesn't install into that location15:06
FrozenZiadpm: ...so is there actually any sense in creating a bug for this?15:06
nik90zbenjamin: I will check it out15:06
mihirnik90: i commented after first Jenkins run..if you see it is commented.15:06
zbenjaminnik90: would be nice to also see some structure in the click package itself, not just dump anything into /.15:06
dpmFrozenZia, not now, no. But it's something that came to my attention a few weeks ago and we'll need to tackle15:06
mihirthough it is there in root Cmake file , so thought it is not required in sub directores15:07
zbenjaminmihir: nik90: you can also add all files to the root cmake file15:07
mihirzbenjamin: how can I do that ?15:07
mihirzbenjamin: new to Cmake15:08
nik90mihir: I will try to fix it tonight15:08
mihirnik90: no issues, i have pushed into ubuntu-calendar-dev, so we can work together :)15:08
nik90or if you want you can compare it with the clock app to see how it is done15:08
nik90that's what I plan to do anyway15:08
zbenjaminmihir: for example: file(GLOB_RECURSE NON_COMPILED_FILES *.qml *.js *.py *.svg *.png *.in *.json *.desktop *.pot *.apparmor qmldir)15:09
zbenjaminmihir: but beware this will probably make problems if you want to support in source builds15:09
zbenjaminmihir: i would suggest to list each file manually so you can control whats in the project and what is not15:09
mihirahh okay , i didn't touch root cmake except adding the sub directories :|15:10
zbenjaminmihir: you can also add subdirectories, thats totally up to you15:10
fcole90_hello, I'm starting to contribute to docviewer core app and I'm not experienced on launchpad, can anyone help me on how to debug my branch?15:10
mihirzbenjamin: nik90 i have added sub directories , http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-calendar-dev/ubuntu-calendar-app/filesRestructure/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt#L7615:11
fcole90_The branch is https://code.launchpad.net/~fcole90/ubuntu-docviewer-app/ubuntu-docviewer-app/+merge/23443815:11
nik90fcole90_: jenkins initially failed because you didnt specify a commit message. Since you have now added it, let me ask popey to trigger jenkins again.15:14
nik90popey: ^^15:14
doflahertynik90, should there be a period after "Tap the + icon to add an alarm" ?15:14
nik90doflaherty: erm I didn't ask that15:14
zbenjaminmihir: something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8327827/15:14
zbenjaminmihir: thats out of my head, so it might not work ;)15:14
zbenjaminmihir: but you get the idea15:15
mihirzequence: okay, i will try15:15
popeynik90: fcole90_ re-triggered15:15
mihirzequence: this should be in root directory correct?15:15
nik90mihir: that would mess the root cmake file15:15
nik90mihir: do it in the individual folder cmake files15:15
fcole90_I thought that I had, thank you  than :)15:16
mihirnik90: okay..i'll try i just looked at clock and i feel i did the similar15:16
FrozenZiadpm: k, tx.15:16
mihirnik90: when i try to run calendar app on device from Qtc, it says :-1: error: [CMakeFiles/com.ubuntu.calendar_calendar.desktop] Error 12715:18
mihirnik90: but while i run this on desktop it works fine, any quick fix ?15:18
nik90check clock-app cmake? :D15:19
nik90you moved a lot of files, there is no quick fix mihir15:19
nik90we need to first fix the whole cmake first15:19
mihirnik90: log files http://paste.ubuntu.com/8327843/15:19
mihirso let me check clock-app sub directories cmake15:19
nik90mihir: you got /bin/sh: 1: INTLTOOL_MERGE-NOTFOUND: not found15:19
nik90mihir: install inttltool in your schroot15:20
doflahertynik90 and your first suggestion says increase the icon height to 10gu, but that's already the size we're using15:21
nik90fcole90_: I see a code conflict "Contents conflict in ubuntu-docviewer-app.qmlproject"15:23
nik90fcole90_: did you remove that file properly using "bzr rm ubuntu-docviewer-app.qmlproject" ?15:23
mihirnik90: for adding that in schroot , we need to edit the config file and set the path , is that correct?15:24
nik90mihir:  no no15:24
fcole90_nik90: no, I removed it with "bzr remove ubuntu-docviewer-app.qmlproject" :/15:24
nik90mihir: just click maintain in the kits you created in the tools->options->ubuntu->click15:25
nik90mihir: and then in the terminal that pops up, install the intltool15:25
nik90fcole90_: are you familiar with launchpad and bzr to fix the conflict? or should I walkthrough it with you?15:26
mihirahhhh...got to know something new :) thanks nik9015:26
nik90mihir: it will be more and more comfortable as you start using cmake and stuff15:27
mihirnik90: yeah...15:28
* mihir dinner break 15:29
nik90doflaherty: no we don't need a period after that sentence15:33
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
fcole90_nik90: if you could walkthrough me, it would be great, I'm discovering that I know less than I though :)15:36
nik90fcole90_: already inside the folder run "bzr status". it will tell you if there are any uncommitted changes in your branch15:37
nik90s/already/all right15:37
fcole90_nik90: there is no output from that, I think that is all committed than :)15:38
nik90hmm I just branched lp:~fcole90/ubuntu-docviewer-app/ubuntu-docviewer-app and I don't see any conflicts15:38
nik90fcole90_: when trying to run on device, I get15:39
nik90CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:80 (FILE):15:40
nik90  file INSTALL cannot find15:40
nik90  "/home/krnekhelesh/Documents/Ubuntu-Projects/MP-Reviews/ubuntu-docviewer-app/com.ubuntu.docviewer_docviewer.url-dispatcher".15:40
nik90fcole90_: in your MP you have 18+set(URLS_FILE "${PROJECT_NAME}_${APP_NAME}.url-dispatcher") while that file doesn't exist15:41
fcole90_nik90: ok than, I have to edit the root CMakeLists.txt. I have taken it from the calendar app and edited for docviewer. Thank you, I'm going to check :)15:41
nik90fcole90_: yup15:42
nik90fcole90_: btw do you have the emulator set up?15:42
nik90fcole90_: it would help with testing if you can try running it in the emulator15:42
fcole90_nik90: yes, I have. I'm going to test it there before submission :)15:43
nik90balloons: I am in the process of changing the manual tests into the format https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/TestCaseFormat15:50
nik90balloons: I misplaced the link to the example15:50
nik90balloons: do you have it15:50
nik90balloons: yup thnx15:54
nik90balloons: Is http://paste.ubuntu.com/8328107/ what you had in mind?16:05
balloonsnik90, that looks excellent16:10
nik90balloons: cool, I will then convert the others16:11
fcole90_nik90: After commenting the url-dispatcher line I still cannot build it. The funny thing is that I had taken the cmake code from calendar-app, so I branched it to try a build and it has the same error :/ Weird thing :(16:13
nik90fcole90_: it could be that they have differnt folder structures16:14
nik90fcole90_: I got 17:42:10: Could not find the manifest.json file16:14
nik90fcole90_: so its a legit error16:14
fcole90_nek90: Yes, I changed it, but the problem is that I also checked with calendar-app source and cannot compile it too, so the same error seem to be also in calendar-app :/16:15
nik90fcole90_: the calendar app trunk build and installs for me16:16
fcole90_nik90: that means that I have a problem with my environment that I need to solve before solving docviewer bug. Thank you then, because I was thinking to a bug in the calendar code :)16:18
nik90fcole90_: try the clock app to be sure16:18
fcole90_nik90: yes, clock app works :)16:25
elopioahayzen_: ping. Does this ring a bell for you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/136885516:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1368855 in Ubuntu Music App "all autopilot tests are failing on RTM image" [Undecided,New]16:38
popeyahayzen_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/downow/+bug/1368648 <- got some music app input for them? ☻16:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1368648 in DowNow "Send multiple files via content hub" [Undecided,New]16:39
ahayzen_elopio, o/16:41
ahayzen_elopio, is the mediascanner2 version on rtm old?16:41
ahayzen_elopio, that would be why it is failing16:41
ahayzen_popey, basically what they said looks good16:42
ogra_ahayzen_, 0.104+14.10.20140825-0ubuntu116:42
ahayzen_ogra_, yep old...proposed has something from sept?16:43
ogra_oh, wait16:43
ahayzen_popey, i thought we went through the ap failures yesterday?16:43
ahayzen_ogra_, devel-proposed has 0.105+14.10.20140909-0ubuntu116:44
ogra_hmm, no, that version was right it seems16:44
ahayzen_ogra_, i suspect once http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=landing-014 and/or http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?distro=ubuntu-rtm&q=landing-020 lands we'll start passing again16:44
ogra_ii  mediascanner2.0                                      0.104+14.10.20140825-0ubuntu1                         armhf        Media scanner package16:44
ogra_directly from the device16:44
ahayzen_ogra_, the issue is with the way that autopilot is currently done...we patch the db so are bound to the schema version....so if they make changes we have to make changes to our ap to get it to pass16:45
ahayzen_ogra_, we updated the ap tests to get it passing on devel-proposed but as rtm has an older version that is now failing :/16:45
ogra_i have the same prob with the developer mode ... utopic has it, rtm doesnt ... and the smoke test people have to apply a ton of hacks to work around it16:46
elopioahayzen_: ogra_: what we need is an API.16:46
ahayzen_elopio, if we could get autopilot working without patching the db that would also work16:47
elopionot write the db files directly, but call a mediascanner testability package with the data as arguments. It will take care or writing the db or something.16:47
popeywell, really we shouldn't be poking mediascanner at all IMO16:47
elopioahayzen_: I think that the alternative to preload the db would be to fake mediascanner.16:47
popeywe should be copying music to the device and let mediascanner find it16:47
popeythen do the tests16:47
popeybecause that's what humans do16:48
ahayzen_elopio, well if it listened to the $HOME then maybe we wouldn't have to do all of this16:48
elopiothat may not be a good idea, as it's a really important dependency. We better test it.16:48
elopioahayzen_: hum, tell me more about $HOME.16:48
ahayzen_popey, thats what we tried...but it thinks they are all in ~/Music and not the fakeenv16:48
elopiowhy are we patching the db and how HOME would fix it?16:48
