
=== thomasb9511|Away is now known as Guest50065
=== Guest50065 is now known as thomasb9511
=== thomasb9511 is now known as Guest32056
=== clayfreeman_ is now known as clayfreeman
=== Noskcaj_ is now known as Noskcaj
=== thomasb9511|Away is now known as Guest32489
=== Guest32489 is now known as thomasb9511
=== thomasb9511 is now known as Guest19525
LinDol_hi all01:54
Noskcajdarkxst, i *think* that my u-c-c/u-s-d branches are ready04:21
=== prth|away is now known as prth
=== prth is now known as prth|away
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks, u-c-c still has the bogus commit -r 12788, u-s-d looks good09:04
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
Noskcajdarkxst, It's bzr git-apply that i'm meant to use isn't it?10:12
Noskcajdarkxst, neither of the git patches will apply at all10:25
lindolhave a good night,11:19
=== swiss_ is now known as swiss
=== swiss is now known as Guest88002
=== Guest88002 is now known as swiss
=== uber_ is now known as uber
=== prth is now known as prth|away
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
darkxstNoskcaj, u-c-c only needs my patch, no git ones23:49

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