
ali1234hah! ipv600:04
shaunowe've created a monster00:05
ali1234hey shauno00:05
ali1234while i was fiddling around the raid died00:05
ali1234we had to get a new hard drive put in, and the other drive had enough bad blocks to corrupt the OS00:06
shaunoI'm quite glad I'm not one of your computers00:06
ali1234then we had to reinstall... so now we've got working ipv6 at least00:06
ali1234now i just have to set verything up again :)00:06
daftykinswhy weren't the bad blocks spotted prior in some kinda RAID health report 0o00:07
diddledaniplayer thinks I'm foreign again00:07
daftykinsdiddledan: perhaps they've yet to geoIP the 'amazing' variant of stoke ;D00:07
shaunowe finally get to deport dan?00:07
ali1234daftykins: cos the mails go to /var/mail/root and who reads that?00:08
daftykinsurgh it really annoys me when a dynamic DNS service doesn't seem to be functioning00:11
shaunoI just don't do dynamic dns.  once, I tried to do it on bind9 with apple 'global bonjour' pushing updates.  I'm still not quite the same person I was before that.00:13
diddledandaftykins: as in the service providing dynamic dns or the service the ddns hostname points to?00:13
daftykinswell, i get a timeout trying to SSH to a client's box, that's all i truly know00:14
daftykinsi haven't quite gotten around to getting them to pay for no-ip, so he forwards me the renew emails instead00:15
daftykinsi got one just the other day and did the captcha, but oddly it doesn't seem to be around00:15
daftykinsi might just be doing something silly, my heads not quite right since the accident still :/00:15
daftykinsi need to start taking notes of clients setups such as port configs, so i don't rely on my memory00:15
diddledananyone around who knows about floppies?01:32
diddledanspecifically really ancient 360KB 5.25inchers01:32
ali1234a bit01:32
diddledanubuntu 14.04.1 won't recognise them01:32
diddledanI can correctly boot off an msdos disk but ubuntu won't mount the same disk stating that fd0 isn't a valid block device01:33
ali1234it might be a usb device01:33
diddledanwhat would usb have to do with things?01:34
ali1234motherboard chipsets don't have floppy drive controllers built in any more01:34
diddledanthis motherboard does tho01:34
diddledanyou can't get usb adapters for 5.25inch drives01:35
ali1234well, quite01:35
ali1234did the mysql password hashing change between ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04?01:53
diddledanali1234: it might have, tho I would expect any older password hashes would still be supported for auth02:53
ali1234got to reset all the passwords02:54
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:29
DJonesI'll make up the quorum and confirm it is Morning07:30
smittixWell that game idea hit a brick wall.07:48
popeygame idea?07:50
smittixheh http://fpaste.org/132930/14104688/07:52
smittixWas messing around with Python07:52
popeyI was playing with an HTML5 game creator thing recently07:53
smittixI just sat there last night bored so started creating that. It'd look quite good in that old terminal application.07:53
smittixI will have to add the games list and what not and see what to do from there. May have to watch the movie again.07:54
popeyHappy birthday JamesTait08:16
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy Stand Up To Cancer Day! :-D08:16
marxjohnsonI've just turned my laptop on to find it's treating the keyboard as US layout, even though it's set to UK08:18
JamesTaitI read an e-mail thread about that recently, that I think suggested there was a bug.08:19
marxjohnsonaha, cheers08:23
marxjohnsonI'm doing a dist-upgrade now so we'll see if that fixes it...08:23
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marxjohnsonHrm nope still not right.08:53
DJonesMartijnVdS: Hmmh "IRC – internet relay chat, the protocol that allows IMs" So thats what IRC is.... Think it misses the point08:59
MartijnVdSDJones: well, it's the original IM :)09:00
DJonesI can understand that argument, but does seem to understate what it actually is09:01
MartijnVdSTrue, but it's an article for "normal" people :)09:02
DJonesI still think they'd have been better describing IRC as an instant messaging service using the multiplayer notepad system09:03
DJonesHah, Pressgazette launches petition to stop authorities "spying" on journalists phone records.........Seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black09:24
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:36
bigcalmEmail from my VPS10:36
bigcalmSegmentation fault (core dumped)10:36
bigcalmI don't think that's a happy result10:36
Laneythe dying cry of an apt in distress10:36