ahayzen_elopio, basically IIRC when we last tried it ms2 would not listen to our fakeenv path16:48
ahayzen_elopio, so we manually go into the db and rewrite the paths to the files16:49
elopioahayzen_: I see. That might be because it's using the inictl get-env HOME, not the $HOME env var.16:49
ahayzen_elopio, sounds horrible..but it works...i'm sure balloons would be able to shed more light16:49
elopiobut after a long discussion, it seems it's not save to patch the initctl HOME variable, as it will confuse things that were started before the patch.16:49
ahayzen_elopio, idk it is something we're looking to investigate and report bugs where appropriate16:49
elopioahayzen_: the approach that seems more reasonable now is to use a new user every time we run the tests.16:50
elopiobut that needs more work, as we wouldn't like to start unity each time.16:50
ahayzen_elopio, if we just let ms2 pickup the files by itself...and it got the paths right..that would be the best?16:51
elopioahayzen_: probably. Too many details and things I don't yet understand to actually recommend something.16:51
ahayzen_elopio, FYI bug 1368855 is probably a duplicate of bug 136677716:51
ubot5bug 1368855 in Ubuntu Music App "all autopilot tests are failing on RTM image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136885516:52
ubot5bug 1366777 in mediascanner (Ubuntu) "qmlscene crashed while running music-app autopilot tests" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136677716:52
ahayzen_elopio, yeah it needs looking at...i'll add it to my list of things for the coming week16:52
elopioahayzen_: well, it's not duplicate. You fixed it on devel-proposed and caused the other one on RTM. We need to see when are they going to release the new mediascanner to RTM16:53
ahayzen_elopio, yep... ok that bug was 'as a result of' the other bug being resolved ;)16:54
elopioand this opens a can of worms.16:54
ahayzen_elopio, yep i think i discussed it with balloons at the time saying we need to do something....16:54
elopiothe tests need to be versioned, or support all the versions of the dependencies.16:54
elopioif the helpers to populate the database were in a package called mediascanner-testability, that will solve the issue because it will have a version that always corresponds to the installed mediascanner.16:55
ahayzen_elopio, i believe if we can figure out why it gives the wrong path...the tests would be version independent and surely that is the best result?16:56
ahayzen_elopio, eg..copy music into music folder...wait for ms2 to scan...run tests16:57
elopioahayzen_: yes. But ideally the logic to copy music into the right folder wouldn't live on the music-app branch.16:57
ahayzen_elopio, all we do is copy it into the ~/Music folder (well the faked one)16:59
mihir_balloons: you there?17:03
elopioon the music-app branch you have a music file, lets say on /tmp/17:08
elopiothen you call mediascanner_testability.import(path_to_my_file_in_tmp)17:08
elopioif it does the import by patching the database, by copying the file, or by something else, it should be transparent for your test.17:08
elopioahayzen__: sorry, I lost my connection. ^17:08
fgintherelopio, saw your message and was trying to catch up... Here's my prior attempts at running the qmltesting:
ahayzen__elopio, i lost mine as well17:10
ahayzen__elopio, hmm ok i'll look at using this :)17:10
fgintherelopio, I'm trying to run the tests inside a chroot17:10
fgintherelopio, are you also doing that?17:10
* ahayzen__ is currently unpacking at university so maybe afk17:11
elopiofginther: not inside chroot.17:11
elopioI will try that.17:11
nik90balloons: hey, you got some time to review the manual tests MP? I also added cli launcher should now show a nice cli interface to run the tests from.17:11
fgintherelopio, can I also assume that when you run the tests, they are able to reach an xserver that is already running?17:12
elopiofginther: they are. They don't display anything, but nothing is blocking the communication.17:13
elopioI will try in a more limited env.17:13
fgintherelopio, thanks, just trying to understand the env better17:13
mihir_nik90: now everything runs fine on qtc in last step it says , 02:04:24: Connection error: Timeout waiting for reply from server.17:13
mihir_ 17:13
mihir_nik90: this is i am getting at last step while uploading click package to device17:13
nik90mihir_: I have seen that sometimes, but the next time it usually works17:14
nik90mihir_: Do you always get that message?17:14
mihir_nik90: i tried thrice and got this17:14
* mihir_ tries again17:15
nik90balloons: I updated the instructions to running the manual tests.17:15
mihir_nik90: log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8328553/17:16
mihir_nik90: strange is, it is still showing me connected on left pane with green image17:16
nik90mihir_: did you push? Let me test it on my end17:17
mihir_nik90: nope, i haven't pushed anything..just trying to make it work on device at my end17:17
nik90elopio: hey btw do you still approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/checkbox-manual-tests/+merge/23416417:29
nik90elopio: I added in a cli-launcher to make to easier to run tests.17:29
nik90elopio: and changed the format17:29
elopionik90: I do17:29
elopioI like the new format.17:29
elopionik90: do you think balloons is going to be happy?17:30
nik90elopio: think so :)17:30
nik90elopio: I followed his format recommedations to the letter17:30
nik90elopio: he wanted it to be like http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1301/info17:30
elopiogood. That's an important metric for every release: balloons happyness17:31
elopionik90: you have three empty lines here:17:31
elopio180 +17:31
elopio181 +17:31
nik90ah yes17:32
nik90I will remove 2 of them17:32
elopionik90: thanks for this. It will make the discussion a lot easier.17:32
elopioI think also tedg will like it.17:32
nik90elopio: cool17:33
nik90elopio: I think this makes manual testing so much more intuitive and so I look forward to it getting integrated into ci17:33
elopionik90: well, for integration into launchpad and reviews and things like that, probably won't happen because nobody changes launchpad anymore.17:34
elopiobut as a step on the CI process, I think it will. Maybe even an automated gate on the CI airline.17:35
nik90elopio: true and I meant as a step into CI. I can imagine the manual test results being shown in the dashboard similar to automatic test results being shown atm I suppose17:35
mihir_nik90: i created video , let me know if i am doing something wrong17:40
nik90mihir_: that's strange. Not sure why you get that failure17:43
mihir_nik90: :( :(17:43
nik90mihir_: have you tried other apps?17:43
nik90mihir_: is it localised to only this calendar branch?17:43
mihir_nik90: nope anything17:44
nik90I dint follow17:44
nik90no to trying the other apps?17:44
nik90doflaherty: hey there seems to be a code conflict in the .pot file17:46
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nik90doflaherty: can you resolve that conflict by "bzr merge lp:ubuntu-clock-app" and then resolving that conflict manually.17:47
mihir_nik90: i mean , i tried many apps none of them are working17:47
nik90doflaherty: I think if you regenerate the pot file again and then run "bzr resolve" that should fix it17:47
nik90mihir_: ack17:47
nik90doflaherty: and the commit and push as usual.17:48
mihir_nik90: is there any ssh seetings that needs to be taken care?17:48
nik90mihir_: but it was working before right?17:48
nik90mihir_: how did this just start out of no where17:48
mihir_nik90: nope , it never worked for me..17:48
mihir_nik90: i mean , i tried servel time to make it run on device , but i never get it done :|17:49
nik90hmm :/17:49
nik90zbenjamin: could you look at http://youtu.be/ueuPolM23Uo later when you are free and provide an insight as to why that happens to mihir_. It happens with every branch he runs.17:50
nik90zbenjamin: essentially the deployment to device never seems to happen17:50
nik90mihir_: that's on a vm right?17:50
mihir_nik90: yup it is on VM17:52
mihir_nik90: when i do adb devices , it does list the device17:52
nik90mihir_: why don't you try this in your main machine?17:52
nik90mihir_: I suppose you need the vm only for running on the desktop17:52
nik90mihir_: but for emulator and device, the main machine would work17:52
zbenjaminmihir_: nik90: looks weird, instead of opening the devices dialog in QtC (which will trigger a redetect on the device), go to the devices page, select your device and click "open ssh connection to the device"17:56
nik90mihir_: ^^17:59
=== _salem is now known as salem_
mihirzequence: i did try that too18:03
mihirzequence: weired thing is , before deploying when i test, it says succesfully, after build failed, device is not connected18:04
mihirthat's weired18:04
nik90mihir: wrong nick :P18:04
nik90mihir: use autocomplete?'18:05
mihirahh, zbenjamin^^18:05
mihirnik90: i used that, machine got restrated so it took first nick started from z hehehe18:05
zbenjaminprobably it is really a problem with the VM18:06
zbenjamini never had that problem18:06
nik90mihir: can you try on your main machine18:06
mihirand want to make this work...:|18:06
zbenjaminhow can you make it connect again? restart the phone?18:06
mihirnope, zbenjamin i remove cable , and attach cable again18:07
zbenjaminmihir: sounds like adb is crashing18:08
zbenjaminmihir: which image version do you have?18:08
mihirzequence: on device ?18:08
mihirit says Ubuntu (14.10) r 22518:10
zbenjaminmihir: i have 239, do you use devel-proposed to flash your device?18:14
mihirzbenjamin: yup , i have devel-proposed channel18:15
nik90zbenjamin: has to be devel-propsoed since devel is still on 20318:15
nik90mihir: can you try updating to latest 23918:15
mihirnik90: okay, i put that on update, will it directly take 239, or it will be incremetal ?18:16
mihirnik90: let me when you get couple of mins, we can work on Cmake stuffs18:17
nik90mihir: it should straight to 23918:19
zequencemihir: You seem to be confusing me with someone else :)18:25
mihirzequence: yup ,  i got that...sorry for the trouble :)18:28
mihirnik90: we don't need .in file from now onwards?18:37
nik90mihir: we don't need calendar-app.in18:37
nik90mihir: the rest like .desktop.in.in we need18:38
nik90since we launch the main qml file directly18:38
mihirnik90: okay got it.18:39
mihirnik90: i have pushed the changes, as per your comment..i am sure there must be cmake issues.18:39
mihirnik90: but i made sure it runs good on desktop18:39
