Guest10858 | Cant change my background folder on 14.04 | 00:58 |
Guest10858 | Does anyone know why? | 00:58 |
Guest10858 | Anyone? | 01:01 |
Guest10858 | I guess ill have to go for wallch | 01:06 |
Guest10858 | Pm me if you know a solution please | 01:07 |
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xubuntu563 | hello, i cant change graphic drivers to privative drivers, the screen holds in wait... | 02:17 |
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davidmaness | I need help with a program on Ubuntu. Where should I ask my questions | 02:33 |
holstein | davidmaness: here, if it fits the topic | 02:34 |
davidmaness | I am a complete noob to ubuntu... I can do some basic commands in the terminal but tht's about it | 02:34 |
holstein | ok.. what are you used to using? a windows terminal? | 02:34 |
davidmaness | yes | 02:35 |
holstein | !bash | 02:35 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: | 02:35 |
holstein | i would just get you some things to do in the terminal | 02:35 |
davidmaness | okay | 02:35 |
holstein | the next time you want to do soemthing, do it there | 02:35 |
davidmaness | okay gotcha | 02:35 |
davidmaness | I think I'm running xfcse? | 02:35 |
davidmaness | so is that xubuntu? | 02:35 |
holstein | xfce | 02:35 |
holstein | !xubuntu | 02:35 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 02:35 |
davidmaness | Maybe that'll help you know what I'm working with | 02:36 |
davidmaness | Basically, I just installed Adobe Flash (via ubuntu software center) and now no audio will work | 02:37 |
davidmaness | I'm not sure if the correlation means anything | 02:37 |
holstein | davidmaness: adobe provides an older version of flash for linux.. they give a newer one to chrome that can be used in linux with the chrome browser or the chromium browser | 02:37 |
davidmaness | okay i mainly use the chromium browser and firefox | 02:38 |
davidmaness | where should i get that newer one? | 02:38 |
holstein | davidmaness: you can easily install the chrome broswer in chromium.. not firefox | 02:38 |
holstein | davidmaness: there is not "should".. *if* your audio is broken due to an older version of flash, then, you can try the newer version | 02:38 |
davidmaness | oh, i see. | 02:39 |
holstein | davidmaness: i would remove the other flash, though, you dont have to.. and do this.. | 02:39 |
holstein | "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pepperflashplugin-nonfree" | 02:41 |
holstein | i read that folks are doing "sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install" though, i have not | 02:42 |
holstein | davidmaness: then, you can use to see that you are using the latest version of flash | 02:42 |
holstein | davidmaness: is your audio working now? | 02:44 |
davidmaness | hold on, i'm trying it | 02:44 |
davidmaness | i think it's updating. | 02:45 |
davidmaness | 29900K...... ........ ....... ......61% 459K 1m47s | 02:46 |
davidmaness | that's what i see | 02:46 |
davidmaness | okay it's done. when i update something like this, do i need to restart anything? | 02:47 |
holstein | davidmaness: you need to use the link i gave, that will tell you want flash you are using | 02:48 |
holstein | what* | 02:48 |
holstein | davidmaness: as with any OS, you'll likely need to restart the browser for flash to work | 02:48 |
davidmaness | 13,0,0,182 | 02:49 |
holstein | davidmaness: you can try your flash content, then.. | 02:49 |
davidmaness | brb | 02:49 |
Vampi | приветики :) | 04:09 |
ObrienDave | !ru | Vampi | 04:09 |
ubottu | Vampi: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 04:09 |
writing_novel | Good evening Aloysius! | 04:18 |
Vampi | ObrienDave: /amsg приветики :) | 04:19 |
ObrienDave | Vampi, sorry, i do not speak russian | 04:20 |
Guido1 | Hello, I'm tryinng to remap a key - 107 / Print to "Menu". Somehow the remap like seams to work, but the function of the key is non | 05:25 |
xubuntu474 | guys i need help with light locker on xubuntu 14.04 | 06:25 |
baizon | !ask | 06:26 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:26 |
xubuntu474 | ok sorry, so i hsve lenovo g500c laptop and i have this bug when closing lid computer goes sleep. Next when i open lid, i enter my password hit enter and screen goes to black. I try this solution : but it didn't help. I notice that when i close again lid and then open it again everything works well | 06:30 |
xubuntu474 | and yes i know my "english" sucks :/ | 06:33 |
baizon | xubuntu474: well, then you should report it. I think it's a bug. Else you could try to create another account and watch if it happens there | 06:33 |
xubuntu474 | or maybe i can try upgrade to xubuntu 14.04.1 ? | 06:34 |
baizon | xubuntu474: yes this also would be a good idea | 06:35 |
xubuntu474 | I notice that, when un tick "lock on suspend" it works ok, so the problem is with locking mechanism ? | 06:37 |
baizon | xubuntu474: well upgrade to 14.04.1, and if the bug is still there i would recommend to report it | 06:38 |
xubuntu474 | do you know terminal command for it ? | 06:39 |
xubuntu474 | nevermind i found it | 06:39 |
xubuntu474 | baizon: thanks for help, have a great day | 06:41 |
xubuntu199 | hello | 08:31 |
xubuntu199 | I cann't log in in Xubuntu under my account name .... | 08:31 |
ObrienDave | is it user name or password? | 08:32 |
xubuntu199 | my name and password are correct "but log in" mannager ask me passweord again and again | 08:32 |
cfhowlett | !loginloop | 08:33 |
ObrienDave | then the password is wrong | 08:33 |
ObrienDave | or what cfhowlett said | 08:33 |
xubuntu199 | i type correct password but system offers me to type it again if i type wrong password system informs me about it | 08:34 |
ObrienDave | cfhowlett, someone cleared out a LOT of ! stuff last month | 08:34 |
cfhowlett | ObrienDave, yep. the ops were definitely on their ubottu spring cleaning game. | 08:34 |
xubuntu199 | yes it seeme to be login loop .... how to fix it? | 08:35 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu199, what version of ubuntu? | 08:35 |
xubuntu199 | 14.04 | 08:35 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu199, login to single user/repair mode. | 08:35 |
cfhowlett | | 08:36 |
ObrienDave | "ubottu spring cleaning game." umm, it's almost fall :) | 08:37 |
xubuntu199 | thanks for the ref. I'll try to do it | 08:38 |
deckard__ | hello. I removed the menu bar from file manager, how do i get it back? thanks yuo | 09:29 |
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brainwash | deckard__: ctrl + m | 09:30 |
deckard__ | ty | 09:30 |
deckard__ | lo, brainwash ty | 09:31 |
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borw3 | Hey whats up? I updated my xubuntu from 12.04lts to 14.04lts yesterday. But now I don't see any update app available like before to update system. So how I go about updating in this new xubuntu? | 12:54 |
cfhowlett | borw3, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade from the terminal | 12:56 |
cfhowlett | borw3, or system > software updater | 12:56 |
borw3 | I don't wan't to upgrade the whole distro to 14.1. I just want to update apps I installed. | 12:57 |
knome | borw3, dist-upgrade only updates packages, it doesn't upgrade to the next version | 12:59 |
cfhowlett | borw3, this ^^^ | 12:59 |
borw3 | Ooh, okaay thanks. | 12:59 |
casper_ | hi ther. So i have problem with fan. On battery everything it;s okay - it's turn on, cool down and then turn off. But when i'm on AC it never turn off ? | 13:21 |
casper_ | i don't know if this help, but i modified two files: rc.local (set default brightness and cpu governer) and power.d (events when i plug/unplug ac - brightness level and cpu governor) | 13:23 |
olbi | there will be released Network Manager 9.10 in Xubuntu 14.04? :) | 13:48 |
cfhowlett | olbi, it's not in the repo yet. patience | 13:59 |
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slickymasterWork | olbi: it hardly will land for this cycle | 14:01 |
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GeekDude | I have an xubuntu liveusb | 14:34 |
