
balloonsNothing_Much, yes00:10
Nothing_Muchballoons: nice01:12
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pittiGodo morning05:07
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pgbimport patternbook failed, any ideas?11:30
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netlarI want to contribute my time , how can I help?13:29
elfyhi netlar depends what you can and want to do :) have a look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam13:31
netlarWell at first maybe just help with documentation or doc review, maybe later with bug squashing13:33
netlarI have subscibed to the mailing list already, but just not sure how to get involved13:33
elfynetlar: sorry - am about but was afk13:55
balloonsnetlar, howdy13:55
elfyI don't have anything to do with any of those things - just testing13:55
elfyslickymasterWork might be able to point you in the right docs directions13:56
elfyhi balloons13:58
netlarballoons: Hi13:59
netlarelfy: Well I am loading the test enviroment now, going to see about testing14:00
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netlarJust heard there is document writers needed too14:00
elfynetlar: I'd not really know what docs needs - other than like any other part of the community effort it needs people :)14:02
netlarJust thought I would start here, maybe save some time poking around in the dark14:03
elfynetlar: lol - there is that, if you want really specific pointers as to what you could do - then I am going to say testing packages and images for Xubuntu :)14:05
netlarelfy: I am loading the test drive iso as we speak14:06
elfyI never use it tbh - I just roll my own vbox installs14:07
netlarI was not sure where to begin, just saw that on the community page14:08
elfyif you are used to using virtual machines - you're probably going to be better just doing that14:08
elfyyep - understood :)14:08
netlarThis test drive seems cool, it loads the latest build on the virtual machine and can be done everyday that way. I will see how that works14:09
elfydoes it - no idea :)14:09
elfyI'm just editing that wiki page actually - it just points at Ubuntu images - there are a whole bunch of other flavours that would love to get help14:10
netlarHow are you editing the wiki?14:10
elfylogged in14:11
elfyyou will need to get a login, for more or less everything in the *buntu world14:11
netlarI have an UbuntuOne login already, do I need multiple logins?14:12
elfynope - that one will do :)14:12
elfywiki has 4 main flavours now14:20
netlarHow often do you edit it?14:20
elfywell I edit pages that need editing when I see them14:20
elfyI don't go out of my way to find them though14:21
netlarCan you give me an example? Just trying to get a point of reference14:21
elfynot sure I follow you with that14:21
netlarLIke something you have edited recently14:22
elfyof how I edited it?14:22
netlarno, more of what type of thing you found wrong14:23
elfyoic - well on looking at it I saw that it pointed at Ubuntu images for testing14:23
elfyas the Xubuntu QA Lead, that struck me as really really bad :)14:23
elfyso I added Xubuntu images in - and because I try to be fair - I also added Kubuntu, Lubuntu and UbuntuGnome :)14:24
elfywhat you'll find is that *this* channel is quality in general - but majority is aimed at Ubuntu14:24
netlarI am on Ubuntu Unity myself14:25
elfyyou'll also find people like me in here - desperate to get help for their own particular flavour ;)14:25
elfyI tend to only run Ubuntu if I'm tracking down a bug that Xubuntu has got - to see if it's common14:25
netlarMakes sense14:26
netlarJust to let you know, that test drive thing did not work :(14:26
elfyhave you run a virtual machine before?14:27
netlarNever had any problems loading an iso before14:28
elfyright - then I use the oracle vbox - create a vm for what I'm testing and then use that14:28
netlarVBOX is my choice too14:28
elfythe iso that testdrive downloaded will be in ~/.cache/testdrive/iso14:28
elfyyou can point vbox at that14:28
netlarGreat, think I will do that instead, I just tried it from the test drive app14:29
elfyI have a folder I put iso's in - then I zsync against *today's* iso the next time - so I just grab a partial amount of the iso14:29
netlarwow great14:30
elfysay tomorrow you want to look again - check the download page for current and there is a zsync listing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/315/builds/78735/downloads14:31
elfyuse that in the same place your existing iso is14:31
netlarJust overwrite it14:32
elfyfor me today against my xubuntu image I get Read utopic-desktop-amd64.iso. Target 82.3% complete.14:32
elfyso yes - it then overwrites the existing and then saves the original as .iso.zs-old14:32
elfyif you're on slow connection only needing to grab 18% is a useful thing :)14:33
netlarMore important for me, not use too much data, my provider has a cap14:34
elfyyep - very useful then :)14:34
netlarAt this point I am a 50/50 guy14:35
netlarI appreciate the command line14:35
netlarBut I am a gui guy too, how I started out in computers14:36
elfyI use it if it's quicker for me14:36
elfyor if it's quicker to help someone :)14:36
elfyI can help someone with apt, or Xubuntu GUI - wouldn't have a clue what other DE's have to use14:37
netlarVery true, the gui side would be hard to know where to go in the different flavors14:37
netlarcli would be much easier14:37
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elfyand frankly imo impoirtant for people to at least know how even if they don't use cli - if they can use it and something like nano - having to drop to recovery mode is easier14:39
netlarBut I need to say, if my wife was told to do that, she would just go to best buy and buy a windows machine the next day :)14:41
elfyand if that broke? ;)14:42
elfyhorses for courses - use what works14:43
netlarProbably just let it sit in corner broken14:43
netlarThat is why we have a mac14:45
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netlarWell thanks for the info, I will be back14:49
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elopioom26er: can you please follow up https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/camera-app/lp1366825_fix_zoom until it lands?16:29
om26erelopio, oh, crap. I failed to track it. On it16:30
om26erelopio, did you write the test code for the camera-app in the past ?16:30
om26erI found that the failure that we are seeing is because sometimes the test clicks on the wrong icon, it is supposed to click on torch icon, it rather clicks on location icon.16:31
elopioom26er: no. I once tried to move it to py3, but I think somebody else's branch landed for that.16:31
om26erelopio, do you have a clue on how to add objectName here http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/trunk/view/head:/OptionsOverlay.qml#L41 ?16:33
elopioom26er: can't you just put it inside the OptionButton?16:37
om26erelopio, I tried that it didn;t work, now I am looking at something similar perhaps I will try to make a similar solution here. Will let you know16:38
elopiook. If you need a hand, Kaleo I think it's the camera dev.16:40
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