[00:10] they are simply linux OS files i want rid of [00:10] aka ubuxubu === IdleOne is now known as Guest43171 === QuinnyPi1 is now known as QuinnyPig [01:28] ubottu, lag [01:36] bazhang: You killed it. [01:36] :| === ldunn_ is now known as ldunn === IdleOne- is now known as IdleOne [03:44] @2601:3:3f80:273:* too wide? Seems to be the only thing that covers it. [03:50] Well it's 64025 anyway. [04:59] Ben64 called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [06:38] morning [06:38] could it be that ubottu not active in #ubuntu? [06:41] lotuspsychje: You are correct. ubottu isn't currently in #u, lost in the netsplits, I expect. [06:41] ok tnx [06:51] !test [06:51] Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test ) [06:51] Flannel: Likely got caught in the join limit. [06:52] right. === mrmist is now known as mist === jpds_ is now known as jpds [17:53] ok, they don't see what might be causing a problem [17:53] qwebirc7305> ok first line /dev/sda1 side 293G used 278G avail 0 use% 100% mounted on / [17:54] no, he thinks the full disk is causing the problem [17:54] however a full disk shouldn't stop it booting [17:54] it cause some errors/warnings about logging, maybe X won't run as it can't write to the home dir [17:54] but it should still boot [17:54] * genii goes to check up on backscroll [18:41] For any of you who haven't changed your NickServ password recently: now would be a good time to do so :) [18:42] already done === elky is now known as Guest14324 === elky_ is now known as elky === mrmist is now known as mist === DGJones is now known as Guest95895 === genii_ is now known as genii === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh