
bduk1More almal05:29
ThatGraemeGuymorning all06:14
Kilosmorning inetpro  ThatGraemeGuy  nuvolari  Squirm  and others06:29
Kiloshi StonedAlchemist  06:30
StonedAlchemistMorning Kilos how are you?06:30
Kilosok ty and you?06:30
StonedAlchemistI'm well thank you.06:31
StonedAlchemistJust went for a jog06:31
StonedAlchemistI am really unfit.06:31
StonedAlchemistIt's 2014 and people still have to do physical exercise. What ever happened to the future?!06:33
Kilosthat will never change06:34
Kilospeeps will always be peeps06:34
StonedAlchemistSloths don't do exercise and they are perfectly healthy.06:34
Kilosfor them breathing and slow movements seems to be enough06:35
Kilosand eating of course06:35
Kilosbut its because they dont do much that they only have the energy to move so slowly06:35
StonedAlchemistI would be content with moving that slow.06:39
StonedAlchemistI do anyway.06:39
StonedAlchemistI need tea. afk06:39
nuvolario/ oh hi07:01
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy, StonedAlchemist07:01
StonedAlchemistMornin nuvolari 07:01
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)07:01
nuvolaribah, what is this_kind_of_use called?09:56
nuvolaricompared to camelCase?09:56
nuvolariah, snake_case09:58
Kiloshoi Private_User  you winning?09:59
Private_Userhey Kilos10:01
Private_Userthat depends on your definition of winning10:01
Private_Userbtw has anybody seen this article? http://plusnova.net/sam/mentak.php?t202id=9108&c1=tor&c2=smio&t202kw=nr4110:02
Kilosgetting ahead thats is with what you are working on10:02
Private_Userjust wanted to know if its a scam or is it for real10:02
Private_UserKilos: eish no I seem to be at a stand still but I will just continue to push hopefully I will get to where I want to be sooner than later10:03
Kilosanyway Private_User  was it you about 6 months or a year back that was kicked off freenode because of some running program bugging them?10:03
Private_User and I did nothing on my machine and got back on with no issues after10:03
Kiloswe had a guy couple of nights back with a similar prob i think but didnt know what to tell him10:04
Kilosjoe somebody10:04
Private_Userthey said it could be that my ISP is sharing IPs so it could have just been some other person who uses the same IP10:04
Kilosi didnt think at the time to tell him to go chat to them on #freenode to find out why10:05
Private_Useror he could just send them an email10:06
Private_Useris he on today?10:06
Kilosill give you a shout when he comes on10:07
Kilosnick is joe something10:07
Private_Userjoe blogs?10:12
Private_Useror maybe joe soap?10:12
Private_Userso otherwise hows things Kilos10:13
Private_Userand hows everybody else in #ubuntu-za?10:13
Kiloseveryone very busy10:22
Kilosand i spend quite a bit of time out in the sun10:22
* Squirm falls asleep13:38
* Kilos wakes Squirm13:54
Kilosi just woke too13:54
nuvolariI'm going home15:20
nuvolarihave a good weekend15:20
Trixar_zaBye nuvolari :P15:21
Kilostoods nuvolari  15:21
Kilossee you monday15:21
nlsthznyou watching some rugby uncle Kilos ?17:54
Kilosno nlsthzn  whats on18:04
Kilosi dont see any18:04
nlsthznbulls vs kings18:04
Kilostomorrow yes us and them blacks18:04
Kilosaw they mot showing it here18:05
nlsthznah ok... on the net but that costs data18:05
nlsthznand it isn't a good game in any case18:05
Kilosoh ya no streaming allowed here18:06
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:06
nuvolario/ night21:49
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