nik90mihir: did you update your phone?18:40
nik90mihir: btw if you don't want to update frequently then stick to devel.18:40
nik90mihir: but don't be on devel-proposed and not update frequently since that might cause issues18:40
mihirnik90: it just got it updated, let me try again18:41
elopionik90: fginther: I ran my branch in a schroot with xvfb installed, and it works.18:42
elopiowell, it fails, but on the expected error, not on the one that you are getting on jenkins.18:42
fgintherelopio, interesting18:42
nik90elopio, fginther: in the jenkins error that I see, you ran ctest -V18:43
nik90may be run "make test" instead?18:43
elopionik90: I see this: 2: QWARN  : qmltestrunner::AlarmRepeatPage::test_alarmTypeSwitch() file:///home/elopio/workspace/canonical/ubuntu-clock-app/experimental/xvfb_and_qml_tests/app/alarm/AlarmRepeat.qml:149:26: QML CheckBox: Binding loop detected for property "checked"18:43
nik90I am just poking in the dark atm18:43
fginthernik90, I'll try18:43
nik90elopio: yup known but that is a warning not a failure though18:43
elopionik90: ok, it sounds more scary than it should.18:44
elopioctest -V works the same here.18:44
nik90elopio: good it might motivate me to fix it18:44
mihirnik90: no luck , now i am on r242 but again same error18:46
mihirnik90: 00:16:39: Connecting to device...18:47
mihir00:16:59: Could not connect to host: Timeout waiting for reply from server.18:47
mihirIs the device connected and set up for network access?18:47
mihir00:16:59: Deploy step failed.18:47
nik90do you have wifi connect on the phone?18:47
nik90it should look like https://imgur.com/xegkPmI18:48
mihirnik90: yup wifi is connected, but i don't have sim in it18:50
nik90that shouldn't matter18:51
nik90I removed my sim as well18:51
mihirnik90: it looks same18:52
mihirnik90: it says device is ready too18:52
nik90I dont know then18:54
Akiva-Thinkpadhey all18:54
mihirnik90: hehe , weired problems :|18:54
mihirAkiva-Thinkpad: hey18:54
Akiva-Thinkpadmihir, whats shakin?18:54
mihiri had problem with emulator as well :(18:54
nik90I guess last resort is to try in real machine instead of vm18:54
mihirnik90: yeah, i should try that18:54
mihirnik90: i have pushed changes to MR18:54
Akiva-Thinkpadam I the only one who actually developes on utopic?18:55
mihirAkiva-Thinkpad: hehehe , i installed as main and had problem with wi-fi so again had to restore heheh18:55
Akiva-Thinkpadmihir, wifi acts up for me on suspend18:55
Akiva-Thinkpadso I feels the pain18:55
davmor2popey: when you see m-b-o next tell him much better from me please :)19:00
davmor2popey: weather app + Locations rather than edit :)19:00
popeylocation detection has always worked for me in the weather app ☻19:01
davmor2popey: yeah but you can add more than one and when you want to change from F to C in settings and you have settings and edit listed in the menu it is a little confusing but not any more :)19:02
Letozaf_balloons, nik90 hello19:02
nik90Letozaf_: hi19:02
Letozaf_nik90, hi :)19:02
Letozaf_nik90, did you see the email I sent with that issue about deleting world city ?19:03
Letozaf_nik90, from clock app19:03
nik90Letozaf_: yeah I did. I think it confirms that it is a clock app bug rather than an sdk one19:03
Letozaf_nik90, ok, so what should I do with the tests ? I mean if the world city is still there, I cannot assert that it has been deleted19:04
Letozaf_nik90, so the only work around is to not check if it has been deleted I think19:04
nik90hmm true19:04
nik90Letozaf_: for now I say do that..but put a big FIXME there so that I fix it later19:05
Letozaf_nik90, ok19:05
Letozaf_nik90, should I add this to the bug I reported ?19:05
Letozaf_nik90, or should I report a new one ?19:06
nik90Letozaf_: yes, and please do link the bug report in the FIXME19:06
nik90Letozaf_: a new bug report wont be necessary19:06
nik90just add it as a comment19:06
Letozaf_nik90, ok thanks :)19:06
nik90Letozaf_: thnx for the test.19:07
Letozaf_nik90, yw19:07
nik90Letozaf_: merge trunk into your branch and then I will review it this weekend19:07
Letozaf_nik90, ok19:07
mihirnik90: let me know whether that is fine or not19:09
nik90mihir: it doesn't work on emulator due to missing calendar app icon. In fact the whole app directory is not being installed19:10
nik90mihir: but I am working on it19:10
mihirnik90: ohhh , i believe it is Cmake issues , right?19:11
nik90popey: how's this for a nice touch :) https://imgur.com/rBNgKDU19:11
nik90popey: courtesy of doflaherty19:11
nik90mihir: yes19:11
doflahertynik90 I put in the merge so you should be good to go19:12
nik90doflaherty: yup just saw it...just doing some final checks19:12
nik90doflaherty: oh I forgot something19:13
nik90doflaherty: mind updating the debian/changelog with the bug title and also your name :)19:13
nik90doflaherty: just "nano debian/changelog" would do19:13
SturmFlutpopey, mzanetti: I made some major changes to the Ubuntu Store RSS feed, don't be surprised if your feed reader suddenly shows 510 "new" unread entries. And the feed is compatible with Mozilla Thunderbird now.19:13
popeynik90: that's delightful!19:16
popeydoflaherty: thank you!19:16
doflahertyno problem!19:16
mzanettiSturmFlut: have the link again?19:18
mzanettiit didn't work in Thunderbird last time19:18