GeekDude | The strange part though is I've overwritten it with ubuntu server 14.04, and it still boots as xubuntu | 14:34 |
GeekDude | so I opened it up in gparted, deleted all partitions, and formatted it as ext4 | 14:34 |
GeekDude | and it still boots xubuntu | 14:34 |
GridCube | are you sure you are booting from the correct device? | 14:37 |
GeekDude | the hard drive is disconnected | 14:37 |
GeekDude | And the cd drive is disconnected | 14:37 |
GeekDude | so unless someone got it on floppy... | 14:38 |
GridCube | XD | 14:38 |
GridCube | right, what have you used to create the usb? | 14:38 |
GeekDude | Unetbootin from windows | 14:38 |
GridCube | how did you formated the usb using gparted? | 14:39 |
GridCube | from a different computer? | 14:39 |
GeekDude | yeah | 14:40 |
GeekDude | I might just go with the ubuntu server 12.04 cd I have laying around | 14:43 |
* GeekDude does that | 14:48 | |
Quantibility | Still stuck | 14:56 |
Quantibility | Im about to reinstall | 14:58 |
Quantibility | Don't want to | 14:58 |
Quantibility | Hello? | 15:01 |
cfhowlett | Quantibility, we see you. | 15:01 |
Quantibility | Latest update hangs at boot. Cups fail, which I saw as lastest update. . | 15:02 |
Quantibility | And when using previous kernel it goes blank | 15:03 |
borw3 | Excuse me but how can I add linux mint repositories to xubuntu. I would like some of they apps they have that xubuntu has them outdated or not existing. | 15:42 |
cfhowlett | borw3, mixing distros is a bad idea. | 15:46 |
borw3 | cfhowlett: Just the repositories containing the apps. | 15:48 |
brainwash | borw3: settings manager > software sources | 15:49 |
borw3 | brainwash: Tell me the repository link to add please. | 15:51 |
brainwash | this is the xubuntu support channel.. how should I know that? | 15:51 |
cfhowlett | borw3, this ^^^^ | 15:52 |
brainwash | please ask the mint guys | 15:52 |
brainwash | if you encounter any problems, you'll have to solve them on your own | 15:52 |
cfhowlett | borw3, fire up mint, copy the repos you want and paste into your sources.list. and when it breaks your system DO NOT ask for help. you break it, you fix it. | 15:52 |
drc | or please ask the mint guys :) | 15:53 |
borw3 | LOL! where is the mint channel in freenode? | 15:53 |
cfhowlett | !mint | borw3 | 15:53 |
ubottu | borw3: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on | 15:53 |
borw3 | ubottu: Which other derivatives of ubuntu are there except kubuntu, lubuntu and xubuntu? | 15:54 |
ubottu | borw3: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:54 |
drc | borw3: Re you completely incompetent or just trolling? | 15:55 |
cfhowlett | !flavors | borw3, | 15:55 |
ubottu | borw3,: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 15:55 |
cfhowlett | drc dial it down, please. | 15:56 |
drc | cfhowlett: mea culpa :( | 15:56 |
borw3 | Is blackbuntu officially part of ubuntu also? | 15:57 |
cfhowlett | !flavors | borw3, no. if it's not an ubuntu flavor, it's not ubuntu. | 15:57 |
ubottu | borw3, no. if it's not an ubuntu flavor, it's not ubuntu.: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 15:57 |
borw3 | ubottu: Please, is blackbox also from ubuntu? | 15:58 |
cfhowlett | borw3, no it is not. | 15:58 |
elfy | borw3: the bot is not a user - leave it alone | 15:59 |
cfhowlett | borw3, the only distros "from ubuntu" are those listed above. if it's not on that list, it IS NOT ubuntu., | 15:59 |
borw3 | Okay okay, I get it. | 15:59 |
donatien_alphons | anyone had a problem resuming from suspend/screen-lock in 14.04? | 16:13 |
donatien_alphons | my screen "freezes" or "hangs", but it's not totally unresponsive; i just can't click on anything for 10-12 seconds | 16:14 |
cfhowlett | donatien_alphons, not a problem as such, but yes, when waking from lock screen it does sometimes get stuck for a few seconds | 16:14 |
donatien_alphons | cfhowlett, yeah someone in #ubuntu thought it sounded normal, and it might be but it just started about a week ago. | 16:14 |
cfhowlett | donatien_alphons, related to xscreensaver and lightlocker competing as I understand it. xubuntu suggests removing xscreensaver | 16:15 |
