
Noskcajelfy, DId you get the chance to test ppa:noskcaj/upower?08:40
elfyNoskcaj: have you read the backlog at all?08:40
NoskcajNot really, i lose 6 hours of it when i disconnect, so it's hard to08:40
elfyhang on 08:40
elfywe discussed this a fair bit yesterday - the most important bit is at 14:2508:42
elfyare there any FFe's for this yet?08:42
Noskcajno, not the ppa is near done, ill make the FFe on sunday (busy with stuff like a soccer grand final till then)08:44
elfyso the FFe is going to be even later08:44
Noskcajyeah :(08:46
NoskcajWe were waiting for some phone guys to be ready (i.e. this month)08:47
NoskcajAnd xfce is the only DE that isn't completely ready upstream08:47
elfyto quote knome "it's plain *wrong* to *start* *planning* a *new version* upload *after* the *FF*"08:49
Noskcajthe plan was started as soon as 3.12 released08:50
NoskcajIt's just phone guys were busy08:50
Noskcajand debian hadn't done it till the start of august08:50
elfyNoskcaj: where are the discussions about this - we tried to find some yesterday, but apart from a couple of random comments in -gnome we couldn't find anything08:51
NoskcajWhich consisted of "fix it if it breaks" from the utopia team to most of the smaller packaging teams08:51
NoskcajThere's not a huge lot, mostly just darkxst and i looking at stuff months back08:54
Noskcajthen hoping the ubuntu-core and -phone guys would have time sooner08:54
knomeNoskcaj, the whole issue is really badly planned and executed08:54
knomeso then stop driving the FFe train08:55
Noskcajunity makes this stuff *really* hard08:55
NoskcajI'm only going to keep driving if it's ok will xubuntu, ad as it doesn't look like it, i think gnome will be at 3.8/3.6 a while longer08:56
knomeat this point of the cycle, it really isn't okay08:56
Luyinelfy: are you here?09:27
Luyinbtw, hi room09:27
Luyinmorning, slickymasterWork 09:49
knomeLuyin, if you have a QA-related question, just shoot09:49
Luyinknome: already solved it, thanks ;)09:50
qwebirc769355hey Luyin, what's up?09:50
Luyinqwebirc769355: I was going to ask a question about translating, but I resolved it. just looked around the launchpad pages and got used to how everything works09:52
qwebirc769355great. Don't forget, we're always around, so don't hesitate to poke us whenever you're having doubts09:53
qwebirc769355and thanks for steping in and helpi09:53
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Luyinisn't there a german localisation mailing list? https://lists.ubuntu.com/#Development+Lists10:02
slickymasterWorkLuyin: would this be what you're looking for -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGermanTranslators/Mithelfen#Weitere_Anforderungen10:06
Luyinslickymaster: looks good10:14
slickymasterWorkdamn connectivity10:25
elfyLuyin: what's up?10:28
knomeelfy, #ubuntu-gnome10:29
Luyinelfy: I've started translating the xubu documentation, but my questions were resolved by looking at the launchpad page :)10:29
elfyLuyin: okey doke10:30
elfyknome: what about it?10:30
knomediscussion about the FFe stuff10:30
elfyoh - I'll check logs later10:30
elfyknome: read - thnanks11:09
brainwashbluesabre: xfce4-settings includes a custom patch which changes the gtk and icon theme, but the dependencies are missing (non xubuntu)11:24
brainwashbluesabre: did you agree that this should be fixed?11:24
brainwashbug 132230511:25
ubottubug 1322305 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "xfce4-settings needs shimmer-themes as a dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132230511:25
brainwashwould also fix bug 105001211:25
ubottubug 1050012 in xfce4 (Ubuntu) "Stock Xfce does not have a default GTK 3 theme" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105001211:25
brainwashand maybe bug 115770611:26
ubottubug 1157706 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "missing xfce icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115770611:26
Luyinok, enough translations for today. I'm off, cul8er11:33
bluesabrebrainwash: yes, if we patch it for a different theme, but don't expect that theme to exist, its an issue11:55
bluesabreI'll check it out this weekedn11:55
bluesabretime for work, bbl11:55
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Noskcajknome, Can you make a comment on the upower transition bug, so the release team see your views?20:19
Unit193ochosi: I believe that's more for you, XTL ^20:30
Noskcajtrue, just knome's the one who has been talking to darkxst20:32
Unit193Indeed, XPL has been a little busy as of late.20:33
elfyshame we can't wait months to do that - like gnome did20:59
Unit193On the one hand, yeah that's pretty crappy to wait until after FF to land upower and the entire DE, but on the other hand I do get them being stalled by unity, we've had that problem and we're attached less than they are.  Still not sure why the upower part couldn't be pushed sooner though...21:00
Noskcajelfy, All our months were taken by debian xfce21:03
NoskcajUnit193, Because it broke ubuntu-touch until the start of this month21:04
elfyour months?21:04
Noskcajof delaying it21:04
elfywhat our is this Noskcaj ? Xubuntu?21:05
NoskcajXfce distros, i guess21:05
elfyso why can't gnome wait until 15.04 then21:05
elfywhat's the hurry21:05
Noskcajdarkxst (understandably) doesn't want to ship 3.6 and 3.8 components for yet another release21:06
elfyor rather why should we have to deal with any possible fallout for someone else?21:07
Noskcajand the regression chance for stuff other than gnome is pretty low21:07
Unit193Is 3.12 latest stable, or .13?21:07
Noskcaj3.13 is devel21:07
elfypretty low is not not going to happen is it21:07
Noskcajno, but what changes are21:07
elfyand at cycle start it's not so much of an issue is it21:08
elfyare gnome going to fix things for us if they break?21:09
elfythat's all beside the point though - the point is FF is for a reason21:10
NoskcajI would assume darkxst would help with our stuff if asked21:11
NoskcajI agree with you on the FF point, but it's still up to the release team21:11
elfyit stinks21:11
skellatGrumbles: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upower/+bug/1330037/comments/2921:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1330037 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "[FFe] upower 0.99.1 transition" [Undecided,In progress]21:29
elfyskellat: that has been the topic of conversation in here for about 2 days ;)21:29
skellatelfy: Yes, but I put an objection on record as noted at that specific link21:30
skellatThey're *my* grumbles21:30
elfythanks - we'll get ochosi to officially do it too I should hope21:30
elfyskellat: thought it was just a link to the bug :)21:33
skellatelfy: Nope, I spent some time while walking around the grocery store thinking of how to politely put that21:34
elfymakes it easier for me - I was wondering ... 21:34
Unit193No, elfy wasn't wondering how to nicely put it, bluntly maybe. ;)21:35
elfyno I was wondering how to put it politely - I has other hat too ...21:36
skellatYes, I owe elfy testing21:37
elfylol - everyone owes me that ... 21:37
elfyI meant the cchat :)21:37
Unit193"...whatever we name..." Awwwh, he still thinks the community names it, how quaint. :)21:38
elfyha ha ha 21:38
elfyI was calling unicorn unicorn before sabdfl did \o/21:39
elfyhe saw it somewhere - must have :)21:39
skellatJust start calling it Victorious Velociraptor21:39
skellatIt'll eat somebody's lunch21:39
elfyit's Vapid Vampire skellat :p21:40
* skellat heads back to the kitchen to deal with dinner21:40
* elfy posts - leaves it to XPL 21:40
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