mzanettiso I lost it19:18
nik90doflaherty: I noticed an issue. I think your pot file conflict went bad..but no worries. Do you mind recreating the pot file as explained in README.translations and then committing again.19:20
nik90doflaherty: it seems some strings were deleted which shouldn't be19:20
doflahertyokay, you said you were you going to regen the pot file anyway, so I didn't look too closely, but I'll update it for you19:21
nik90doflaherty: true, but I would rather not commit an updated pot file instead of removing the strings in the current one. that kinda scared me ;)19:22
doflahertyfair enough19:23
SturmFlutmzanetti: http://hogsmeade.lieberbiber.de/appstorediff.xml19:26
mihirnik90: i have also observed that, datetime picker has stopped working on device, while creating new event19:30
nik90mihir: crap yes I see that too19:34
nik90mihir: not sure when it started19:34
mihirnik90: can you see any console errors?19:35
nik90I think it is got to do with the textfield focus issue19:35
nik90let me check19:35
mihirnik90: yup , i guess because it was based on highlighted19:35
nik90mihir: it says NewEvent.qml 238 line: PickerPanel is not defined19:36
nik90ReferenceError:  PickerPanel is not defined19:36
nik90mihir: how the hell didn't autopilot pick up on this?19:37
mihirnik90: we don't have AP , which create events on future dates19:37
nik90mihir: why?19:37
nik90mihir: I guess this is one regression which slipped through then.19:38
mihirnik90: previously we didn't had helpers for datetime pickers..19:38
mihirnik90: before that , we were using custom spinner , so again didn't had helper for that19:38
nik90mihir: I need to run for dinner, but when I come back I will check with previous revisions of calendar app trunk to see where exactly it broke19:38
nik90mihir: did it work for you in 225?19:39
mihirnik90: sure , i guess, hope we haven't missed any imports for pickers19:39
mihirnik90: yup it was working on that19:39
mzanettiSturmFlut: awesome. works19:40
SturmFlutmzanetti: You can even search for things using the filters in Thunderbird19:41
mihirahayzen__: ping19:44
balloonsnik90, mihir we can't test date pickers due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot/+bug/132860019:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328600 in Autopilot "Autopilot lacks support for large timestamps" [High,In progress]19:48
mihirballoons: i believe, that is only for large timestamp19:48
mihiris that correct?19:48
mihirballoons: what if we test dates which are lesser than 2038 in years :-?19:49
mihirballoons:  or have i understood incorrect..?19:52
mihirnik90: i guess this should fix , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/datePickerFix/+merge/23453919:52
nik90mihir: think so, will test now20:08
mihirnik90: hmmm :)20:08
mihirnik90: i am thinking for spacing utilization in day/week view.20:08
mihirhow about combing all these information in header ? or it is against design guideline?20:09
nik90How would you combine them in the header? I don't think it will fit20:10
mihirnik90: did you check android calendar ?20:11
nik90checking now :p20:11
mihirheader submenus..?20:11
nik90yup let's do that20:12
mihiri feel that will save tons of sapce..20:12
nik90mihir: ok so the page titles will be "Day - September 12" and so on...20:13
nik90mihir: in the page itself, the header will show "Today, Friday \n September 12, 2014"20:13
nik90just like the android calendar20:13
mihiryup exactly ,20:14
nik90mihir: sound good?20:14
mihirand we can utilze whole space20:14
nik90go for it20:14
nik90mihir: common branch pls :)20:15
mihirnik90: https://gm1.ggpht.com/DGJ78CH9wxFCWjnapEX7VJuW2wQF1W0NXmeH5Xba0oWuGJ4BtQXdeGAxR-BYb1wXxMUNR0nCxZMgSo_8gLyVbucLwFXhrE94c-MK2fZiJWKG8FvY1HfOovqDrqqxKJfplPC5rIsS_FlJBK7AYwR_19dDRqnyrl62BeHI5v9yu5jNkA-5axFYJ97kRfXYsHRcB_a0Bpq_5qsNY00tFu-HF8ckZSrOXq3Ex_JG59wcbFzGi6RQO6I2VutbFFVhFwNWsi26KR2YUQ640VtNsEfOeXFR3R-20:15
nik90mihir: this sound interesting to do20:15
mihirnik90: sorry for long URL20:15
nik90mihir: it doesn't work for me :P20:15
mihirnik90: http://i.imgur.com/k9aWUR6.png20:18
nik90mihir: yup20:18
mihirnik90:  i am not sure , how can we customize our hedaer sub items,20:19
nik90mihir: that's what I am there for ;D20:19
nik90mihir: you need to use head.contents20:19
nik90in which you use a column of two labels20:19
nik90similar to head.actions20:20
mihirokay , so in subitmes we create column and can achieve that right ?20:20
nik90mihir: why not use a row design like android calendar?20:20
nik90I am referring to "Day September 1220:21
mihiryeah in one row, we'll have two columns right..20:21
mihiron top only row, like , Septemeber 201420:21
mihirbut when i click on sub menu , it should show which view it is..like Year   201420:21
mihirMonth Septemeber20:22
mihirWeek 22-2920:22
nik90I am not sure I follow, but start on it and we can fix the stuff as we go on20:22
nik90mihir: btw your hotfix branch fixes the issue.20:23
mihirokay let me start that...and lets see how feasible it is :)20:23
mihirnik90: thanks for that20:23
nik90balloons, popey: We must merge https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/datePickerFix/+merge/234539 and update calendar app in the store. It fixes a critical issue with datepicker not appearing20:24