donatien_alphons | cfhowlett, oh ok. i'll try that. thanks! | 16:15 |
elfy | n | 16:24 |
drc | Alex, I'm going to say "What letter is #xubuntu brought to us by today?". | 16:25 |
GeekDude | The letter n and the number 8 | 16:25 |
GeekDude | actually, the letter x and the number 14.04 | 16:26 |
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=== Xin is now known as RedDeath | ||
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xubuntu293 | Hi.After i have added my perl script to autostart,xfce panel dissapear | 20:38 |
xubuntu293 | did someone encounter something like this? | 20:38 |
RedDeath | no | 20:46 |
RedDeath | my xubuntu is the best | 20:47 |
RedDeath | no problem with my xubuntu | 20:47 |
xubuntu524 | I am having serious network issues and I cant seem to find the cause | 21:19 |
xubuntu524 | websites are not loading all the time | 21:19 |
xubuntu524 | getting server not found | 21:20 |
xubuntu524 | of cannot resolve hostname | 21:20 |
xubuntu524 | *or | 21:20 |
xubuntu524 | I really like xubuntu, but I cant barely even load webpages, help! | 21:20 |
adrenaline_ | xubuntu524, it sounds like you may have a dns issue | 21:21 |
adrenaline_ | what is going on? | 21:22 |
xubuntu524 | what do you mean? | 21:22 |
adrenaline_ | Do they all load slow or only some? | 21:22 |
adrenaline_ | are you doing anything else? | 21:22 |
adrenaline_ | What does uptime say? | 21:22 |
xubuntu524 | 14.23 up 2 users | 21:24 |
xubuntu524 | load average 0.09 0.18 0.15 | 21:24 |
adrenaline_ | Ok no load thats good | 21:27 |
adrenaline_ | are other computers having issues on your network? | 21:27 |
adrenaline_ | is anything else slow or just web pages? | 21:29 |
adrenaline_ | Can you ping | 21:29 |
xubuntu524 | I am on my windows computer right now | 21:29 |
adrenaline_ | does it respond quickly? | 21:29 |
xubuntu524 | it is working fine | 21:29 |
xubuntu524 | ping is working fine | 21:30 |
adrenaline_ | ok we have narrowed this down that is good. Look at the DNS servers in your windows box then look at your dns servers on the linux box | 21:30 |
xubuntu524 | very quick | 21:30 |
adrenaline_ | in linux cat /etc/resolv.conf not sure how to do it in windows | 21:30 |
adrenaline_ | maybe ipconfig /all ?? | 21:31 |
xubuntu524 | so on windows its | 21:31 |
adrenaline_ | ok that is googles that is good | 21:31 |
vanila | hello | 21:31 |
adrenaline_ | hello | 21:31 |
vanila | How could I make my own livecd based on xubuntu? | 21:31 |
xubuntu524 | but in xubuntu that command only shows nameserver | 21:31 |
Unit193 | adrenaline_: resolvconf is used, thus /etc/resolv.conf will point to or there abouts. | 21:31 |
vanila | I want to make some changes and have it still boot | 21:32 |
Unit193 | !remaster | vanila | 21:32 |
ubottu | vanila: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: and - Or use tools such as | 21:32 |
vanila | thanks so much | 21:32 |
xubuntu524 | am I supposed to look at resolv.conf or something else? | 21:34 |
xubuntu524 | should it say | 21:34 |
adrenaline_ | xubuntu524, here is what I do Unit193 might do something different | 21:34 |
adrenaline_ | xubuntu524, edit /etc/network/interfaces and add this line | 21:35 |
=== RedDeath is now known as zz_RedDeath | ||
adrenaline_ | dns-nameservers | 21:35 |
adrenaline_ | That works for me | 21:35 |
adrenaline_ | That should let you load pages faster | 21:35 |
xubuntu524 | ok | 21:35 |
xubuntu524 | let me try that | 21:35 |
xubuntu524 | ok | 21:37 |
xubuntu524 | I did that | 21:37 |
xubuntu524 | do I need to reboot or something? | 21:37 |
adrenaline_ | you shouldn't have to | 21:37 |
xubuntu524 | hmm | 21:37 |
xubuntu524 | pages are still not loading | 21:37 |
adrenaline_ | give it a second | 21:37 |
adrenaline_ | ping see if it is good | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | erg | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | still good | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | but firefox nor midori will load pages | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | and irc cannot connect | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | :( | 21:39 |