Laneywhere's your super cow powers now? huh?10:37
SuperMattI found a server the other day where crond hadn't started for months10:39
SuperMattdidn't come back after a reboot either10:40
* bigcalm scratches his head10:40
SuperMattstragely it started fine when I ran the init script10:40
* popey looks for a good onion soup recipe. i haz too many onions10:40
bigcalmI have MariaDB installed on my VPS. Just done a dist-upgrade and it's warning me that it's going to migrate the config from MySQL. Most odd10:41
bigcalmpopey: toasted cheese and onion sandwiches10:41
popeyi have cheddar and edam, so that's a possibility10:41
bigcalmpopey: caramelised onions10:41
bigcalm6 large red onions makes for a good batch of caramelised onions10:42
bigcalmAnybody here running Ubuntu 14.04.1 on a 32bit machine?10:43
bigcalmI'm getting this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8326169/10:44
popeybug 132056310:48
lubotu3bug 1320563 in systemd (Ubuntu) "invoke-rc.d: initscript systemd-logind, action "start" failed." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132056310:48
* bigcalm reads10:49
bigcalmYep, Bytemark use a KVM kernel10:51
bigcalmNow to see if they have a kernel close to 3.13.010:51
bigcalmuname says that it's using 3.2.6010:52
bigcalmThe highest the VPS has to offer is 3.4.9210:55
bigcalmWell, that worked10:57
bigcalmpopey: thanks10:57
SuperMattfor some strange reason, I can't load the gnome-shell control panel11:16
SuperMattwhat's the process name for that?11:16
davmor2SuperMatt: I don't know I don't use gnome-shell11:17
SuperMattlooks like gnome-control-center was uninstalled somehow11:18
* brobostigon has been using gnome3 for ages now.11:19
SuperMattI started using it at work because our dual screen 19" monitors + cruddy graphics cards meant that unity ran slow11:20
SuperMattI'm now thinking of moving to opensuse factory so I can have a rolling release, and therefore get the new versions of gnome quicker11:23
foobarryhave you used opensuse before? i found it ....odd11:40
foobarryand buggy and annoying11:40
SuperMattI put it on my home desktop last night11:40
SuperMattI think factory has a space for me because it's rolling and because it's quite solid11:40
SuperMattand it uses yum which I know well11:40
SuperMattI don't know pacman enough to use arch11:41
foobarryit also uses that weird yast crap11:42
foobarryi really wanted to like it but hated it11:42
foobarryit should be intuitive to switch distros but this wasn't, even though the DE was the same11:43
foobarrymaybe its changed in a few years since i tried11:43
foobarryactually last one i tried would even boot on my machine!11:44
SuperMattI find opensuse interesting because it seems to lie between the rhel and debian ways of doing things11:45
SuperMattI just want to find out if they're taking the best things of each11:45
nigelbHappy Birthday JamesTait!11:51
JamesTaitTHanks, nigelb. :)11:53
nigelbOr should I say, happy JamesTait day :D11:54
JamesTaitOooh, that sounds scary!11:56
foobarrywondering if i can justify buying a picture book for ~£3511:57
popeya wat?11:58
foobarrya book. printed one. with art in it11:58
JamesTaitA bookbook!11:59
foobarrybecause my stupid/lovely library doesn't stock them11:59
foobarrythere's about 3 i want, so ideally i need to find a bookbookshop to peruse and browse12:00
foobarrybut only central london would have that variety :(12:01
intrbizfoobarry: I use openSUSE, which version did you try?12:05
foobarry You can place a reservation for stock held within this London Libraries Consortium [LLC] catalogue for free12:07
foobarryoh cool12:07
foobarryintrbiz: 5yrs ago :D12:07
intrbizah ok12:07
foobarrymaybe 201112:07
intrbiz11.x then I guess12:07
intrbizyum is no more in suse, replaced with zypper12:08
foobarryyes, i had zypper and yast to deal with12:09
foobarryi never saw yum inside suse12:09
intrbizzypper is probably the best package manager around12:09
foobarry"A 40p fee is payable for requesting an item". when is free not free?12:09
intrbizyast is interesting, it's been rewritten in 13.1 +12:09
intrbizported to ruby12:10
foobarryalso the firewall config sucks royally on suse12:10
intrbizyup, that is easily fixed with: zypper in shorewall12:10
foobarryhad to make a change on a VM appliance made with suse factory thing12:11
foobarryfw was hideous12:11
intrbizmageia had a very good FW setup and tools12:12
foobarryi tend to use more standard distro as i use them in enterprise too12:13
intrbizsure, I've drifted away from mageia, mainly use openSUSE with some centos / debian / ubuntu as needed12:14
foobarrywhats the old name for mageia again?12:18
intrbizMandrake -> Mandriva -> Mageia12:19