mihirnik90: it won't merge , untill APfix20:24
nik90mihir: I think it is a random failure20:24
nik90or known issue?20:24
mihirnik90: may be random this time20:26
nik90mihir: lets see. I top approved it. So jenkins should run again20:26
mcstr_hi guys! anyone with experience on glade 3.16.1 here? i create a window with 3 radiocheckbuttons and all 3 are activated even if i uncheck actiavte in settings20:30
mcstr_is that a glade problem?20:30
balloonsnik90, wow, whoops20:32
nik90balloons: this is really really bad that AP didn't catch this. Please raise priority of bug 1328600 to critical20:33
ubot5bug 1328600 in Autopilot "Autopilot lacks support for large timestamps" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132860020:33
balloonsmihir, nik90 looks like the ap test failure was it timed out waiting for the app to appear20:34
balloonsI guess we should increase the timeout if you've seen it happen20:34
nik90balloons: I have top approved it. Lets see if jenkins hits that issue again.20:35
nik90if it does we will increase the timeout20:35
* mihir hopes Jenkis pass this time 20:35
balloonswe shouldn't be seeing random failures20:35
mihirballoons: we should increase waitTime i believe20:36
balloonsmihir, in __init__.py there is a self.visible.wait_for(True). You could add an increase20:41
mihirballoons: okay, i'll do that in a meanwhile.20:41
mihirballoons: btw , i checked for UTC time in AP.20:42
mihirballoons: it is taking locale instead of UTC..we do have function to get Locale20:42
balloonsmihir, I'm not sure what you mean.20:46
mihirballoons: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129122520:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1291225 in Ubuntu Calendar App "autopilot tests fail when run in UTC+1 timezone" [High,Confirmed]20:47
=== Guest63648 is now known as renatu
balloonsmihir, right, I know the bug, heh. I'm confused but what you are asking. Were you able to solve it?20:48
renatupopey, rpadovani : guys please can we release this fix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/+bug/135798320:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1357983 in Ubuntu Calculator App "Continuos calculation doesn't work with irrational results" [Critical,In progress]20:48
renatuI can not use the calculator on my phone20:48
mihirballoons: nope , i wasn't able to..20:49
balloonsI guess it's approved so it just neeeds top approval?20:49
balloonsrenatu, I'll have jenkins run it on the device and assuming it passes, we can push it20:50
mihirballoons: but i checked that ,time is begin converted into Locales20:50
balloonsmihir, what is converting it/20:50
renatuballoons, thanks20:50
mihirballoons: sorry for confusing, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8329841/20:52
balloonsmihir, ohh yes I remember that kind of.. It was added in the other merges for the bug20:55
balloonsmihir, so you just need to look at what time the calendar is returning and then make sure the assert we have in the test matches it20:56
balloonsassuming the calendar is correct.. which it seems to be20:56
mihirballoons: okay, i'll try20:56
nik90balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/datePickerFix passed21:03
* balloons builds21:06
Akiva-Thinkpadbuntu coming to mx4 :)21:10
nik90zbenjamin: so mihir rearranged the file structure. I did some cmake fixes. But its still largely broken. I don't see the files in the app folder being installed at all.21:11
mihirnik90: Ohhh, may because we stacked another directory..?21:12
popeyballoons: you running it locally or in jenkins?21:12
nik90mihir: nah we did that in the clock app as well21:12
nik90mihir: its because we changed the folder structure a lot which requires more indepth cmake fixes that I am not capable of21:13
mihirnik90: ahhhh ,21:14
mihirnik90: somboday had re-opend that picker bug, i just noticed that hehe21:14
nik90no worries this is just a packaging issue that can be resolved easily21:15
nik90just need a cmake expert21:15
mihirnik90: okay21:17
balloonspopey, pushed.. jenkins built ofc21:17
mihirthanks balloons :)21:17
nik90mihir: quick question, how is a simple MR like https://code.launchpad.net/~uriboni/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-translations-with-arg/+merge/232903 failing in jenkins21:19
nik90mihir: all it does is a pot file update with some translation strings21:19
nik90we should try to get those low hanging fruits asap21:20
popeyballoons: thats calendar...21:20
popeyballoons: renato was talking about calculator.. (as was I) ☻21:20
mihirnik90: i guess, that MR needs merge to trunk.21:20
nik90ok. I will comment in that MR. If we don't get a response in a day or two, I will do it myself21:21
mihirnik90: sounds great21:21
popeyAkiva-Thinkpad: interesting blog post21:22
Akiva-Thinkpadpopey, I wonder what BQ will be offering21:22
Akiva-ThinkpadI'm trying to preorder this thing, and signing up for flyme, but the password system is giving me some stupid message21:27
Akiva-ThinkpadAt least combined two types of following characters:English letters, numbers or special characters21:27
Akiva-Thinkpadwhat the heck does that mean?21:27
nik90mihir: hey you working on the new header?21:27
mihirnik90: yup21:27
mihirany other suggestion ?21:27