adrenaline_ | at all? | 21:39 |
xubuntu524 | nope | 21:39 |
xubuntu329 | I have lost my sound and icon..How can I re-install Pulse audio? | 21:40 |
adrenaline_ | ok we have something else going on | 21:40 |
adrenaline_ | so you have any proxy's set up xubuntu524 | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | xubuntu329: right click on the panel and go to panel then add new items | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | nope, I changed them both to no proxy in the browsers | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | I dont think I have anything defined in the system | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | but maybe I should check | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | xubuntu329: add the item indicator plugin | 21:41 |
xubuntu524 | i believe that should bring it back | 21:41 |
adrenaline_ | seems like a good idea although that doesn't explain your IRC | 21:42 |
xubuntu524 | where do I check for proxies? | 21:42 |
adrenaline_ | unless you are connecting to IRC via the browser | 21:42 |
adrenaline_ | advanced -> network in firefox | 21:42 |
adrenaline_ | I am assuming the same in midori | 21:42 |
xubuntu524 | yep | 21:42 |
xubuntu524 | no proxy is selceted | 21:43 |
adrenaline_ | ok | 21:43 |
adrenaline_ | you don't have anything weird in a firewall do you? | 21:43 |
xubuntu329 | Sorry, that didn't work..multimedia or Pulse audio isn't on the list. | 21:44 |
adrenaline_ | just install the indicator plugin | 21:45 |
xubuntu524 | adrenaline_: not that I am aware of | 21:45 |
xubuntu524 | let me check | 21:45 |
adrenaline_ | xubuntu329, the sound icon is in the indicator pluggin | 21:45 |
adrenaline_ | plugin | 21:45 |
xubuntu524 | hmm | 21:46 |
xubuntu524 | where is the firewall located? | 21:46 |
xubuntu524 | I dont see it in all settings | 21:46 |
adrenaline_ | If you haven't touched it it should be fine by default. | 21:47 |
adrenaline_ | Do you have any network at all? | 21:47 |
xubuntu524 | yeah | 21:47 |
xubuntu524 | I can ping my router | 21:47 |
xubuntu524 | and I can ping websites through the terminal | 21:47 |
xubuntu524 | but not in any browsers somehow | 21:47 |
adrenaline_ | Wow | 21:47 |
adrenaline_ | can you go to a website in a browser via an ipaddress? | 21:48 |
xubuntu524 | lets try that | 21:48 |
xubuntu524 | hmm | 21:48 |
xubuntu524 | does not appear to work either | 21:48 |
adrenaline_ | ok so thats not good | 21:49 |
adrenaline_ | not a dns issue | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | using | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | for yahoo | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | does that work for you? | 21:49 |
adrenaline_ | let me try | 21:49 |
adrenaline_ | works zippy for me | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | yep | 21:49 |
adrenaline_ | takes me to | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | hmm | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | does nothing for me | 21:49 |
xubuntu524 | very frustrating | 21:50 |
xubuntu524 | maybe a network card driver or something | 21:50 |
genii | What browser? | 21:50 |
adrenaline_ | That is really strange | 21:50 |
xubuntu524 | ? | 21:50 |
xubuntu524 | midori or firefox | 21:50 |
adrenaline_ | Do you have any other browsers that actually work? | 21:50 |
genii | try starting firefox without extensions | 21:50 |
xubuntu524 | those are the only two that I have | 21:50 |
xubuntu524 | how do I do that? | 21:50 |
genii | firefox -safe-mode | 21:51 |
xubuntu524 | ok | 21:51 |
genii | If it works after that, systematically go through your extensions to see which one is the issue | 21:51 |
xubuntu524 | does not work | 21:51 |
xubuntu524 | I think I am going to try and find a proprietary network card driver or something | 21:52 |
xubuntu524 | that is the only thing I can think of | 21:52 |
xubuntu524 | but | 21:53 |