intrbizMandriva was when Mandrake merged with Conectiva and a legal case forced a name change12:19
intrbizMageia was the community fork12:20
intrbizthere is also OpenMandriva, which doesn't seem to have much traction12:20
bigcalmintrbiz: mobile internet still more reliable than your home connection eh?13:01
intrbizbigcalm: certainly faster in an area with good coverage13:19
diddledannow. a floppy drive that works fine via bios to boot a floppy (5.25inch 360KB drive) seems to io error on ubuntu 14.0413:24
diddledandmesg correctly reports that the floppy drive is a 360KB unit13:25
diddledanbut dmesg says there's io error when trying to mount it13:26
bigcalmWow, having fun with old hardware there13:26
diddledanbigcalm: yeah, I want to archive all my hundreds of floppies13:27
diddledanbefore the hardware to access them completely disappears off the planet13:27
* bigcalm tickles christel :)14:30
diddledanbigcalm: you flirty14:35
christelhello bigcalm :)14:37
davmor2christel: hello ;)15:09
davmor2:) even15:09
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diddledanI've got my floppy mounted!17:10
intrbizdiddledan: is it USB?17:11
diddledanI had to tell the kernel that the disk change line doesn't exist17:11
diddledanintrbiz: no17:11
diddledanintrbiz: it's an old 5.25 inch 360KB unit17:12
intrbizsure, just wondered how you were connecting it17:13
bigcalmI assume via an old mobo with a FD interface17:14
diddledandirect to the mobo's fdc17:14
diddledanyou can't get usb connected 5.25 drives or adapters17:14
intrbizdon't 5.25" and 3.5" drives share the same bus17:16
diddledanyes they do17:16
diddledanbut your controller chip needs to know how to drive it17:17
diddledanusb adapters for 3.5inch drives don't have the smarts to drive an older drive17:17
diddledanfloppy isn't the same as hdd - you need to specify exactly where the head should position itself via the protocol - you can't just say "I want block x" instead you say "move head to position 152 and spin the disk to 270degrees17:18
diddledanit's for this very capability that copyprotection methods could be created which rely on a spiral track instead of a circular track as is normal17:20
ali1234PC controller chips don't know how to read spiral floppies tho17:31
ali1234which is why they can't read amiga disks etc, even though the drive hardware is identical17:32
diddledanit's working nicely now with the disk change line disabled17:50
diddledangetting lots of usable data off these floppies now17:51
shaunoI'm almost curious what you're keeping on 5.25" disks that you'd still call usable :p18:02
GiulianocHello I have a ibm x31 thinkpad with ubuntu 10.10 ,Can you help to nstall xubuntu 12.04 , please?20:46
diddledanoh golly that's ancient20:50
diddledanthat's gonna be a pain to bring up-to-date without wiping and starting anew20:51
GiulianocI do not have a problem to wipe the system since I cannot run any update through the update manager and install the 12.04 -14.04 Ubuntus os because not syupported pae20:53
GiulianocHence xubuntu 12.0420:53
ali1234is there a tool that will format mysqldump output so it isn't all one line and i can grep it?20:58
diddledanali1234: mysqldump can be told not to do that21:00
ali1234too late for that now :(21:00
GiulianocThanks for your prompt response, apology but I do not understand the question:format mysqldump output so it isn't all one line and i can grep it?21:00
daftykinsGiulianoc: backup your data and clean install21:02
diddledanali1234: for the future you can add --skip-extended-insert to the mysqldump commandline - I guess if it's not humungous you could import it into a blank db and re-export it?21:02
ali1234yeah the thing is it isn't importing properly21:02
ali1234that's what i'm trying to fix21:02
ali1234i have a set of daily, weekly, monthly backups and i am tryin to figure out which ones are okay and which ones are bad21:04
ali1234and why half the tables disappeared21:04
AzelphurDoes anyone know (or know anyone who would know) how to add custom emblems to nautilus, for the purposes of a nautilus plugin?21:08
Azelphurthe documentation is useless :(21:08
Azelphurali1234: ty :)21:09
GiulianocDoes anyone know how create a pae, please?21:30
Azelphurcreate a pae? physical address extension?21:30
Azelphurwhat are you actually trying to do? the question doesn't make much sense21:30
Giulianocon my ubuntu version 10.10 I cannot install any new system because my pc x31 ib,m thinkpad has no pae21:32
Giulianocyes create a pae ty21:32
Giulianocor have an os ubuntu that does need one21:34
Giulianocplease help21:41
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