nik90mihir: ok ping me when you have something to show. I am looking forward to testing it :_)21:28
balloonspopey, ahh.. looks like real device run failed for that calendar mp21:28
mihirnik90: sure21:28
Akiva-Thinkpadoh bloody, I hate passwords which dont accept graves...21:29
popeyballoons: wait, the one I just approved to the store?21:29
balloonspopey, no no.. calculator21:29
balloonslol, now I'm confused21:29
nik90balloons: :P21:29
balloonsfginther, this doesn't look like a legit failure: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-click-autopilot-runner-mako/531/console21:38
balloonsit's for https://code.launchpad.net/~rpadovani/ubuntu-calculator-app/1357983/+merge/23263021:38
fgintherballoons, nope, that's a phablet-network failure. Thankfully plars now has a fix for that21:39
nik90balloons: I got the same for clock app as well btw21:39
fgintherballoons, I'll work on getting it rolled in here21:39
balloonsfginther, ack ty21:44
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mihirnik90: ping21:45
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SturmFlutpopey: I see libpoppler-qt5-1:armhf, libpoppler46:armhf and qtdeclarative5-poppler1.0:armhf on my device. But libpoppler-qt5-dev is not installed in my schroot and I can't install it manually because of dependency errors. So no poppler support with the current SDK?21:54
popeySturmFlut: you can't install it in the schroot?21:55
* popey tries this21:55
SturmFlutpopey: At least in my click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf schroot I can't, in the end the chain depends on libgles2-dev and I get "E: Package 'libgles2-dev' has no installation candidate"21:56
fgintherballoons, nik90, I've added the workaround for the phablet-network problem, please re-approve an MP?21:57
* SturmFlut was about to hack a cheap QML PDF viewer out of sheer frustration21:57
popeySturmFlut: that seems broken. ☹21:58
popeywonder if it's armhf specific21:58
* popey tries in amd64 schroot21:58
popeySturmFlut: seems armhf specific - works fine on amd6421:59
popeySturmFlut: install the armhf version? libpoppler-qt5-dev:armhf22:01
popey(worked here)22:01
SturmFlutpopey: Jep, that did it. Thanks a lot.22:01
mihirpopey: there?22:09
mihirpopey: nik90 http://i.imgur.com/6UFuGHa.png22:10
mihiragain very rough design , does that make sesne ?22:10
popeydunno, what am I looking at?22:11
popeyYou have a very busy hour there! ☻22:11
mihirpopey: basically sombody suggested this , https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/136838822:12
ubot5Launchpad bug 1368388 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Poor use of screen space" [High,In progress]22:12
mihirso nik90 and I are planning again some huge re-design :|22:12
nik90why is that a :| and not a huge :D22:12
mihirnik90: have you checked the screenshot?22:13
mihirpopey: bascically we agreed upon http://i.imgur.com/k9aWUR6.png22:13
nik90mihir: its definitely possibel to do22:13
mihirnik90: heheh :D22:14
mihirnik90: this was very rough and fast how it may look , so just did that22:14
mihirnik90: but i wonder how can we play with title of Tabs :-?22:15
=== PyAr is now known as alecu
nik90mihir: as I said before set tabs title to "Day september 13" or whatever..and then when the page is loaded, set the page head.contents to a custom label which override the page title22:21
* mihir tries 22:21
mihirnik90: is this correct, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8330330/22:29
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mihirnik90: nevermind got it22:36
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SturmFlutpopey, mzanetti: I built a cheap (as always) PDF viewer based on Poppler, but now I'm stuck at the integration with the content hub. I want an "Open" button and followed http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.10/Ubuntu.Content.index/23:41
SturmFlutvoid ContentTransfer::setTransfer(com::ubuntu::content::Transfer*) No valid transfer object passed: QObject(0x0)23:42
SturmFlutbool ContentTransfer::start() Transfer can't be started23:42
SturmFlutOn desktop and mobile23:42
mzanettiSturmFlut: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/app/qml/main.qml#L9223:44
mzanettiSturmFlut: and this is how you start it onButtonClick or whatever: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/app/qml/main.qml#L16423:46
SturmFlutmzanetti: Thanks, but I can't spot the difference. I also just installed Tagger from the store and it no longer works on my phone (r239). Might be time to go to sleep :/23:55
mzanettiSturmFlut: right... there's some issue with multimedia currently23:56
mzanettimost apps that use the camera won't start currently :/23:56
mzanettion the devel-proposed image that is, devel is fine23:56
SturmFlutmzanetti: How is the Content Hub supposed to work on the desktop anyway? Will it open dialogs or something?23:57
mzanettiSturmFlut: also, you need to have the apparmor permissions set23:57
mzanettiI think by now the dialog should work on the desktop too23:57
mzanettinot entirely sure...23:57
mzanettiSturmFlut: you need something like this in your apparmor profile too: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/tagger/trunk/view/head:/tagger.json23:58

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