xubuntu524 | why then can I ping things | 21:53 |
xubuntu524 | bah | 21:53 |
genii | if you can ping a site by it's name then dns is not the issue | 21:53 |
adrenaline_ | I don't think it is a network card because it works it looks like you are only having issues with the browsers everything is working right right? | 21:53 |
xubuntu524 | not irc | 21:53 |
xubuntu524 | irc cannot lookup hostnames either | 21:53 |
adrenaline_ | What irc client are you using | 21:54 |
xubuntu524 | xchat | 21:54 |
adrenaline_ | wait nslookup is not working? | 21:54 |
xubuntu524 | that works just dine | 21:54 |
adrenaline_ | What happens when you search for something in firefox instead of using the location bar? | 21:55 |
xubuntu524 | what do you mean? | 21:56 |
adrenaline_ | instead of putting in a URL put in yahoo in the search bar next to the location bar the small one not the big one | 21:57 |
xubuntu524 | it just spins | 21:58 |
xubuntu524 | trying to reach the search engine | 21:58 |
xubuntu524 | sorry for being a pain | 21:59 |
xubuntu524 | I would just love for this to work | 21:59 |
adrenaline_ | When you do an nslookup what does the first two lines say? | 21:59 |
genii | xubuntu524: Please try: sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 make sure it's getting proper info for the adaper and that the eth0 is now the last interface activated | 22:00 |
genii | meh work, afk | 22:00 |
xubuntu524 | genii: I get file exists | 22:01 |
xubuntu524 | server address | 22:01 |
adrenaline_ | ok good our dns-nameserver line is working | 22:01 |
adrenaline_ | What happens if you restart firefox | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | killall firefox | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | killall midori | 22:02 |
xubuntu524 | I just rebooted | 22:02 |
xubuntu524 | hold on a moment | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | then start firefox normally | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | haha | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | ok | 22:02 |
* xubuntu524 angry | 22:02 | |
adrenaline_ | did you do any updates recently? | 22:02 |
adrenaline_ | don't be angry | 22:03 |
xubuntu524 | yeah | 22:03 |
adrenaline_ | makes you not think straight | 22:03 |
xubuntu524 | I a few over the last few days | 22:03 |
adrenaline_ | did you reboot after the update | 22:03 |
xubuntu524 | whatever the software updater came up with | 22:03 |
adrenaline_ | if you update a kernel you should always reboot | 22:03 |
xubuntu524 | ok | 22:04 |
xubuntu524 | nothing is working still | 22:04 |
adrenaline_ | Just out of curiosity what router do you have | 22:04 |
adrenaline_ | You router wouldn't be blocking outbound traffic from this IP would it? | 22:05 |
xubuntu524 | netgear prosafe hispeed vpn firewall | 22:05 |
xubuntu524 | I dont think so | 22:05 |
xubuntu524 | I can login and look | 22:06 |
xubuntu524 | i cant even get to the router from my linux machine | 22:06 |
adrenaline_ | but you can ping it? | 22:10 |
adrenaline_ | can you ping | 22:10 |
xubuntu524_ | so thats weird | 22:11 |
xubuntu524_ | I put the computer as a dmz server | 22:11 |
xubuntu524_ | just to see | 22:11 |
xubuntu524_ | everything is working now | 22:11 |
adrenaline_ | yay | 22:11 |
xubuntu524_ | but I have no idea why | 22:11 |
adrenaline_ | you have some fancy firewall rules on your router it sounds like | 22:12 |
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=== zoktar is now known as 77CAAFYCY | ||
xubuntu329 | Hmmm. Now I have two very faint sound icons.. the volume bar is all the way up and nothing is happening.. | 23:05 |
=== mtift|afk is now known as mtift | ||
=== mtift is now known as mtift|afk | ||
e87hd | does anyone know how to make netflix work on linux? | 23:35 |
=== hggdh is now known as 6JTAAFWBI | ||
=== DJones is now known as Guest81776 | ||
bluesabre | e87hd: look into pipelight or try it with chrome, | 23:44 |
=== Graet is now known as derfect | ||
=== zz_RedDeath is now known as RedDeath |
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